HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1979-07-12, Page 20THE H,URO EXPOSITQRi 4141IYi2011.17 1• 1 'Coming Event* 1 Coming Events omiing Events Saturday, July 21 Keep This Date: Open Foy GIANT GES. LE 4' • of Canadion 1 ire's End of Liine Merchandise Seaforth Store Onl Y Watch for next week's paper for a List of items offered; 1-09-1 RECEPTION, for .Glen and, .Cathie Stewart Seaforth Legion Hall, July 14. 9 - 1 a,m. 1,09-1 • CLINTONLegion Bingo every Thursday, 8;00 p.m. 1st regular card 51,00' Re- stricted to 16 years or over,,, 15 regular games of $15.00; $5 least on split. Many other specials. Jackpot $200.00 trust go each week. 1.08-tf CHARLIE PRIDE • July 22nd; Shelburne Ontario Bring your lawn chair and picnic See the Charlie Pride Show at2.p.m.:&6p.m Admission & Bus Ride S23 per person. 1-08-tf Bingo t. Every Tuesday Night. at the • VANASTRA CENTRE R.R. 5, Clinton 8 P.M. First regular card S1.00 15 Regular games of 515.00 3 Share the Wealth Jackpot 5200 must go .Admission restricted to 16 yearsor over 1=08-tf ALICE in.. Wonderland presented! by Theatre Aquarius at Seaforth District High School, Friday, July 13th, 2p .m. Free Admission. Sponsored bySeaforth Po . Library and Outreach Ontario. 1-09-1 FESTIVAL Singles Dance, Fri. July 13 Victorian Inn, Stratford, Dancing 9 -1. Wel- ' come all singles over 25. (No blue jeans).. 1-08-2 COLEMAN Reunion, July 15 2 p.m. Stanley. Township Park, Side Road 10 (Houston. Heights). 1-08x2. WHITE Carnation, Holmes- ville, offers smorgasbord Wednesday through to Sun- day, Noon special 12 to. 2 p.m,;, Wed. -Sat, $.3.75 per person. Salad bar, hot buffet, dessert, coffee and tea, Diin- nerS:30 - 8:00 p.m. Wednes- day - Saturday 5 - 7:30 and. Sunday 5 - 1:30, $5:95 per person, 53,50. 12 and under.. Pre :school 51.50, Featuring roast beef for week days plus selection on. • weekend: Reservations requested Sat: night: Telephone '482-9228. after hours 524.4133: :1-08-4: 4* Help Wanted; MATURE person,live in housekeeper -companion . for elderly lady. Good' home, good wages, capable of dri- ving. Starting July 16. 527- 0998. . • 4-08-2' 4 Help. Wanted -tom-ori Hiller OPENING EXISTS. for a Real Estate Sales 'Person\. to work out of our MITCHELL OFFICE.. Experience in real estate sales. is "preferred' . but con- sideration will ble given to an energetic and ambitious per- son erson desiring a career with an expanding and progressive realty company in Perth County. Salary andcommission negotiable; .. Reply in'Writing to g. P. H. HILLER REALTY, LIMITED: 51 Albert Street. STRATFORD. NSA -31102 409'•3 Applications for the position of Personnel Relations Officer for the Huron; County s Board of Education will be received by the undersigned until 4:00, P.M. ON AUGUST 3, 1979 This is a new position and although the initial major responsibility will entail the negotiation and. servicing of all collective agreements, the successful applicant will be expected' to study the present operational model 'and'' recommend changes which would bring about theformation of a Personnel Services Department for which he/she would be responsible. Salary and benefits will be discussed with selected applicants at interviews which will be held late in. August or early in September. D.J. COCHRANE, DIRECTOR OF EDUCATION, THE HURON COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION 103 ALBERT STREET, CL • .INTON ONTARIO. `1 NOM 11.0 4-08-2-` Classified Rates WORD COUNT 'Charges are based on the number of words, Sets. of :nstinerals as for serial numbers, street cumber: pbone numbers or prices count as one word per set: Words