HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1979-07-12, Page 12N EXPOSiTORfJU ;"�Gi121,"I.0
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G 'Jaen, ..rtl a ,r,
The Gtanvilie Reunion was;
held July lett at, Seaforth
Liens park, Due to damp
weather there were only 50 in.
attendance but great fun, was
had by all,
Winners of races. were: 4,
and under, Derek Baned,
Paul Glanville ,and Jeff,
Girls race 5-6-7' Darlene
Glanville,Sherry. Miller,.
Naomi Ward.
Boys race 5-64 Daniel
John Glanville, Michel Miller
and Peter Miller,
Girls race 8-9-10 Carol Ann
Glanville, Tabatha, Miller,
and Lorretta Lynn Glanville.
Boys. race 8-9-10 Dean
Glanville, John Miller and
Robert Glanville..
Girls race 11-14 Lisa Glen
vi le, Estella Wilson and!.
Theresa Glanville,
Singles race girls -Theresa
Glanville, Lisa Glanville, and
. , ,*t
Ann Omen,
Glanville,, ,Art''
Single boys roe, Tarry • Dean Glanville -
Lions pcc1
'i:ii ber
Site, of meet
Saturday, July 144 'the
Seaferth Lion's pool will be
the site of a swim meet.
Swimmers: frpm, Goderich,
St, Mary's, Exeter and
Elmira will be 'competing
against a few local people
between, 9 and 12 a.m,.
The racing will be divided:
up into five classes, which
will include all ages, So far,
swi{n team coach , Mark.
1ynham says interest has
been "very, sparse", and
he's looking for more people
who are willing to give a little
time and effort, The team
practices from 4;30 5:30
p.m. every Tuesday and
'IOU'RE OUT! -- it was plays like this one, when a Brodhagen runner
was tagged out at home plate, that led the Seaforth Squirts to a 15-9 win
over Brodhagen last' Thursday.
(Expositor. Photo)
Sport alk
by Pavy Ellis
Baseball fever
Little League.
In the United States, these two words are
almost worshipped:. They refer to minor
league . baseball, a young version of
America's favourite pastime,: Our southern
neighbours feel about . baseball as
Canadians feelabout hockey,
:But this is not to: say that Canadiansare
not involved in baseball..Qn,the contrary,
just look at "ail the teams in this •area..
There's a men's league anda women's
league (formerly. the Industrial leagues)'.
And there is even a team for the: young
This is the Seaforth Squirts Eastbali
team., 'Fastball differsfrom regular
baseball only in that a runner on base can't:
steal or lead-off until the ball crosses.home
plate on a pitch. Other than that, it's pure
baseball. And that is what the players are
there for:
The Squirt team is, for boys aged 8 to 11.
Usually, for future Reggie ,Jacksons, it's
their 'first contact with organized ball Most
of the players know the basic rules of the
game beforethey get to the team, But
skills, ' and , workingtogether, must be
learned. This seems' to be no.problem 'for
the; boys who are about as enthusiastic as a.
littlekid at Christmas. They want to play
and they want to win.
And win is justwhat theydid last
Saturday, as they came back to defeat St..
Paul's 12.11 after being down 10-2 .in the
third inning. On .the way ,to the win,; the
team hit two' home runs while: pitcher
David Akey chalked 'up sevenstrike-outs.
In another ' come-from=behind R.game;,,
Seaforth beat Brodhagen 15-9, with the,aid
of four home runs and four triples. The two.
wins put the Squirts at a 3-4 ' win -loss
record so far for the season, with 111games
Jack Price is the coach' of the team, and
he makes sure that each of the piayers sees
some action during every game. But he
goes by the rule that the coach runs the
team, and any player who doesn't doas he
is told becomes a bench-warmer.The
players, understand this, and they. work.
together better as a team, • Jack says that
'there has been no, problem at all with
Parental support certainly isn't lacking.
