HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1979-06-28, Page 20i1! THE NURQ> , EXiPQSiTQR* Jilh1E 288 9 20 Aucti. tt tt. 20 Auction la,iett 2a C004'44 Than- 26,. Personal • CLEARING' u,a c��-. ,o r �t 0 of Automobile. 'Furniture, appliances. Antiqut:s Dixhes, Bedding and Garden Tools for GEORGE AND ESTHER MUELLER. '1',, :miles south of •t.he pillage • of Brodhagen and ": mile fest on: Let. 33. On. °',', Logan Twp. on.. SATURDAY, JUNE 30th; AT 11 P'4u., CONSISTING. QF THE FOLLOWING; Gilson chest type deep freezer nearly :new-: •b chrome chairs; Kelvinator apt; size electric range like new; large wooden, extension table; couch; step stool; utility table; antiquew'icker rocker; 8 pc, diningroom suite ingood condition; YcClarwrefrigerator: 2 thes er• field rui urs; mantel chime clock; 44 beds .new: humdifier; 2 pe, chesterfield suite nearly new; upholstered roeker; swivel upholstered chair . ibrary table" antique upholstered ray ."iter and Matching chair; electric table lamps; pole lamps: mirrors, snack tables; hassocks: iron bed and springs; antique pictures and frames; odd chairs;.. walnutbook case bed with Sealy mattress, springs; and chest of drawers nearly new: double steel bed and springs; antique washstand and matching dresser: Singer treadle 's4s+ring machine.; small rocker; antique trunk; Electrolux vaceum. Clea ner: ornaments and whatnots: tilt paintings;' quantity of •bedding consisting of quilts, sheets, comforters. blankets, pillows, linens and' fancy work; .scatter mat's; electric. sweeper Simplicity. electric dryer; Simplieity.wringer washer; antique pres,s back anti: chair:* 5 pr. •of drapes; antiques crotk,s antique' cellar table with drawer; large antique stone jug; `copper boiler. floor polisher: ,shilling crocks; quantity of sealers; lawn furniture; Christmas decorations; mops:: brooms; extension cords silver- ware; cutlery: pots; pans; cooking utensils; dishes: ,glassware, china; 'numerous antique' dishes and: 'coloured „glass apple peeler; small electrical: appliances; stainless steel pieces. garden hose; step ladder; rototiller; rotarylawn mower; Small: hand, garden tools; Cadet No. 55 riding lawn mower nearly 'new; plus other household articles and antique :. pieces too numerous to mention. AUTOMOBILE: 1972 Pontiac Ventura'..6. cylinder automatic with safety Check. NOTE: This is a good clean offeringof household contepts, fees ur 'mg a number of antique pieces. Proprietors and Auetiorieer not res onsible for any accidents L. CH BOOTH ON' GROUNDS `:• UN TERMS 1 . of sale.. . nsales tax�e fM Cash on day s I in e f NO RESERVE Cheques accepted with .I.D.: GEORGE AND.ESTHER'MUELLER Proprietors • FRANKLIN BUUCK Auctioneer Milverton 595-8821, '20-07-1 21 Ten ers a plte;d 21 Tenders Wanted Tenders de s Roofingand SidingR enov a tions Saint Marys a aSe arat School Separate S o01 Goderich. Ontario Win doReplacement,-New w Siding ,rind' Transom Panels :mount.Carmel Se • arate School Mount Carmel, Ontario Sealed tenders properly identified' as to contents for the, Genera) Contractfor St. Marys Separate Schaal; Goderich. Ontario and.. Mount Carmel Separate. School, • Mount Carmel, Ontario, addressed to Huron -Perth Separate School Board, Dublin, Ont- ar'io, will be received by Kyles. 'Kyles &, :Parrett. Architects. 165 Huron Street, Stratford;: Ontario.` .until 3:00 p,M. local time. Friday. July 6. 19'9 General Building, Contractors may obtain drawings and Specifications' tit' the office of the' Architects.. Kyles. Kyles &. Garratt 22 Legal Notices. NOTICE TO CREDITORS in the Estate of JOHN N.A. McKENZIE: All persons having claims against the Estate of John N.A. McKenzie. late of the. Town of ••.Seaforth, in the County of Huron, deceased, who died on the 15th day of February, 1979„ are hereby notified to send` in full panic- ulars of their claims tai'"the undersigned on or before the 12th; day of July, 1979, after which date the assets will be distributed having regard only to claims then received. Dated at Seaforth, dntario this 19th day of June, 1979. McCONNELL, STEWART & DEVEREAUX, Seatforth, Ontario. Solicitors for the Executors. 