The Huron Expositor, 1979-07-26, Page 2Since:ll 4, Serving the Community' First
iPub000' at SEAFORT.H, ONTARIO, ieirery ThursdaY :morning
NOREW Y. McLEAN. Publisher
ALICE GIB B, News Editor
Member:Canadian Community; Newspaper Asa., iatoli
Ontario Weekly Newspaper Associatort
and. Audit Bureau of Circulation:
Subscription Rates:
Canada On advance) 513.00 a Year
QgtstdeCanad4 ttn;advance) $25,00 a Year
Second Class Mail Registration Number 06%
Telephone 5274244
Wejcoine West Branch.
TraVel is broadening. Just about everybody, even the most die-hard
stay et home will admit_ that:
it's especially stimulating and: thought provokin?Cj to really get inside.
another community and try to understand its people and: their way of
life. That's what makes, Seaforth's sister city program with West.
Branch, .Michigan so valuable.
Last summer a number' of Seaforth people, especially the kids who
take part in our town's recreation program, had a chance to visit West
Branchand get to know their hosts in a town that's, not unlike Seaforth
except it is in another country. Just about all ofthem came back.with
9 v. from sic ter
lowing stories about the hospitality' they received t city
Seaforthites also came back with friendships among West Branch
people who'd been complete strangers before the exchange visit.
This weekend Seaforth people have a chance to return the favour.
Recreation directorClive Buist expects about 100 young People and
perhaps 30 adultsfrom West Branch; hera for the sec9nd.annual
city games., • , .
s .'
A full' weekend is planned, and ;it needs the ,u, pp
ort of Seaforth
e as s �ctators as well as participants. A free dance Saturday
people pe P P .
i. r 'f you're t
night at the arena 'is a• great: way to meets sister city people, t .
directly involved in the. games;
But we're sure. you'll meet West `Branch people aII over Seaforth.
They'll be billeted 'at your neighbours, :And they'll be.walling in and.
out of the stores' where you work, probably very sensibly taking,
advantage of the hefty premium on the U.S. dollar.
We're glad they are corning and we look forward to more exchange
programs. and to lots of learning from each 'other in the future,:
Let's go out of our way to, welcome West Branch visitors' this
weekend and. ;show `them Seaforth' really is "the friendly town."
Enjoy, enjoy
it's not every area that can boast such a Viable form of entertainment'
as live theatre but residents of Huron County are fortunate enough to
have three theatres within a.close drivingrange.
Two- of the theatres, Blyth Bl th Summer Festival and the Huron
Country Playhouse in Grand Bend are right inHuron County and they
provide different options of theatre. The Blyth Sommer Festival is a
showcase for talented Canadian writers to show what they can doand•
for, talented Canadian actors to put life . and meaning into those
Canadian plays.
The :Huron Country Playhouse' on the other hand gives one the
;opportunity to see well-known stage plays, some of which have .been
;made into movies,and not .even have to leave this county to do it:
And then there's the Stratford'.Shakespearean .Festival, not to o far
away in. Perth county, for those, who enjoy watching the plays of the
Bard performed right in front of them. Having three live theatres so
close at hand is a realtreat, especially` in a rural area, and one should
be thankful that they are here and that people put so much work into
making, them` o, The theatres are here fo,yourentertainment
9g ..r. .r and
they deserve your support.
To the editor:
�V h 't'o o s o 'a for
newe equipmen
• (Editor's •.note: A copy .,of the following z. us. whysould they, as they still own the
letter to Seaforth council was sent to The other equipment and can operate out• of
Huron Expositor.) Harpurhey or Egmondville just .as handily
Mayor & Councillors
Seaforth, Ontario,
What are you guys doing? By all outward
appearances you are saddling the tax.
payers of Seaforth with unneeded and
unnecessary expense.
At present Seaforth being part of the
FAB has the use of the fire trucks and all
the equipment 'and gives us adequate fire
protection, if we pull out of the FAB we
apparently lose all the equity in the
equipment. This means it becomes neces-
• sary to purchase a new truck and
equipment. Who isto pay for all this? The
only source of revenue is taxes because it is
highly unlikely the other FAB members
will wish to purchase fire protection from
as Scaforth.
If Seaforth -oes.this route and' spends all•
g P
this money for new equipment what do we
end up with? The same protection we have
now, a large debt, unfriendly neighbours
and no doubt'. a tax' increase.
It may be said. some Of our equipment
may be dated and: require updating, and
this no doubt is true; however; this can be
done within the FAB structure and the cost
distributed wider.
Gentlemen i urge you to refrain from this
nonsense and I encourage the taxpayers of
Seaforth to voice their disapproval as well:
Yours truly.
Wm. Martin,.
