HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1979-07-05, Page 2277.7 T77''C',777.w IHE H.URCN EXP04.1174gt .JULY 5„ 1074 • • rt..7,ne , Ir"VH4 V ' Rt, 1 tenting Ev.eattt,. „ . CLINTON LegiOn, every Ilatrsc4ay, $:00 p.m. 1s.t rept ar earl.$i.QO Stricted 10.16. yors. ovgr,. 15 regular games of .$15.0(); • $51e..tist ensplit. Many .01ber • speciWs.. Jackpot 1200.0O3' must go ePcb Week. IL08tf GT Aroxra• CHARLIE PRIDE July 22nd' • Shelburne Ontario Bring your lawn ehair .and piceie See the Charlie'Pride Show at 2 pm. & Admission & Bus Ride 523 per person. 1.084f Bingo Every Tuesday Night • at the VANASTRA CENTRE R.R. 5. Clinton •8 P.M. First regular card 51,00 15 Ftegular gaines of S15,00 3 Share the Wealth Jackpot 5200 must go Admission restricted to 16 years orover 1-,08-tf NORRIS Reunion Sunday • July 8th at the farm of Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Norris R. R. #2, Staffa. 1,08.1 RECEPTION for Beth (13roorne) and Bill Salisbury. Seaforth Arena •July 6. 9 to 1:00 pan, 1.0t3xl FESTIVAL Singles Dance, Fri. July 13 Victorian Inn. Stratford,'Daneing 9 -1. Wel- come all singles over 25, (No blue jeans), 1-08-2 KEEP open Wednesday July 18th ,for the Annual Chicken Barbeque Brodhagen Com Centre. Dance the same evening to the music of "Rollin Smoke." 1-08-1 MeGavin Reunion, July 15. 2 • p.m. at Neil MeGavins, 192-1 COLEMAN Reunion. July 15 2 p.m. Stanley Township Park. Side Road 10 (Houston Heights). 1 -08x2 - WHITE Carnation. Holmes;, villeoffers smorgasbord Wednesdas, throogh o Sun da , Noon special. 12 to 2 p.m.: Wed. -Sat. S3.75 per .person. Salad bar. hot' buffet. dessert, coffee and tea. Din- .- ner 5:30 - 8:00 pan, Wednes- day - Saturday -• ':30 and Sunday 5 - 30. 55.95 per persoe, 53.50 12 and under. Pre school 51,50. Featuring roast beef. for week days plus selection On weekend., Reservations requested Sat. night, Telephone 482-9228. after hours 524-4111. 142-4 • Corning Events, 1" Coating taVent#4. Vorning Evens .. „ . . gfteo Tours SITra*it Ltd, MITCHELL 348-1402 MT. FOREST . 323-1345 if it's TraNel. We base .ti 7 re v,qi prepared for the 'frustrations of trying. to purchase gas for your private ear On a trip. Most ihwCinments are encouraging people to use; pOblie traosportation, spell as bustrain or •PlaneDon't be disappointed this summer, take one ofoer diesel powered bus tours and let us ,oike the 'sorry out of your travel. 5 DAY N1OOSONEE - Feateringi,' 1 , • Chi•Cheeman Ferrs to South, l3a. Mouth. see Sudburs. Timmins. . Cochrane and Moosonee ' - Polar Bear Express Train - Lake MOskoka Cruise Price. S199.00 L'a , twee DepartJuh 22, Aug. 26 ,---.----, 7 PAY CAPE COD - Highlighting the New England States • Ferry across Lake Champlain • Visit Cape Cod. Provineetown, and Hyaonis Ferry to Island of Nantucket Price: 5319.00 cad' twin Departs July I', 15 DAY MINI. WEST " • Tra), el through the Muskoka Lakes to Kenora - guided do. tours of Edmonton, Calg.ary & Medicine Hat . ' Jasper NatiOnal Park & Rocks Mts.. The Columbia -Ice Fields AS: Jasper 51,t,, 'Tram. ' Priee: Sn19.00 ea. tw in Departs Aug. 13 3 DAY AGAVVA CANYON • Featuring the Bruce Penninsela to Tobermory . . - Chi-Cheemaiin ' FerrY, and Mani' • tenant Island to Sault Ste.