HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1979-07-19, Page 27BARGAINS A •highlight of each of the; 75: years that Stewart Bros. have served the Seaforth community has been the Christmas season when the store, Management has made special plans tot meet $ P P the public demand. This i$ the augmented staff which greeted Christmasshoppers in 1948,. Stewart Br seteseawasseaesewaeosarsAAAAAAAAM Fine .'Tailoring Furs Ready-to-wear Clothing Men's Furnishings. +.4441-v-,44.4.4444. He who Hesitates To take advantage of our rpecial' in. ducemente in . tuade•to..measu,o Suits and Ove coats'dur ng . the next two weeks IS • missing a golden opportunity,,, and will have • • COST`-- the chance of a material saving on his Winter Clothing. (lett, seated:) Harry Stewart, Davina Anderson,. Lorraine Ziegler, James. A, Stewart, (Standing)Eleanor Murphy, Fergus Pretty,DavidH. Stewart, Margaret. McFaddin, Sue Nixon, Clara. • Pinkney,nKathleen Siliery, John Stephens, Nyle Doig, Beatrice Theaboid. Present owners of Stewart Bros. are David H. l Stewart (left)and his brother James,A;,Stewart.. I In the photo 'below are Charles Stewart (heft)• and his brother Harry Stewart who established the well known Seaforth ;business. Ware pleased to state that we have now got our tailoring department in thehands of not only a thoroutihly competent cutter' (using ooe of the most ". improved systems), but a; long . xperienc, d fitter and a practical .up-to-lat. We are nob ini to urn out the tailor.r a �. ras nou t t: bet. garments ever built tu. j e g t Seaforth. , Je make tide stat, n,ent niihout the Slightest hesitancy, as we have thoroughly satisfied oureelvee'an thin point, and. we herr, also had the i. gratifying proof of our statement in the ,ale of similar garments to the friende of our reeentcustomers,.and what couldbo a mote flattering approvnl, of our', effort' than a customerrecommending us to his family Wendel In order to introduce our work in this department,• we are maki:'g special reductions for the next two weeks. Every garment to be a perfect fit • or no sale, We make this offer with every confidence in our abilityto turn out, work eaturated with. ease, el.ganco• and ecocromy. if you want something right up to the minute in exptrtcutttne, clover tailoring and perfect fit, tet us take your order •for ,► black &Well ,Melton Overcoat, close fitting . velvet• collar,' double stitched, handsomely tailored and substantially lined, Special. Price, $21 • Other materials in Overcoats and Suits' reduced proportionately. OomeC' and get our prices fitst, then you may look elsewhere,' if you wish, but yon , will come back. • Did,. it Ever Strike You That it is a very hard thing to write an adver tieement that will describe intelligently the goods one wishes to bell It is particularly hard with furs, such as we have to stock, for •enalarY is something which must be seen to be appreciated.' The language of a .poet and a pageof illustrations would not do justice to our Furs, both !oldies' and men's; that is why we want you to Lente to oar.etore and see whet' we have to dffer. Andthat is the aim and object -, of this advertisement: Men's Fur Coate iq;. boon,. Wallaby, Wombat; Calf, dalloway, Minuet, Dog, etc, any size, and lowest pries. Men's For Cape—Persian Lamb, beav- er, Seal, Otter, Opponent, all shapes and sizes and nricos. Ladies' FurCoata---Lereian Lamb (plain; or trimmed), Lucranca ,Lamb, Bokarltn Lamb (plain or sable trimmed), Fur Lined Coats (hemator or musk, Tat !then). "small Funs- Oeperir ea, Ruff,, Muffs, Gauntlete, etx, teo, nilniereua to mention, and meet be Been inorder: to appreciate the exceptional Tahoe that ` only thin store is showing. • ++ A family-owned store that ltas served Seaforth and the aret long enough to. cele- brate its 75th anniversary has seen, .many changes :peer the years. Stewart Bros. 'men's and ladies' wear is: nOW owned and operated: by Jim ,and'; Dave Stewart, the sons of Marry 'Stewart, .Mt'- Stewart, who began hisbusiness, career in 1894, purchased a, Partnership in MacDonald! and Greig, clothing merch- ants in 1901. Shortly after, the firm became Greig and Stewart. The Stewart Bros. firm came into being when a brother, Charles, who had been in New York returned to Seaforth. and entered into. business with Harry Stewart, With the arrival of Charles Stewart, the 'Store was enlarged; by the addition IA a ladies' wear and dry' goods. section. The two brothers, with an ,equal partnership, set up a business that was to. outlast the eight other cloth- ing stores that were in town at that time. Ads on page one As early. as 1905 advertise- ments for the store's prod,. ucts appeared in the Expos- itor, generally on the left side of the front page, The growth .of Stewart. Bros. to one of the leading stores in the•area has reflect- ed 'a concern with: the community it serves and. emphasis on a combination of service and quality.. merchandise at competitive prices. It also reflects in turn the support extended by the •eomntty: '"Weunihave enjoyed,.mon. wing confidence and 'support fromthe community for -which we are most grateful," JinrS.tewart said. The store,he said , has always tried .to. work "within the needs of therural area." In the early days, men's overalls went for . $1.50 a pair, and jeans for $1,95. The store frequently took, in butter and eggs for payment. on farmer's accounts.'