Love thy new our
Tossed around in deep sea water,.
They lose a child, a son, a daughter,
And huddle in their misery:
Day after day they sadly wait,
Give them thy hand 'ere it's too late
To raise them from their misery.
These are thy neighbours far away:
And He said, on that far-off day,
"Help them for th y love of Me."
Be not like those whom Christ did chide,
For passing on the other side
,Thy neighbour now hath need of thee.
Grace F. Hussey, G.F.H.
D'Ottations '(cash or cheques) for the Boat.
People will be accepted at any bank in
In the y
Advactielogh accepted on tea eontiition 101 in th• rivint of a typogrirphkai otter the advertising space
occupied by the erroneous itern, together with reasonable allowance for signatuve, *111 not be charged for but
the octan et the advarft..m ent well be paid tor at the applicable rate.
While ovary emit will be made to insure they are handled with care, the publl$tiera cannot be responsible for
the Maim N urteellolted nie ueoripts or photos.
• JULY 25, 1879
The meeting of ratepayers held in the
Seaforth Town Hall for the purpose of
considering the best mode of procuring a
sufficient water supply and efficient fire
protection was not, so largely attended as so
important a meeting should be. The mayor
and town council think that asufficient water
supply can be obtainedby conveying water
in pipes from a spring on Mr: Turnbull't.
farm at the head of Silver Creek,
Recently a tramp visited the house of John;
Taylor of the 1 lth concession of Hullett and
carried aiyay a good pair ofboots.
On Saturday last, Samuel, • son of James
Keatingof Hullett met with .a painful
accident. He was engaged in hauling stones
and while unloading them his horse started
throwing him anda large stone fell on his leg
breaking it below the knee:
OnMurray of',Thursday last W nt. M r y Tucker-
ucke r
s tth received from Stratford a new separ-
ator threshing machine.
James Jamieson formerly of'Seaforth. has
commenced the boot and shoe business in
,JULY 29, 1904
Dominic Reynolds of Hullett, has just
passed his 95th birthday. He has been a
resident of Hullett for 62 years.
The threshers are again at it in the Kippen
district and most of the fall wheat will hardly
pay for the threshing of: it, in Kippen:
Scott McLaren of Cromarty drew the brick
for his fine new houses from Mr. Sadler's
yard at Dublin.
Ed Jackson and Mrs. Henry Jackson of
Egmondville left on Saturday for North Bay
when he will engage in office work in
connection with the survey of the Grand
Trunk Pacific.
Mrs. Da L d o. hasbeen.I id
Dap eo h a up.
for a couple of weeks from blood poisoning is
• Moving day for Myth's train. Station
Fire protection considered at 1879 meeting
now better and expects,te be in. her old ;place
in Sills and Murdie's.
Ane of the severest storms of the season
passed on Hibbert Twp, Buildings were
struck and as far as we have learned not
much damage was done, John Cairns was
unfortunate in having a valuable yearling
colt struck and killed,.
The Zurich flax company have started
pulling the flax.
The many friends 26of M1929r. and Mrs. Wm,
Kyle of Kippen: who were recently married
met in Watson Hall .on Friday evening and
presented them each with a beautiful' chair
as a smallmark of the esteem in which they
'ate held. Music was furnished for dancing
by Messrs. Cochrane and Hayter,.. W.M...
Doig of Port Huron made the presentation
A seriouss auto- accident occurred On
Sunday night east of the village of Brucefield
when a car struck the cement bridge
opposite Mr. Murdock's, breakingthe three
cement posts. The five occupants of the ear
were all "injured; andthe tar was :demolished
beyond repair.
Haying is now finished at Chiselhurst and
Whea'. cutting is general, 'and the crop shows
every evidence of a good yield. •
W. Manley of Manley, is busy helping to
repair the threshing outfit for C. Eckert:
Quite a large number are going up to
'Kippen; to witness the paving of the London
road in that vicinity:
The coal merchants have been delivering
large quantities of coal during the past week
at Hensall.
Many friends regret to..learn of the death
of Mrs; W.J.Moffatt which occurred at her
home in Hamilton. Mr, Moffatt was Princ-
ipal of Seaforth. Public School for some
To the editor:
FAB decision throws
baby out h thea
Many times during the past 14 years ;1
have. been bemused, amused, annoyed,
angered and frustrated by and often
directly opposed to policies advocated by
and/or adopted• by our local governing
bodies. For most of that time I was not only
unable, ethically, to voice my position but i
was committed to seeing that such policies
were implemented. I am. fortunately; no
longer bound by such 'restrictions and
-Would appreciate space in your paper to.
express my opinion concerning the.present
imbroglio involving the Seaforth Town
Council and the Seaforth Fire Area -Board.