- Marie • Fell Day Excursion, to Agawa Canyon • Bring -your camera - Sodbury and Muskoka Lakes Price: SI29,00 ea. twin. Departs July. 15. , . 7 DAY EAST COAST & MINI.:.'' CRUISE . • Through Saranac. Lake to Portland, Main. cruise 11s' miles to Y:irmottth Nova Scotia. Visit, Htilifax and see beautiful Bay of Fundy. ' • ' Priee: 5319.00' ea. le in. Departs Aug. 03 . DAY PENN DUTCH , • - Tour the Alleheny Mts. Visit Gettysburgaiid tour Amish Country. Tote- Hershey Chocolate Pictotv Cornish Glass Works, Priee: $(98,04) ea, twin„ ,Departs hey. 29. .. . • . We have many' other. Coins aVailable, just pbotie orwritc,,fer Our brochere. Group rates also avtlilable. For reservtitions. call collect., • ' • 1-08-1 The Huron Counts. Health Unit invites you to attend the Child Health Clinic. Health Unit Office. SEAFORTH COMMUNITY •HOSPITAL on Thursday, JULY 12, 1979 from 9:30 - 11:30 a.m. for 1, Health Surveillanee 2. Anaemia SCreening • 3, Immunitation 4. Fluoride • 1-08-1 (1SI1 JNlI uti as:W.4111c at he 1 1tu 1posuor • 52-.0240. seatorth 1 l'-62xtf AR interested persons or organizations are invited to attend a meeting of the HURON COUNTY •• COMMUNITY SERVICES • COUNCIL on THURSDA1', JULY 12 • at the Agricultural and Food Building, 20 King Street. Clinton at 9:30 a.m. 1.08-1 5 Bus Opportunity NTIONAL . interior decor- ating company requires decorating consultant. Full Or par! tit/W. For Perth and Huron counties, no experi- ence necessary. 'Sii month training period required. Apply in writing to Box 291. Stratford. 5-07-2 4 Help, Wanted 4 Help. 'Warned MATURE person live in housekeeper companion for - elderly lady. Good lime, BABYSITTER during week. good wages; capable of dri- and occasionally on week- The Huron County Health Unit invites vou to attend the Child Health Health Unit Office. Medieal Building. Brussels. on TUESDAY, JULY 10, 1979 • front 9: .10 . 11:30 a m4 for: 1. Health Sun eillanCe 2 Aeaeroiti Si.!reenirtg 3. Immunization 4., Fluoride 1.92-1 Classified Rates WORD 'COUNT Charges are based on the nuniber of words. Sets 4)1 numerals as for serial numhersstreet numbers, phone nuMbers or prices count as one word per set. Words joined by hyphens count as separate words FIRST INSERTION - IS words 52.50 10c per word thereafter SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS - Mo copy eh:Ingo. .8c per word, minimum $2.00 SEMI -DISPLAY FIRST INSERTION - 52.17 per column inch. SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS 51,89 per column inch (Minimum site in this category 1 ti2 inches. Accepted iii multiples of half inch.) BOX NIERS TO THIS OFFICE - 50e per insertiOn, BIRTHS - 15 wOrds. $2,50 10e per word thereafter, Engagenients. Death Notices. 15 words 52.50, each additional word 10e. LN IHENIORIAMS t2.50 Plus 10c per line of verse COMING EVENTS 15 words 52.50, each additional word 10e, Three insertions for the price of 2, CARD OF THANKS - 30 words 52.50 each additional word 50c DISCOUNT FOR CASli PAYMENT ON Olt BEFORE FRIDAY NOON IN WEEK OF INSERTION. No cancellation ofrnultlpiinsertion AdvertiSernetitS after Noon, Tuesday Doublet tor chuislited ails Is 12 NOlin Tuctultio ' Phone -527-0240 • ving, Starting July 16. 527- ends for infant. 527-0594. 