HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1979-07-05, Page 25r 111 COMMUNITY HOSPITAL WAN= OE .. AS .AT M,.,.cii 31, 1979 ASSETS 1979+ ;memo, 4NsFrS- Cash: Acoounrs: Lreteivable (ugte al lnventori:eg :Prepaid ,elipenaes FIXED ASSETS (pore 3) Land, buildings, furnitOe Less accumulated depreCi;?' and:' equip9►.eut 1.1681414,'tIES .AND EQULT1( eVRR,Eli'1; 1.1480.1%1E Accounts - payable and, aticrue4 11akt1. i 4es, prtae1pa1, •440 kithio one year an 1040 payable LOAN. PAYABLE 37, Prov4041a1 assistance 'loan repayable. 54,318 semi»annuatty, inel4dIng, interest, maturing September 30,. 1995 Principal includedin rent 1fiabilities si 110,666 53,633 38,725, 2,165: 205,187' 1,530.944 5964856. --me 084 $ 945,271 103,704 5,815 109,519 95,474 5,815. 89,659 746,093 S. 945,271 STATEMENT OF REVENUE AR EXPENSE Year ended -March 31r 1979 Ministry of Health Hospital Revenue Portion.. Portion Revenue from hospital, services In-patient services $1.,185,044 .918,907 Out-patient services 152,616 Ambulance 22,473 1,360,133! 18,907 Other revenue 1,188 _ 3 648, 1.3fi1,32T _22,555 Expense Salaries: Other expense Depreciation Equipment Buildings Interest on loan-. Bad debt's'. - EXCESS -0F: EXPENSE QUER- - REVENUE., 1,089,547 249,103 21,342 1.329. 1,361,321 • 3,679 20,716 3,112 371 Z7.878 $ Nil 55.323. STATEMENT OF EQUITY BALANCE AT'BEGINNINC OF PERIOD' Donations and interest Adjustment of.priOr year's settlement Excess of expense over revenue. BALANCE At END OF PERIOD STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN WORKING CAPI.TAL DERI.VED FROM Operations ' Excess of expense over revenue. ' Depreciation which does not involve ;working capital 1978, 4 32,017 75,676 36,876 _3 623 1sm194, U3744401 555.919 7725542 76,766 5,495 .82.261 106,076 5,495 100,581 737,894. $ 920,'736, Fifteen months ended March 31, 1978 Total ' Total $1,203,951 152,616. 22,473 1,379,040. 4.836,. 1383',876 $1,436,264 176,414 26,788 '1,639,466 5,325 -1644,'791 1,089,547 1,276,809 249,103 •.310,496 25,021 32,622 20,716. . 25,917 3,112 5;373 1,700 670 189,199 1,651, $.. 5:, 323 ` $' 7 '096: $737.,894 13,522 751,416 5,323 „_- 5746 093 FINANCIAL.POSITION 'Donations,and interest Proceeds on sale of equipment Adj;Listment of prior year's settlement'• WORKING CAPITAL: APPLIED TO Additions Co fixed assets ReductiOn, _of .loan ;payable INCREASE IN.'WQRK1NG CAPITAL WORKING CAPITAL AT BEGINNING OF 'PERIOD WORKING CAPITAL AT.END OP PERIOD DETAILS OF REVENUE FROM•HOSPITAL SERVICES. In-patient services Standard ward care Province of Ontario Ministry of Health, Other • Newborn Preferred accommodation Out-patient services,,. Emergency services. Laboratory Radiology Physiotherapy Other Ambulance Province of.ontario, Ministr.y•of. Health' Other.' n NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ACCOUNTING POLICIES The financial, statement's' have been prepared in accordance with'acconnting principles 'generally accepted for Ontario hospitals as outlined in' the Canadian Hospital. Accounting Manual and as :specified by the Province' of Ontario, Ministry of Health,. (a) Inventories Inventories are valued It cost, - '(b) Fixed'assets Fixed assets -are stated at cost,. Depreciation is ;prOVIdtd on a straight-1inebasiS' using the following :annual rates:• Buildings 2Z Furniture and equipment At rates varying Gram 5x to ?Ox 9(5,323) ''- . 45,737. `40,414, 13,522 799` 54 ,:735. 14,078 1.15,922' 25,000 29,735 65,933 $95,668. SCHEDULE A $1,142,074 6,476 17;200 38,201 1,203951 73,038'.. 39,976 28,01.7 8,624 ' 2`,961 152616•` 21,023 1,450 22,•473 91,3.79,040 YEAR EN DEO 0 MARCH 31 1979. 7 $.728,776' 15,491 723 744,:990 $737,•894' ;(7,096) • 58,539 '51,443. 15,491 723., 67,657 26,:092 18,824 44,916. • 2.2,.741 43 1,92 $65,933 $1,355,037 17,250 12,280 51,697 1,.4364 82,097 43,021 35,879 11,887 3,530 176,414 24,728 2.,060. -'26788 $1,639,466,. ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE' Services to'patients Self -pay Workmen's Compensation Board Blue Cross Other 'Allowance for 'doubt(nl accounts Provinde of Ontario, MinistryoE" Health Final Settlement FIXED ASSETS Lan' - Land improvements Buildings Furniture and egUip'ment Cost 1979 _978 $11',796 2,054 2,160 1,916 17,926, 3,000 14,92( 38 706 • 910,981- 4,33� 3,425 1.,529 20,266. 3,000 17,266. 38 41ti $53, 6!:. 575! 678• 1979.• ' 1979' Accumulated' detireciat ion Net :)tet $ 34,005• $ 34,005 .$ 34,005 14,095 . $ 14,095 ' 796,632 268,938 327;,94 548,410 492,208 "313,823 • .178,A85 190'1/7 41,3364940 85.9_6,8566 $740,,084 4772,542 4. C0 The PAIhospitaTIVE $ l, atthe direction n. rff• the Ontario Ministry of I(e;i't,t.li•, changed: its year end from December 31 to'March 31 effective March 31, 1978, ACcordingl.y, the comparative figures for 1978 are for ii £trteetz month Period. , 'UNRECORDED''.S1CI( LEAVI AND VACATt0N'PAY 'LIALILITY - The hospital pays employee4 for time lost doe to sickness to the eg't'gt of their earned entitlement, and'upon termination of employment pays a portion of the unused entitlement. The policy of the 'tosptta1 is to' expense these payments ail well an:payments of vacation pay In the year in which the payments Ord Made. the maximum Liabilities under each of these policies at March 31, which are not teflected ill the ,accounts, were approx'iMatelyi Unrecorded sick'leave liability' Unrecorded vacation pay liability - Leudbn, Canada May 7, 1979 'ante 1974 1978 ' 9170,00p, $184,000 $! 49',000, 8 55,000• d Adedilliteht THE HURON; EXP+ BY •Wf.MA OKE The Seaforth Community, Hospital was. 534,086 under budget for the fiscal year ending. March 31 the board learned at its annual meeting, last week. The total budget was 51,310,247, Ian Blair, representing: auditors Thorne,, Riddell and:: Company said, that salaries form 78 per cent of :the total operating cost, and when; combined with. • employee benefits rises to 85 per cent.. Mr. Blair pointed out that while in-patient occupancy had declined.: somewhat, out- patient care had increased to. 636 patients, In his report Board presi- dent Rev, l -1.J, Laragb spoke of the three beds the Sea- forth hospital had to close by April 1, 1979, on Ministry of Health orders, Before April 1, 1980 he said the Ministry has called for closing'. another 13 beds in its financial re- straints program. Mr.Laragh said an appeal had been made to the Mini- stry and the board. • has re- ceived, verbal assurance that it can convert seven of the 13. beds to chronic care, Gordon McKenzie, hosp- ital administrator, .spoke of the results of a study made by the recently set-up. Util- ization Committee with representatives from the board, medical staff. and the nursing department to ex- plore ways and means ,.of increasing the use of the' hospital. facilities. The committee discussed numerous possibilities including sharing services with larger hospitals and having specialists hold clin- ics on regular basis at the hospital; and another sug- gestion being looked at is to :have office 'accommodation for doctors located within the hospital. Gest speaker Pat. Blewett executive director of Univer- sity Hospital niver-sityHospital in London, it is hoped Seaforth will be 'among the small :area hosp- itals that may some day be linked by television to Uni versity .Hospital. "In addition to providing, a „ superb medium for medical purposes the' interact TAT. system will be of inestimable. value for' teaching for. all - categories of staff,'' _he. told the meeting. He said plans are being completedfor a pilot project linking University Hospital . and. Woodstock Hospital Dr. Paul