22,06.3: 24 Cards of • 1 would' like tar thank my, . friends fox their prayers,. cards, gifts, and tetany acts of kindness during my illness And convalesrettce. --Elaine Kinsman. 24.01.1 24 Cards of Thanks Sincere thanks to• all who remembered 'me with cards, flowers, and visits while 1 vas a patient in Seaforth Community Hospital.. Special thanks to Dr. Brady. the nurses and hospital staff, 'it. was greatly appreciated —Mrs, Annie Oldfield' 24.07 1' The family of the tate Don (Buzz) Dale beloved husband. father and grandfather wishes :to express sincere thanks to relatives, friends and neighbours for flowers, memorial cards, syiiipathy cards, food brought to our home and thoughtfulness at the time of our bereavement. Special thanks to Dr. Rodney and nursing staff of Seaforth ,Community Hospital. Thanks also to the Royal Canadian Legion and Women's Aux. diary, Rev. Duke and Box 'Funeral Hanle, Our special, thanks, •;• .Mona, Debbie, ;Frank and gtandchitdren 24.07x1 On Ibeh.alt,of the residents: at the' Seaforth Manor Nursing Home. 1 weul'd like to thank the friends, family and evammOnity memb :rs that so kindly: donated their tinge and mono- to help make our heart Jamboree a big sue" wes.S, , An. 'especially big thanks. p g goes out to Mary l Finlaysen and, the staff members for all their t, a -operation. ;and worth While efforts. —:Pebrp, Scheerer Pirector :Of Nursing, 4.07-1 M eft r`ta tt lo, lit e t.t► t ><. MELADY; In loving memory of; my dear husband, Joseph Frances Melady Who passed away July 4:, 1955; When the tides of lore are broken. And loved ones have to part It leaves a wound that never heap, Alsoa broken heart, But looking back with neem- ories, Upon the paths we've trod, 1 bless the years • rye shared with him, And leave the rest to God, Resting where nit shadows fall, In perfect peace he wants u all. ForGod s °'1 fink th.. '.e broken . � 1 1 chain, '• As one by one. .av1l meete again. Sadly'•. missed and always remembered by his wife. Marie 25.07x1. Perth battle Mr. and Mrs. Ikiiltort Pieta R. R. 4 Seaforth and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mulholland,. R.R. 3: Mitchell are pleased: to announce the forthcoming Marriage .of Jane Lavonne Dietz to Alan G. Carnochan, The wedding' will take•place Friday. July 2'th.:19'9,. b:30 pant. in Egmondviite United Church. 24-07s Mss. Patricia. Garrett of Clin. ton and Mr. 'Percy Renner of Bayfield are ,pleased to an, nounce the forthcoming mar- riage of their eeattghter Faith to -khan Taylor ,on of Mr. ant' Mrs. John. Taylor, llreeefield. The wedding will take place Saturday, July 28, 19'9; .St. Andrews United Church. B.aytieid. .Open rec- eption to follow. 26.07.1 Mr. & Mrs. Fergus Feeney,. R.R. 2 Dublin. Ont. are happy to announce the forth. coming marriage of their daughter Louise' Teresa to.. g Graeme Neil son of Mr, and Mrs. Neil Leslie, Mitchell, Ont. The wedding will take place Saturday, July 28. 1979 at 6:00 o'cleck in St. `Colum - ban Roman Catholic Church, 26-07x11 Harry and Marie Johnston wishto announce the Haar riage of their daughter Sandra to Casey Nowak, son,. of Ted and Donna. Nowak, Kitchener. The wedding to take place July 14th at the home of the bride, 26-07-1 26 Personal, M, ...r, and. Mrs. Ron, Broome, >rgttrondville and Mrs, Betty Salisbu*X,, Seaforth* are ,pleasedl ,to: announce the marriage of their • children Beth k Bill. The wedding took place on Friday June 22 at the Chapel of Hope, London. An. open reception to :follow July 6 at Seaforth arena, 26.09s 1 Mr. and Mrs. 