HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1979-06-21, Page 7JANET.DARL,ENE DRAGER'
daughterSof Mr, and Mrs.
Wilfred Prager, graduated
front Lambton C 11
Sarnia receiving.a Secretariat.
Arts diploma, Janet is .a,
graduate from Central ,Huron
Secondary School, Clinton.
She is presently .employed at
Fend Dickison industries Ltd.
At the June meeting of the
year-olds Huron Tract
Spinners and Weavers.
guild" 'held in the Board
room .tif the Ministry: of
Agriculture and food Office
At Clinton plans were :made
for several! forthcoming pro-
jects. Organi:Xed in May 1978
with 14 meritbersx spinners
and; weavers from: three
counties - Huron, Perth and
Wine t'i, r,Traatvr+,hi has
a l?
grow nt..,.,,4
At t s St 1 sm°eiarrg, the
prestde:n lItit t Knight cif.
!,.tiler, l "' n.canstr;.etc„d a
new 1, ae:i „ t tart making a
rope tlp4s1 ,tri =. used for
woven .€!:r c tt.. The
students. "i the t,itpderit h
reere,tti,to frame loom
we,tvitr.; 1.1rscs showed:
(heir anon.! 1. tel projects, --
DEVEREAUX. son of Mr,
and. Mrs. Arthur Devereaux
graduated recently from the
Canadian Memorial Chiro-
practic College in Toronto.
He is a graduate of Seaforth
District- High School and
received his Bachelor of
Science :Degree at - Western
(Mrs. Richard Nesbitt)
daughter-in-law of Mr.. and
Mrs. Harry Wm, Nesbitt,.
336 Britannia St.. Stratford,
graduated from the Univer-
sity of. Western Ontario,
June 5, -vith a Bachelor, of
Musical' Arts degree. A grad-
uate of Southwood Secondary
School, Cambridge. (Galt)
Karen is now employed :rs.
Music Registrar at the
Academy of Music in Lon-
don, She will attend Althouse
in September.
son a t,,Mr.:Lead Mrs. Harry
tiff rn. .edea(., 33ti Britannia
St.. Stratford reserved his
Bac hcle+i of -'arts degree 'in
PhvsitaI 1 tufa- talon limn the
I'tilwe�rsi • =I 4 oasterti Ont
',.r w e1
.t ae rs lane r Ile ,attended.
Central Sr e.ondary School
and King Liar tr Si.nior Public
Sehwi „1 Strait nrtt,
1ds:n..' ends
by'Elaine Townshend,
Summer pe�pl
Gardeners must . be among the . most
dedicated ofall summer people.
Watch. them dig, hoe, pull, prune Lind
thin. See them dash out on frosty, nights to
cover tiny plants.
Sce them hoe and pull and thin some
more: Hear them swat at bugs; hear them.
Mutter. . •
See them bend to their task again, then
straighten their backs and strcti h. They
stand. with hands on hips anti view with
satisfaction, the greening of the soil.
They walk carefully between the rows
Until :they spy the rewards of all their toil,
tender sweet .vegetables: ready to pick -oni-
on's and radishes and .carrots to pull, leans
to snip, peas to pod, lettuce to; clip. •
Sec them scrape; peel,slicc, wash and
Hear the crunch, the snap, and the
exclamation. "Boy, that's good!",
Meanwhile working ` on 'large plots. ' of
land ,are other summer people -farmers.
See, their dusty faces their caps pulled.
low, their bare brown backs, their greasy
hands and arms. See there down 'a•thermos •
of cooling drink 'and munch a sandwhich..
"on the go."
"Making hay wvhile the sun .shines;"
makes sense to them:
Sce rthe :clouds of dust., hear the,drotie'of
the tractors and ' the creak of the
implements, See the dogs running along-
Farmers work the soil, sown the seeds and, -
then work the soil sortie more. They work in
the sunshine, and after the seed is planted,
they watch for clouds hoping for rain that
will make the crops grow See them wipe
the sweatfrom their brows knowing there
isalways more work h? Ire clone.
Some summer people :fisc !r in ;slut*: by
jogging aromid the =omry.-=roads or
practicing their btu kltantf on the tennis
court or !dosing a torrid ;conte of frisbee
the park, Hear them ',rad. bozo' them.
swoosh; heat 'them htugh. • '
Others make a Clash .for the' nearest
bcach.or swti•irnmbig pot•il 1 ,tr them sphcsh
their coerce away..;
There are other >untnat•r • pimple who.'.
prefer a hammock; .a sh aka% t1;s t and a good
book to pass the a fit• -ninon. --
Hear them rustle the i?,agt: s; hear [!trine
sigh; see them nod orf to .i•>,v 1w,
Yours truly belongs to another giorrlp of
summer' people. We 1001. Tor a sandy
beach, a grassy fawn o'er wt pa. €aµ table -any
spot that attracts sunshtase.
