HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1979-06-28, Page 14hest etddoli, M.P.p; The' `Minister of Colleges and universities. Dr. Bette' 5tephenSett, has .44 the 'fe= i ..1ature that if there are' tool tnatalr a -cants' t0' .Ontario' s,.. 22 community colleges, this, fall, many of those who are unsuceessfut could find places in privately run industrial training: program and: at :private yocatfonal scho91s. She was. Mart/ding, 01 a Chlarge i'y Liberal Leader Stuart Smith; that the. government "is :ilii- surpri$ed" by a :boom in applieati as at the colleges; and ""as. `unable to act in accordance with it," He cited a report by the chairman of the council of regents. for community colleges, who said, there are 90,000 for 40.000 :first- year spaces ar.'. the colleses. In the:. Minister's view£, however,, II; more accurate figure for the ;number of applicants wpuid be $Sx000• whert students Who. have applied gt; more. than, one college have been; deducted. Opposition ;Parties: have. urged, the Government to, restore to ?tiun ctpalities the power to, •cbntroll tate archate(;tural design of Major :developments. Sill 96, an Act to Amend the Planning Act., which has. :now received second reading,; would appear ppea to remove this:. authority. However, the legislation Must now go to commitee for .further debate. Apposition Memiters maintain that the $ill deletes• the section which agives. 'municipalities the power .to review -perspective ,drawings and plans showing' 'building elevations and. eros: -sections of Industria and + mnliercial bud`ta4tgs• and! 'residetatial buildings wiliest contain 25 or more 'arching units. The'' Minister rof •Consumer and. Conanaerric4 Relations. frank Pre& has Siren An assurancfw : that new legislation Will . ensure protection against unfair evictions. A; section of the proposed : Residential re:°fancies Act listing unfair grounds for eviction was deleted by the l.episiatyrtt general government commit- tee, bet the Minister has stated; that it would soon be. strengthened and re- introduced. The' acting chairman of the tenants. federation 'told the commit- tee he did not believe its argument that outlining:• speeif c areas of tinfairrtless Conservation rou mus Ioi ,a! ales i work r R together on drolris The two local conservation authorities have agreed to become involved with mun icipalites and their eng- ineers at an earlier stage in discussing local erosion problems in drain, reports ,comingbefore township councils. Representatives from the conservation authorities madethis commitment at a recent municipal dram man- agement seminar held in Exeter and. hosted by the. authorities. The ,purpose of. the :sem- roar was to discuss municipal dram 'design, construction and maintenance and to consider more effective 'eros- ion controls. About 120 people attend the day long seminar includ- ing Norman Alexander of Londesboro. a. longtime ad vocate' of erosion controls; Carl Schenk from the Min- istry of•Environment office in, London and Sam Bradshaw, assistant, engineer with the Clinton' OMA <office. The seminar was a ex • change: between the various ;agencies with the respon- sibility for, municipal: drains Seaforth getsYCW grant Projects in Huron, County. which have been '.awarded' grants under the 1979 Young Canada Works program have been announcedby the. Canada . Employment and Immigration Commission's job creation branch.