HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1979-07-05, Page 14THE HURQN: EXPQSITO „ Sport alk by Fain' Bilis, MO Well Mom and Dad. its SOMMer tittle again .and little Johttfy i5 going to be looking for sorhething to 4o. Ot Bourse he's been waiting for the holidays erne. last fall. but by the end of next week lte'llG be bored silly. In an attempt to keep, the sweet darlings out of Moms hair for at least a little while.. here's a few suggestions about,'how to get them out of the house and;: into' some interesting activities,. Starting off' the list is the ever -popular Lion's ,Park,: The main attraction is, nattltallY the . swimming pool. With clie addition of a water heater last ,summer. the pool is now even. more enjoyable than ever, ettcept for anyone practicing to 'become .a penguin, As long as the long, weekend was :not an, indication of the weather to come sending Johnny swimming should take care of him for perhaps four or five • afterneens a wr ek. Remember the fishing derby:', the park Mack int the spring?' Try to cenvinee Johnny-the-Swim;nstar that he might al':0 e4lassify as Johnny-the.*-great"angler: There's sure to be a few of those,` trout still hanging around Silver Creek somewhere But don't forget to tell hint that the poor helpless fish should be set free after being caught. Otherwise. you .Wright end: up cleaning the catch for tomorrow's supper, .Baseball Is. always a favourite among r°oungsters, both boys 4n **1b Suggest to Johnny that major league scouts may pass through town some afternoon, and could .even pay,A visit to the local ball dtantonds. In Seaforth. the public and 'high salmis. as, well, as the Optinnst and Lion's pants. ail 'have good ball diamonds. Each of the above locations else: feature fields large ki.,1ds enough_ to .aecommodate a good ;game ot: soccer ar touch football. (Make stere that it is- touch football, because a game of tackle 1011 undoubtedly send Johnny home bruised or scraped.) An added bends is that all: these games require a whole group Of star athletes just like Johnny. who would otherwise be bogging'tbeir own =others. Jobnny will make some friends nod: you will become popular among the ,other moms with dear little children. Cycling is a good way for the kid to have fun. as long as his sight-seeing tours are within a MileOr SO of town. 1t"s also good exercise for him. but don't tell him that or he's sure to refuse. Most kids around here have their own bikes, quite often •rive o* ten -speeds. If not, surely a friend has one he will lend. Seaforth has rnany different organized' teams for all ages. Soccer teams; baseball teals. swine teams.. We've, got them ball >t ;Johnny is interested, seenf you can get ;him on one. But only: if HE is interested. Recreation'; Director Clive Buist has done a lot ofvvork on organizing many events for Seaforth youth this summer, and he could' give you a list of happenings that would interest little Johnny, or little Sally: Clive's office is located in the arena, and his phone number is 52'-0882. One point to remember above all else: spend some time with Johnny and Sally. The. won't he around for ail! thatmany more summers before they start to'dritte After that, you'll probably have to travel to, the beach, or the drive-in to see them: at all.. As for now, try to keep them occupied having fun. In Seaforth, that shouldn't be all that hard to do. . FISHIN" FOR FOOD—Tim Campbell: sof St Mary's, grandson of Bill and Verna, Campbell of Seaforth, tried all day but just couldn't catch one big enough to, eat. But he really enjoyed himself. (Expositor photo) JUST LIKE PROS—Soccer is a gamethat any •nutinber of people can play,' and only a ball and a large field are. needed!: (Expositor photo) ARCHITECTURAL DELIGHT—The futgristic '`monkey bars' found at Seaforth Public School provide.. hours of.:pleasure for young, explorers. (Expositor photo) SUMMERTIME COMPETITORS — Seaforth's youth activity program, Summertime '79 opened Tuesday with a ball hockey tournament in the community centre. (Expos itor .Photo) reens y Carolann. Doig Although we are well into our golf season I don't: think it's too late to talk about:. lookingafter your golf equip- ment, After cleaningout some of the lockers in the spring and seeing the state that some equipment was left in ALL WINTER, I should have touched on this subject sooner. In any case, .better late thannever. If you take good care of your