joined by hyphens count as: sep_arate words: FOIST INSERTION 15 words 52.50 10c per word thereafter SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS No copy changes, 8c per word, minimum 52.00 SEMI -DISPLAY FIRST INSERTION -- 52.17 per• column inch, . . SUBSEQUENT51.89 r column inch:. INSERTIONS per (Minimtint'size inthis category PA inches: Accepted in multiples of half inch,) BOX NUMBERS TO THIS OFFICE -• 50c per ' insertion. BIRTHS -- 15 words, '52.5010c per word thereafter,: MARRIAGES, Engagements, Death Notices, • 15 words 52.50' each additional word 10c.,, IN MEMORiAMS - 52.50 plus 10c per line of verse COMING EVENT'S -15 words $2,50, each additional word 10c. Three insertions for the price of 2. CARD OF THANKS - 30 words 52.50 each additional word 3e. 50e DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAYMENT ON OR BEFORE FRIDAY NOONIIN W 'OF INSERTION. 110 carkellation of multiple .nasi tion advertisements after Noon, Tuesday "Mai ler t4iel ed ala M 12 Nom T«eo bit's Phone -527-0240 'BABYSITTER .. during week and occasionally on week- ends for infant. 527-0594. 4 O8=2 egran ivf/t o/ t;J f4n Requires School Bus Driver' BROOHSIDE PUBLG SCHOOL R. R'. 7, Lucknow Written applications will be received until 10:00' a.rn Friday, IDLY 2001979• addressed to: Mr. RI. Cun- ningham, Transportation Manager, The Huron County Board of Education, 103 Albert Street, Clinton, O,nt- ari°, NOM 1LO. ' Duties to commence Tues- day, September 4,. 1979. R.J. ELif10rr CtinlMi�er D.J. Ca HANE 4-4 4 Help 11'anted 4 Help. Wanted We Pine a Soles Person: who IS eager and Willing to work and!who isae1f motivated Company benefits, car to drive apply to BILL McLAUGHLIN IVIcLtiughllrr Chek,0tds, Lid. • _ .1 527-1140 S. ortb;, 4.094 , Full time Person required immediately PRODUCTION,. MAINTENANCE and GENERAL DUTIES Excellentcompany benefits. and wages. Apply to BOX 3394; THE HURON EXPOSITOR' SEAFORTH, ONTARIO' 4-09.2 5 Bus, Opportunity LEASE Service Station. for lease in Seaforth, Excel- lent opportunity •for self starter with, mechanical *ability to have his own business. , Reasonable capital required ;financial assistance ?available call. B.P OIL LTD, 433-2377 or Toll Free 1-800-265-4157 5-09-1' NATIONAL interior decorating company requires decorating': consultant- Full or, part time, For Perth and Huron Counties, no experience necessary, ':six month training period" required: Small investment required. Apply in Writing to Box, 291, Stratford. 5.09-.1 ?' - Situations Wanted PERSON seeking full time general employment. Has farm experience. 527-1819. 7-08.2 Farm Stock For Sale 50 'quality chunks 50 • lbs. average. 345.2636. 8-09-1 NUMBER of first. and second litter" sows, due shortly- 345-2067. 8-09.1 SERVICE age York, Hamp and Hamp X York boars. Also open gilts. Bob Robin- son, R R #4 Walton, 345-2317 8-08-2 Used Cara For Sale 11 Articles: For Sale GESTETNER INK available at The ' :Huron, Expositor, 527-0240, Seaforth. 11-084f LIGHT weight camper for a "? ton pick, up. $750.00. 262-6008. 11.094 1969 Chev, 5 ton stake truck. with 16 ft.; rack and hoist, certified„ 570, tunes 'bean. windrower with cross conveyor; two wagons with V bins: 54" forage blower.. Robert McCool, R.R.1, Londesboro. 523-4200. 11-09-2 ONE person's junk' is another's gold mine, Turn.. your 'unwanted articles. 'into cash with an EXPOSITOR classified. 527,0240: 11-0874f. • 1971 Dodge half ton truck,, as. is:, best offer. 52'-1895, 11-08-2 1968 ,Buick " .Two door hardtop,', as • is: best. offer-" 527o-1216- 10-09x2 1963 GMC partially convert ed. bus, seized motor. full- size propane fridge, stove. 