HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1979-07-05, Page 7ST, JAMES SGRADS The
rade 8 graduatingcl ss m
from St, James Separate School were (left to right): Front Row -
Teacher Patrick Shaughnessy, Karen Dale, Martin Bedard,
Judy Anatett, James; Groothuis, and Rosie. Van Dyk, Middle
Row - Rob. Dore; Caroline Willems, Debbie Costello,, Lynda. Van
Miltenburg, Mary Anne DeJong, Melissa Segeren, and Rob
e u .u'
n 4.
e De..ls � $
Oud; Back: Row _David Huard, Jackie' Nob l, P ►
Anne Marie McQuaid, and John .Fleming.
• (Expositor PhotG)
Craft: .columw,
Dolmage uses this 'rug, depleting an old . horse
and buggy as a wall -hanging in her Seaforth
home. Rug -hooking has been a lifetime hobby,
of hers.
.r. ■+. r r� r► tlfY1 tom. r ii' i'
Worn-out sweaters and hole -filled'
socks that would end up in the rag bag in.
most '`households can, be ,turned into a
beautiful, sturdy rug in the:hands of a
creative person with, a hook and a piece of
burlap, .
'Since she was a teenager with nothing to
do .over the tong winter months, Mrs:
Harvey. Dolmage of 32 Main St. N. has„.
been hooking rugs.
In those days there were, always —wool-
ens” which couldbe cut into the thin strips
that are necessary for her craft. Now Mrs.
Dolmage uses strips of her grandchildren's
old Sweaters and leotards to hook through
fibres in the burlap, making little loops on.
top which form:the rug surface.
A cut up potato sack or purchased piece.
of burlap with a design already stamped on
itis secured in a frame to form the backing
for the rug.
Mrs. Dolmage's grandfather made a
hook for her out of a fork ,with a wh. ittted:
handle but hooks can be purchased 'tn craft
The fabric consists of any wool rags or
worn clothing that the art -1St wants used up, -
1f the rightcolours are not available the
material can be dyed but Mrs. Dolmage
creates an interesting .effect by simply
using different shades of the sante eolour
without dyeing.
The finished products make durable and
colourful • scatter rugs, and are also
effective as :wall hangings., Six of . Mrs.
Dolmage's rugs were given to, her grand-
children as Christmas gifts.
It.. takes Mrs. Dolmage two 4sin'ters:to
• hook a large rug in her spare tinier She
uses burlap patterns she has saved op over
the years.She says they are hard to find
now, although patterns may be available in
the Zurich .area, Mrs. Dolmage mentioned
that the hooking kits with yarn in pre-cut
lengths that can'be purchasediin platiycraft
stores are very expensive compared to her
an , ►tE,
Seweral of the re sidelts
attended the Wintario Prov»
inciat lottery draw for Senior
Citizens at the .arena. Mem-
bers of the Lions Club,
kindly drove 'us to the arena
where we were comfortably
seated to watch the show.
The arena was well filled
vrith Seniors:':frorn here; front
the Manor and many local
citizens. of town and district.
It was interesting to see this
show which is often Shown on
T.V. Here : we saw ' the
choosing of tate numbers live,,
which is quite a complicated,
process. Some of our group
won "a bonus door prize of a
Every week more .ands
more people discover what
mighty jobs are" ac-
complished by low cost.
Huron Expositor Want Ads,
Dial 527:0240,
1N Ht
book of tickets but pope of us;
were in the :money. Prod
Dai` s of f=ront Page Chat-
lenge and Barbara Jessom
were Ao-M.C.'s for the pro-
gram, As I was seated in
the front row, one of the
gentlemen whom 1 presumed
was a member of the staff
spoke, to me, ;He iturned out
to be from Montreal Trust, a
native •of. Aberdeen. Sept
He there officially
that the numbers used
were determined fairly and
according to. rules.. A'Safety
Trusty' members of the end,'
fence were encouraged .to
push the hutton which Set the
action in motion. When the
bailss containing the, numbers
fated in their containers
and were shot into the path
which carried them to the
bucket from which they were
S#� Jamesgrac.
wins awards •
Grade 8 students of St.
James Separate School were
graduated. June 27, with
students being presented.
with various honors,.
The. Catholic Women's
League, under Christian and.
Family Life Convenor Mrs..
Dan O'Rourke, presented the
graduates with, medals to.
mark their achievement. The
ladies also prepared the
luncheon for the :students
and their parents and. grand-
The exercises were held
after mass and thanksgiving,
with Si:.ter Isadore Coyne as
guest. Speaker.