L. Brady said he was glad to hear Mr. Blewett' say he supported the concept, of the small hospital and its • service to the community. He said . by Seaforth hospital having a link with University - Hospital it would give Sea forth a direct link to the best. medical brains in this part of the world: • He 'fold Mr. Blewett, "I' think you will find the hospital board and medical staff' Will coy operate. Dr, Bradt+ cautioned that The autonomy of the local hospital should not be lost. He did not favour dietary and laundry• services being pro - sided, by, a big hospital, "I wouldn't trade one meal at the Saforth. Hospital with all the meals you have at Uni- versity Hospital, We have the best dietary service of any 'hospital around here," Dr. Brady emphasized. However,; anything that -twill give better diagnosis and carefq'r:A .patient, he was in favour of sharing. He ,mentioned x-rays taken at Seaford' but read by tele- vision at Uitiversity Hospital would .be, especially helpful or an electrocardiogram read without delay. Mr. Blewett said; he ,agreed the community hosp. ital is the backbone of health care. "Nothing. should be done to disturb this," he said'. He mentioned sharing services of :a physiotherapist, or :help, in ,Medical' records, As an example he recalled that during the illness of the Person ng erso ina of Medical ,... char records at. Seafprth, his hospital had provided an experienced' person to work ,on records and teach staff to carry on. Dr, Brady said he was concerned at Seaforth and; other small hospitals losing; autonomy because if further financial problems occurred in say 10 to 15 years from now that Government would not cut University Hospital but would cut the small outlying hospitals. Mr, Blewett assured him, "We shall) do nothing until we are asked;" Gwen Scott and Dr. John Turnbull .both of Seaforth were elected to three year terms on the board, replac- ing Sheila,Morton and Archie Dobson. The board has., 22 members,; 12 elected and 10 appointed, Reappointed to three-year terms were Ken- neth Devereaux ,and, Tom Phillips - Inthe e. absence .of Onattee committee chairperson Mrs. S, Morton, committee mem:- be Gordon Rimmer reported , that during, . the year, • the hospital received donations. and bequests totalling $13,522. This` money, he said; has. been invested on a short term basis for future capitall. use, ' Remaining members of the finance committee are: Mrs. Audrey McElwain, Jim Etue, Mrs. Charlotte McKercher, ,inti Walker, Cleave Coombs, Johii McEwing, ' Ken' Dev- ereaux and Roy Williamson. Mrs, Audrey McLlwain,. chairperson of the public relations : committee, re- commended that the board! set up a memorial fund for all ' bequests. and donations rec eive4 by- the hospital to be effective, Jan. 1, 1978. The book listing contributions is to be enc, losed in a glass case - ht the 'front 1.4bby 0 ;the hospital:, The public relations corn- mittee also recommended thate display be set up at the fall, fair. • SO that hospital activities could be shown and'. explained to ,the, public. Public relations: committee membersalso include Jud Walker, Ken Devereaux, Mrs. Sheila Morton and;: Mrs. Ruth Pickard. The property committee, under chairperson Mr. Rus- sell Worden, has recom- mended to the board that a maintenance building be constructed for hospital staff,. with space for storing unused equipment and supplies. It is hoped that this building will be completed by fall. With the recommendation of the property committee, the hospital roof was re- SEAFORTH COMMUNITY-IOSPIT paired ar paired' and 'the air eon*• •ditioner condenser moved to; :another 'location that may' allow air • conditioning in patient areas, The committee iris°, 'fol, ed . e, M 4 lowed o?i 'th,. ups► .. ;Health: reconunendatien toy improve fire safety,,: The property' cornraittee ap- proved. the purchase of new solid core doors, insulation for the building, new storm windows and wire mesh, glass, ' around: the patietIt's lounge, Members of the committee also include .Mrs. Marie Hlcknell, Mrs. Emma Friend David Cornish,' Mrs',. Ruth Pickard, John Modeland,. Mrs. Mary Longstaff, Allen Searle, Brace Hoelscher,. Henry Schwarz and Tom Phillips. Administrator Gordon G. McKenzie reported at the :annual meeting.'"A, quick glance at the past,50, years, shows what can be . aocom- pushed,'.' he said, `"starting, from a converted house we now have one of the finest, well ',equipped, small ,hos pith's. 10 the province of __ 1 Ciffi1 - Ontario," The hospital, first est- :bushed in Seaforth as a prig ate facility by Mei A. McLennan,'he. said, became, in the 1960'.s, a new building built at a, Dost of $900,000. ""A hospital; cannot afford to stand. still," said Mr. McKenzie, " "It mustbe .con- ' AL. , c, inually., seeking • ways to: improve patient care and to provide; additional services as required." Thus,he reported, a u it : h c _ ization committee; has been set up by the_ board, with representatives from The p/ • board, the medical stab', and the nursing department, to furniture in the front Jobb' at 'explore ways; and means of Y increasin the use of the 5297.49, ;and the•. tecliner B , . _ . chair at 5285.00.: hospital facilities. - The Women's Auxiliary •-: 'The utilization committee' reported :that seven .junior has discussed sharing: ser - volunteers .had given their vices 'with .larger hospitals.. time to help in these: times of and .haying specialists. hold financial restraint and ex"- pressed x=" clinics: on a regular basis at Finan pressedtheir pride in the the hospital, and .having the young volunteers. offices for, doctors, located within the hospital, In -the fall of 19 i;isho' d some 79, t pe that of these projects will begin, he said. Hospital auxiliar�r bank balan gal#hierthan las,f ye The Women's Auxiliary reported a bank; balance. of 51,630.85 as • of Dec. 31, 1978, as opposed to,the 1977 dfigure of S913f40. Penny Sale, January Dance, Sugar Draw,. Pair Day'Draw, legion Card Party, and the Teddy Bear Draw. Total receipts were Donations came from'' the : S4,110.11.. Profit from the t $ Tuckersmith Ladies Club,: M. January 'dance "amounted to H'illebrecht, the Bake Sale, 5241.40 while prrofiffi oni the Student JiM WALKER Penny Sale was S909.15. The Bake' Sale and the Sugar Draw brought in a net amount of 5254.35. Highest expenditures were the January Dance at 5782.68 the baby spoons at'341.13, fabric and labour' for the Workin-a for LACAC fr o LACAC e_ most, important. in- ea chie•�gredientsinhealthcareis is r r __. .;.� Jirn Walker, a graduate of Niagara College in Welland in design is working this summer for the Seaforth Local Architectural- Constr.' vation Advisory Committee (LACAC) under a program financed' by . Experience '79 under the Ministry of Culture and Recreation. As well as completing an, inventory of'Seaforth's Main rt St. buildings, Jim is 'working on a paper restoration of the streetscapes. Using old photos and' suggesting possible colours to -make Main St. more interesting and beauti- ful, he hopes to look at .many.. of the facades of existing buildings. - Town council earlier this. year asked the LACAC, to continue researching. the - the patient -and we must • not forget ,this and we must continue to strive to increase. and improve the quality of patient care,'' said Mr. Mc- Kenzie: c -Kenzie:: possibility of declaring Main ai St. a Heritage District. w who A Listowel native w • worked for the', local news- paper, the Banner, Jim will be looking for full time work in the fall in Toronto. In. -his