HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1979-06-21, Page 18HURON EXPOSITOR, JUNE Atx 11
9 Notice
I I Rh Stiti
Iro."" Nmot
r! 1rP4e- tIrr15°T,
litair ethers in
2 3 7 - 3 6 7 7
AT 1:30 P.M.
'A11 glasses of LiveStock,
Vktor Hargreaves,
482,7511, Clinton
I3arry Miller,
236.2717, Exeter
229.6205 Kirktoi
20 Auetion Sales
Real Estate
2 farm properties will be held
for the township of West
Selling at 7 p.m.
Lot part of 13, Con. 13 West
.Wawanosh containing
approx. 88 acres more or less
- 2 pareels of 75 acres and 13
acres on which the seller
retains the right to attend on
the property to ' remove
gravel, sand, top soil etc. as '
required by the municipality
• from time to time.
At 8:15.p.m. Lot north half
of west half of 25, Con. 6
West Wawanosh containing
apprOx. 50 acres more or less
in 2 parcels of 32 acres and
18 acres on which the seller.
retains the right to attend on
the property to remove
gravelsand, etcas required
from time to lime, Both
properties to be sold, on site
' of beach. Subject to reserve
bid and subject to condition
of sale which may be re- .
viewed at the clerk's office
prior to sale date.
:terms 10% day of sale,
Balance in 30 days.
Joan Armstrong, Clerk
:R.R. 2, Luclmow
21 Tenders Wanted
Ministry of
Tender Reference
Number BOS SET 79-97
For the pumping. of
the sewage holding tank
of the Ontario Housing
Building at Blyth. Ont-
ario (OHI) '
Tenders will be re-
teived for the above
MOO cm. local Ume
July 4s 1979
by the Ontario Housing
Corporation, c/o Court
tioUse and Registry
Office w 80 Dundas Street
P.O. Box 5600, Terminal
"A," tendon, Ontario
1i6A 2P3 (519/679-7110;
front Whom details and
specifications ' may be
obtained, betailt and
spetifications may also
be Obtained froth the
Huron County Housing
Authority, 51 Stanley
Street, Goderich, Ont-
ario N7A 3X6 (519/524-
2637), gitoting reference
nutnber as above,
Tile lowest or any
tender not necessarily
actepted. 21-06.1
ueIion Sales,
20 Auetitaa Sales
Auction Sale
20 Auction Sales
consisting of furnitere, antiques. glass & china to be
held. on
WEDNIESTiATI, JUNE 27th, 1979 at 5;30 p.rn,
at the premises on 120 Goderieh $t West. Seaforth
PROPERTY:„Thesubject property will be offored by
anctiOn at 700 p.m., Contists of a z storey framia
home with 2 ear attached garage St large kitchen,
dinine rcKen, living room, 1 bedroom & 3 pebath,
all on the main floor. Three bedrootris on 2nd floor -
all on a large mature landscaped 1M. Terms: 10%
down day of sale by cash, balance in .30 days.
Property sobject to a reserve bid.
FUIINITURE, ANTIQUES: 3 pe,. walnet bedreorn
seite; oak dresser with Ovalmirror; wardrobe W ,
beveled panels; 54- walnot bed r& dresser; bow
front china cabinet w. mirrored back: oak parlour
table; 6 oak amine chairs; 4 cane l mom ehairS;
walnut parlour table; walnut oi,al gate leg table;
Duncan Phy, fe small oval glass top table; sxhat net;
oak press back reeker; top of fiat,to,wall; corner
cabinet unit 2 Victerian carbed back needle point
chairs:. 2 v.•alnut praYer chairs: smoke stand; French
Proveneale chesterfield & chair; needlepoint foet •
stoel; carved back dak arm chairs; GE 2 door
refrigerator; 24" Frigidaire stove; Zenith color TV;.
fern stands; frames; rugs; various crocks, quantity
of. hand. 44 garden tools; tredle sewing mid -line;
small appliances; and many more items too
nlimerous to meption.
