HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1979-07-12, Page 5Hibbert ,c unsil 'unan-
imously supported ,the reso-
lutionof the Town of Sea -
forth, with, respect to long.
delays on :court cases,r the
apparent ,Light sentences,
which; do not act as a,
deterrent to stop vandalism
and, similar crimes, and the
restitution to persons suffer,
ing property loss, when it
met July 3.
The dates of the regular
meetings rot August and!
September were, ,changed
from. the 6th to 7th August,
and 3rd to 4th September to
avoid conflict with statutary
E.H. Uderstadt•, Engineer
of Orangeville was directed,
to bring in a, report on the
repair acid improvement (,if
necessary) of the Riley
Drainage Works. Clarence
Brickman. was awarded the
Miller Drainage Works con-
tract at 524,800., 'and Cold -
steam Concrete the tile at
$19,568.70: Cook Brothers
awarded the Simonsen .
Drainage Works Contractat
$3,009.00 and• Seaforth Tile
the concrete pipe at $664,00;
Lee Jennison of Grand
Bend was awarded the con-
tract to loadand haul pit run
gravel for construction on
Lots • 1/5. Concession 2/3., at
$Sc per cubic yard. Work to:
be completed b)! 31st Augt
so as not tO conflict wit
gravel application due .to,
commence :middle of :`
By-laws were passed' for
the "Miller" and: "Simon'
sen" Drainage Works,: and
daughter of Mr. William
Leeming and the late Ethel
Leeming graduated from Ry-
erson Polytechnical institute,
Toronto in Fashion Arts,
majoring .in merchandising.
She is a graduate of Seaforth
District High School. She has
accepted :a position : with
Smart Set Ltd., Toronto,
Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Bruxer are pleased to an-
nounce the . graduation of
their daughter Kathy from
Fanshawe College School of:
Nursing,. Victoria Campus
London on June 28: ,Kathy is
a graduate of St. Patrick's
School, Dublin and Seaforth
District' High School.
Frank Case marks
birthday at Manor
Bni la „ o...
Happy, r the y t Mr.'
Frank Case who celebrated''
his birthday on Monday.
Frank spent the afternoon
and had supper with his
Visiting with Miss 'Bessie
Ipavidson were Mrs. Jean
Broadfoot of Walton and
Mrs. Robt. McMillan of
Mrs. Alex Dennis: visited
with Mrs. Minnie Hawley
and. Miss Bessie Davidson.
Visiting with Mrs:; Wilber V.ISttorsr
Keyes were Mrs. Keyes and
Mrs• Ruth 'Mullholland of
Clinton,Mrs. Edna Weber of
Dashwood visited her mother
Mrs: Adele. Fisher.
High scores in bowling on
Thursday afternoon . were
the death, of Miss Ethel
McClure at Seaforth
Community Hospital on
Thursday last.
Miss McClure had been a
resident of Seaforth Manor
for some time and her
presence will be missed by.
all. .
McKillop has :
held by Mr. Lenny
Bloomfield : and Mr. Charles
Ross and Marshall Young
(tied) Bingowas held ' Friday
afternoon with Doris Wills,
Margeurite Shill, Harold
Walsh, I la Gardner and
Edith ° Sole, Miss . Kate
Laverty winners.
Seaforth Manor residents
were saddened to hear of
Visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
Fred" Kistner of Brodhagen
were Mr. and Mrs. Norman
Schneider of Hanover, on
Wednesday .evening:' of last
week Mr. and 'Mrs. Bob
Kistner of Stratford on
Saturday and : Monday
evening Mr. and Mrs. Ed,
Regele. •
Mr. and . M,rs. Clarence
Regele visited with Mr. and
Mrs: Ed. Regele Sunday
tor' setting the mill rates for
the taxation year 1979 in
accordance with the budget
*den_ ,W and published at the
last regular meeting.
Road vouchers. were issued
in the sum of :527,557.04,.
whit!, itt,tluded the applie-
atiof, of chloride to: the
Township Roads. .andfor
general municipal and: muni-
cipal drainage and tile drain
debentures. in .the sum ,ot,
ilin has. Michigan guests
Visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. James Paratchek and:.
family were Joe and Gayle
Paratchek and family, April
and Rose,: they are. from
Howell. Michigan.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Schlattman,, Matilda. Street,
Dublin entertained Mr. and
Mrs, Doadt and Mr. and
Mrs. E. Keillor of Stratford.
Mr.. George Coyne, Nelson
Street, Dublin spent :last
weekend at 1pperwash,
Provincial Park.. -
Mr. and Mrs.- Ernie.
Fleming, Ann Street and
Mrs. Herb. Brown ate visiting,
out west with Mr, and Mrs.
(Diana) Glanville.
New ,s: ide :dik ok'd
Brodhagen soon will have.
a new sidewalk as a result of
a decision of Logan Township
council at its July meeting.
