HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1979-06-21, Page 144 — THE HURON EXPOSITOR, JUNE 211, 1.91*
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Two views of life was the
topie of the devotional given:
by Mrs. Audrey Christie .at
the June meeting of unit one
of Hensall U.C.W. held ins
the church on Thursday,
June 14. She .opened the
meeting by reading a ;poem.
"A summer creed.". and in
her devotional explained that
results maybe More success.
;fUl if we cope with, circum»
;stances more positively and
with more understanding
and love. Even..eut? health is
better if we have a good
happy view of the, life we
Lead, To end she read a.
poem "It all depends on;.
You,• .
Mrs. Helen Searle, for the
study. gave an interesting.
talk, about the Father
Flanagan Boys. Town in
:Nebraska where they visiite4
on their California tottrin the'
spring. This 'reboot, on 1441'
;acres of land; tap" has :b5
buildings and has a ,pope"'
dation of 40Q ;girls and' boyS
was started with only one
building, in• i9,t3 by. Father
klanagan, Olde of the train
units is the Boys Town,
Centre wr iie:a helps young
;people with :learning prob.
leets, physically handi-
capped,, drug and drug
related problems. 'parental
rejection and; drinking, prob.
lents. The belief is that with
the right environment,
understanding, there are no
bad boys.
Mrs. Searle also told about:
the very important work and
guidance done by Major
Marguerite Lloyd by the love
she and her assistants shote'
TiF,Rae'i +AIr,47- n�Ti' ir•*-470,4.107,h�
at the Salvation, Array Child"
rens ' °illage.
Mrs. Audrey Joynt on
ducted, the :business:. ,She
reported on'Ning Khan Man
and asked all to write letwrs
Protesting offenstt'e advtrrtis-
ing; on TN . Pates, to recnera-
ber: •Regional. .F1411'-
U C,W',: Elitxt-411+ October 12. 'October
general; meeting. Pot luck,
supper on October 1st. flow.;
±era in the church on August
S. :12 and 19, Executive of
at Hensall on Sept-
ember r. Alma College
Seminar August 1,9.22,
Mr$. Joynt read an artiele
from the ,paper, written by
Mrs. Starke. "Church call.
male! bastion '. Mrs. Scane
gave the '.t,'»l convenors.
report and Mrs. Christie read
a poem "June .Inventory"
and gave courtesy remarks,.
$ix children baptIzed.
at Cc,..rm.. el Church
Mr. and Mrs, Charles'
Goodman of Detroit, Mr, and.
Mrs. Les Adams, Exeter.
and Mrs, Blanche Chapman
of London visited this week
with Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Mrs.; Eva Thompson who
has been receiving treatment
in St., Joseph's Hospital,
London returned, to her
Mrs; Walker Carlile is a
patient in South Huron Hosp-
ital, Exeter.. '
Mr. and Mrs. Joe 'Flynn
spent a few days visiting with
the latter's' brother-in-law
and sister. Mr. and Mrs. Roy
Rev. Kenneth Knight eon-
ductec' . Baptism service in
Carmel Presbyterian Church
on :Sunday baptising• Elisa
Marie 'Masse. daughter of
Mr.. and Mrs. Mark Masse '
Jamie Harold Neil Campbell.
son. of Mr.. and Mrs: Fred
Campbell; Jason Robert Van-
stone, .Charles Aldon Van
stone. sons of Mrs. Robert
Yanstone and the late Robert
Vanstone; Steven Anthony
Wu'•rrn. and .Matthew Donald
Wurm, sons of Mr. and Mrs,
C. Wurm, Rev. E night
delivered an inspiring
message to the parents and
congregation on '.Baptism,""
Flowers were placed in the
church in loving memory of
the late Mr. and Mrs. Stew-
art MCQueen their family:
also, flowers were placed in
loving memory of the late
Hugh Love and Walker Car-
lile by their families, The.
service next: Sunday June
24th will • be cancelled as
the congregation are invited
to worship with Cromarty
Presbyterian Church at 'their
anniversary service at 11
a.m. The church will be
closed July' 1st, 8th and 15th
for holidays, Church service
will be . in Hensall United
Church at 11 :a.m,..
The Blyth LadiesInstalling
teamof the Ladies' Auxiliary
visited the Hensall Branch of
the Canadian Legion on Fri-
day `evening to install the.
officers of the Auxiliary.
Zone commander William
Rheil of Blyth was present to
install the• Legion's mem-
bers. The Ladies' Auxiliary
Varna a mon
Improvng in hospital
Congratulations to Roy
and Helen Edythe Elliott who
have a grandson, David
Darryn McAsh celebrated
his birthday with a party for
ten of his school friendsat
his home on Saturday, June
Frank Smith; who is in
University Hospital' with a
fractured skull, has shown
some improvement. He will
likely be moved' to Seafgrth
Hospital in about • three
Weeks, where he ' will . be
confined for several'weeks.