CHINA & GLASS: 50 pc, set LaMose - "Bridal.
Rose"; silver tea service; 12 pc. set Wedding Ring
tea set; crystal eempete; souvenirs; ornaments;
crocks; and a large quantity of glass 4it, china.
ayiewei 44.4oceaVei
77 MAN ST. SEAPOii11-4; ONTAftlo NOK tWo
(519) 521-148.
IX •
me/i/ gc..2.10ortaieJ
Auctiont Salo
of •furniture. antiques and household items at 203
Princess St., Clinton On •
• JUNE 23, at I;00p.m.
CONSISTING OF: Mason & Reich piano:. 3 pe,
living room Suite; 2 wicker rockers; 6 spindle back
chairs; press hack rocker; oak desk; blanket box;
bookcase: pine wardrobe; washstand; 3 drawer
chest: Simplicitywashing machine,
GLASS, CHINA. ANDMISC.: 6 pcwash set; milk
glass lamp:. R.S. Germany; 2 beaver sealers;
quantity of jars: lamps; books; Quantity of garden
tools and hand tools and many, 'many 1119re items.
*e' Joore
(519) 527-1453
21 Tenders Wanted 21 Tenders Wanted
Ministry of
Tender Reference
. Number IIOS VT 79-96
For the removal of
shingles and the instal-
lation Of new 5/8" water
proof Fire Sheathing,
new shingles, Metal.
eaves ttartets and Ridge
Vent at 250 Picton Street
Goderieh, Ontario (01-14
Tenders will be re.
teived for the above
July 4, 1979 .
by. the Ontario Housing.
Corporation, c/o Court
House and Registry
Office, 80 Dttndas Street
P.O. Box 5600, Terminal
"A.'' London,- Ontarie
'f+16A 2P3 (519/670110)
frern whom details and
specifications May be
obtained. and.
' specifications may also
be obtained froth the
Huron' 'County' Housing,
Authotity,, 53 'Stanley
Street, Goderich, Oritat,
lo, N7A 3K6 (S19/524-
2637), quoting reference
number at above.
The [divest or any
tender, teat necessarily
eeceptetl. 21,-06-1
Ministry of
Tender Reference
Ntunber BOS sn 79-93
For the refncival if exist-
ing and. installation of
new shingle roof, and
metal eaves starters at
.0H4, 52 Bristol Terrace,
Wingharn, Ontario.
Tendert will be re-
ceived for the above
ulltii:00 a.m. local thne
by. the Ontario' Housing
Corporation, cio Court
Houte and Regittry
Office, 80 Dundas Street
P.O, Box 5600, Terminal
"A."' London, Ontario
N6A, 2P3 (519/679-7110)
frorti WhOrn details and
Specifications may be
obtained. 'Details and
Specifications may also
be obtained from the
Huron County Houting
Authority, 53 Stanley
Street, Ooderich, Ont-
arie, N7A 310 (519/524-
2637), quoting reference
eurnber as above. The
loWest or any tender not
nettattirily accepted.
Tender tor
Sealed tenders on
.forms and in envelopes
available from the office
the undersigned will
be aveepted until 4:00
p.m. local time on
JULY 11, 1979
for the supply of 1 -
tandem diesel 0140 •
equipped with snow
plow and wing.
The lowest or any
tender not neeessarily,
Huron County 'Engineer
Court HouSe
Goderich, Ontario.
Tenders f.or
"ai Brodbagen " Community
Hall will he received by the
andersigaed till
6 p.m, June 30 ,
Duties to eommence on July
15 or as soon as possible
thereafter. For . further
information call 347-2977,
Lowest tenders not iieceS-
.sarilv aecepted.. •
Secret:Ars Of Brodhagen
; C of C
)1.0o 2.
