HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1979-06-21, Page 16THE ' tURO E S1T01', 4141E Coming Event*. MEET old friends at Mount Forest Centennial Jtlne 29th to July 8th. Programs from Bonnie S1ihrindt, Mount Forest:. , 1.06-1 THE 1217 Anniversary :of the founding of Cromarty. Congregation will be held at. MOO a.ttt, on: Sunday, June 24. Special Music by the choir'. Speaker is Reverand Kenneth Knight. The Anniversary Service will be followed immediately by a. brief dedication of the two cairns. 1.06- I GLANVILLE REUNION,. Seaforth; Lions Park, Sunday. July I st, 2 p.m. 1.06 ,2 THERE WILL be a Binkly and Doinkei puppet show at the Seaforth Lower Library, Monday; , June 25th at 3:00 ' p.m, Children aged 3 to 7 arc invited to this 30 min. Show, . 1.-08.1 °BINGO,, Dublin Community Centre, Friday nights June 8, 15 and 29 at 8 p.m. Spon- sored by Dublin i and District Athletic Association. I`-04,3 CLINTON - Legion Bingo every Thursday:, 8:00 p.m. 1st regular card $1.00. Re stricted: to 16 years or over 15 regular ,games of 515.00; 55 least, on 'split. Many other specials, Jackpot 5200.00 must goeach week, 1-04-tf v 1 ttr Eta s27-oceo 1 E. July 22nd.:. Shelburne, Ont. Brting"your : lawn chair and picnic See the Charlie Pride Shaw at x,p.m. & 6 pm. Admission * Bus Ride S23 per person - 1 -05d Bingo Every Tuesday Night at the VANASTRA'CENTRE' R.R,S, Clinton 8 P.M. .. . First regularcard$1:00 15 Regular games of S15.00 3 Share the Wealth Jackpot 5200 must go Admission restricted to 16' years or over 1.04-tf SATURDAY, ' June 23rd. 9 p.m., The Blyth Summer Festival Fund Raising Dance will be held in the Blyth and District Community Centre with a ,Midnight. Buffet and music by Ray Bush, •Tickets S15' per couple or 'Sii each. Reservations. 523-9300.. 1.05-2 1 Coating Events IIIIIETEEN CANADA ON SALE West to the Pacific With Hanover Holiday Tours Fly CP air to Calgary Fully escorted Coach Tau to Banff. A.C. and: Jasper Return flight from: Calgary to Toronto: Fully Escorted 11 Days. 3 Departures July 21, Aug. IL sad Sept. 3/79' $749 per person, :twerp: 1-05-2: 2 Lost Strayed • LOST: 1 Year old Collie part Husky pup, wearing choker chain collar. late last Friday night in Egmondville Area. Answers to name. of Sam, Please call 527-1177 Reward. 2-06x;1. 4 Help Wanted A RELIABLE girl to babysit2' days a week 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. 5.7-0276, 4.06x2 PERSON seeking fulltime general employment. Has farm experience, 527.1819. 4-06.1 Help Wanted Feed. Truck e Drivr Apply in' person Seaforth 'farmers : Co=op 1 help Wanted; 1 HAP, antis!, TOWNSHIP'QF.HAY REQ1r IR.E$ A Rood SY uper.Inte.n of Applications In writing stating qualifications. age and employment history etc.. will ,be rr:cened until JUNE 25, 1979 4 _p.m. DST. at the township of Ha, , Clerk's Office, Zurich, Ontario. P.utie , to txntmence August 20, 1979. QUALIFICATIONS: Specific experience in management and: nanintr „ �* of road construction and municipal :administration . •DtTIES: To successfully plan direct, co-ordinate .andcontrol budgets, people, material and equipment. SALARY: Renuneration according to qu;alrlications submitted. MRS. J. M, DL'CHARME CLERK TREASURER TOWNSHIP OF HAY Vincent •Farm• E.quiprnent. at Seaforth continues to grow and offers a rewarding opportunity for SALES PERSON - PARTS PERSON and MECHANICS Experienced and • aggresssive individuals are required. Ideal:working conditions, fringe benefits. Excellent opportunity for the right people. To arrange an interview contact: • MARLEN ViNCENIT VINCENT FARM EQUIPMENT LTD. • SEAFORTH, ONT, TELEPHONE 15191527-0120 4-06-1.. 5 Bus. Opportunity SPARE time income selling fashion -jewellery and: gifts from home: Free information Or 52.00 for sample: REEL DEEL, 164 Victoria Harbor LOK 2AO: . 