'Emile Isza• - covics of Seaforth, Ontario are pleasead to announce the engagement of their daugh- ter augh-ter' Barbara to Murray Phillip. son. of Mr, and Mrs. A.I. Zabitsky of'Wtllow'.dale Ont: 26-07x1 27 Births ALKEMADE—Stan and Barbara are pleased to an- pounce the birth of their son, Drew Mackenzie, a brother for Boe and Meagan. Born June 21, 1979 at St, Joseph's Hospital • London., , Special thanks to Dr. Malkus and Or. Harding. 27.07-1. COYNE—To Mr, & • Mrs:: Kenneth Coyne, R.R. 2, Staf- fa, on June 19th at Seaforth -Community Hospital 'a son. 27-072(1 VAN ` DEN HENGEL—To Mr & M'rs, Tony Van Den: 'Henget, R.R, 5 Seaforth.. at, • Seaforth. • Community Hos, pital on June 26th a daughter Karen. 27-07;x1. farmers losing; against rn lk�u Perth County farmers are definitely winning. the .war ag ainst theweeds However, we are still losing 'sortie. battles- In particular, we are losing. the 'battle against milkweed. Each year it is advancing further; We do have the chemicals and the equipment to halt its spread. Both Round -up ' and. Cytrol will control milkweed. These chemicals • must be a lied to milkweed in the PP, bud to early flower stage. A a this., stage.. the plant will • translocate• the chemicals to the roots. Older or younger plants will merely be burnt off and start to ,grow. again. Both of these chemicals will also kill cO any crop. they i. me in contact,with.' tth. This. means you need . special; equipment set • that you only; spray the milkweed. The most ,cominon • iS a back sprayer. Heavier than a hoe -but more effective against milkweed. Another piece of equipment you Can use is a field sprayer with a gun attached. The last and most• sophisticated is a roller sprayer. This type ofsprayer'• has been researched at Cen- tralia College: The mach,= finery consists of a ,rotating drum hydraulically operated on the front of a -tractor, The chemical is applied to this rotating drum. It. is then brushed onto the weeds as the tractor moves down the field. '.Bob French from Mite - hell has a roller sprayer and is doing custom spraying for milkweed. You . can also contact Centralia College for the plans to build your own roller' sprayer. Treatment wi h these chemicals should prevent milkweed frons spreading. To get rid of; milkveed, .you must follow this program for a number of yearn.. CHECK THOSE BEAN . FIELDS FOR WEEDS You probably !got good; weed control inour bean fields this year. T) , a weather co-operated morethan last year. To be sure, you should check those fields now. Especially check Muck areas. In those muck 4reas, the herbicides tend to be tied up and :not able to control weeds. Soybean fields) 'can be sprayed post emergent with HoegrasSi to control annual grasses The snot al -'grasses should be in the till to three kaf stage. Hocgr4ss will not control broadleaf weeds. Broadleaf weeds. can be controlled in soybeans and, white' beans with Basagran. •.Basagran works best on' small weeds; Check the label ,..the exact height: of the weeds- These two herbicides cannot be tank mixed, . THE GRAIN GRANT dS HISTORY Ottawa has advised, us that the funds for the grain and feed grant have been used up. The allotted money was 513:5 million. Applications have, beenP rocessed on :a first come basis until that figure was. reached. Ottawa will be returning ,sonic ap ptiieations We-'ve been in- structed to return applic- ations still on hand in our. office. Payment will be held - up ori some of the approved P PP applications hetause of bud- get problems. We can no longer accept applications for this program., ; DIFFERENTTYPES OF FARMING The Perth Soil and Crop tour will expose participants. to farming enterprises which. aren't seen in Perth 'county. The tour involves,, an exten sive tour of the Bradford Marsh vegetable area as well as a stop at a 2;000 acre sod farm; Other