Phone 527-0240
22 Legal Notices
Ratepayers Wishing to:
receive a copy Of the
Huron County Board
Of Education's audited
Financial StaternentS
for 1978 Shouldwrite
or phone:
Mr. R. B. Dunlop
The Huron County
Board of Education
103 Albert Street
Clinton, Ontario
NOM 1L0-
R. J. Elliott
D. J, Cochrane
in the Estite of
All persons having claims
against the Estate of John
N.A. McKenzie, late of the
Town of Seaforth, in the
County or Huron. deceased.
14410 died, on the .1.5th day of
Februttry, 1919, are hereby
notified to send in full pank.
ulars of their claims to the
undersigned on or before the
12th day of July, 1919, after
fithith dale the assets will be
distributed having regard
, only to claims then received.
Dated at Seadrift, Ontario
this 19th day of June, 1919,
Remember!, it itikeS 'het. a Seafortlio Oittarin.
#10ineht 2'0 ,Saiteibilli ftitthetkecUtora.
ExPbtitot Want Ad, . ' • 22-064
22 Legal Notices
In the Estate of
Ali persent, haNing ialnis
against the Estate of Jean-
nette R. Pethick, late of the
Town of SeaforttL in. the
County of Huron. deecase4.
who died on, the lith (Jaya
May, 1979, are hereby noti-
..fied to send in full pertkulars
of their claims to the under-
signed On or before the 28th
any of June. 19N, after
which date the assets will be
distributed hming, regard
only to elaims then received',
' Dated. at Seuforth, Ontario
this 29th day of May t'79
Seeforth, Ontariti.
Solicitors for the estate,
4- Cards of Thanks
Ron and Kathy Ward (nee
Dalton) would like to thank
friendS„ neighbours and rela-
tives who helped to make it
happy occasion on our wed.
ding day. We iyeeld also like
to thank everyone for. the:
sheave!' and wedding gifts
whielf Will all be quite useful.
our home: 24-06x1
Sincere thanks to all whd
-remembered me with cards,
flowers and visits while I was
a 'patient in Scaforth Com-.
rnPnity Hospit:il. Special
thanks to Dr: Malkus, the
nurses, and hospital staff
who were so kind to me. It
was greatly appreciated. •
--Lloyd McCluskie 24-06x1
The family of the late Jeff
Hackwell wouldlike to thank
our friends, neighbeurs and
'relatives '.for their expres-
Mons of sympathy. prayers„
floral tributesdopations and
eards, A very special thank
you to Jack, Audrey and Ron.
to the ladies Who came to the
house, to Who sent tbotL
to '..Rev. Baker. the Box
Funeral Home and the ladies
for their lunch at the church.
To the rimer bearers, Jeff's
ball team and coaChes and all
those wopderful teenagers
who came to the funeral
heme. We cannot tell you
how much yc•el helped us.
The many kind 'words and
compliments paid to Jeff:will
alivtiys be remembered and
treasured. —Merton,.Doreep
13keine•and Craig ". 24 061 •
• To Jeff's fellow studertts and
friends: Words cannot ex-
press how pinch your pres-
ence at the funeral home.
funeral' and Walton church
after, meant to us. All we
could do was ask many of you
your names but your
thoughtfulness has helped us
through this ver Y difficult
time more than you can ever
know, Jeff, was so much
luckier tharehe knew to have
so many. friends, A very
special thanks,to his machine
"shop class for their flowers',
and' to Wes and Pete, those
special friends everyone
needs. If any of you would
care to conic to see us at any
time you would be very
welcome. —Merton, Doreen,
Blaine and Craig Hackwell
Arnold and Mihna Scott
would like to thank their
neighbours and friends in
McKillop for the lovely party
and gift, 24-06-1
I would like to express thy
sincere thanks t� Dr. Whit-
man and staff of nurses at
Seaforth Cornmueity Hew
ital as well as to friends and
neighbours for all their kind.
nets. •-•-.1. Vella 24-06x1
The family of the late Adelia
Wiete.rsen, beloved wife, .
mother and grandmother,
wishes to express sincere
thanks to relatives, ,ftielidS
and ,neighbours for flowerSc
Meniorial eardS, sympathy
cards feed brought to our
hotnea and thoughtfulness at
•the time dour bereavetrient.