. With the advent of credit cards; Stewart. Bros. discontinued their credit system, which previously,: partieularly in the early years, had 'repre- sented a large proportion of their': business, 'Farmers would come in in the late fall and buy their 1 it THE HURON EXPOSITOR, ,1Ui.Y 19,. lent, •. ,3A winter clothing; needs and Christmas gift items," Mr. Stewart recalled, They would charge their purchases, and at the same time pay their bill from: the former year, with, PQ interest." Tie 1MQS, cr I On.u5; Many Customers "looked. for a gift - a pair of Mitts," said Mr. Stewart, "When the store sold a suit, we'd :.always . put in a tie or a pair of suspenders.'" Years .ago, suits cost from 512 to 518, 525 if they were tailored to measure., urs_: were a large part of. the business about 6S years ago, Mr. Stewart said. The coats were hung from the ceiling, the only place there was, room, and brought down with a long hook: Coon coats'. sold for anywhere from $25 to 575. In the early 1900's, a staff of four or, five dress- makers • operated on the second floor. As a little boy,• Jim Stewart would carry coal up to the dressmaker's' shop. On the other_ . side of the building, four or five tailors would be busy. The store did custom, tailoring for many `years, said Mr. Stewart, and had a resident . designer - cutter. Stewart Bros. Still have a. sewing machine to do quick alterations. Knowing. their :trade in all ways and; being able to provide personal, immediate service has helped them, said Dave Stewart.. A. feature for many years was the, Spring Opening, when ' just before Easter bonnets made by the store's milliners' were sold to the ladies • in the town.. The firm 'acted as ticket agents for the .:CPR for 40 years. . "At one tithe," said Jim Stewart, "the 'store opened about 700 inthe morning." ".When I started, back in Prepare for Winter. The preparation meet be, that part is decided by the weather man and. the calendar. The coat of ,preparing lies with you .o determine. If by enter- prise and watchfulness jou save -money, by making use of the advantage and; privileges of this 14 tote, eo much the more to your good judgment and man- agement. In the Underwear Department ..; *We ere puticulorly atrong, in botltiincn'eyu:1 boys+, carrying -i<ll the 'ie'ndrrig and famode.brande produced—Turnbull'e, Ellis, Stanfield's (light and hoary weights),1?enman'e -natural wool, Tiger brdifa, and all the leading lines of ' fleece lined and heavy winter cotton goods at prices that will pay ,on to in vertigete. We specially recommend Turnbull's unahrinkable to those having sensitive eking, as they area ON clean, nonirritating garment. Hot. Stuff. for Oold Hands, As a result of 'the lar'ge quantity of Gloves handled annually by this tttore, we were enabled to procure a dress glove of mocha leather,: !;oat fasteners, wool lined, and nice brown shade, a glove wall worth$1, which Wo Are aell- reg foe i0e•special price: : This is just•another crowning arguinent in favor of buying: from a Iarge stock, to ft is $ reasonable and cement littainees rule that the largest buyers get a reduced price. Wo claim kite largest snick of Mitts and Gloves, both fine and heavy, in Ituron county, • STEWART BROS.. Successors to Greig & Stewart. oraighost Prices for: Butter' and ..Eggs.. . A typical Stewart Bros, ad freta 040 000f 0f the Novtmber 10, 1e05 t~xpositoir.. MEMORIAL. TROPHY PRESENTED --Jim Stewart of Stewart Bros.,. Seaforth presents Clare Reith, president of the Seaforth Lawn Bowling Club, with a trophy in memory of Harry Stewart, who bowled on the local greens for many years. The trophy was presented in recognition of the 75th anniversary of the Stewart Bros. firm. (Expositor: photo) Agricrews still' available `to farmers .7 f Agri -crews are booking up work contact Perri Cole, Muton -t'e'nth• fast days left. rdinato est. Some crews have only a Agriicltew Cooor for _ .,..... 271.0250. Each area could have cancellations so do not 'hesi- tate to call if you are inter- ested in hiring a crew. Farmers arc generally pleased With the crews" work and a variety of jobs are being completed. Fences gleam With a new stoat of paint, erns show with the stones picked and weeds pulled, yards beam with the fence lines cleaned up and animals smile in a clean pen. If you Would use help for a few days to assistyou, ill getting caught up with Sithe: Remetriberl It tatter but a moment to place art Expositor Want Ad. Ad. ' tial 527-0240. Stratford • Story" by Use .Gunby est A by JACK LAVENDER A person can't make a place for himself' In ,the . sun . it he's forever hiding under the family tree. A man with a chip doesn't haye room , for ` much else on his shoulders. Canada's Gross " National Product is now 7,3 billion dollars, or 7.6 if you Include garage. sales. Some peerage •are Ilke Ferris wheels. They just go round and round. Rich tallow we knoW bought his wife a fur coat, a new Car and one and a halt steaks. NO coats, no tarsi, no steaks, hut HOMELITE chatnsaws are sold at JACK'S Small Engine Repair Service, 107 Outten St., Mensal!, 262-2103 Mavks 75 yearyearst-HOt service here • the 20's,"^ he said. "it was open :at 8:003 in the morning, and stayed Open until. 