During the months immediately past l
had hoped that the Seaforth Council would
have the wisdom to take their dispute with
the Fire Area Board to the courts for a
judicial' review of the . terms of the
agreement'and a binding, decision as to the
responsibilities' imposed therein on' each
party. It seems, however, that they have
lacked the courage of the convictions and to
spite of many brave words have decided to
. -
abandon their demand for payment front
the Board of the costs of fire hydrant
service. In addition, however, having
decided to throw out the bathWater, they
have decided to also'thr w
out the baby.k
The question of "fire hydrant costs was.
avoided by the Seaforth councils' during
most of the early years of the agreement at
a small annual cost to the Seaforth
ratepayers. Certainly 1 have no dispute
with their decision to forego their demand
tor reimbursement of the costs of the last
few years. During the life of the present
agreement, as well as during the previous
arrangement, the Town. of Seaforth and the
surrounding rural areas were. well served.
by a good, well-equipped fire brigade.. That
fire brigade still exists and will continue to
exist unless the councils involved destroy it
by childish squabbling. if Seaforth Town
Council is unhappy about the terms of the
present agreement, or any aspect of the
Fire Area Board operations, why ;not' Sit-
down with the other councils involved and
work out new, mutually acceptable terms?
Surely that would be a more mature and
responsible approach than the unilateral,
arbitrary decision that there will; be no
e. all nonsense and
Let's forget 1 the.
gallimaufry 'which has resulted • in the
present situation. Let's forget the non -facts
which have been tossed around to obscure
the real issues, such • as the supposed
e' over the local brigade
control exerted b g by
the Fire Marshall and deal with the actual
facts in the matter. Whatever sy'steni of
fire protection the local councils decide: for,
they have every right to se up such a
system. in making such a decision;
however, let us hope that a sensible one
wilt be decided upon..
akin such a decision the ratepayers
Inn g PY
of the Town of Scaforth have the right to
itwill riot be ale ridiculous
expect that'hone
of throwing away any rights to over
$100,000.00 worth of equipment, the
immediate expenditure cif over 5100,000`.00
to needlessly replace that which was so
recklessly thrown away and the possible.
disintegration of a :good, efficient fire
brigade. Yours truly,
Ernest M..Williams,
i .comme tt17
N n �1•Au
The fact that the Town of Seaforth
wishes to establish its. own Fire Depart -
anent and sell fire protection has received
considerable press in the past few weeks.
The tosinships have been given until
August 17th, 1979' to accept or reject
Seaforth's proposal to sell fire :protection.
The Councils of Seaforth', McKillop,
Hallett, Hibbert and Tuckcrsmith met on.
July 18, 1979, with an advisor from the
Ontatio Fire Marshall's Office, Al that
"time everyone was given an Opportunity to
question and evaluate the proposal' pre-
sented by Seaforth,
It is my wish that, Seaforth Council will
make no farther comments onthis matter
until after August 17, when a full '
statement will be issued concerning the
cost and benefits of establishing a
fire department owned and operated by the
• Town of Scaforth..
Yours truly,
John Sinnamon,
On Tuesday evening while Ed Jarmain
was working, with, the haying on. the, farm of
Geo. Leitch Constance he met with an
Geo. h tax.
accident. He was unloading hay with a hay
fork when the trip rope caught and broke
allowingt to come off the track and it flew
back and struck Mr: Jarmain in the.
JULY 23, 1954
The fever of the Klondike has hit the Lake
Huron resort of,Grand Bend, following that •
report that more'than 51,000,00 in hundred,
fifty and ten dollar .bills had been found on
the . beach recently. The money, about
53,000., is reported to have been lost Sunday
afternoon when a London transport owner
lost. -his wallet in the water at the main
bea ch while bathing. '•
A post -nuptial reception. honoring Mr, and
Mrs. J. Malone of Dublin, recent newly
weds was held in the Seaforth Community
• Centre previous • to their leaving for their new
house in Winnipeg. An address was read by
Ronald Butters and a purse of money was
presented by Frank Hicknell.
Haying is almost finished at Winthro and
the wheat is coming on fast.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Chesney of Kippen
have returned home after visiting ;friends. . .
and relatives in the Canadian west,
Mr. and Mrs, Grant Love, nee Olive
Cooper of Caro Mich., entertained their
relatives to a turkey dinner at the Clinton'
F s n accompanied: b
• Miss Jessie' play oY
Mrs. Thelma Wright, Mrs. Elva Ellis:. and
Miss Alberta Wildfong of Elmira, are on a
motor tour. to Manitoba going as far as
Flight Lieut: Frank Golding who has
served with the R;C.A.F, in England for
three years, has been posted to ,air force
head quarters in Ottawa.