0998, 4-05-2 4-08-2 Applications for the position of Personnel • Relations Officer for the Huron 'County Beard. Of Education will be receised by the" Undersigned Until 4:00 P.M. ON AUGUST 3, 1979 '1 is a neW position and although. the initial major responsibility will entail the negotiation and sets icing or ,tit eonective agreements, thesuceessful applicant will be expected to study the present operatiorril model and recommend changes which would bring abont thc formation of a Personnel Sem, ices Department for which he she ‘eould be responsible. Salary and benefits will be discussed with Selected applicants at interviews which will be held late in A tigitst or early in September, , D.J. COCHRANE, DIRECTOR OF EDUCATION, THE HURON COUNTY BOARD OrEDI)CATION 103 ALBERT STREET, CLINTON, ONTARIO. NOM ILO 4-08-2 Village of Henson requires a Works Su perintendent• • Applications will be received by the undersigned until MONDAY, XIS 9, 1979 rot a Works Superintendent. Qualifications: EXperience in municipal road work. drainage and sewer systems beneficial, but not essential. • Salary commensurate with qualifications and ex. perience. Apply in writing with full particulars to: MRS.) ELIZABETH A, OKE Clerk -Treasurer P.O. Box 219 HenSall, Ontario NOM XII 4,07.2 7 Situations Wanted PERSON seeking 'foil time general employ Meta. Has fArnt experience. 527-1819. *arm Stack 1:ttr Sale GOOD Quality york land rave gilts bred hampshire due soon. Phone Kippen 262- 500. 8-084 28 pigs, 10 weeks old. Joseph Derssey, Dublin, 345.2824. 8-08-1, ONE young Soanen billy geat, suitable for breeding this fall. Tom Jorgensen'. R- R. #4, Seaforth evenings. 8-08x1 HOLSTEIN bull calf: also baled hay. 527-1435. 8.081 20 Vveaner pigs. a‘erage 40 lbs. 345,2.170, 8-07.2 QUALITY Pigs for,sale, Call 348-8857 collect. Delivered if necessary. 8-04-5 SERVICE age York. Hamp and. Hamp X York boars. ' Also open gilts. Boll Rohm - son, R R 44 W.11t00. 34,5.231- • 8-08-2 Used Cars For Stile 1976 Plymouth Gran Fury V8 automatic. P.S,, P.13., 4 door family car. good condition. S2.900. 482-3762. 10-08x1 • 1974 Pootiac eatalina 2 door hardtop VS rebuilt automatic transmission, new paint, cer- tified. 527-1905 during day, 527.1425 evenings. 10.08-1 1973 Ford Maverick. 2 door 6 cylinder motor, good condi- tion, will certify. 482-9175. 10-08-1 ; -OW 1 Articles For Sale coms Copies of your importaet papers or doCuMeets while Yoe, wait. Letter sire, 25e each. THE HuRoN, EXPOSITOR SWIMMING POOL Man, ufacturer has new 1,978 Pools regular priee 52,190,00 now at our in season special of 51.355.00. Pools come with walkaround deck, patio. fen- cing pump, motor and filter. Delivery arranged to your c!onrcznience, For hest selec. tion and information call 21n61pc5ria1PoolstoIlfreoe1-18000cai 8970,ofwithin gr calling area 746-3340) I I-08-tf STRIP tickets for admission or refreshments, single and duplicate, The Huron Ex- poSitor, Seaforth. 11 -08xtf BOX of boy's clothing si-e.es 12 & 14 including jaekets, -pants, shirts. Phone 527- 1807.) 11-08x I HAY for sale, f4tuoked in field. 482-3202. BARN windows for sale4 cheap and gas heaters. 52.7- 0655, 11-08,2 FALSE teeth, long under wear? Expositor classifieds have sold 'almost everything, . Place- pier ad today by ealling 527-0240. 