For home games almost' all theparents
cone out to cheer on their, boys. At least
half of them show ` pp for out of town
matches. Transportatipn to: other towns..
isn't a problem either, as many parents are
more than willing to, drive,
Support from the general' public hasn't'
been all that great this year. The team had
to buy its. own sweaters, because a sponsor
couldn't be found. To raise money, the
team plans a novelty donkey baseball game
in August. ` For those .of you who are
unfamiliar with the sport, it is similar to
baseball except for one point', Each player
must be accompanied by a live •donkey,
whether in the field or around the bases,
"Live" isn't always an appropriate word,
asthe animals often `are. literally dragged
about. The ..date for ' this game will` be
announced later.
The Squirts have played a lot .of games
lately, and are improving quickly;: Their
Ba es are played at the Lt
on sPa
usually -on Thursday evenings. Their next
.home game is Thursday against Rostock at
6;45 p.m. Go out and support the team,
both at regular games and at the comedy
donkey. game.
• Remember, a live game is always more
exciting thafl. one on television.
Naturally speaking
by Steve Cook
Carp were intrddtced • to the waters of
North America many years ago by our welt
meaning forefathers. In. Europe, when the
flesh was properly prepared, (usually.
smoked) the carp wa4 considered a delicacy
as well as a highly /prized game fish. No
wonder they wanted to bring this great
nsh with them to the new. World.
Carp thrived in their new environment
and are now found in almost every major
watershed throughout North America,
Depending upon how you look at ,it, kbit
can be either gobd or bad.
This particular fish has the bad habit of
rolling when it feeds, making the water in
slow moving streams and; shallow bays
very muddy and murky. They are also
prolific spawners and seem to survive in
spite of man's atternpts at eradication Top
this off by classifying it as a coarse .fish;
and it comes nut a real loser.
There is, however, always the other side
cathe coin, It has been said before that
Wipmay well be "the fish of.the future,"
th society polluting streams faster
they can clean them up, the lowly carp•may
just wind up being the only fish left in our
streams. Add On the insignificant fact that
big hog nose: carp tire one pile of fun to
Catch, and yfbu•'have 'a real winner.'
Carp fishing can be real family fun if it
is approached in the right manner, or it Can
'literally drive the serious fisherman to
Oats of frustration. I prefer to keep my
carp fishing; on the light side mainly
because I catch more when I do, The
mechanics of this tpe of fishing are fairly'
simpk. Find a slow Moving stretch Of likely
looking river,- throw ant a hook baited With
WNW Iitvomt to concoction, prop the rod up,
Seaforth & area arena
Thursday,. Anyone luterested.
in joining the team can
contact • Mark at the park..
Four other meets to be held
out of town have already
been scheduled for July and.
Also a reminder of the
adult swimming and lessons
on Tuesday evenings, family
swimming Sunday after-
noons and businesspersons
swimming weekdays from l2
1:15. Registration for the
second session of lessons will
be held at the park Saturday,
July 21.
Our club
Monday July 9th Kippen
Gun Club results with 19
shooters were; Bill Boussey,.
50 straight; John Anderson.
and Brad Mann, 25; Terry
Baker and Bob Ironside, 24;
Paul Ritchie and Jamie Cald-
well, 23; Bert . Mahaffey,
John. Hessels and Murray
Christie. 22; Brian Beer and;.
Allan Bell, 21; Grant Mc-
Gregor and Bob Caldwell',
20; Jim Preszcator and Lloyd
Venner, 19 and Todd Cald-
well, 14.
Seaforth council will make
its annual request for help
with the arena's operating
deficit to;neighbouring town-
ships who are asked to
contribute according to how
many of their residents use
the facility.
-Councillors approved
Monday night an arena com-
mittee .• resolution asking
McKillop, ' Tuckersmith;
I iibbert and Mullet for about
10 per cent more than last
year.. ,$1500 from each 'of
the first' two, • .S375 . from
Hibbert and $11§ from Hul-
Rec director Clive Buist
told the Exposiitor, the
amounts are based on regi-
lar".organized'. sports at the
arena. About 40 per centof
participants come from Sea -
forth, 20 percentfrom each
lie back and wait for the fish to bite.
It sounds easy, and it is, but there are a
few tricks that make it less frustrating.
First is the 'bait. There are probably as
Many different bait recipes as there are
fishermen, but a few stand out as all time
favourites, Cheese, niblets corn, liver,
worms and dough balls are the old
standbys. Of these, worms and dough balls
are my favourites.