equipment the benefits are obvious, Your gear will last longer and give you more for your money. You will play better and get more enjoy. trent out of the game. Clubs are of major concern and Should be kept clean and . Head cove e ,dry covers sh. uld be kept on the woods at all times unless they are wet. :Remove the wet headcovers . until they're dry and dry the heads' of the woods. Although, vinyl or leather headcovers that match golf hags are nice to. look at, they are not as good for your clubs as the knit covers available. If the clubs art wet, these knit he'adcovo ers allow themoisture to =cape and there is less danger of damage to the woods. ,Moisture is the Worst enemy of a woollen club, So be sure to keep them dry and in a cowl place" Many golfers beep their clubs in the •wilek of the c*r, so they ate *t hand all of the time. This is one of the worst plates they editbe pi: If they are Iptin the trunk wet -and. the tempera - Aire rises, this can cause swelling of the woods and clacks. If weight' is placed on. top of the clubs and .they are bumped around while dri, ving, the shafts may get • bent. Wipe the woods clean after 'each round and restore the shine with furniture polish or wax. Irons clubfaces should be leaned and the dirt removed. froth the grooves. This will give better backspin and! control on your iron shots. Dont use abrasive brushes or cleansers as this may dam- age the Chrome, A light coat of caster' oil or leather conditioner revives the tacky feeling on your leather grips. Wash, rubber' :grips with suds and water. Golf bags Should be large enough to accommodate your dubs without overcrowding which can damage the grips and shafts. Vinyl bags should be cleaned with soap and water, and leather bags sh:auld becleaned twice a year with leather conditioner Or saddle soao, olf Eleven greens were in play last week for men's pairs lawnbowling tournament. In • first place was Andy Burnett and 'partner of Woodstock with 3W+4312nd went to Walter Newcombe' and Bert Gray of Clinton with :3+41, 3rd was Mel Brady,. Jack Patterson: Seaforth with 2W+40 0/6 and 4th was Syd :Thomson and Hugh Work man; Stratford 2W+:40 0J1, Consolation went to Harold Rings" entry from Fairmont Club London. The next 'Seaforth Tournament will be Wednesday July l lthat'1:30 p.m. men's pairs bowling for. the Stewart Trophy. This is also a men's pair's. tourna- ment. Seaforth club has won the District Singles for both men. and ,ladies with Brenda Finalyson . winning ' for the ladies in Goderich last Thursday and Mel Brady • winning;' for the men.. Good Luck to both bowlers in their next roundof bowling later in July.. Met . grade winning. for the- men, hemen. Good, Luck to both bowlers .in their next round of bowling later in July. Three ladies entries of doubles are competing 'at Lucknow on Wednesday while a number of our then. bowlers are attending men's pairs at. Clinton.: , 'Tuesday : evening saw a good turnout of bowlers and winners were Mary Finlay Son and Katie Phillips for the ladies with Ed Andrews and Bert Walters for the men. Plans are being made for our big 50th anniversary tourna- ment on August 22. This is to be a double draw and. Tuesday evening a., commit- tee wasformed to make .plans for same. Arthur Finlayson Shoes are often, the most abused of the golfer's equip. anent. Grass and dirt should be removed, from the soles and spikes: after every, round:. :Cheek' spikes.. before' and .after each round to assure. that they're tight and in good. order. Use a little oil or petroleum jelly in the threads of new spikes, so they won't nest. _in and become. "spiny Hers?' or irremovable. She trees will help to keep the shoes in shape especially if they're' put away still damp, Balls are often kept for ages but you should realise that they do age and deteri- orate. Old balls go stale and the, rubber loses its elasticity especially if the balls have been kept in a warm place.. Use the old,balls for putting practice if you've had them, six months or more. • Pull carts should be tubri. rated and the bearings cher. ked s to insure ttre a smooth pull. Who wants to lose a wheel or other.vital part while still a mile from the clubhouse. It takes only a few minuted after each round to clean uovour eouiomePt. A tovw'el'. is handl. while playing to keep balls clean and club faces in good hitting shape. Most courses will provide a club cleaning service and I've found this to be 'a handy way to keep your clubs spie 'n span. Well even though Div clubs were; shiny and clean, and I was:' 'one of the 'brightest: dressed on the Mitchell course 'last week, my Score left much to• be ' desired! However, the other girls from our club didmuch better and in spite of the pounding rain we all had a great time. Of course an hour and a half in a shelter a mile from the clubhouse, gave us lots of time to chat with ladies from other clubs: Bunn Longstaff. 