50 cents off sheen you pay eash, 1-08xtf CUTE black and white pup- pies to give away, 527-0866. CAULIFLOWER, lettuce, green onions and cut flowers. Apply 15" Market Si 1963 GMC partially convert- ed bus, seized motor, full size propane fridge, stcoe. 5400.00. Write Peter Snell. co Blyth Summer Festival. Myth or td.: 523-9269 MAN'S bicycle; alsowo- (Blyth) or (416) 832-1417 man's bieyele, 535.00 each. (Maple). 10-084 Phone 527-0800. 11.08-1 COPPE1ITONE two door re- frigerator and 24 '' gas stove. Very good condition 527-1505 After 6:00 p.m. 11-08x I I I Articles For Sale ONE 7 piece chrome set. oval table. swivel chairs, gold' eolour. After six 527-1443, 11-07-1. GESTETNER INK available a e uron Expos tor, 527-0240, Seaforth. I I-08-tf 8 track recorder/player, small turntable (new needlO 50 rock and roll. tapes. Best offer, Phone 527-1219, 11-08x1 • • RASPBERRIES, red and black. Piek '.our own by appointment only. 527-1519, 54" bed. spring, filled mat- tress with foundation, -dom. plete .with head board. In fairly good condition. Best offer Door suitable for cot- tage or garage side door, Completewith Yale lock, Best offer. Phone 527-1799, 11-08-1 MAHOGANY china cabinet, one 23" black and white T.V.: single iron bed and spring, 527-015. 11 ,-08x1 TOPPER cap for 1/2 tote truck 26" high, insulated, panelled with curtains.527-1645. I 1 -08. I CAR stereo system' 1 pioneer underdash supertuner (cas- SVVIMMING POOLS to Rent Will lease and install for homeowners, family size aluminum swimming pools with patio. Choice of styles. meeting all fencing reg- ulaticins On a one, two or 'three year rental basis with option to Men. Try before you buy! Call Imperial Peals toll free 1.800.268-5970: (If with. in our Ideal calling arca 746-3340) 11•084•440*. FARM wagon $150.00, rid. ing lawn tnowcr 31/2 hp, 3100.001 tractor radio, 26.00, 262.6=408' 1).07.2 PIANO -ORGANS new and, used at lowest prices. Prom June 16th to August 20th store Will Often by appoint - mem only. Pultifet Music 527.1S08 Ot 527.005111.084, PICK your oWn cherries at Murray Brothers Orchard. four miles South West of 'Thedford on Ridge Road. Sweet cherries ready July 7th Montmorency July 10th. GLOXINIAS Regular 510.00 SALE S5.00 Thursday, Friday and Satur- day till noon, white they last. MaeLEANS FLOWERS 527-0800 , 11.08-1 • • FORD 8N Tractor. Engine rebuilt last year. 3 point hitch. Industrial two-way in- , end loader with Hydraulic Milterial Bucket 5950. deliverd Or best` Offer. Bill Southgate 527-0812. 11-07x1 11-08.2. dependant Hydraulics front ONE person's junk is another s •gold mine: Turn your unwanted articles into cash with an EXPOSITOR classified, 527.0240,. ' 11 -08xtf 'INTERNATIONAL 715 Com- bine -cab, heater. straw chopper, tenni pick-up with rubber mounted teeth, cut- ting equipment, bean cy- linder availablelow acreage. Excellent condition. 482-7230 11.07-2 ette) brand new. 1 set 6x9 triaxial speakers. 1 pioneer 40 watt anip. 262.5041 11.08x1 10 ft, MJ S.P. swather New, Canvases, Air coded motor in good working Order, Call Jot O'Reilly 345.2465, 11-084 1971 Dodge half ton truck, as is, bot offer, 527.1895. 