Leo Hagan, past Grand
Knight, of the Father
Stephen Eckert Council, of.
the Knights of Columbus of
Seaforth and District,
Phone, 527-0244
Feeble Argument
You can pay a lot less for radial tires
nese days. But in the::end yo�u'II
much mare if tF�crt bargain tire; decides
to go at' the 'wrong: marnent
Get smart rand puf
between you and the. road
= they make a good argument
Author:zed•Michelin dealer and Guaranteed Muffler Shoppe
Haugh Tire
& Muffler Supply Ltd.
Highway 4 South of Clinton. 8:30-8:303 6 days a week
482-3752 . 482-9796 CLOSED
presented. the Scholarship.
Awards to the top male and
female students, as chosen
by the principal..
Rosie Van Ayk. and Rob
Core received thisyear's
awards, which are presented
annually :by the Knights of
Columbus of Seaforth and
District to the two students
chosen in each of the nine.
schools in its area..
*ken by twoof the; staff and
placed on the board in_ full
view. These were the lucky
numbers. We recorded each
Anasheet of paper providedided
along with a pencil, We were
able to compare them to our
tickets which we had at hand,
After this show we were
served what I called 'High
Tea compliments of Win,
tario Members of the Lions
Club assisted with the ser-
ving. A social time was
enjoyed as Seniors visited
with friends from near and
far. Our faithful Lion's were
on hand to bring us home.
We came • home, a little
tired, but happy to he
included ft#k,'this. novel event.
'Our thanks to all who lie it
Visible, While away, f had 4.
till from ,Clare Westcott,
execuuve'.directer, Dttifie':of
the Premier of Ontario. He
called the next morning for a
half hour visit, He is, an
ex -;pupil of :mine at. S.P.S. He
never forgets. He appeared
OR Abe evening program, as a
;native of Seaforth
Some of the residents. Were
taken to Vanastra Recre-
ational Centre, Friday for ;a
swim in their heated .goon
Residents, Gladys Brigbtrallfi ..
and M. Turnbull joined,
Gladys Thompson and Mrs.
Leone Rowatt in an enjoyable
game of bridge. Gladys'
Thompson and M. Turnbull
,had high score. Thanks to
Gladys and Leone for joining
us. .Your' corning; made a
foursome possible,;
I was delighted Sunday
when Lillian Kersiaicecalled
With the J.A.•Stewarts.
Through illness. Lillian 'has
been confined for a lengthy
period. It was good to.see her
about again looking so well.
1attended the last Hoot-.
culture Society regular meet-
ing when pictures were
shown, of the "International
Peace Gardens" at the, bor-
der between Manitoba and
North Dakota. The autumn
colours were unusually inter-
esting in this location which
showed the spirit of good will
enjoyed between Canada and
the United States. of Amer-
ica.. An example no doubt
envied by some other coun-
FOr work Or pia x those rugae 4'
wheel dr *units. will et the ;oh
i •
done' with "edse�
Featuring both 4 x 4 traction and dual wheels, this unitwould bean excellent -choice for trailer
towing. Added features include ude a 350V8 4bblenginetransmission,4 s eed dual exhaust
system, auxillidry fuel tank. Comper, mirrors, step bumper, tow hooks and 7.50 x 16 lugtires:
To: compliment thisheavy 'duty unit, you get tinted glass sliding rear window, AM radio; gauges,
Sierra Grande equipment and More. •
A scarce commodity, so don't delay. See it in Mitchell tonight
Not too plain and not too fan, it features just the tight equipment and has lots of room for
the whole gang.
The rugged A x 4 traction is baked bya 350 4 bbl V8 engine and automatic transmission,
auxilliary fuel tank and 9.50 x 16.5 Iug.tires. Also complimented by 2 tone brown and beige
paint, stainless steel mirrors, chrome front bumper, rear 'step bumper and body. side :mouldings,
Interior appointments include full foam seats; balding rear seat,' dome lamps, cigarette lighter
and AM radio ... everything get the fob done!„
1979 JIMMY.
1f what yea really wont is comfort and style to go with your 4 whsieldrive fun, we have Must
the unit you want.
This '79 Jimmy has just about everything, including an exterior decor package, sliding side
windows, air conditioning, tilt steering, AM FM radio; high Sierra int.rior trim .and much', Much •.
• .ANO:004`t fdRGEi , , .. WE. Avsgii ve 18 MARE•0 4 UNITS
82 Huron Street, Mite ell, fell. 348445
Open nightly tiil 9:00 p.m., czll day Seittsrday