5-06' 1; 4-06-1 6:. Teachers Wanted 6 Teat•1ters Wanted School Bus .Driver Howick Central.: Public School R. R. #1,''Gorrrie. Writtenapplications:, ad- dressed to d-dressed.to MR. R.11. CUNNINGHAM Transportation Manager. The Huron County Board ' of Education 103 Albert Street. CLINTON, ONTARIO NOM 1LO or Mr: ':Bruce' Robertson, Principal. Howick Central Public School will be re- ceived .until . 1.0:00 a.m. On: Thursday, June 28, 1979 Duties to commence ..Tuesday, September' 4,; 1.979. . . R. J, E(irott .'..J. Cochrane Chairman Director 4-06-1 Class,fied Rates • WORD COUNT Charges are based on the number of words, Sets of numerals as for seriall nurnbers, street numbers:, phone numbers or priees Count as one word per set. Words joined by hyphens count.asseparate ,vords. FIRST INSERTION - 15 words 52,50 10c• per word thereafter SUBSEQUENT INSERTiONS No copy changes, 8c persvord, minimum 52.00 SEMI -DISPLAY FIRST INSERTION $2.17 per column inch, SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS 51.89 per column inch; (Minimu size in this' category 1 VI inches, Accepted in multiples (Abaft -inch.) BOX NUMBERS TO THIS OFFICE - '50e per insertion. BIRTHS 15 words, S2.50 10c per word thereafter, MARRIAGES, Engagements, . Death Notices. 15 "ids $2.50, each additional word 10c. MEMORIAMS 52.50 plus 10c per lint of verse COMING EVENTS 15 words $2.50, each additional Word 10c, Three insertions for the price of 2. CARD O7 THANKS SO words 52.50 each additional word 3c, *DISCOUNT FOIL CASH PAYI!Ylr" NT ()NOR BEFORE FRIDAY NOON IN WEEK OF INSERTION. No cancellation of multiple insertion advertisements after Noon, Tuesday DiaillIne for elassiled ads is 12 Noon Tuesdays • ?hone. 152.7-0241 HURON 'PERTH .ROMAN CATHOLIC • SEPARATE SCHOOL BOARD REQUIRES FOR September, 1979. Teachers for the following positions . ST. BONIFACE SCHOOL, ZURICH Principal''s relief 90% SEAFORTH/Sl`:,..COL JMBAN': Principals relief with some music (Temporary position for 1 year only) SACRED HEART SCHOOL, WiNGHAMVE One classroom teacher (temporary position.1 year only) and one Principal's relief50% Direct Applications to MR. JOHN MCCAIJLEY, SUPERINTEr4DANT OF EDUCATION, HURON -PERTH COUNTY RCSS BOARD Box 70, Dublin, Ontario. 519-345.2440. ', Applications will be.rc eio•ed until Friday the 22 of June, 1979, 4 p.m-. William' Eckert William 'Kinahan DIRECTOR: OF EDUCATION CHAIRMAN .6-0b-1 Farm Stock For Sale 'i( good chunks. George Love,. Walton. 8,06.1 • MOVING to Egmondville needed room, and board fora one horse, Chris at 482-7235. i -06-I. 20 • Weaver pigs 40 lb. average,345.2170. 8.06.1• FORTY FOUR good quality weaner:pigs, weighing 50 lb. Gerry O'Reilly 345.2685,. 8:06-1 THIRTY-FIVE pigs, approx. 50 lbs, Apply Ferg Kelly 3452197, 8.06-1 HEREFORD X Charlois bull. 12 months polled. Phone 527-1618. 8-06x1 tJA L1T Q Y pigs for sale. Call 348-8857 cellect.'Delivered•if necessary. 8.04.5 PULL btbod litnousin ball 2 yrs, old S1,500, J htrrti Van ake! R. R. o M1, Bornholm, 345,2715, 845,2 Fano Stock For Sale Teac hers NI paled 11 Articles For Sale.Property For Sa f oma/ &/heat ti Requires. Occasional, CIS C3 _ Teachers rs ache to do: supply work in the elementary and secondary schools during. 1979480. Written applications, including qualifications, social insurance number, and telephone number must be mailed before July &th to R.B. ALLAN, Superintendent of Education Hurn County Board of EducatIsu: 103 Albert Street, Clinton, On t, • NOM 1140 Applicants should indicate thegrades and/ or subjects they are prepared to teach, and the schools in which they would serve. From this information lists of available teachers• wall be prepared for each school. Principals will then contact applicants when their; services are . re-' quired. Persons presently serving, as Occasional Teachersin our schools need not re- apply. Names will automatically be included • for the coming year unless notification to: the contrary is received from either theteacher or a principal' D J. COCHRANE Director R.J. ELLIOTT L l(ulrman.; 6-05-2' o1L'rs. dui in 3 weeks. 