11.08.2 620 John Deere tractor Com- pletely equipped with 3 pt hitch, live p1,0., remote control . attachment and power steering, At condition 2010 -John Deere with John Deere loader, dual cylinder bucket, power steering. 350 hours sine coltipletely OVer- hauled, Wader, cylinders re. built Otte year ago. 527.1895. 11-08.2 • 11 Articles For Sale GOT 40elething JO Sell? 9000 people read, the EXPOSITOR clesSitied, ad S every week. Place your low priced Expositor elaSsified at 527.0240, 11.08xtf 1,7' Orbit Trailer, gas fridge; stove and ferpaee, toilet. awning & trailer hitch incl• 527-0474 after 6 p.m. 11.08x2 ENJOY the wonderful world of outdoor gas cooking with a charm glow gas fired barh- ecue available at Ken Selith poolsLtd. Egmondville. Call 527-0469 or 527.0411. Cost $159.00, 12 Wanted To Iny1 WANT to buy a fridge, a Ford. or A phonograph? Try an EXPOSITOR wanted to buy classified ad:. 527.0240, 13 Wanted OLD BRICK Buildings for Demolitien and Salvage por- poses. Contact Ross Lumley. 1185 Murphy Road, Sarnia. 1-542-4088; Ontario's largest supplier of reclaimed bricks, • 13.0,44 GOOD used furniture. 482- 7922. 13.08,tf Property For Sale BAILEY eatEstatelt cunt.. Phone: 4624371 1 • storey. frame home with heated workshop and &tn. age. Located on ,Raved road, - I mile -no t-tlt:f..Brussels ideal for small business. 46 ACRES - near Brucefield, .good .buildings, set up for hogs. On paved road. • HULLETT TWP. - 71 acres. No buildin".2.* *44, 150 ACRES - in Morris Twp. with - barn and 11/2 storey frame home. ' ****** EGMONDVILLE - On North Stbuilding lot svith 87 ,ft: frontage. ;***."' 11/2 storey home on large nicely treed lot in Egli-1°nd- ville . Very :1ic:1:a decor ted and landscaped. • MORRIS' TWP. 1 floor 3 bdrtn, brick home on 4 acres 1/2 mile from BrusselS. Two good barns. • *'Aig * * MORRIS TWP.. 2 floor brick home on 5 'acres With frame barn, 2 miles from Blyth. Severed. Restaurant and gas bar, rural village. Apartment above. HULLETT TWP. - 4 'acres with good brick home with • barn and shed. 4, * FOOD FOR THOUGHT Laughter is a tranquilizer with no side effects,- 14-08-1 Property For Sale Property ;For Stile • M N REAL- ESTATE LTD. Henn' Mewl SenfOrth Office-. -5274430 Rawl!' Wo man, clintstt Oftlee....., A ..4IR-3455. Dirk van der Wert, Rea.. .. .4824165. Ron pnlrort, °Mee- .SO -2797 SEAFORTH AND AREA 11010S s%Micl'ecoill,00%eAstN,a0b0FliLs°heWd FLOWERS -eaArovrteh7Wfli°th4rAisheitonmgfbaruiSalbnleesSi, bedroom, I floor home. A great investment at ONE OF THE LAST REMAINING' ESTATES IN SEAFORTH-Large 2 storey brick home on 31/2 'acres of land • possible 10 building lots. for more information give us A Vali, ISABELLE ST. -Ranch style home, 3 bedroom and. featuring a completely finished rec room, games room and attached garage. The kind of home you've always wanted at $59,000,00 GODERICH ST. WEST -Extensively renovated, 3 se3eatzot70.011„, storey at the very affordable price of EAST WILLIAM ST. -Take advantage of the mortgage on this 2 storey, brick home. A family home with 2 baths. 