• . Little Kim ` Proctor has ,
been - holidaying with her''
grandparents, Mr, and Mrs.
Murvin Johnston. •
Come out to the ball park
and see the Stanley Steamers
play in their new red ball
uniforms, Various business-
es in the area are supporting
the team by providing the
In a weekend ball tourna-
ment in Kirkton,. the Varna
Stanley •Steamers defeated
Hen :all
• Iadies in
NY state
A number .of ladies from
this area enjoyed a bus trip.te
Scott's Villa, Aqua Lake,
•New York State last weekend
and report a most Worthwhile
trip and excellent' entertain-
Those who went on the trip
were Mrs. Alice Ferg, Mrs.
Sadie Wren, Mrs. Gladys
Coleman Mrs. Lois Harring-
ton, Mrs. Irene ,Finlayson,
Mrs. Anita 'Bengough' , Mrs,
Pearl 'Koehler, Miss Viola:
Unman, Mts. Leona. Parke,
Mrs: Mary Funk, Mrs. Nan
Britton, Mrs. Rosa 'Harris,
Mrs. Agnes Madge. Mts.
Jessie McAllister, Mrs. Vera
Lemmon, Mrs. 'Nellie Riley,
Mrs. Rachel Schwalm, Mrs.
Annie Noakes and Mrs.
defending. champions ,• New.
Hamburg, ;on Saturday
morning. -In the afternoon
they put Kirkton out in a
close game. They'were beat-
en on Sunday by a team • of
Catholic School Teachers,
although theyplayed a good
game with no errors,
Thurs., June 21'at Bayfield.
- Varna Stanley Steamers vx.
Flyers 7:00 pan,; Wed,, June.
27 at 'Varna Dashwood vs,
Varna $ 30 p.m.; Sun,. July 1
at Zurich = • Varna. vs, Blue.
jays 8:00 p.m.
Thurs., June 28 at Varna -
Varna vs. Stanley Stars 7:00
p,m.; Thurs.. July 5 at Varna
- Goodtimes. vs. Varna 7;00
officers are :as, follows: Presi.
dent - Beatrice Ly1; '1st vice
president - Alice Neilands;
2nd nice president - Hilda
Smale: Secretary - Donna
Allen; Treasurer . Mona
Campbell; Sgt. at Arms • lva
Reid; Executive - Joan Beier-
ling, Jean Munn,. Vera
Smale. Officers for the.
Legion were: president -
Irvin Ferris; 1st vice presi-
dent -Garnet Allen 2nd vice
president Howard: Smale;
secretary Charles "Cooper
Treasurer- Murray Traquair;
Sgt. at Arms; Larry Uyl. A.
social _:hour followed the
' - Installation and, refresh-
ments were served.
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Shir-
ray and Darlene of Strathroy.
were recent visitors with the
former's mother Mrs. A.W.
Several members of the
"Three Links". Senior Citi-
zens . attended a dinner •at
Huronview on Tuesday cele -
beating• Senior Citizens' week
Birthday greetings to
Louise Scrimgeour and Wally
Crich - who have birthdays
June 23rd and : to Morris
Beaver who has a birthday
June 24th. Visitors'. with.
Russell Erratt . were his
daughter and son-in-law,.
Helen and Bill Taylor, his
wife;Peart, Olive Stephenson
Arnold and. Nora Keyes,
Frank and Mabel McClin
chey. Visiting with Nell Ken-
drick were her daughter Ruth
Durand, granddaughter
Susan Durand. Liz Varley,
[(leen, Lesa, Laurie & Jane
Flannigan, Hamilton;. Ken,
Doris. Karen •`Kendrick,
Glencoe, Gertrude Beaver
visited Morris Beaver.' Mrs.
Horace Pfaff visited: her .hus-
band Horace. Aiso. visiting,
Mr. Pfaff was Mrs. 'Marylin.
Major, Georgetown. Visitors
with Jim McDougall and
Bella Drover were Lloyd and
John . McDougall and Jack
Upshall. Don Rozendal visit-
ed his wife Mice. Gifford
Hoggarth .visited" his wife
Dora. Rev. C. Bishop von -
ducted Church service. The
Christian Reformed Ladies
entertained the , residents
with bingo and treats.'Men's
high bowling score was Neil
Regan 136 and ladies, Mary
Parimer 93. `
btu ary
Mrs, Melizza Barbara
(Pfile) Geiger passed away in
Clinton General Hospital.
June tooth in, her 91;st year.