Dough balls are probably.. the easiest to
make and handle, but they do present
some problems when it conte to keeping'
them on the hook. Thi$ can be remedied to
a certain extend by kneading absorbent
cotton into the dough. The steals' spting
found in ballpoint pens, when slipped over
the shank of the hook, will also help to hold
the bait in place. A few drops of extract of
vanilla in the dough will also help to attract
Carp are also well known for their
sensitive mouth. If any resistance is felt
when they pick up the bait, 'they will drop it
without getting hooked. For this reason, if
a sinker is used it must be a sliding sinker,
The egg shaped ones with a hole in the
center are best for this. Just pass the line
through the hole before tying the hook on.
The hook and bait will stop the sinker front
obming off, but when a carp picks up the
bait, the sinker stays on the bottom while
the line runs freely through it.
As I said at the start, carp fishing can be
*family sport. Turn the outing into a picnic
thatboth Mom and the kids' can enjoy, and
it one of the youngsters gets a chance to.
battle it out with a ten pound fish, itii be
a day they% never forget.
of McKillop and Tuckersmith
five per cent from. Hibbert,
twoper cent from Hallett and
13 per cent from other areas.
Arena operating, costs are
up about 10 per cent this
year, he saiid. Only Tucker.
"smith has not paid a share of
the .deficit in ..the past and •
residents from that township
have paid a surcharge to take
part in arena activities.
Council' learned that the
arena's year to date revenue
is 'S38,947; e6ipared with
$32"700 of hi lmelast y.eae:""
The lowest of two tenders for,
electrical work at the arena,
S372.77 from K. Murray,
Electric was accepted,. The
other tender, for, S565, was
from Sills Hardware. Coun-
cillor Jim Sills declared'. a
conflict of. interest and left
the room when tenders were
Boyle teaching in
Harry Boyle,, writer, addition to Mr: Boyles.
broadcaster : and. former These include horticulture,
chairman of .the. Canadian. winemaking, personal .finan-
Radio -Television and' Tele- . ces, nutrition, politics, calli-
comniunications Commission graphy, television production
(CRTC), will•return as.writer- and practical uses `of solar
in -residence for the Univer- energy.
sity of Guelph's 'Summer ' This ' year the 'program
Campus program., runs for two weeks from July
The author's casual and ` t9: • Since . new courses and
candid discussions on writing 'activities are offered each
were extremely well received week, many people, stay for'
last year.Many of . the both: sessions. Complete pro -
members of his creative
writing class have continued:
to meet as a writers' : group'
throughout the past year,
and will be returning to listen
,to.themaster story -teller this
•Although Mt, Boyle has
fulfilled numerous roles as 'a
writer and as a CBC exec
utive'.aver the past 30 years,
last summer' was his'first
experience as a teacher. "It
usually takes a long' time for
a relationship such as we had
to develop among writers,"
he says. "Part of the success
must be in the surroundings
of the campus." A particu=
lady restful and beautiful'
place' in the summer, the
University of Guelph campus
probably helped, but the
figure of Harry Boyle'was
certainly the main ingredient,
Mr. Boyle's informal yet
informative approach as a
teacher is characteristic of
Summer Campus. Estab-
lished in 1976, the'summer
program offers' an unusual
vacation which combines re-
laxation and learning. Since
oburses and. recreational acti-
vities appealing to all Ages
and 'interests are available,'
The special youth pro-
grams are geared to different
age ;'groups from pre-schoo-
filers to teens. Youngsters can?
Iry their talents at journa,
lism, mime, painting, crafts
or music. Or they may
develop a life-long interest in.
'computers and astroi any. A
daily swim and sports are an
integral part of each days
Por adults, Summer Cam-
pus '79 offers 20 courses in
to, �. _• •_• ice -• 4, 4,
Reeve John Flannery re-
ported receiving complaints
about the: condition of arena
washrooms during evening,
events„ Mayor John Siena-•
mon told him to. ask com-
plainants to putthe inform-
ation in writingso it could be
referred'. to the . proper
committee for action.
Weeds around the arena
will be sprayed by the public
works crew, council agreed.