BeIiind.the scenes
by Keith Ro;ulston
Thegoodpeople of Canada
�. p P
They say there are two ways of looking at
a half glass of water. The optimist will say
it's half fell. The pessimist will say it's half
Much the same analogy can apply these
days to the Vietnamese boat people
situation. You can take Your choice..
whether you_,choose to see the good.things
about mankind that have been brought out
by the crisis, or the bad. '
• The good and bad start .right: here at
home. A Toronto newspaper last week
visited a small town northwest of the city
and talked to people along main street
about their feelings about the boat people
situation and Canada's part in ,it all. The,
reaction to the call of some Canadians to
put forward a tremendous• rescue effort
was almost totally negative. Some people
said they weren't really refugees .at all..
Others said it was up to others, not us to do
something. Nearly everyone was against
the government's policy to bring as many
of the boat people here as possible. They
nearly all made the same claim: we should
look after our own people_ first and now
with unemployment so high was ne, time to
be bleeding hearts.
The exceptions; the people in favour of
Canada doing something to help, were
nearly all immigrants themselves. People:
who have found Canada a place to escape
the inequities and terror of other parts of.
out, I'll bet it's ,a longtime since there were
that many people at any other, meeting
called by the mayor.
Ottawa, Calgary, Vancouver have all,
been outdoing each other in pledging to
take refugees. (Not Toronto you'll note.)
People in small towns all over Canada have
been organizing, raising money and bring-
ing in
ring-ing'in refugee families. Thechurcheshave
been in the forefront of the activity,
proving they are still an important moral
force in our society. (This though many of
the staunchest opponents of the rescue
effort have been churchgoers).
Former prime minister Trudeau has
criticized the government for adopting a
matching policy whereby it Will :support
one refugee family for ,every one on a
rivate sponsorship. He 'says the whole
thing should be done by the government, l .
think the ;government is right. Canadians
need the challenge, Far better to have this
rdscuc mission led' by the ordinary people
than just another government program.
There will be more support for the refugees
if the strength of the grassroots, not the
top. And at a time when Canadians' had
. self-centred it has
become frighteningly
been a relief to seethe hearty response by
to many,
The good and bad of Course is evident
elsewhere. The bad inherent in mankind .is
shown by the Vietnamese authorities who
the world.. These people feel the oppor-
tunities should be given to others in
1'd like to think that our own towns
here in Huron county are different than
;that town. Unfortunately, I'm sure that, a
visiting reporter could find plenty of
negativism here too,
'And' it isn't limited to small townsby any
means. Perhaps the most startling
commentary on the bigotry under the.
surface in Canada came in Toronto where a
_ ' Liberal MP held a press conference to urge.
the government to. increase 'its quota of
refugees and received one congratulatory
telegram, one abusive phone call and two
death threats.
When thef3 overnment didannounce it
would up its quota of refugees a Conserv-
ative MP in Toronto received 24 calls, all
against the decision and many abusive and
racist. One letter to the editor I read
suggested the whole boat people situation
was just a plan by the Chinese and.
Vietnamese to spread oriental influence
throughout the world,, How very, very sad!
, But it's the positive side to the situation
that I find more ,important. That is the;
tremendous response ordinary. Canadians
have made to helping save boat People. A
meeting was called by the Mayor of Ottawa
for people interested i `-` boat
p n heti pngthebt
people and more than 2000 people turned
ai be e
though they claimed to the persecuted
the Vietnamese war, now are
anxious to persecute others. But the will of
mankind to survive, the bravery ofa PpeoPple
is shown by the willingness of the boat
ele to risk their lives against alt odds to
P h:..
take the little boats and sail away from
their homeland goodnesspeople 'of the.tat ho in o find' a new life:
Thep eop le is also shown
by the fact that the boat people who have
come ,hereave worked so hard' iii ckl
h r dt to q c y
be self sufficient. And` the goodness has
g n
been wi , ,..
b n sho n n to the number of people who
have come to Canada in the last 30 Years:
who quietly went out and sponsored, a
family, not to be heroic but simply to repay
the debt they felt they had for finding a:
new life here.
My own regard for American singer Joan
Baez has grown 'tremendously through all
this. She was an early opponent of the 11.6.
involvement in Vietnam, long before it'
became fashionable to protest the war. But.
now she has come butstrongly against the
Vietnamese governrtient for its inhuman
actions while many of the others of the
protest years are, still so 8 hun upin their
left-wing polities that they call her a traitor.
They are the traitors td mankind just as the
bigots who don't want Canada .to get
involved are traitors to their own religion
and the spirit of their country. Joan Baez is
a symbol of the good, like the thousands of
Canadians Workingto Save the boat ley
Thank God for the