527-024'. 8,06.2 PUREBRED Hampshire boars serviceable age Paul ' McNally. 357.3724, 8,05.2 CHAR()) ". 4 and short horn cross buir 15 months. old, 881.6986. 8.05x2 ed;Citfn For Sale '2G.M'C, 1500 Sierra +' f rt,it: truck, 1i stilated' toper Loot! condition. 52'1-1123 10.08x1 I Artitles oe •Sat MOBI P. HOME 10, ft. by 40' ft, Canadian Stair mobile home. basily moved* groat for summer cottager New' earpct, propane heat, Skirting. includes! Excellent condition, BesI' off r. p'lionc 348.8166 11.0I4 • 1 Z 4rtieles For 'Sale A BELL Piano in excellent condition call. 527-1059. .11-06.1 TWENTY -four acres mixed. hay, standing or baled, .Bob McLachlan. 527-0948.11-06-1 . ,. ROXBORO GARDEN. 527- 0705, Left over box plants' oh sale 3 for 51.00 green onions, early, and late cabbage. plants, cauliflower • and red cabbage. 11.06-,1 ,PIANOS -ORGANS .;new and used at lowest prices. From June 16th to'. August 20th store will be n ,P o ebyappoint- ment PP ment only. Pulsifer 'Music 527-1508 or 5270053. 11-06-tf NEW- HOLLAND Corn Harvester two years old 12 Knives, 718 with wide, hay head and one row corn head. Two Kasten boxes with tops with three beaters, two Martin wakofs nine ton and eight ton. ,Filbritt 'blower with 60 feet of pipe, Case four bar side rake in fair: condition on steel. Can be seen 'at Roy Martyr), New Holland Dealer, Russelldale: Edward Melody 345-2783.. 11.06-1 SPRENG'tt�TO SUMMER SALE White zig tag sewing mach- ines reg, 5219,95, now $169.95. White zig tag with stretch• stitch 'reg.S249:95 now S189.95, White free -arm with Stretch stitch reg. 5249.95' now 5199.95; Husgvarna. Automatic. reg: 5369.95 now S269.95. Save up to 50% on fabrics. Sew and Save Centre Ltd. the sewing machine and.. fabric specialists 149 Downie St wet,, (2 doors south of Hud':nn:s) Stratford, Ont.., io 271.9660' Close s. o a Closed n d Y' 11 ,044 iviOCIIJt AR home 44' x 23' Glenwood Deluxe with .'frig • and stove. washer, dryer, rugs and drapes.Immediate occupa'ttcy, Set upon lot 15 at Morgans . Mobile Home's. 482-7066. CESTETNER', INK aVallable At , The Barmy .Expositor. 527-0240 Seaforth 1:1-114xtfi SWIMMING POOL Manufacturer has new 1978 Pools, r9gular price 52,1.90,00 now . at our in season special of 51,355,00: Pools conte with walkaround1 deck, patio, fencing pump, motor and filter. Delivery arranged to. your convenience. For best selection and information call, imperial Pools toll free l 840 261i -597041f within our local: calling area, 746-33404 11-0,3.tf 32 ft, pipe bale elevator. without, wheels .527.16$7. . 11.05-2' GOT something to. sell? 9000 people read the EXPOSITOR classified ads every week., Place your low priced Expositor classified at 5270240. 11-95xtf 38 acres: of standing mixed, hay `:Miner Kiebor. Phone 345-2816. 1.1 -05-2. COPIES Copies of your important papers 'or documents while you wait, Letter size, , 2Sc each. THE HURON EXPOSITOR 11-04xtf A Berg stable cleaner 200 ft. chain, 18ftchute 1,000 RPM. Gear Box, for Corn Hog 527-0098. 11.-05-2 CRUSHED gravel' for .sale late part' of June or first of July. Trucks wilt deliver. W. R. ParsortsStaffa, 345-2506. 11-05.3 MIXED hay standing or- by the bale. Emmerson Mitchell' Walton. 887-6697. 11=05-2 TWO doors size. 24: inch, suitable for shed, one gas space heater 527.1346. 11-05-2 STOCK racks and: loading. shute for a one ton. truck. 887.696.8. 11-05x2. ONE eight. piece Duncan phyfe dining room suitein excellent condition. Cali 527- 0763. • 11-05-2 50 acres standing alfalfa geti