` The town of Seaforth, will benefit from an award of S4,374 to provide special events for children aged seven to thirteen, as well as a mini-playgtound program for. childten aged three to•seven years. The Winghanl' and area. day centre for the home- bound has received a grant of 58,748 tii , develop a day centre ,for seniors and the homebound, together with social and recreational actio- ities,reiated to the centre, The South Huron and dist- rict association' for the mentally retarded, centred in Dashwood, has received; 52,916 to provide a day care' program for both handi- capped and non -handicapped children. A matching grant for Arc Industries will complement this program by providing training: and rehabilitation programs for handicapped adults during June and July. In Varrastra an award Iii' S7,290 has been made to develop recreational facilities and programs for. Vanastra area, This sutnmerlong pro ject represents a major park itnprovetnent scheme for Tuckersmith Township. The Goderich Tourist Committee is being provided' with a grant of $5,088 to work. with the Huron Historic Gaol: and the Huron County Pio- neer Museum to co•ordi nate prorhotion: and research activities of benefit, to Goder- ich and to Huron. County as it whole. And in Exeter, the Eiteter Community Resource Creti received $2,918' for a project 'With seniors and the -bate, bound to develgp a day centre rot the l rovisitl'rt;: of tociafi and recreational pr - in the Ausable-Bayfield: arid; Maitland Valley watersheds. In addition to reviewing! the research now -being car, tied out on 'municipal drain- age. the seminar audience was shown some innovative methods of transporting water efficiently to reduce' soil erosion, A discussion followed on. the need for more consider- ation of the agricultural; benefits; and environmental, costs in the planning stage of: the proposed construction, or. repair and improvement of municipal drainage works. cttttldl tie • e 'lands: of t al proPot.ec1 !Residential. Tenancies Commission when it considers ocmplaints, tiberal Margaret Campbell stated quite firmly that the cant mince has no intention ,of backing dawn on its initial: proposals to strengthen protection of tenants: "Don't ,you understand that we are• concerned that there are many ' instances thatgtight be unfair? Once you Sive a. limited number of circumstances, a judge is inclined to look only for those circumstances.'" Continuing reports: of controversy at the Royal Ontario Musuetn and. allegations of mismanage- ment .af its S44.5. million renovation .and . expansion project have prompted the Legislature's public accounts committee to look into its operation. There has been a. great deal of discussion re- cently about the museum's finances and on how longi will be closed to the public for renovation. The Commit- tee has asked the Museum to supply financial information for analysis by the Provincial Auditor. However, ,, the consent of the Legislature is necessary before the ,Auditor can be directed to examine' the Museum's books. • Radioactive tritium, was SALE PRICES IN EFFECT JUNE 20TH TILL JUNE 30TH, 1979 • 7 � ttecently Reported In the municipal water supply' :of Pickering Township, aiad' was, traced to .leakage frim.: they Pickering nuclear plant.: However, the Minister of Energy, ,lames Auld, hag told the Leg slaturte that he has. "positive ;assurances from: Ontario Hydro that the traces routinely found in the water present absolutely no danger to people, wildlife, plant life, scotch drinkers or •. • • • • • •. s • •, •• • • • •. • • • • • • • • • . •. • • • •. • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • , • •, • • 1.• • • • • • anYbotly else".. According to the Ministry of ;Education, the C,,ovC rnMer. t has rejected.:the idea of malting ,Grade; 13 E.f r7_l`"h mandatory for *it ahtuetos who wish to enroll; in 'Ontario's universities, on. ,the basis that the need, to trnpose a mandatory Grade' 13 English credit, particularly for those :students, :continuing of to rest -secondary atpdy,; hitt • • R •.