calls involve'.100 acres of asparagus and 600 acres of potatoes, Livestock. enthusiasts willbe interested in seeing Glenafton Hol- steins and the 100 sow farrow -to -finish operation of John Rutton near Alliston, The date . is Tuesday,' July 16th' A bus leaves Stratford at 7155 a,ni, and passes through Mitchell and Listowel onits way north. The transport- atiofr cost is 57.00 per person. A noon hour smor- gasbord is optional for 54.50, Reservations must be made at the county Agri. cultural office by Friday. July 6th, PERTH GIRLS AT PROVINCIAL CONFERENCE The provincial Girls' Con- ference for 4-H Homemaking Club members was held June 19 • 22, at the University of Guelph. Of the , l$0 club USE EXPOSITOR WANT - ADS Phone 527-0240 d members from all over Ont- ario ' who' will be attending this Conference;. 6 will be from Perth county. ' They are: ShirleyAlbers,. R'.1:, St. Marys; Terri Brint- nell R.1, Granton; Lana Marshalls Kirkton; Karen Neeb, R.1, New Hamburg; Jane Proudlove, 358 West Gore St , Stratford and Kathy Schmidt, R.1, Brun- ner. - INDIANA STATE 4-H' ROUND -UP AND JUNIOR LEADER CAMP, JUNE 17 -29th. 4=H members from Perth county who attended this event were -Karen McCallum R. 1, Stratford; Marion Dan- en, R. 2, Tavistock; Calvin Rodd, Woodham, and Scott Clair, R.1, New Hamburg. BY h1URRAY GAUNT Over strong protests from JnturixlYdro. a Legislature 4ontnlitt. c plans to itIvesti- gate contracts awarded to Babcock and Wilcox Canada Ltd.. which is in the -•diddle of a dispute avitit the Govern- nlent utility .over :defectii lire betters it built. The resources develop - went committee has passed a resolution to look into the tendering .rocedures Hydro. .n 6 p used in:att'arding contracts to the company for boilers for the Pickering and. Darlington generating, stations:. Dent'' and cracks were found in tubes leading into thirty-two boilers the comp- any_supplied lied for the Picker, .-,. Pp Ing plant, a .fault thatcould cost Hydro• consumers S3S million, Hydro and the tiro now are negotiating responsibility for repairing the damage. The Social Development Committee has tabled its report :in, the Legislature dealing with, the closure of active treatment hospital beds, The committee has met twelve times to consider this natter, and received some third' briefs front the public, from the medical profession, hospital boards and unions. Sub committees also trav- elled to four cities in the province to hear the eoncerns from these regions,' The followg in recommend-'. ations were made, in the expectation that they be act-', ed. upon and the results. thereof reported'back to the Committee at its' `first sitting in the Fall session. 1, Alternatives . to insti- tutional care must be in place in the Community prior to further withdrawal of .funds for institutional care. 2. The arbitrariness of the .resent system of bed alio- p e cationsshould be reduced b.. s e y g the number i calc uln .of t beds.. to be funded based on a weighted average number of beds. rather than the: maxi mini numberof beds I ; n u use at any one point in the year. �3. The concept of • referral population should be modi- fied to accommodate more fully population' mixes, especially the large number •of elderly people in certain hospital areas. 4. Referral population should be calculated on patient days rather than patient separations.. p., .•S. Where more . than one hospital is located within a hospital centre,%' any . pro- posed bed allocations should be divided amongst those hospitals on the basis of their share of . 'the ., total referral population. 6. Recognizing that the og g h.:. Minister has established. a • Committee ;on, Hospital. Resource Allocation and Budgets, the committee has. recommended to the Min- ister and the Cot unittee on Hospital Resource Allocation and Budgets that bed, alio, cation guidelines should be applied with sensitivity to the local situation and in consult- ation with local health plan- ning agencies,. 