Special thank S to Pastor
IllorStv MgSr, Adams, LCW
Of5i leters Lutheran Church,
and the Lockhart funeral
ffoine. Our sincere thanks
and appreciation. ,,at,eslie,
Ratph Grate, Marilyt. and
familitS 24.06x1
CArds...01- .Thatalts.
'Irwin arid Anne Agar wisb
thank all their relatives and
friends. for eards and gifts
and flowersthey reeeived for
their 50th wedding anniver-
.sary, A special thankS to tant'
.nieee and husband POrtatIlY
and Bert McClure. oar
neplieff ani s wife Bill Prld
RqthTritpoell tvlany thanks
for the los els' annocrsary
cake. our niece and husband
Ilene and Ken Thompson for
the lovely anniversary part
given in our honour, Thanks
In •
artam PersOn#
• CARR; Itt loving memory ,ef
dear SiSter and aunt, lona
Carr. who, 'passed eway One
Year age Jan047. 1978.
• We tuve you deiu-ly
We 'eve you yet,
No matter how long,
We will never forget.
—Sadly missed by M ,
Gordon, Shirley. Jint and
family ger*, Charlotte and
to all those who helped in any ziolo Person al
was., thei Parnily Paradise
and staff.). the .Huron Ram -
biers orehestra. Special
thanks to our son and his
Wife, .)tick tind June Agar for
having, a family dinner Sun
l -
sciaSYterj",ZettylidAintldeci4rdsoinng ,nonudr
Keith Sterling in our honour
at the chalet in Sarnia. Many
thanks m our friends and
neighbours in Sarnia for
flowers, gifts a.nd cards.
.With sincere appreciation, J
ack 's 4otting
ino,& Anne. Agar.
Miss Mary Helen Munro and
Robert Jan -les Costello are
pleased to announce their
forthcoming marriage. The
marriage will take place at
the Northside United Church
at 7;30 p.m, on June 29. It
will he a closed reception.
Mr. and Mrs. Neentan Hack-
ney. Exeter, Ontario are
pleased to annoonge the
forthcoming marriage of
their daughter. Janine Marie
to Mr. Steven Roswell, son
of Mr. and Mrs, Ress Corbett
R.B. 1, Exeter, Ontario. The
wedding will take place Fri.
day, June 29, 1979, at 4-
o'cloek in Caven Pretby-
terian Chdrch, Exeter. Open
receptien to follow, 26 -06 -1 -
Mx. and, Mrs, Theoeore
Flynn, R.R. 1, Clinton. are
pleased to announce the
forthcoming marriage' of
their daughter, Angela Ellen
Flynn to Rebel/ Charles
Beacom, son of Mrs, Mary
Ritchie. Seaforthand the fate
Herbert W. BeacoT, The
wedding will take place Fri-
day, July 6th, t979, 7:30
pen. St. Joseph's Church,
Clinton, 26-06-1
wish to thank everyone for
cards, gifts, flOwers and
visits and 81SO 'inquiries dur-
ing my stay in University
Hospital, London, A special
thanks to Northside Church
choir. •-Marlen VIneent
John Mark, Mary Margaret
and Brandon Nash would like
to thank Drs. Underwood and
Malkus as well as nursing
staff for, the best care given
during this special event.
Thanks to all who 'visited or
sent cards and gifts. We will
alwaYs cherish your good
wishes. 24-06X1
I would like to thank my
friends and neighbours for
their cardstreats and vititS
while 1 was in • hospital.
Special thanks to Pr. Under
weed,. Dr. Greenaway,
'nurses and staff of Scaterth
Community Hospital. It was
much appreciated, • -,-Don
Nolan 24-06x I
My sincere :thanks to all
relatives, ,friends, .neigh-
bours and classmates for the
many prayers, effects, gifts.
flow.ers and.VisitS while. I tvas
a patient in St. Joseph's
HospitaL London, Special
thanks to the ambulance
attendaets, pr. Scratch of
Stratford. Dr. •Tervaarwerk.