••••.••••«•,•.• • •*:•••••,ll ..•••. • • • •. • 4, •.••., • •• •:.. •. • .,... • • • •.. • •• 0•. • • • • •. ••••• •.4.4, .•• •.• ••••• •• •••••.••.•,•.•••••••••••• r• t;ILO, •••.••••:••I •i„•.•,• 4., not been tlelltAttatrated. DItting the debate on the estimates of the Ministry .Of intergovernmental Affairs.; the Minister Tom Wells,: accused; Quebec Premier Levesque of misleading, Canadians and the people of Quebec by talking about a bright and ros rous future for that Province of Canada. under sovereignty association and asserting that the impact of such an sines APPLIANCES APPLIANCE 8, REFRIGERATION SERVICE A. utnorized factory warranty Service and repairs to. GE, FRIGiDAiRE & INGLIS APPLIANCES Service and repairs toall makes HORNE S P.' Ma•1or Appliance iiiance REPAIR SERVICE 527-0636 Seaforth r CAR CARE • BRUXER Repair Service CIQ s s, A Mechanic Repairs toall; makes of cars & light trucks, Laren Mowers Tillers,Small Motor Repair. Phone • 345-2891 Erank- Bruxer • - . CAR CARE ---Th •:, • • .. • • 3: TIER :WALK-IN DOOR APPROX. 90 H. GRAiN BINS: A • SIMPLE TO ERECT • • INDEPENDENT STEEL FRAME. • MANHOLE ROOF SHEET FOR EASY ACCESS • • DOOR BOARDS (INCLUDED) • AUGER OPENING • • (NEW) DOOR.OESIGN • 2 TiER DOOR HATCH STYLE APPROX. 60"H. ERATORS PROTECTS AGAINST OVER'. HEATING, MOLD, INSECT DAMAGE AND GRAIN DETERIORATION HEAVY DUTY 115 VOLT BLOWER GROUNDED CORD AND PLUG CHAIN(S) HOOK SUSPENSION HEAVY GAUGE EXTENSION TUBES EASY TO INSTALL NCI,. MODELa APPROXI PRICE 'SAVE' OVERALL CAPACITY FREIGHT HEIGHT HEIGHT BUSHELS EXTRA • 14' DIAMETER BINS WITH 3 TIER WALK-IN DOOR --LESS AERATOR' 560-001 560-002', 1440 145D 101- 121" 141' .15'9- 1453 1759 :000.00'. 59211.00 itY DIAMETER SIN WITH 3 TIER WALK-IN 000R -LESS AERATOR 560-003 1940 10.3.: 15'9" 2883 • 5125900 10' DIAMETER BINS WITH 1 TIER DOOR -HATCH STYLE -LESS' AERATOR • 560-014 195H 12.9" , 1e'3" 3468 51400.00 560-015 196H 15'3" 201" 4093 51691.00 560.015 198)4 103" 25'9" . , 5302' 5107100 34g8>iusl►et� . 1O, capacity. 507-tti11. COUNT ON .J is WESTEEL RO 'AND CO•Gp 1 QUALITY ;AtlM ►city, 5302 bushel' capacity. 507-012 8 OsaIM ca UNilEOco,oPERATIvesOFONTARIO Seo Farmer's 527-07'0 tIIANCIIG 00A11Alti �. tHaouol+ 527.0770` 0 0 • • •. • 0 • • • • • . • • •• • • •• • • • • • •' • • 'a • • •.'. • Ii 'w O 0 i • 4, 9 •, i • s • • •• • Phone527-1880 • 15 Main St., Seaforth CORD'S Licensed Mechanic Service to all makes of cars Detroit Diesels L527-0333,, ,---CAR CARE ---N Complete Line of <SUNOCO* CAR CARE . PRODUCTS Now Doing Lubes and Tire Repair Archie's Sunoco 527-0881. �. Seaforth' i► 1.-FARIVi 'SUPPLIES Co•oP Feed Seed, l ertilier Farm Suppiit . Petroieurn Supplies Heating Oils Seaforth Co -•op. • 527.0770 i DECORATING-~' Expert Interior A Exterior • t)ecoratbrs Kem Paints Wallcoverrngs Armstrong Carpets Window Shotes HIL.DEBRANt PAINT ANO PAPER • r --APPLIANCES Appliance•' • and :Refrigeration REPAIR.SERVICE • •• Jlrt Broadfoot 4827032 • 7. Ar. f ai•a iE • . al • ,r-DECORATiN¢m Graves Wallpaper 8 Paint Featuring Worew"•. Canadian 8t Imported' Wall Coverings 527=05$0 Seaforth; r -,ELECTRICAL-` N Fred Lawrence ence Electrical Contractor HOME FARM & COMMEI L, WIRING' `Phone Auburn 526.7505 or Mitche11348.8b84 r`•ELECTRICAL`"ti •Geoff;. A. Sills & Sons HARDWARE MERCHANTS PLUMBING - HEATING & ELECTRICAL EXPERTS Phone:527-1620' Seaforth r SEWING ' SEWING MACHINE SUPERMARKET Over t 00.anachlnes on display Service tool' makes Sues -White; Elsa, liuegvarr a Iota of used machines from • .639:95. SEW AND SAVE CENTRE LTD. 149 Downie St (2 doors 'south of iiudscn.:) `::Stratford, 271-9660; , p ''RESTAURANT.Th The FORGE