5400.00: Write Peter Snell; c/o Blyth Summer Festival, Blyth or tel 523,9269• (Blyth) or (416) 832-1417'' (Maple)', 10-084 1.1 Articles•'FolSale 20•. Peking ducks,. ap- . proximately 4 lbs. each: 527- 0726. 11-09-2 •WOMENS 3 speed bicycle with child's seat, tricycle. swing set. crib' and matress, dresser, high chair, umbrella stroller, carriage, bathinette, piano. 527-1473. 11.09-2. VHF high low scanner, portable; . Case of two cycle castrol motor oil, racing formula, 527.0257. 1.1.09-1 620 John Deere tractor com- pletely equipped with 3 pt hitch, live P.T.O., remote control attachmentand power steering, Al 'condition 2010 John Deere with John Deere loader'; dual cylinder, bucket, power steering, 350 hours since completely over-. hauled, loader, cylinders re-. built one year ago. 527-1895: 11-08-2' PICK your own eherries at Murray Brothers Orchard, four miles South West of Thedford on Ridge• Road, Sweet cherries ready July 7th Montmorency July '10th.. 11-08x3 A QUANTITY of steel fence r posts, 12 feet of chain harrows in new condition. Phone 482-7467 or 482.3146. 11.09.21 bEIErD rotdCvVood. Seafoth Optimists. Call 5270800 or 482.9804, 11.09.2 AI 1978: 35 ft. Shamrock. Park Model travel trailer with 2 tip -Oita, complete complete ,with: all furniture, drapes, patio door lad awl. 'Will' sleep 7. 527.1515x: 11.09.2 FALSE teeth, long' under- wear? Expositor classifieds have soldalmost everything. Place your ad today by calling 527-0240. 50 cents off when you pay cash. 11-08xtf 11 Articles For Saltie RASPBERRIES, red and black, Pick your own by .appointment only. 527-1519 11.08.2 SWIMMING POOL Man- ufacturerhasstew 1978 Pools regular price 52,,190.00 now at our in season special of 51,355.00. Pools come with; walkaround deck, patio, +fen- cing pump, motor and filter. Delivery arranged to • your convenience. For best: selec- tion and • information call imperial Pools toll free 1-800- 268-5970. (If within our local', calling area 744-3340) 11-08-tf COPIES: Copies of your important papers or documents while you wait. Letter Size, 250 each, THE HURON EXPOSITOR 1 t-08xtf URINE -ERASE by Reidell. Chemicals Ltd. guarantees removal urine stains, odors, from carpets. Northern District, 155 St, Georges Ave. W,, Sault Ste. Marie, P6A 1L3, 253-3374. 11-09x1. FOR sale or pick your own raspberries, and curr.ants,: black andred. by appoint- ment. Roxboro .Garden, 527- 0705. 1.109.2 PICK your 'oWn black Cur-:. rants, Call 345=2620 evenings' only. 11-09-2 GLEANER combine A2 12' header, '2 ,cylinders, pick up and reel. 262-5504. 11-09x2 FLOOR model wooden cabi- • net sewing, machine, needs. 'repair, 345-2954.. 1'1-09-1 TO give away - large friendly,, house broken dog- German Shepherd X English Sheep: The Jefferys 345=2529: 11-09x3 ONE used Oil Burner and oil. tank, 200 gallon capacity, plus a quantity of furnace oil. contact 527-0377or 527-1718. I1 -09x1 SHERL'OCK, Manning Piano. • Excellent' condition. Phone 527-0583: 11=09x1. SPECIAL OFFER! Enjoy the delicious variety of. international cooking' The. best selected 16 recipes; in 16 days. Send• 53.00 only. ,Moneyback guarantee. NAGI PUBLISHING, 4130 Beaconsfield Ave., Montreal Quebec: H4A 2H3.. 11-09x1 GOT something to sell? 9000' people read the EXPOSITOR classified ads" every week. Place your low ' priced Expositor classified at 527-0240. : 11-08xtf 1969 Glennclle 14 ft. travel trailer, frig, stove, furnace, sleeps six, good condition,' Asking 51,700.00 ' Phone 527.1170 or 521-0984, 11.09-1 URiNE-ERASE saves carpets! Guarantees removal dog, .at, human urine stains, odors, from carpets! Free Brochure: Dept: A, Reidel! Chemicals Ltd., Box 7500, London, Ontario. 