The new ..sidewalk will be
constructed east from . 'the
main intersection on Church
Street, on the north side of
the road for a distance of 830
feet: The old sidewalk, which
is in poor state of repair ,and
ore the south side of the toad,
will be removed. The new
sidewalk will be constructed
On : the north side of the road
because there are fewer.
large trees and: this will
reduce costs and'.
The erection of street
lights at the en trance to the
Ritz Lutheran Villa. on
Highway 23 north. of Mitchell
also was discussed and the
Councirpasseda resolution
to proceed with the
installation of these lights
pending approval of the
Ministry : of Transportation
and Communications.
Council approved the
proposed amendments to the
Mitchell and District Arena.
and ` Community Centre
agreement. "This agreement
le reviewed every five years.
Teh percentages of
contribution by the
municipalities were changed
slightly, reflecting; growth or
decline of population 'in the
: respective municipalities.
The other proposed ;amend-
ment is that the 10 ' man
board be reduced to 5
he rural
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members,: comprised of
elected officialsof the
participating. municipalities.
Road accounts in the
amount of $11,264.23 were
approi!ed for . payment. The
first coat of surface treat was
applied to Concession road
12 and 13 from sideroad 20 to
35 last week. A secondcoat
will be applied later in the
season. The gravelling of
some township roadsis, now
in progress. Due to a delay in
receivin8a shipment
spray, .theweed spraying,
programme could not begin
until this week. General
accounts in the amount of
533,704.76 were:. approved
for payment. This included
payments to a number ,.of
contractors whoare working
on municipal drains in the
Joe Vandenberk was
appointed to the Court of
Revision for the. South
Maitland River Repair and
Improvement, to be held on
Aug.. 7 at 9:30• a,nh. in the
Elma Tonwship Municipal.
Office. in Atwood,. An
application for. 515,000.00
tile drainage loan was
approved. ' Some farmers
have completed their
drainage work and in order to
receive theiroans, a rating
by-law was passed..
A severance application
was approved for Jack
Flanagan, Lot 35. Concession
6, with the 'recommendation.
that the barn be allowed to
be used for agricultural
uses. The building
inspector's report of building
permits :. issued for Logan
Township in -.June was.
presented for Council's
inspection and it was noted
that 28 permits were issued,
totalling 5325,000.00.
The next meeting, will be
held on July 16 at 8 p.m.
Staffa; 4-H clubs at
• % 345-2346
by Nancy Pridham.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom 'Scott
left Thursday 'for Lindsay
Staffa 4-H Homemaking where they will lie
clubs 1,2,3' all participated in 'accompanied by Mr. and
the Achievement Night for Mrs. Hugh Moore Orli trip
"Outdoor Living" held on . the Western Provinces.
Wednesday evening at' the Mr. and Mrs. Laverne
Kirkton-Woodham Wallace and Mr. and Mrs.
Community Centre. Alec Scott are enjoying a trip
The topic for Staffa #1 was to the Western Provinces.
Happiness; Is a walk in the Rick and Dannielle
woods, with all members Thompson have been
participating. Staffs #2 chose holidaying withtheir grand -
as their topic, was Oh No!; parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carter
We Forgot the Can Opener Kerslake.
with. Karen McKinnon and.
Kim Bronsen, particip ating.. /
Janice Vivian from Staffa a#1
received her County honours"
for ` successfully completing VIh nthro
six, 4-H Homemaking p
Sunday morning the honours
Cromarty Presbyterian
Congregation met with the
Hibbert United: Chun n -
Davies chose for his Sermon: Thompsons
congregation when Rev. J.
Age is a State of Mind. Miss
Ruth McPhail accompanied ' Correspondent'
herself on ,the guitar, when MRS. MARG HULLEY
she sang• 527.1856
PERSONALS Mrs. 'Gorden Blanchard
Mr. and Mrs. Rob Temple- attended a shower held at the
man and Carrah and Mr: and home of Jane Christenen.in
Mrs. John Templeman and honour of Susan De Groot,
family attended a 'family,. bride -elect of next month.
at Mr. and Mrs. Russell Ray McNichol and Dave
isches on Sunday. Reid spent a few, days this
A business meeting for the past week with Bob 'Hulley
Perth South District of the
Jr, at Gilford.
Women's institute was held Sandra Hulley accomp=
Monday evening at the home allied a number of her
of. Mrs. John Templeman. nursing friends to Point
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Perms where they did some
Jefferson and Steve hosted camping.
the July meeting of the A number of neighbours
Mitchell West Dairy Club on attended the dance in honour
Monday evening July 9 at 8 of Mr. and Mrs. John
p.m. The president • Larry' ' Th'ompson's 20th wedding
Bertens presided and opened anniversary held at Family
with the 4-H pledge followed Paradise Saturday evening.
by the roll call. A . Mr. and MrsGordon
demonstration for Blanchard have had their
Achievement night ' was three granddaughters visit -
discussed and it committee ing with them . Dixie, Kim-
, named. A quiz: on:. the bcrly and Shannon Embling
I judging competition laid on of Vanastra.
seeds was completed by the Joan Dodds .spent the
members. Mr. MeLagan weekend visiting with Mary
talked about the 4th H in the Hunt while Sandra Hunt
411. Lunch was served and vl8lted with . Gordon and
tiie hoer and hostess daubed Ruby (till, Varna.