Restaurant For good old fashioned' home cooked meals 527*1`964 CONSTRUCTION-\ Excavating & BackFiae JOHN MIDDEGAAL North Main Street Seaforth, Ontario 527-0104' •• Isstrerkokkt will ';lkm niantinal; In pushing for ;a..re:sttlttptton fp cetratitutiofal talks, be rejected Mrs teveslque's. a.u estion of A morateatum- 8$. nn: such talks Until after the referendum, Qn• Quebec'::, future, He stated, that Ontau;o. aim 1; wonxt go• along:, .With the ..naive assumption; that Quebec can bargain with' the rest of Canada In order, to, Note all the advantages:. o, f f.•••••fit,,r,014044*4•••••••••••. ?mat,. eonan 4a0chtti4fl and, at the same Oise, haYet almost complete.' autonomy.' he Said that.. Ontario's paatiaf ott... sovereignty associaton 'shouldnot be taken totate that the Province lis; not. prepared, to engage ipi negotiation to *reek injustices, broaden nattottaf institutions and: respond tO, specific cultural issues. •,;$;•s.•..• •••.•.•.•.• • •.••.••••.•.•••.• ,--FUNERAL Nb:M.E- - Wh4t-ne. Riley -y' Y' Funeral Home. ROSS W. RiBEY, DIRECTOR. 87 Goderich St„ Seaforth Phone, 527-1390 CEMETERY MONUMENTS Sincere and courteous service r ---INSURANCE SEAFORTH INSURANCE 39 Main, .St, S. Seaforth .Home .Business .Farm .Auto .Life Sickness & Accident .• investments 527-1610' / PIANO Piano Tuning, And. Repairs Bruce Pulsifer 527-0053 •or after six phone 348-9223 • _.MONUMENTS. Cemetery Monuments Inscriptions Markers Showroom Display WHITNEI'.-RIBEt. FUNERAL NOME. 87 Goderich St., West Agent for Wingham Memorials Seaforth 527-1390 PTOMETRiST JOHN E. LONGSTAFF Seaforth Office 527-1240 Monday - Friday 9.5:30 Saturday . 942:00 Closed yVednesdays Free Parking on Premises AUCTiONEERS�,_ TOM PAPP Auctioneer'fng, • Sales and Service R R.4 Seaforth 'Ontario, NOK 1W0 -CALL COLLECT 519-527-0940 *0e0041•.A 0.4909 eeiseeeeeee4+.,.stisees•eri I • 5"r:••*s,•••• .,.• • ! 0,• • •...,, • :'••• ••••• ••:t ••• •. •, •••4,•• w, u•. • •,•, •• • • !, •, •••• •••,• David` Langstaff Ltd. Optician W' Maio St:., South. Seaforth OPTOMET I .ST'S' AND: 0PHTHAMOLOGISTS Prescriptions Filled; Promptly Mon -Fri. 9-5:30 p.m. Wednesday- Closed Saturday 9,12;01), COMPLETE OPTICAL SERVICE $27.1303 r"iMPRQVEMENTS- MacLEAN HOME IMPROVEMENTS Phone 527-0032 Free Estimates For Siding -'Aluminum • and Vinyl, Aluminum Window, Doors; Awnings, `_ Railings. -FEED MILL-=, FLEMING FEED MILL • Bulk Pelleted Feed, • Fast unloading elevator • 2 pits open 24 hrs. a day CLINTON 482-3438 WELDING ZWAAN'S WELDING AND EQUIPMENT Winnipeg Rd. Vanastra 482-7931 SALES AND SERVICE Oh Aluminum Welding Livestock Racks. Edbro Hoists Grein Bodies Fifth -Wheel Trailer.. General Repairs --C:AR CARE— DAT UN SALES & SERVICE. 'Service to All Makes TrOlade I*roductsi Geral! 's, Datsun Seaforth S272 '••11•••.e••9..ir•• ADVERTI.SINGm BOOSt ... your Income BUY. TH IS SPACE Tia -DAY ! can 527-0240 9 • • *;. • t. • •. : 9 • • • • • •. • s; 0, r; •. • • • • • • •, •: • "—ELECTRICAL . • K. MURRAY is ELECTRIC 24 hour service • • and commercial wiring ` • 527-O984 Seaforth r' Farm, residential, Industrial e-T.V- at STEREO •:. Complete Line ZENITH TELEVISION SALES ANO g` STEREO SERVICE Seaforth Electronics 17 Sperling St., 527-1150 r INDUSTRIAL RESIDENTIAL and, FARM WIRING f.. 1 1y ,4. • r • CALL, J •. • • •' • •. • • • • • . • •" • • • • • • 0 • • • • • GARY DILL Brodhagen'• .345-2442' or 347=2435 R.R. 1, BORNHOLM • • • CONCRETE HY1TST READY MIX. LTD. 420 BAYFIELD RD.,. CLINTON, ONTARIO 482-3431 • 0 • • •. • • !• 4.111110,1 "—"PLUMRINO—"`'` pLUMBiNG i?epltilte & -serfs/slibns *Water' Softeners Mervin A.Jorl:. os Plult'ib!hg &1-101101# 80480 • • r 9 • • • • • • • • . • • . •• •• •e •' i,. • • •. • • 0. .••.......•ar• •9; 4