7,, The committee recom- mends that the ten • ;bed cushion continue' indefinitely. 8. Financial rewards: for efficient .hospitals should be factored into the budget calculations. 9, The committee should endorse the efforts of hosp- itals, district health councils and other local health plan- ning agencies to rationalize R, Q practices health, service$ Where .appro- priate by encailzaRin, ' CO - operative plannin8 among hospitals. The committee also supports the use el independent experts to assist hospitalsin examining: their operations. 10. The committee :reeom- mends that a hospital appeal mechanism be established. Ontario's new rent review and landlord: and tenant legislation received third' and final reading in the 'Legis, lature. The new' law will. combine rent review with a. rewritten: landlord and tenant aet, and create a Residential! Tenancies Commission: It will determine rent increases and other landlord -tenant' matters, previously handled by the courts.. Town, townships, (Continued from Page 1) having its own fire department may be, more expensive for Seaforth. With the present FAB, there :is, a. confusion with. having too many bosses, "A fire department can , only have one boss, and that's the Ontario Fire Marshall,'" said the mayor. "It's: •mare feasible for a community to have, its own tire department and operate it,`" he said. Reeve Allan Campbell of McKillop ex- pressed; his dissatisfaction with Seaforth's proposal. When asked if he is happy with: the present FAB, he replied, "What's wrong, with it?" -We're playing in' the dark," said Mr, Campbell,. "'Why 'didn't the Fire Marshall call all "the municipalities of ` the FAB together?He has not seen a copy; of the Fire Marshall'sreport or Seaforth, he said.. "McKilloP has paid the biggest Share all "and we're ,•. along,- he said .and ' yet i nored, He listed the:purchase :of a new truck the s old 1952 truck bought by the municipalities and given to Seaforth; new hoses, boots, and new sirens as part of the contribution of the townships. ' I'm not kicking ''about it,`" said Mr: Canipbell, "butwe've paid a fair share. Seaforth's clerkCrocker, would not esti: mate what it would cost to establish the new system if the townships decided to carryon with the present equipment they would own after Seaforth withdrew; RELATIONSHIP When asked about :the relationship be- tweenthe town and the surrounding municipalities, Mr. Crocker said he felt the town hadbeen fair; - From 1970 to 1975.. said Mr: Crocker, Seaforth' had paid its percentage toward the • FAB on "its taxable assessment, but when the. FAB got a legal opinion in 1975 that the town should pay on its total assessment, (inclu- ding schools; churches, etc.) the town agreed. The result, he said, was that the town; was paying on community building used by the area and town residents alike,. The assess - merit for,'. these buildings amounted' to 5612,000; Mr, Crocker said that this .ledto the fire hydrant problem. The .town asked the FAB to pay rent on:: -all the hydrants in .Seaforth; he said, not just the four at the entrances to. , the town. The townships gave ,a flat no, but the town was open to 'negotiations, he said. The townships can either buy fire, services from Seaforth or purchase protection else-: where if and when the FAB is ::disbanded, Environment Minister Harry .Parrott has reported', to the Legislature that there is no indication fluoride emis ,cions .in the Cornwall area;. 