Married Ladies BOtMiller
Mable. Gliuivilte Dome,
^:Married Men " Iklurray
Glanville,, Neil Ward, Boy
Wheelbarrow Race, Dean
& Lisa Glanville.
3 legged Race was Dean I
Robert Carol Ann
Glanville', & Tabatha Miller,:
Barbara and Loretta Lynn
3 legBed race 10 & over
Art and Terry Glanville,,
EM.leen Ward & Teresa Glen,
ville, Lisa Glanville and,
Estella Miller,
Life Saver Race- Terry
Glanvilles team.
Kick the Shoe Benjie
Miller, Michael Miller, Mor -
ray Glanville, Eileen Ward.
Sack Race by Lorrie Glen-
ville, Darlene Glanville,,
Murray Glanville, Terry
Glanville and Teresa Glan-
Althoughthe day was.
damp all those present, had a
good time and they hope to
see all again nextt year when
the reunion will be held the
second Sunday in July at
Seaforth Lions Park,
ii.M.10.11ROME, 7.4 .'
STRIKE -OUT KING? Well'',; maybe. not yet,.
but Terry Gray of the. Seaforth Squirts was In
good form as the team defeated Brodhagen last
week. (Expositor Photo.)
Seaforth, athletes.
Win m e ,.., dh. in. alt.
Seaferth affitetes made a
good showing inhhe Legion
Regional Track and Field
meet in Galt last Saturday,
bringing . home several
second place medals,
The meet was sponsored
by the Royal Canadian
Legion, with the local
competitors receiving
support, including meals and.
transportation, from Branch
156 in Seaforth, It was one of
several meets held across the
province to qualify athletes
for the : Ontario finals' iii
Burlington on: July 28, Peter
Underwood, • Faye
Carnochan, and .Jeanne
McDonald,all of the Seaforth
area, placed well enough in
Galt to go to the`. provincial
championships. • The• track.
meet for,: all of Canada will be
held in.:August for the top
athletes from each province:.
Local results from the Galt
meet were: Bantam ,girls,
Jeanne McDonald, second in
long jump, third in 100m.
dash; Janice Cairns, fourth,
long jump, sixth in -'high
jump; Janice Underwood,
sixth: in long jump; Faye
Carnochan, , second, 800m;
Shelly Driscoll, fourth, shot
put. The first fourof these
girls trade up. the 4 x 100
relay team, which. finished
arretsdown g
t o
2 arises
The Winthrop Warrett Bernard hit a home run with
girls are down 2 games to bases loaded to bring runs
Dublin. On June 27, they lost up to 12. Nice work Pat.
7-15 and :July 4 they 'lost 25 to Squirt boys lost to Belmore
16. Although they were on July 2nd, 14-16 after
behind in the 4th in• ning Pat having the lead in the first 2
,yl'gram :costs, excluding accom
modation in •a university
residence and. meals, range
from 530 to. 580 :for adults,
depending upon the course.
All the, children's . programs
are 535. For "complete infor-
mation contact the office of
.Continuing' Education, Uni-
.versity of Guelph, Guelph,
Ontario, N1G 2W1, or call
(519) 824-4120, Ext. • 3956 or
Seagrave on Wed. night July
Keep those bats swinging
folks and see ou, t thea ball
1. Pork -
. Inpuran, t• thjb s yours truly,
3t. Blenheim St., Mitchell.
PHONE: OFFICE 34I -1175g-1
ass. 34114175
Detroit Tigers
Toronto Blue' Jays
Sponsored by Seaforth
Junior ``Centenaires" Booster Club
Sunday, July 29
TICKETS: $15.00 Includes
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/nous Victoria, Pari:, Sealer*,
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y. a
For the Bantam boys,
Danny Wesenberg placed
sixth in triple jump while
John Dale placed fourth in
high jump.
Peter Underwoodwon,
seconds " in both long • and:
triple jump in the Midget
boys. competition. Other
pa icipants from 5 eafortl
incl Michelle : Fryr
Brenda Wesenberg, Dave
Campbell and. D avid
Sat. July 28
REGISTRATION: 8;30 10:00 a.m.
ENTRY FEE:' 12.. •. and over $3.00
ander 12: years $2,00
PRIZES: Adult speed Mite,
clads bike' plus other
numerous prizes '
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