11.09.1 SWiMMING POOLS to Rent Will lease and install for homeowners, family size aluminum swimming pools with patio. Choice of styles, meeting. all fencing reg- Ulations on a one, . two or three year rental basis with option to own. Try before you buy! Call lmpet'ial Pools toll free 1.800.268-5970. (If with- in. our local calling arca '746-3340) 11-08-tf 17' Orbit Trailer, gas fridge, stove and furnace, toilet, awning & trailer hitch incl, 527.0674 after 6 p.m. 11.08x2 STRIP tickets for admission or refreshntentS, single and duplitatc. The Maori Eat, positbr, Seaforth. 11.08i4 PIANO -ORGANS, new and used at'lowest prices. From June 16th to August 20th store will open by appoint- ment only., Pulsifer Music 527-1508'or 527-0053.11-08-tf e ty For Sale Articles For Sale li'roP r... FOR cheap sale, barn Win?' Bows 2 ft. x 3 ft., gas brooders 527-0655. 11.09x1 FIVE ton George White wa- gon with 165 bushel gravity,. bin. Phone 345-2636.. 11-09•,2 12 Wanted To any, WANT to buy a fridge; a For4 or a phonograph? Try an EXPOSITOR wanted to buy classified ad. 527.0240. 12-08-tf• 13 Wanted. LiVE in housekeeper in ex change for living accommo- dations in single family dwel ling on quiet street. Apply to: P.O. Box 86, Seaforth, 'Ont- ario. 13-09-1 OLD "BRICK Buildings for Demolition and Salvage pur-''" poses. Contact Ross Lumley,, 1185 Murphy Road, Sarnia.. 1-542-4088; Ontario's largest. supplier of reclaimed bricks 13-04-tf GOOD used furniture- 482- 7922, 13-08-tf Property For Sale ENJOY the wonderful world of outdoor gas cooking with a charm glow gas fired barb- ecue available at Ken Smith pools Ltd'. Egmondville• Call.. 527=0469 or 527.0411, ..Cost 5159:00:: 78 Honda 50, good condition. cost $300; 10 speed Supercy- cle bicycle like new. original- ly $105, now $75; also; power fawn mower, brand new en- gine,. guaranteed for 3 months, S350. After six o' clock. Jean Fehr, 1 mile west .. of Winthrop. 11-09-1 1977 Travel Trailer, 20. 1/2 ft. Aristocrat, best reasonable offer. 527-1410 after 5 &clock 11.09x1 10 ft. M.F.S.P. swather New Canvases. Air cooled motor in good, working order. Call Joe O'Reilly 345-2465. 11-09x2 • CHILD'S small brown pony. 482.9204. 11-09x1 TWO turkey hens and one turkey gobbler; two nanny goats; one with nanny kid., 262-6008. 11.09x1 1. 1970 Tag along. Phone 527 tw 0151. B et sen 12. 1 or after 5:30. 11.-09-2 MODULAR home 44' x 23' Glenwood deluxe with frig and stove, washer, dryer, tugs and drapes. Immediate occupancy. Set upon lot 15 at Morgan's- Mobile, , Homes, 482.7066. 11•09.4 Cherries .... � . es Pick your own (sweet & sour) Matting JULY' 14 at! BERG ORCHARDS l:orrest, 3 miles south of Camp Ipperwash. Pitting machine for your conveni- ence. Open any time. Phone 873.5762. 11.09.11 Real Estate Ltd. Clinton. Phone: 4S2. 371 1'/: storey frame home with heated workshop and garage Located on paved, road, 1 mile north of Brussels - ideal for small business. 4111/1.,LETT TWP, 71 acres. No•.buildings. 150 ACRES -in 'Morris Twp.• with barn and 1'1/2 storey frame home. ****** EGMONDVILLE-On North St. building lot with 87 ft. frontage. • 1.'/: storey home on large nicely, treed lot in Egmond- ville. Very nicely decorated and landscaped..., MORRIS TWP.-1 floor, 3 bdrm. brick home on 4 acres '/A mile. from Brussels. Two good barns. MORRIS TWP.