She was the .wife of the late
Roland Geiger and mother of
Claire . W. Gaiger. RIZ: 2
Zurich,. Mrs. Jack i Romavnel
McClinchey, 'Clinton, One
brother Urban Ptile, Zurich..
nine • grandchildren and
seventeen great grandchild
ren survive. One son Delbert
Geiger predeceased in, 1977.
also predeceased ;by two
Sisters and one brother.
Ftinerai service was held
from :the Westlake Funeral
Herne Zurich, Tuesday. June
19 at 2 p.m, trey, John
Oestricher officiated. Inter-
ment in Emmanuel United
Church Cemetery, Zurich.
• '
OPEs t-4
'OMEN 't1=
Atter all repeating she M.ii
pah Benediction. Mrs.
Arlene Keys: 404 her assist-
ant ,Mrs, Vera Drysdale'
ser*ed lutreis. while Mrs.
Alice Fer,. ,,,a,.a,. •bd an.
interesting contest.
Demand ,tt the iferisall
Sales Barn was active attain
last week with supply con-
sisting mainly: of heifers and
steers. Prices varied. higher
for steers and steady to lower
for ,steers. Fat cattle; steers
$79:00.584.00, top to 584,50.
heifers, $78,00 - 584.50, top
so 1t877.8S; .Pigs, 524.50 ,.
A. successful Bake Sale
was held by the women of
I1e:nsa]l United Church in the'
arena on Saturday morning.
Sellers were kept quite Busy
most of the morning,.
A gospel' hymn sing began:
the service at Hensall United
Church on Sunday, the sere,'
ice being conducted by Rev.
Stan C. McDonald. Thispro-
videdsetting the et i for an.
uplifting and inspiring serv-
ice. A duet also was sung by
Ron Mock and Mrs. .Belv_a
FOs%. ' His Hands" and
M.cs, Mary Moffatt played
Rev. McDonald took asthe
subject Obis message. ,EM'
cures"' based on the"storY of
.the rich ratan: who prepared a,
feast but all the ,guests made
excuses for not attending. if
we make excuses when God
calls, us to do something for
Him we are shutting, the door
to the Kingdom gf,GP, d in, our!
own faces,
Flowers adorning the
church for the service were in
loving •memory of Walker
Carlile and Fred Stewart,
placed there by their respect-
ive families.
Next Sunday, a. 'special
serviSe will be held to dedi-
care the new stained-glass
windows. All friends of the
congregation are invited to
A ,large group of women
from'liensall were part of the
party. who took the trip. to
Scott's Farm.
Mrs. Carl Mcllonald s.►., f
Atwood visited with Rev.
Stan C. McDonald for a few
y;a lasl'week,
Mrs. Elsa Logo of .Goiter-
Teta-visited with Mrs" Rachel:
,Scf twalnt; Last week.
Rev. and. Mrs. E. Garnett
f •taller Af Beamsville visited
with their daughter andfam.-
ily. Mr, and Mrs. William
Scotthmer, Way4 and,
Thomas over the weekend.
Charles Mickle, Hamilton,
spent the weekend with his
mother, Mrs. Laird Mickle
.and Mr. and Mrs, Ross
an. and daughter Ann:
visited ,$unday with Mrs.
McMillan's mother..
The Pee -wee ball team,
played the only game at the
new ball diamond last week
ort Tuesday, when they beat
Elimviiie Pee-wees 2548.
Mr. and Mrs. William
Mckle and John, Exeter and
Mrs; Laird Mickle were in
Toronto last Wednesday.
visiting the former's dangly
ter Miss Pamela :Mickle and
saw the baseball game be-
tween the Toronto Blue Jays
and the California Angels,.
the. Blue Jays winning by.a
score of 9.8.
enior ci•
pper Canada
Thr; Hensall .Three Links.
Senior Citizens met for their
• June meeting on June 12 at 8
p.m. Planned in the business
was : another bus trip, this
time overnight, to the Upper:
Canada Village and Ottawa
in early September. Mrs.
Irene Davis is in charge of
arrangements. Tickets for
the matinee performance of
the Sound of .'Music are
available at a cost of. 54.00
per senior. Apply to Mrs.
Irene Finlayson. This is for
Saturday, August 25 at 2:30
p.m. Seniors are invited • to
have lunch at Hutonview on
Tuesday, June 19, char8e•;
51.00 to celebrate Senior
Citizen Week. Entertainment
to follow. It, was also decided
to send two delegates to the.
provincial Convention at
Ottawa on August 14 & 15.:.