'and Jean Stewart each brought home a prize in their flight and also Mert Elliott and Kay Sharp were prize; winners from the As for C.A. here. . .better 'luck next time! At one point I R. K. PECK APPLIANCES "lit the heart of dove ntown Varna VACUUM CLEANERS • 9,1c% imitt nuke CB RADIOS AND ACCESSORIES s SPEED QUEEN APPLIANCES • r� MOFFAT APPLIANCES * SMOKE SENSORS * INSECT LIGHTS .AND'. PLY KILLING l: ITS RAND CRAFTED GIPIr5 'A Varna, Ont. 482.7' Cha ent • thought it may be easier to go out and get struck by light ping than come home and tell everyone my score....1' maynot be able to hitthe ball like a Doig but I certainly have the boig golfing temper. There is .a junior .tourna- ment coming up in Stratford and we hope to take a few car loads of juniors to play. A ;signing -up sheet has been posted for juniors who would like to go. Entries close July 7, so be Sure to let me know if you're planning to go. Men's night is on again tonight. Last week Moe Huard and Randy Millar combined with a 42 and 36 respectively for a 78 total. Three groups were tied at 79'. so it was a close race. This Saturday the. Seaforth Beaver's' Old Tuners Hockey Team will try their hand at golf in a mixed two 'ball tournament, They'll tee off on Saturday afternoon so it would be wise to get Satur- day's round in early. willbe chairman along with Elmer •Townsend, Ella. Munro, Thelma Dale,Mary Finlayson',, Claire Reith and Eileen Adamson. Tickets are being sold on a quilt and portable T.V. and another old tyme, dance is being planned• all proceeds to go towards prizes and making. our anniversary a successful tournament. The committee w`i11 need everyone's sup- port. Ladies are bowling. Monday' afternoons while the men bowl Monday' night. Good. Bowling to all, THE SEPARATE SHOPPE MAIN CORNER, CLINTON. PHONE 412.4r71 (NEXT 1'O' CAMPBELL'S MEN`S 'WEARY OPEN 1-4 ESSES! All tin sale OPEN 1-4 i • Sports . Klppen Gun Club Kippen Gun Club Monday, July 2 with 22 shooters Derr Crerar' SO straight Brad Man 25 John Anderson 25 Burt Mahaffey 24: 'Lloyd Vernier 23. Harison S chock 23 .. Allan Bell 22 Al Kyle 22 Calvin- Christie 22 Jamie Caldwell 22 Bob Caldwell 21. Jim Butcher 20 -L. Lobb 20 Grant McGregor 20 Paul Ritchie 19 • • John Dixon 18 Roy Lambport - .l'8 ;Erwin Willem: 18 Robert McGregor, 17 ' Brian Baker 15 Lorne Passmore .: 15 Wayne McBride' 15 MARTINE MILLER MartinoMiller is the new asslatant manager of the Canadian Imperial Hanle: of Commerce, 'Sea Ses- forth Brancb.•Ms. Milier who: conies -from the Brantford area Is a • graduate of the Kana! tare, boldness and commerce program _pt' Rldgetown College of .ARrieukinulL Technology and was formerly with the credit division of the , bank's regional office In London. Adv.. WOMENS FITNESS, NIGHT • Etdoy an evening of fitness and oxcerclse. WHEN: Monday evenings: July 16, 23, 30 . Sept. 10, 17, 24 Aug. b, 13 Oct. 1, 8 WHERE: Seaforth Public School - COST: S20; for 10 week.; TIME 7:30 9:30 p.m. REGISTER: at the Recreation Qfilee by; fit. July 13 INSTRUC1oR: Lynne Devereaitix; Family and Children Exursion Services FACES WEEKLY CAMP July 9 -12th Ages 11-15' --- Prot,. Prov. Park July 23 -26th Ages 841i Con servation. Area July. 31 - Aug: 1 Ages 5-8 ' Prov. Pork: Aug. 13-14 Ages. 11.15 Location; Poln.t Farms -- Location: Parkhlil. Location: Point Farn>a --- Locatlont Parkhill. August 20=23 Ages 8-11 locatloni Point 'Forma Prov: Park .. _ . Contact Pauline Hall 524-7356 Sponsored by FACES, Huron County 10,1 This is the only notice you 11 receive that your substrription is due. CHECK YOUR ADRESS LABEL on• the front of your ;pa er P uP HERE'S HOW EXAMPLE • Doe, • John D. R.R.6, Walton' May 2-1-0-9 Mr. Doe's subscription ex- pries the first of May 1979. The last • digit at right indicates the year of expiry. DON'TMJSS A SIN GL E ISSUE!! Please watch the date on your label and renew before your subscription expires` Seaforth fxposittor Sitiue Igbt, 3t:i;•ving the Community First 527-0240