Dr. Churgin and the nursing
sniff of St, Josephs,. --;Wilma.
Van Dvk 24-06s-1
'We wish to convey our
sincere :thanks and appreci-
atioe to all our relatives,
friends and neighbours who
helped us on Friday, June 15
whenoor home was de.,
str yed by nre. —The
DeVotEePaniiiy 24-06-1
My sincereihanks to friends
and relatives for messages of
'sympathy, ffeWers and don-
ations to Cancer Fund in the
Passing of my dear brother.,
Donald Dale, My appreci-
ation to Canadian Legion
156 and 'Ladies Auxiliary; to
RL,v. Duke and to the Box
Funeral Home. also thanks
to Dr. Rodney and Seaforth
Hospital' for their care. It was
all deeply appreciated. ,
Mrs. Anona Crozier
24-06x I
25 n Mernoriattr
MeNICHOL Inaternory
Verna McNichol who passed.
away 6 year ago on June
23rd. . .
We stem to see in the soft
dint light
.A face we love the best:
Recalling her as the %WS
last ray
Go down in the far ewst.
We miss her more as time
goes on. •
We eat; nett& cliziSe ou
hearts; „
And the lamp of our lova stilt
Her heart the trUest in all the
Her :love the best to recall;
on earth coeld take her
She is, Still the dearest of all.
" Ever remembered by Andy
and the fatuity 25-06k1
26 Perot:MAI
M. and Mrs. Rey Scott 'are
happy to announce the
engagement of their daugh-
ter Shirlq Pauline to Vernon
AleXander, son of Mr. John
Mena and the late Dorothy
Mero, The wedding wig take
place July 7 at 5 o'clock at Sr,
James church, g4f(gth,
27 Births
NASH; John Mark and Mall'
Margaret Nash are overjoyed'
to announce the safe arrival
of Brandon James on June
13, 1979 at Seaford' Com-
munity Hespital, Weighing 7
lbs. Proud grandparents are
Jim and Marie Kelly and Jim
and Ginette Nash. qreat
grandparents are Mr. and
Mrs. Eli Ecury and Mrs, Mary
Dillon. 27-064
Farm trucking review
The firm of Everett Biggs
Associateshas been
retained by the Ontario
Government to carry out a
review ef farni related
trueIting,' The objectives of
the review are 1. TO give the
agricultural community and
the trucking industry a
common and clear under
standing of the real impact of
• the Act in this area.
2. To provide government
with a tnore detailed picture
of the concerns of both
truckers .and the agricultpral
community. 3. Toattempt to
reaeh common ground with
respect to possible legislative
changes to the P.C.V, Act
respecting the commodities.
4. To produce a factual report
and recomenenclatiOns on the
above subjects for
sabMission to the Minister of
Trannortation . 'and
Communications and to. the
Minister of' Agriculture and
Food by D.ecember „I:5th,
The review will consider
the impact of the Public
Commercial; Vehicles, Actits
regulations; and 'associated
administrative. praetices and
legal- interpretations upon
the movement by truck for
compensation . Of farm.
products and supplies.
including: — Livestock feed,
hay and straw; - Grain,
soybeans, corn, whitebea,ps -
Manure. Fertilizer,
agricultural limestone; - Pes-
ticides,"herbiCides - Milk; -
Feneine.. Material; Peat,
mqss; - Livestock; Drainage
tile: and piping; - Farin
machinery: - Other farm
products or supplies as may
be identified. . .
The review will also -
consider the potential effects
of regulatory • , .chadgei
inelocling exempdon, of
specific Commodities, move.'
merits, ' Vellielet, .1:ir • .other
aspects of firm related
transportation frotii the
P.C.V. Act. '
Written briefs will be
'invited from interested
parties and public hearings
conducted where Considered
necessary, * •
1 would invite any personal
vievi.!s or questions on the:
subject as ouiliped in the
terms of reference so that
might refer tuchconcarns to
the firm whieh is carrying out
the review,
The Resources Develop-
ment Committee has stathd
that acid rain pollution is
killing Canada's lakes and.