`THE lilURO,i : iEXPOSITOR, 4'u'�,Y 12..
TRUCK ,DEMOLISHED. BY' FIRE—The truck caught on fire is• doused .,by :Seafoth
driven by Maurice Flood of Walton when it Monday, night
Truck di;froyE:d1y fire Tuesday night
A truck driven by Maurice
Flood of Walton caught fire
as he was driving down the
road south of the Heritage '
Estates mobile :home, park
east of Seatorth.
Mr. Flood and the
passenger, Gary Walden,'
were able to jump from the
vehicle after it was brought -
to a near stop. The truck,
rolled into the ditch and:
came: to rest :against_a tree,
The vehicle, owned by Eva.
Flood, mother of the driver,
was demolished, Two fire
trucks from Seaforth and
Seaforth volunteer firemen
were at the sene to douse the.
flames at about 7;45 p.m,
Br�dha�en bob in �iosp tal
Jeff Turner had the misfor-
tune to get hurt and is; a
patient in University Hosp-
Mrs. Ford' Dickison.and,
Glenda enjoyed the weekend'.
in Teeswater . where they
visited with the Dickison
Dora: Brown visited in
Strathroy with her mother,
Mrs. Etta tt, Armstrong;;` for
four days and attended a
baby shower for her
grandaughter Debbie' Hasen
of Marathon,. held Id at -the
home 'of : her brother, Gary
I would like to.take this:
to. Congratulate
Roger 'Sholdice. who was
recently appointed manager
of the new Toronto Dominion
Bank branch in the Halton
Hills shopping centre, 235
Guelph Street at Mountain-
view, Ontario. Roger was
raised in: Brodhagen and; was
our next door neighbour. We
missed . himand Ruth when
they left. The couple have
' sons, a ey
Friends and neighbours
will be pleased to hear Ervin
his home where• he is con
valescing .following his' stay
in the Seaforth ' Community"
twoJeffrey and
onhardt• has returned to
Mrs. Calvin:. Gilk, Carol
and Brenda from
Pennsylvania are holidaying
with their parents, Mr. and
Mrs. August Scherbarth, and
with their brother and sister
in-law, Mr. and' Mrs. Charles
Scherbarth and family. They
attended the recent
Scherbarth reunion.
Robert and Phyllis. Brady
and Michael of Lucan'visited
with the latter's. parents, '
Harvey and Jean Ahrens.
Several miscellaneous
bridal: showers Were held in
honor of Wendy. ''Rose;
daughter of Glen and Norma
Rose. One shower 'was held
at the home of Wendy's
,grandmother, Mrs. Viola.
Chaffe,' Mitchell on Tuesday
for all the relatives. Contests
were ' conducted by the
bride's aunt. -
Saturday afternoon, Susan
Maloney of Mitchell had a
shower at her home for the
Boyd ' relatives •and
neighbours which was
;planned by 'Mary and Judy
Wendy, was also honored
by a miscellaneous shower
on Monday night! for
neighbours and friends
which was held at First
Lutheran • Church, Logan.
Contests were conducted by
Judy and Sandra Rose. The
evening was enjoyed by
Dr. Eric Sisel of Huntsville
Conducted a five day
Evangelistic compaign in
Upper Thames . Elementary
School, Mitchell,. during the
first week of :June. Folks
attended from Stratford,
Monkton, Listowel, Clinton,:
Kitchener and Ott. The
gospel messages given by
Dr. Sisel were a teal
challenge and insplratiin• to
all. The music was supplied
by talented gospel 'singing
groups from Collingwood,
Auburn, Goderich, Medford
and Palmerston during the'
Crum titer. Sigel enjoyed!':
staying at the home of Mr,
and Mrs. Mervin Beuerman.
Craig, MacDonald of
London spent a week with his
grandparents: Mr. andr. Mrs:
his good news to hear that
Mr. Robert . French has
improved somewhat. mp t He
moved to the home'' of his
daughter and son -in law
Darlene and Marvin;
McDonald in Mitchell where
he is convalescing and can
enjoy being withhis family.
Wishing him a speedy
Dale Wolfe and a friend
had been visiting with Dale's
parents Lorne and Betty
Wolfe in • Vanastra and are
busy painting . homes in
My .mistake. Little Jason
Ahrens, of • Ottawa
ace mpaned his
grandparents Mr. and Mrs.'
Milton "Bode back to the farm
Visiting with Mrs. Martin
Diegel' Shakespeare was her.
grandaughter Joy Elliot,.
Shawn and Kimberly . of
Doug enjoyed coon
hunting with the dogs for the
weekend. .
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