Roughly 5300 of the grant
is still outstanding and a
committee of Mrs. Isabel
Rogerson, Mrs. Irene Davis
and Mrs. Myrtle Shirray was
formed to purchase various
small items needed to comp-
liment projects already start;
ed. '
The September meeting
will be held at 6:30 p.m.' on
Tuesday, September 11 and
will take the. form of a
pot -luck supper, the Execu-
tive to be In charge, The new
state of officers for that
month on.wiil be:
President; Mrs. Bertha
McGregor; 1st vice president
Mrs. Ruby. Bell; 2nd vice
president, Mrs. Hilda Payne;
secretary, Mrs. Irene Davis;
treasurer, Mrs. Alma Horton
directors, Alf Ross,Clarence
Volland, ' :Mrs. Elizabeth
Riley, Mrs Irene' Finlayson,.
Mrs:, Gladys Coleman; pia-
nist,. Mrs, Isabel Rogerson;
assistant pianist, Mrs. -Vera
Henry' Adkins moved a
vote • of thanks to" MrS.
McGregor for het work and
devotion during the past year
and invited all members to
.help him:•and his wife cele-
brate their Diamond Wed-
ding anniversary ' at the
Zurich Arena on the evening
of June 22. Arrangements for
playing shuffleboard .. this
summer are to be organized
by Mrs. Mabel Shirray.
Following the singing' of
the., Queen, euchre was
played for a short ° period.
Winners were; Ladies high,.
Mrs. Aldine, Volland; gents
high, Bill Rogerson; lone
hands, Mrs. Dorothy Mickle;.
ladies Consolation, Mrs.Vera
Ross; gents consolation,
Elgin Rowcliffe. •
Two. of the prizes had to. be
drawn ror ani each time each
contestant drew the same
card twice.. The June meet-
ing of the Hensall Women's
Institute was held at the'
home of Mrs. Carl,, Payne on
Wednesday, June 13, Thir-
teen members and two
guests gathered on thepatio
. for: a picnic supper at 6:30
While' the tidying up was
being done by the hostesses,
Mrs. Hazel' Corbett and Mrs.
Winnie Skea, a small oil,
painting 'done by member
Grace Peck was :raffled and
the stint of $12:25 raised.
Mrs. Myrtle Sherritt was the
lucky winner.
The business meeting fol-
lowed, the president, Mrs.
Joyce Pepper oPening with a
poem,: "Life is worth living."
A :letter was received from
the Family ' and Childrens
Services asking for a don-
ation towards their summer
camp. This was turned down
as not being; an Institute
project. : Mrs. Hilda Payne
suggested that ;a • donation
could be made towards the
new: Ball :Diamond in the
.Hensall . Park. and it was
decided to donated $25.00.
The next meeting -will be
held on September,' 12 and..
will take the form of a pot
luck supper at6:30 p.m. All
try to bring a new member..
We specialize' in
'Phone ahead. for Cake Pp
Now taking orders for pails of red; and black .
Call for further information.
482-9232 GENERAL STORE 482-7549
Briicefield, Ontario
Hours Open:
9-6 Mon. Thurs,
9-9 Fri.-
ri -9.7 Sat.
BIKE. ;RODEO WINNERS --• Darren Telford, left, was best all-round.
cyclist a : the cle rodeo held) at Huron Centennial School, Brucefield.
Y t. bic Y
last Thursday. To the right of Darren is Rob $ er tsema who h placed ad first in,
the senior division; Scott Townsend -first, junior and Jon Ferris -Second;,,
junior. Tracey Hayter placed second in thesenior division.
(Expositor Photo.I'
Win Br�a�ef eld bike rodeo
At n Centennial
H ro Cetenni1
School on: Thursday, there
was a bike rodeo,. There were.
events for ibalance, riding
skill and the rider's know.•
ledge of bike: signals and,
driving skill, There also
a written test of bike safety.
The prizes were speed-
otneter^s,:. lights and bike
safety patches. Constable'
Bill Wilson ran the written
test and. gave safety checks:
toall bikes.
bit s.
The three top winners
were 'Darin Telford; Bob:
Siertsema and Scott Town-
send, from the over 60
participants. Ian Munro,;
Call To -day • 527-0636
Pre -Season Service
at shop
•complete -up labour
•cleaning,: Iubricntiocheck rl 8ouf ilter
(Offer Expires -June 10,. 1979) Any-
additional parts and .labour. extra
Major APPanceRe air an
th Ontario
Seaforth, O
Beef & Pork
Ma le Leaf Sweet Pickled
Sliced Cooked
Swift's Eversweet
Pure. Pork
SiDE OF BEEF Processed
BEEF RATnES no filler
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Tues., Wed., Thurs., and Sat 8'1- 8 p.m.
Friday 8 a.m. 9 p,m. .
Store 262-2017
Hours for picking up freezer Or CUstom orders
Tues. - Fri. 8 a.m. -'84t:
p• Abbatoir 262' 2041 Sat. etll.rr>I,