'We the created'n Iheaith, hazard,° to humans.. Opposition Leader Stuart Smith has told the Legis-• lature that natural gas prices do not have to go up with oil prices. Federal, energy offic- ials have confirmed; that gasoline and heating oil prices will jump three to five cents a gallon on August 29, and natural gas prices by 15. .cents a thousand cubic feet about August 1. Dr. Smith: states that the Ontario' conte sumer should be ,protected. from natural gasprice in- creases, as abundant sup - Plies exist in Canada. said Mr. Crocker, Reeve Ervin. Sillery of Tuckersmith: said that the FAB has worked well',, "except for the disagreement otter the firehydrants," He said he is not satisfied with. Seaforth's proposal, and. that Seaforth has offered to sell fire protection to Tuckersmith "at their price.- expensive for rice.'" That. "could be more the township, he said. Tuckersmith alsogets fire service from. Clinton, Mr. Sillery said' that arrangement with Clinton is "perfect." deals • withBlyth. Mr: McKillop also eaith ,B y Campbell said that McKillop has had "no problems at all" with Blyth, "not even a harsh word," NOT IN FAVOUR Joe Hunking, reeve of Hullett, said that Hullett was "not in favour" of the proposal. made by .Seaforth to withdraw. Hibbert's ..reeve Ross McPhail says Seaforth's proposal to withdraw from the FAB is "I guess, unacceptable as far as we're concerned,, . , .though the final decision''is Seaforth's,'' What Seaforth is proposing, he said, is to go back to the original plan, and "we couldn't live . with it -then:"Two thirds of Hibbertcovered is by Mitchell fire depart - m n w e t The a to nship' hashad the agreement with Mitchell for the "last 14 to 15 years," and it has worked quite well." Reeve McPhail said there havebeen difficulties with Seaforth, !.`misunderstand- ings", , he . "can see no , reason ' why rational people can't resolve these pro- blems,' Reeve Mr McPhail said ``I hope and P presume the other remaining municipalities. , gill continue the Seaforth Fire Area." ' .. "Section 10 of the FAB agreement he a' ' said. 'allowsthe other areas to take over the equipment and carry on the Seaforth, Fire Area, with Seaforth; • He added that despite all the ."emotions and prejudices" we must remember what we're trying to provide -- fire protection: When asked about thez olariin effect P B this conflict had . between rural and urban... areas,.. Seaforth mayor Sinnamon said, "They haven't been happy about the agreement either (the townships), so it's a bad situation all around. After 10 years, if we can't agree, there is nopoint in havinga g contract.'' Said >McKilloP P 's. reeve Campbell, "I'11 meet any ne of them in Seaforth and iron out any problems. 1 think it's ridiculous. We've got to live together." 8inee 1t3C1 ', Sewing the Contrillibity Pict;. 277.1003. service ERIO S ishan an**rai a rugs, French, Ilsh fore,,- iBronzes ries 1 soapstone and P cel •'S BOA SUndaY dnly_. 011.6 2, 97 e Dallas, RANDNiOTME be tarp tables, run , churn, LES and shortwave oho offer after 3 o'cioc es. 4 :ditern, 3414711 commodes, bras wired. DraWins cht Gir' hes, si of extras bra 1 Spring t•.. YACHif, Dr HES A2R CO. Sporule-• WI t conoinan. (117 DaV Cruise le at engine V 13.000. 19SS Chrysler, Ina trailer, 2 p tries, excels S•foot Cruiser, sleeps ,t• Hu I nosh. 213•enqi !nil S4,150. ANS skiin newa nopy,p4S ler, new tires, MrxVANG.Slo Ca eluding= frailer. RrICOMaEi ull th rorrltteerrr, dilly tra ,S1 D11.1225._y "A►Mrad"IO CN BI SR., R114671, lin Ex.' 3 , 1' ercu6= Yet* keel- leafs 1,00, hn• • p loch Obr and tabu HB: NYi ancfemit ondi hogany rove S21 1573. Aunt Te 603 W. eth Street Hotrod .Ford. NEW SHIPMEN dressers, round cabinets and THINGS, Glenbr Texas • ANTIQ Leather bindings,$ Italian, German W HSTON'S.,; MARIE'S ANTIQ a.m.-4:00 dm, • A tura, beam both McKinney /Avenue, k LUCKY Star f relics of . the Ever the ES, mor Gr t, der VIS, tib 'Bushel 11CSCAM A atAV ac .En SS Orest S open'. us mai 3111. ICaY wesUt Igor JUST ARRIVED .from 0 antiques for collectpr} owners. 216 Inwood vitt `'