3 bedrooms and large kitchen $34,000.00. • CLOSE TO DOWNTOWN -71 block from the heart of downtown, this 11/2 storey home has had several renovations done. Priced at 529,000,00: BRICK DUPLEX --Beautiful decor in this 2 storey brick hone on- a large lot. Home is presently . duplexed at 537.000.00. $52,000.00, -,This 3 bedroom ranch style home has economical gas heat and a full•basement. A quality built John Price home. very generously appointed: ISABELLE ST. BEAUTY -We have a 1,800 Sq. Ft. angelstene bungalow complete with large 'country kitchen. family room with fireplace and, two baths all on one floor. Priced right at 557,500.00, INCOME „PROPERTY -On Main St. we have 2 Store fronts and Lapartnient.:A very good location for a retail business. A STARTER HOME -S22.000.00 will buy this: 3 bedroorn bungalow on South Main St: Close to uptown and a well treed lot. SOUTH MAIN ST. -We have a 3 bedroom, I floor home on 'a large It. close to downtown. Priced at 529,900.00. .HARPURHEY-A 2 storey, 4 bedroom executive style. home with family room, double garage, fireplace, 2 baths and many more conveniences too numerous to mention. Priced at $75,000.00 4 BEDROOM -A beautiful- large 'home on John St: with self-contained bedroom apartment for added Inceme. Don't miss this one. • EGMONDVILLE-Grandest view in Egmondville is seen Ironthe kitchen window of this 1 Vi storey brit.* home on full acre. Nicely decorated and landseaped. Down. to earth price at 538,500.00 FARMS AND COUNTRY PROPERTIES 20 ACRES -Hog ilhiShing operation with modern- ized barn. Twc silos, drilled well and 4 bedroom home. What triere could you ask for 569,900:00 WEST OF WINTHROP-3: bedroom, eompl etely renovated 11/2 stores, sided home. Situated on a well treed lot - 2 acres, Priced right at $52;500.00. TUCKERSMITH-97 Acres of ehoicelaed - very level.-Priee and location on request, NEAR KINIBURN-Iermi room. brick bunga- low on !A acre. A ..)%soisis#' in the country at • s45,000,00 COUNTRY LIVING AT ITS BEST -This 4 bedroom hione is' iiiimaculate in Tuckersmith. It has had several. renovations and is on one glorious ,acre. Priced at 550.000.00. bedroorn home, drilled Well, 210 drained and 225' 'ACRES. IN .Me1CILLOP-complete . with, 4 workable acres. A complete dairy operation with • quota, machinery and stock. Complete information on request. • ,ALIVIAThe tasteful decor shows in this 4 bedroom, brick bungalow. Complete with 2 fireplaces, rec room, Hanover Kitcheti, • double ',car garage and many more extras. • COUNTRY HOME -10 McKillop, 2 storey sided home taStefullY decorated with natural stone fireplaCe..Drilled small barn. S55,000.00 I1/2'MILES NORTH OF SEAFORTH-:Oit the payed road, we have a 3 bedrodni, 11/2 storeysided frame home. Complete; with garage, patio doors, sun deck, large .kitehen and' small barn. KINBURN-3 bedroom mobile home, drilled well OUR LISTINGS. PICK UP A COPY OF THE "REAL ESTATE" $27,900,00, Extra lots priced at 56,00:10: each. MAGAZINE AND SEE PHOTOS OF OVER 100 OF • REAL ESTATE LTD. Harold 'Workman, Clinton Office. Dirk vert de t Werf, 482-3455 Henry, Mere, SeatOrdi Office. Ron Dolton, Hayfield Offke. . . . 482-3455 Res. 411Z-316.5 . . 527-0430 . 565.2797 SUNDAt -JUT 8th,, PROM I tOtlTO 4 bedroom, 2 attirey red brick home on a nicely treed 31/4 acres S miles cast �f Londesboto. 14.79.,t A lovely well shaded 4 'bed- room farm home, 31/2 miles from lientall with extra ,gar age space aVailable. Phone 262-6809. 14-08-1, USE EXPOSITOR . WANT -ADS Phone 527-0240 Additional Classified .next page