ShoUld be declared a
"national emergency'',
Ontario should order all
existing coal-fired plants 16
meet air pollution control
standards ahd all new plants
have the best. available
corittO1 devices installed be.!.
fore they operate. The com-
mittee's . retertimendations
follow weeks it hearings at
which itwas told hat aCid
rain has already "kilied" 140
Ontario. lakes And threatens
another 48,000 arid the
problem IS 'threatening
Ontari's Multt-bilaiOtt tiolEar
tourist and 'recreation
indostry, Mote that half the
aeld 'rain damaging Ontario
IS carried from United States"
.plants by air currents,
although hien Ltd giant
smelter itt Sudbury is the
world's largest single source
of pollution, ..acceirding to
government testimony. The
committee was set up to
investigate the ' provipcial.
environment ministry's re-
placement last year of an
order forcing Inco te cut its
pollution to 750 tens per day
with a new order allowing a
continued 3,600 tons per day.
TO persuade , the U.S. that
aeicerain requires immediate
action on both sides of the
border, the committee urged
the govertrment to start
controlling some OtttariO's
worst sources, as soon as
'A senior Provincial official
suggested to the Resources
Development Committee of
. which l' am a member that
.the. Ontario Govdrntnent
should see Reed Limited to
establish the company's
responsibilities fer Mercury
pollUtien - from its Dryden
pulp and paper mill.
Duncan Allan, Assistant
Deputy Minister Of Industry
and Touristn said the action
may be a way to establish' the
legal liability, a prospective
buyer of the plantconk',
expect to Assume in taking in
He told the Legislature
standing Committee on
ResOurces Development that
govenrtnent officials have
spoken to five potential
buyers who are worried
about beingheld accountable
for mercury pollution,
discharged until 1975 into
the English VVabagoon ,River
System. .
The committee' has been
struggling with what to do
about Reed and the future of
Dryden, a one industry town
In Northwestern Ontario.
Originally it was to examine
pollution control deadlines
forthefirm but that issue has
been overshadowed ,by the
need to make certain. a pulp
and paper company Survives
in the area.'
A Federal investigation,
has been launched into
reports that fluoride
pollution on Cornwall Island
from the United States
aluminum smelter has been
killing cows, vegetation and
impairing the health of
Indians on the Island.
to whether testing has been
done on the Island and
whether results are available
children, hatshe prohmeaisltehd
report back to the Legislature
when this intainitioir is
Rreview will remain
indefinitely in Ontario,
although allowable rent
increases • could go higher
than the existing 6% under
steps taken this week by the
Committee , studying new
Landlord Tenant legislation.
The Cabinet has been
given the power to lower or
raise the 6% lintit on rent
increases as early as January
1st 1980.
The Minister of Natural
Resoureei introduced the
Aggregate Act as a result of
the report that the Ontario
Mineral Aggregate Working
Party has submitted to the
Minister in December, 1976.
The Working Party was
established to recommend an
effective and broadly
acceptable . mineral.
aggregate resource manage-
ment policy for the
Proeinee of Ontario.
Many of the features Of the
report and of this bill are the
result of the experience
gained by the various
interests concerned with the
Pits and Quarries Control
•Act, 071.
The new Act has three
purposes -1. To Provide for
the Management of the
aggregate and crown
aggregate resources of
Ontario. 2. To control and
regulate Pits and Quarries,
wayside pits and quarries
and crown aggregate pits
and quarries. 3. To require
the rehabiliatation of land
from which aggregate or
Crown aggregate has been
This Act is lengthy and I
am sure, that it will be
Somewhat controversial in
tome of its provisions. It will
not be vatted before the
THE CHEF GOrdon Monter was ohe Of the
headcheis and bottlewashera from the Seatorth
Lions Club who served up hot dogs and
harnburgs at the Seatorth Lions Carnival on
Saturday. The carnival continues with the
VVintario draw (lilted at the arena on Thursday