-2 `floor brick home on 5 acres with frame barn. 2 " miles. from Blyth,. Severed:: Rcstaurant and gas bar, Lon- . desboro. Apartment above. '6 MiLES-from Bayfield on Banockburn River, 18 acres scenic; 'wooded, with ranch style home'=nearing::com comple- tion, P tion, spring fed trout pond. Must be seen to be apprecia- aced. Shown by appointment only, • ****** LOND.E; SOL Door frame home oi. CLINT(-SOLD Garden Centre. ***** FOOD FOR THOUGHT- These days a fellow doesn't know whether to "stay, home at night and use electricity, or go out and waste 'gaso- line. 114-09-1 FroPert Y For Sale P TOMREIDY T _. t REALTY LTA Realtor . Specializing in sale of farms and farm operations. ROSTOCK AREA - Ellice: Township, 50 acre farm, 1,'l: story home, bank barn, choice land. - .- MITCHELL AREA LOGAN TOWNSHIP - 100, acre farm, 1'4 storey modernized 3 bedroom home. Large bank barn with modern -type addition. Land suitable for cash cropping. LISTOWEL AREA - 150 acre Elma. Township :farm, close to paved road', 2 storey home, large bank barn, presently a dairy farm that would be excellent for cash cropping.• EXETER AREA - Stephen, township, farrowing operation, approx. 90 sows capacity on a five acre lot, modernized home. ROSTOCK-BRUNNER area. - 100 acre farm along paved road, approximately 17 miles from Stratford. Modernized century stone home; Swimming pool, spring fed pond, large bank barn. Presently a farrowing operation, Sows and weaners extra. MITCHELL-RUSSELDALE area, 148 acre farm, Fullerton township, fronting on paved road; 1''/ storey.4 bedroom brick home attractively decorated, good repair. large bankbarn, old style drive shed. Land suitable for cash cropping. ;MITCHELL-FULLARTONi AREA - Dairy farm approx. 175 acres, lii storey modern brick home. Bank barn with modern addition 33 'free stalls, milking parlor; upright silo, presently attached to farm operation is 121,312 litres of MSQ. Herd is on DHIA. Two building sites. Summer possession preferred, .. . BRUSSELS AREA -Grey Twp. 50 acre hobby farm on paved road. All modern buildings. LISTOWEL AREA -Grey. Twp. 63 acre . farm, tle yard, and equipment. Twp. 100 acres . BRUSSELS AREA-GreyP.good buildings,good drainage; 2 tower sibs, 20 x 70 and .20 x60 set up for beef. •. 14-09-1 CHARLIEWALKOM , . R.R. 1 Fdilarton : 348=8197 or 22946149: :. MYRTLE WALKOM R.R. 1 Fullerton . ' 348-8197 or.229.6149 ' MAURICE REIDY 11 ,R.R. 2 Monkton Rpm(' R'.L: 2 Monkton' 347-2356347-235 ' Y' Qa ice( Nu -. a 1- -'- .rc. r {, r d I d� e y� 11 v ... r. ..w VIII a a Livin 9 9 STAFFA-yellow Brick, two storey home, move -in - condition, living room and dining room with pine floors, 3 bedrooms upstairs and bedroom or denon the main floor,detached garage, paved drive,drive,.; �: friendly neighbours. Asking 526,900.00 For an appointment Call Al. Appleby Collect 1-673-1870 Allan. N�APPtib 1. .y 1358 Steeybrook Creme. . LONDON, ONTARIiO' .'Real` Estate REALTOR 14-09x1. WORI(MAN REAL ESTATELTD. Harold Workouts, abase OfIke. ." Dirk VON tier Wert, 482.3455 Hoary, Mane, Sreteetill OMNI. . . BN Beit.. lriylliii OiMie. .. . , 482.3455 • Raa.411t-31.5 • 32740/ ....5 . . 'WE'VE MOYEID1t1 We arc pleased to announce that we have moved into the offices of Seaforth Insurance Ltd. 39 Main Street. Seaforth. Sales have been well over 51,000,000.00 for the, first six months of this year for this' office. r Since the demand has nevet been greater, we feel,, the need for better service is required to serve you in your real estate needs. Thank you to our Customers and friends for their business, and we hope we have the opportunity of serving you in the coming, months. HENRY A. MERO 14.09.1' 68' house trailer, partly fur- nished, 12 ft. added addition at. Heritage Estates. Asking: 5500.00 down and take over payments: Jean Fehr, 1 mile " west of Winthrop, after 6 o'clock. 14-09=1 Additional Classified. on' nekt page