HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1979-07-19, Page 1010 THE HURON EXPOSITOR ar'AMY .Serfn by 1iCI' He's talk dark and his, eyes would hypnotize an insomtttsc.W.hen he snakes an entrance:in'his: #towing black velvet cape the hearts of women in the audience skip a beat - and it's not entirely fru fright! Hollywood has taken .an established Broadway attar named Frank'i•augella, put him into an eerie setting in .a foggy Leigh h. coastal village in Victorian titrres. and called foam; Count Dracula, But in thismovie, the count is not longer the bloodthirsty rnonste4^ of our nightmares. ,Instead. he's an +enticing. romantic -looking :nobleman who jug happens, . to have the annayittg problem of ,needing, a constant supply •laf fresh blood - often from his neighbours • to keep going. les unfortunate that when the count nibbles on your neck, there"s: the risk you won't survive the first date and that you'll find sudden, and perhaps unwanted immortality yourself, as a fellow vampire with flashing eyes: And drooling Ups and the strange habit of turning into a hat .after the sun goes down, Wleke4Caunt ... It's bard *0 believe today that the whole od . . • , , ., tt ., . ,.. truth of Dracula started from the legend of wicked count who hued in: Transylvania combined with tale., of small South American hats.'wbo sail" the blood from their animal victims'. But Hngiish writer Bram Stoller took these tales in Victorian times and produced the novel Dracula% setting••ttff ;a string of horror movies that have kept us awn the ,edge of our ;;hairs for ,ge'cnerra:tit ns. Werewolfs and Egyptian, rt ummiea may offer the :occasional thrill, but no one has ever been able to terrori:te its quite like the mysterious. Count Dracula, ,who spends. his days resting in a coffin in a darkened dungeon, his evenings being charming and his nights searching for v .etittns - often beautiful young Warren - to donate their blood to keep the count looking young and healthy. Now on Saturday afternoon. when 1 decided to escape the fiat, crowded sidewalks of London by dropping into an a.ir-+.•onditioned theatre to see the latest version of the Dracula myth, starring the aforemerttif nod Mr. Langella; Sir Laurence Olivier and; London. Ontario's own native 4:11:11 daughter. actress Kate Nelligan, 1 was pleasantly sutrprised. The newest Dracula, with its beautiful. photography, Will stilt send chills up and down your slime (and 1 found 1 •dutchPd; :sty threat protectively during the entire movie) .but: this., Count Dracula story Isstrangely amusing, very erotic and net the kind of tale that; y'oun$er• horror fans will appreciate, By the end of the movie, you'll find yourself hoping the suave -looking vampire will escape the clutches of his pursuers to charm the ladies once again. Now as. I left the theatre. 1 couldn't help: wondering how a modern-day Lucy (the .Kate -Nelligan role), who just happens to be. dating. a man who's a vampire, would brei* the :news to her fam ily. It might ge something :like this. HELI,O MOM "Oh, hello Mom, look I'm: finally bringing Ed home this weekend you know, fid Dracula, the guy I've been telling you *out - would Friday night be okay?" "No, no Mont, I think we better plan op latesupper, alright -say :after midnight. It's just that led doesn't fulnciton very well: in the daylight,. well yott Know how it is when you've 'been 'around for centuries, the seen ,can da terrible things to your completion.** "No Mom, I said centuries - not sentrys. No Mom, he's never been :in trouble with: :the law • he's just a red-blooded guy from ,Romania: - well, maybe he has a few little quirks, abut I know you'll like him," "'Mom, I don't think the idea .about the post roast is so good - how about we try barbecued steaks - and Ed likes his very Tare • wv ., actually you don't even have to. Oa his, just thaw them out. The more red, be sees in his meat, the better." -Oh and Mom, When you make the salad, c'euld you forget the garlic this time.. well, Ed has something against garlic, it seems to make him really pale and he'll start to tremble and cower behind his cape,. ifs a problem really, it means we can't eat in French restaurants and I even had to get rid of the garlicc1oves inmykitkitchen. He says :it's something to do yvith an allergy (C ntinued on• yage 21) LAST NIGHT THURSDAY JULY 19th BOX OFFICE OPENS 8:00 • SHOWTtME 9:30 recommended as. ADULT ENTERTAINAl NT CLINT EASTWOOD ESCAPE FiEOM ALCATRAZ STARTS FRIDAY JULY 20th 26th Recommended os ADULT ENTERTAINMENT IiWY 160DE8icw AT i CONCESSION ED s MOWS, " • PHONE :24 99$1 i 441° 524,441 uswiva- Program subject to change without notice. Kids loved ,Alice • Alice in Wonderland, per, formed by' Theatre Aquarius' Stage 2 Company, drew more than 250 children to watch a the show at the high school .Friday. Although the production is an hour and a half long, the actors Managed to sustain the interest of the young people, inviting their re, sponses to Alice's dilemmas,. The enthusiasm of the actorg, even, though wearing, heavy costumes in the heat - the'White Rabbit, the Cater- pillar, the Mad Hatter and. the Queen of Hearts, Twweedledurn. and. 