6.30." The d'Oors were open for business six days a week, and until midnight .on Satur• days' -Late Saturday shopping persisted until the war, until. about 1940, when hydro naervation demanded that we reduce hours," said Mr. Stewart, For a season or two, he said, stores weren't Allowed . to light the windows, with .the exception of one light oVer the .door, Cash -carriers were very much a part of the store atmosphere. The little cups travelled on a wire and were shot in a "catapult fashion," The -store clerk would put the customer's money in the carrier and then shoot it into -'the office where change was made, and the carrier shot back. The cash carriers intrigued children, and occasionally a dog would Came in to the store and end up chasing the carrier: Although the building has never been plagued by fire, Jim Stewart recalls two ;occasions they were robbed. Once, 515,000 worth of men's suits Were stolen. The thieves were icattlItt, The second: tittle *AA at "We blowing episode*'"" 4"41 didn't net the robbers, very much, perhaps a hun- dred dollars undred.dollars: in petty cash," said Mr, Stewart, "but it: caused an endless amount of dust and dirt!" Jn 1950 extensive alter- ations,were carried out to the store including a new front in which were, incorporated modern dtaplay windows, Saturday night shopping no :more The days when the farmers would come into town to go. to the theatre, and then do their shopping on a Saturday night are gone, but the aperient a of being the win- dow dressers, the sign painters, the janitors, the merchandise buyers, and the salesmen has benefitted both. Stewart brothers, Jim. Stewart bought out Charles Stewart's .interest in the business after his uncle's death in 1939, He and his father ran 1e, ,store until after- the war, when :i ll 1949, Jim's' brother Dave took one third of the partnership. When Harry Stewart died" in 1959 in his 81st year he had been in business on. Main Street for 65 years. Since his death, his two sops have ,managed the firm. 3vr. and Mrs. Harry Stewart had six sops aqd three daughters. Charles Bruce Stewart became the president of Sim psons. Rev, Dr. Douglas Stewartis the minister of Si. Andrew's church in Toronto. Gerald, recently deceased,, spent most of his, We .ass: a commercial traveller. Roland is :a, professional engineer with Bell Telephone, A sister, Mrs. ; f' ,C. Cox, t: oro highaught schools anEnglishd hains Tretirednto itt Kincardine. Nora Stewart' married - Norman McIntyre and lives in Owen Sound. Kathleen. married Dr. Wm. Bruce of Kincardine. Charles Stewart, the :second original partner and his wife, had three children.- Donald Stewart, QC., who has the law'practice in Sea- forth; andi'Dr. Friel; Stewart' and Jean Stewart (Nits. P.D. McConnell), both deceased. If the address label on the front of .your paper says May 2-1.0-9 . June 2-1.0-0 July 2-1-0-9 • °\Your subsclriptior DUE. NOW 1 Stewart Bras. Great iv in the: Community, , Stewart... Bros, have participated in Always activety hundreds of events during they 75 years they have been in business. Typical • is n entry in the:. parade which= featured. the 1924 Seaforth Old Boys Reunion. 75TH. ANNIVERSARY SALE CONTINUES WITH EVEN GREATER OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF. SUMMR; DRESSES Sizes 7 to 22'1/. Regular 29.95 to 59.95. Clearing at half price /� $15 00 • $30.00 00 i HALF PRICE :SALE! OF LADIES' SWIM, SUiTS One & two piece styles. Sizes 10 to '.18 Only: Regular 17.00 to 35.00 8.50 ;17. 50 GIRLS' & WOMEN'S WIDE LEG LEVI JEANS & CORDS Values to 24.95. Broken size & colon ranges, Buy these in our men's dept. Special. 1414° OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF MEN'S S This season's gt6ek, alt have vest's except' leisure suits. Regular 110.00' to 195.00. 'Stine . 83.00 X$145.O0 ALSO SPECIAL "/r PRIGS RACK OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF LADIES' SUITS Kitten • Clingfit a Koret fashion makes. Regular 39.95 to 69.95. Clearing at half price. 2(J • 00� r00 to 35 HALF PRiCE SALE! .,:.S.01.MER IA11D•BAGS Many ;styles, colors andprices, all at HALF PRICE 1 Reg. to 24.95. G.W,G. & LEVI Sizes'28 to L 44.e length 32 to 36. g Bt This week only JEANS Ft CORDS 'FOR MEN $ x . 00 SUMMER WEAR DISCOUNTS 'Urossshirts , .. , ,.. * , ,. ; .25% Uress slacks ...... .. 20% s Swim wear : . , , y , , r . 20% sae 12.95 to 22.50 Polo Shirts Summer jacket , . , , , , „ 211% sR Summer shorts