spare time he'll be setting up a 'designconsulting,. firm in • his -home town. • medico Last summer. he worked • for the LACAC in Kincardine 067 m itt.e G1tNRRA1..SEItelCE' 0El,481$0iT8 Administration Medical records Dietary Laundry Linen Housekeeping, .Plant operations 13i0te44i4iit - Cent rani. supply P1i0FES$IONA1. snavtCE fli;`Pn1t13'ft NtS ' Nix rsing•ndmimstration N4rsii, .. Nursery Delivery- roOm. Operat tog root,. Laboratory Pharmacy • - Radiology Physiotherapy. EMcrgeney Ambulance • Cormutnieation'i Medical, staff Ora,rs Medical and surgic l supplied 0IIIER EXPENSES Employee bepefi'ts Depreciation ;Itui 1 din is Equipment Interest' on loan tad debts PerCenk,i;;o of tlirpesSes falien t ditya (oicetud'ing 430 newt 614 ,1n 1978) 4.'eraj a chili ;per day 11 T1Ay'S; DETAILS OF OPERATING EXPENSES Year ended March 31-.1979 Other Salaries Expenses $ 87,025 26,101• 91,563 26,606 1,400 52,562 13,806 • 36,085', 11.258^ .346,406_ 69,542 301,529 5,015 21,419 31,463 28,227 10,186 39,552 12,580 25,756 19,148 26,055 25,072 15'„64 127,497. i2 r 689.547 78.4% $ 35,592 900 26,341 . 1,411 3,390. ' 5,126. 52;837. 22,045 147.642 s 122,617 . 27,001 117,904 28,017 4,790 • 57,68$ 66,643' 58,130' 11,258 494,048 7. 8.8 2.0 8.5 2.0 .3 ' 4.2 4.8 4.2 35.6 69,542 5.0 940 302,469 21.8 5,015 .4 21,419 1.5 880 32,343 2.3 47,299 75,526 5.4 86 10,372 .7 7,293 •46,845 3.4 (357). 12,223 .9 25,156'- 1.8 19,148 1.4 21,855 1.6'' 25,072 1,8 50,110' 2,2 ' (4 ,200): 30,719 w 18,8b1 18,801 1.4. ,,•1.01,461 717,LOs 51:6. 121,497 952• 20,716' 20,86 1.5 25,021 25,021 1.8 3,112. 5,112: .2 t,7oi) 1,.700 � ,.•.1,.. 50,514 , ,, 478 046 ..12,8 5 652 . St 381' 199 • 10)0.07. l r6 100.0% 8,871 4156,58 SCHEDULE 'B'- Fifteen months ended March 31, 1978 , Other_ • Salaries Expenses Total 7e- - $ 102,604 $ 50,506 31,841- 919 1027244 28,996 '31,196, ', 1,557 1,642 3,695 61,542 7,157 16,857 69,386 46,878 20,730 13,113 ' 407,917 1.82,946: $' 153,110 9:3 • 32,760 2.0 ' 131,240 7.9' 32,733 2;0 5,337 .3 68,699 • 4.2 86,243 -5.2 67,608 4.1 13,113 .8 590,863 35.8 88,295 88,295 347,944 981 348,931- 8,800 8,800 35,077 , ..•35,077 40,919 • 1,322 42,241 36,025 57,1.18 93,143 10,286 119 10,405 43,931 • 8,494 • 52,425 12,105' (79) 12,026 28,859 .28,859. 21,779' 21,779 '30,679 (5,250) 25,429 30,516 30,516 37,436 37,456 27,403 :27.403, 735.215 127,550 ,,. 862,765 133,617 25,917 32,622 5,373 670 ..133.677.. •,64,582: 81 216,809 8375,0711 77.3% 22,17, 5.3 21.2 5 .2,1 2.6 5.6 .6 3.2. .7' 1.7 1.3 1.6 1.8 2.3 1.7 .52.2• 133,677' 8.1, 25,917 1.6. 32,622 2'0 5,373' .3 x.. 670 • 193,259 S1,651,667• 100.0'1; 12,'408 $13.3.13' 12,0'., 100.0 staff . Repotting."ts were given by each medical staff committee to the Seaforth Community mee Hospital board at the annual Dr. Rodney, presenting the Infection Control Com- mittee Report, said ,that admissions totalled' '.1,67, with. 1,048 active, and 19' chronic patients. Total oper ations showed a ratio of almost 3 to 1, with 215. in -patients, , and . 636 out- patients. There were. 67 admissions with infections, and 55 out-patients' with organisms isolated. The monthly infection rate, reported Dr. Rodney, varied ' from nil in four months, to a maximum. • of 2.9 on one occasion. Other rates were. 2.8, 2.5, 1.9 and 1.2, all quite, acceptable, be said. The Medical Advisory Committee had nothing new ta.•report, said Chairperson . Dr. Whitman.. The Nominations Com mittee, chaired. by Dr. Wick- wire, presented the list of officers for election in the 1979 fiscal year. The follow- ing list Was accepted: as submitted: -President, Dr. R. Whitman; Chief of Staff,, Dr, 1 . Malkus; Secretary Treats , ureic, Dr. K. 'Rodney', and) Recording Secretary, Mrs.. M. Batne5. An tzpositor Clasiffied: wilt pry you dividends. Have you tried beef Mai $27.0240