'Tweedle- dee - paid off; Many Seaforth. children . got their first experience with professional theatre, 1 - BILLETS EC.thRED This •year Seaforth will be hosting the Seaforth /West Branch games. The dates of this, years game are Friday,. July 27 to Monday, July 30, Children will be arriving. late Friday afternoon and leaving Monday morning. If you can billet a child 7-18 yrs. 'please. call. the Recreation Office at 527-0882. LAST NIGHT WED. JULY.18th; Ono Show Only at 11:00 BILL MURRAY., A 011 7.3 f', L J 1 r ` ADULT ENTEITA,M,,.} ,r STARTS THURSDAY, JULY 19th - 26th,.. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ONLY O SHOWINGS 7:00 & 9:00. SUN.—THURS. 8:00 P.M. tiNK 11 FIRST SNOWING IN AREA. . The sten.) 0►ntilllic!... recommended as ADULT ENTERTAINMENT .enjoy the fittest in movie entertainment • in Air Conditioned comfort. DERICH T 330 THE SQUARE PHONE 524.78T AIRCONDtTIONED Program stabled ' to charlqe Retards Tapes. 10% d!scounted .phices L POST Y2 Price Gen hon . needles ' word caro products - head cleaners blank' phones = guitar, violin, banjo strings 100 off. fain St Plus minty tnOra big big bargains SEAFORTH 'RECORD SHOP Seaforth; Working with People Who Are Helping Themselves, OXFAM supports small, seithelp pro acts ire developing communities wound the world. OXFAM projects stress WO roliance and seek meal/num participation' 3y the local populallon. OXFAM is mors Then a charity. ll Is a movement for sexist YOUR CONTRIBUTION CAN MAKE THE bIFFERENCE OXFAM•CANADA 8UX,,, MOOD tORON'b, ottAWA HALIFAX, ST. JOHN'S 80X '12,000 WINNIPEG', RetlIfiA, CALOARY,VANCOUVER • HERE IS MV DONATION f' FOR YOUR WORK, NAME AD, ALLDRESS ARE TAX dtditt:tleLj, NATIGi1e • L.09.100.1000.011.090009;000090001t • 40149, $ftWiliteibt Huron 4 Tavern. Mon. - Sat. & Sat. Matinee LISLE Next Week Wed. to Sat., & Sat, Matinee David Carey Clarke. Dining Room Open Daily from 12. Noon Good OId=Fashioned Home -Cooked Meals Continuous Entertainmentfrom 8p.m. to 1 a.m. HIGHWAY #S DUBLIN 345.2820 14:4.4..418.. 44110 nt.and..a The Chamber of Commerce fourth concert in the '79 series was given Sunday evening. July 15, by the Legion Band of Mitchell under the direction of Claire French, A very. delightfulvaried program of sacred; and secular numbers wasgiven `by the talented band to an enthusiastic audience, After the concert, the usual social half hour was enjoyed by. all. Next Sunday, July 22 will see the 35 piece Kiwanis Youth Band from Stratford under the leadership of Mr. D, Mann41si4!ir. Manning is Remember! it takes but a moment to ;place an Expositor Want:. Ad. Bal` 527-0240,. a. Stratford. Let'•s havct u:ces..! are *each:. 4t10,10/1Mlarge greetppciattheltl,Ftlte 4t1 1rifted Trails Bus to .Clintop Ram Wa iso' Round- trip fares from ,Sea.. t e for h $2.00, 'leaves: 12:45.. Mitchell ell $4,00 " leaves 12•;20.; oh ,�. Stratford $0.Q6 leave 12:00., flown leevin Clinton 5.15, . Includes, pro, ramme, actrnission totrack an. transportation.. progEtm . tit, bur: Dep fta.. !ueens lictel SEAFORTH APPEARING THIS WEEK Wednesday to Saturday SKYE BLUE ALL NEXT WEEK Men. to Sat. TV & Recording; Star 4 camera kits as . first prizes 50 Parker Brothers games as second prizes ONTARIO'' SAFETY LEAGUE • in co-operation with -ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION ONTARIO COMMAND Before going t0 the next. frame and col- ouring the relay race in the park, list 3 safe and 3 unsafe places to play.. SAFE 1 .... ; 2, .. UNSAFE 2. ELMER'S SIX RULES 1. ':LOok all ways before ypu cross the road, 2, •'Keep away from all parked cars, 3. Ride your bike safely and obey. all signs and signals. 4. Play. your games in a safe place away from, traffic; • 5. Walk,,don't, run, when you cross the road. 6, Where there are n" sidewalks, walk off the road to the left and • face on -coming traffic. MAIL BEFORE JULY 27 NAME.. , P, • AIDDRESS '. • •(tows City and postai code) TELEPHONE'.,. ,• 4. * I , • AGE. s. , BOY'EI, (IRL.t (NEWSPAPER. ELMER'CONTEST, ONTARIO SAFETY LEAGUE, 409 KING STREET WEST, TORONTO', ONTARIO Vi5V 1 Ki ONLY CORRECTLY COMPLETED ENTRIES WILL BE ACCEPTED. ANY ONTARIO CHILD BETWEEN THE AGES OF f AND 14 MAY ENTER,