Hear as slap op the stiniNm lection See US;
stretch out lapping • Up t➢a., sup;. Hear us
sigh: see us sleept watch us harrb.
' And when s c 's 4k& up, hear us sct•ue,:ch1
io sonie,people, stir atim^r•means !digs,
burns and; bother. but a rte: • 1)00e suinther -
person doesn't complain ,tlimit ;ensu of those
Sec him•vwthee srrlentit hon sto u shake •
his blistered hand:. see la nu et €a tlr stretch,
his aching baeak.
hint ke s<aiitt t'raatti his taw et'
into his CLS wvithttut see;late* t ewt'anl, See. '
hint eomb:sand from hr, i'r.ru Arid Wrestle
pebbles from his sneakers
See him wait wchiic a frog It,ites across his
path. Watch hien as lie • up=,at•fS td n
ntosiMito buzz.
Hear hili crunch Itis hot dog: see him
scoop the "sly from; his e olti'e , €easel' see him
would like to express
T ay'sincere appreciation:
to my, many customers and friends
• for their patronage
over the past 3 years.
I hope you will continue
to support Darlene's Crafts,.
Alva 'McKellar
wall hangings. cushions and'
%seed bags with Evelyn
Hardy the ,instructor
• commenting.
At the June meeting :a
mini-worshopwas given by
Mrs. Knight on colour" winter include a display at the
with : each member taking a ,"Ripley Fall .fair in,
1 1
coloured nature picture and.
.picking yarns of the shades
in. the picture then needle-
wseaving the e y .orris ter
different effects.
Plates for' the .fall and
eaforth Manor
Rev, Duke of First Pres_.
bti terian. Church, was in
charge of the service at
Seaforth Manor last Wednes-
day morning at t0:3Q a.m.
Mrs. Wrn Brown was pianist
and also rendered the ;pleas
ing solo ''Morning is Break-
ing" Thirty-six residents
were in attendance at the
service and we trust. Rev.
Duke will visit us again.
Rev. Vanslyke of North-
side United Church visited
With Mr, and Mrs. Robert
McClure and Mrs. Minnie
Hawley on Tuesday after-
s isiting, with Mrs. Mary'
Carter were her sisters Mrs,
Annie Lietch of Clinton and
niece Mrs. Alma Jewitt,
Mrs, Edna Weber and
Donna Restemeyer of Dash-
wood visited'with heirs, Adele
Mrs. Bessie Cowan of
Midland and Mrs, Edith
Dunlop of Seaforth visited
with their aunt Miss. Bessie
Davidson on Monday.
Mr, John Keyes of Varna
and Mr. Fred Reid of Clinton
visited.. with Mr. Wilber
Catherine Nicholson
and Mrs. Barbara Alexander'
visited with Mr. Arthur Nic
Mrs. Isabel Shortreed visi
• ted with her husband Mr.
Hames Shortreed.
Miss Bessie Davidson at-
tended the wedding of her
grand niece Ruth 'Ann Dun -
WI guests of
Hospital auxiliary
On. June 12 the ladies of
the Seaforth Women's Insti-
tute were guests of the
Hospital Auxiliary . at their
annual banquet at the Sea -
forth Golf and Country. Club.
Mrs. Hamiltons a nutritionist
was .guest speaker. She
gave many suggestions for
good diet and mentioned
foods all should eat andsome
that should be consumed
A short meeting of the
Women's Institute was held
after the dinner. The July
meeting ;will be at the Lions
Park with. a pot luck supper
July loth' at 5:30 p.m.'Every-
one is td bring their, own
dishes and cutlery.
It was decided a new
Tweedsmuir Book should be
Phone 527-0240
September :also at the Van
egmond Nouse iCiderfest in:
September: one at the:
Christmas Country :Fair
Saltford itt Qctober, an,
exhibition ,of ti#ese crafts:
with members
de tenstrating various
lop last Saturday afternoon, at
Nerhtside United Church.
Men'sresident Council
Meeting was held last .Thurs-
day afternoon at three thirty.
High scores in 'bowling;
were held last Thursday by
Mr. Lennard, Bloomfield and;
Mr. Ludger Sequin,
A number of our residents
are looking forward to atten-
ttending. the Wintario draw at the ,
Arena on Thursday
All our residents are antici*
Wing taking part in the
Heart Janlboreei at Seaforth
Manor on Saturday: A.
number of stridents, from
• S.P. School: have volunteered
their services, We hope also
for entries in our talent show
here in the of ernoon. and
music by the Olc Timers, All
proceeds will go to. the
Ontario Heart Foundation.
Janet Elfrieda Becker, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Edmund Becker, Dashwood and Bruce Edgar Rock, on of
Mrs. Gladys. Rock and the late Mr. Christian Rock,
Monkton, were united in marriage on June 9, at St. Peter's
Lutheran Church, Zurich by Pastor Jack. S. Dressler.
The maid of honour was Elva Becker and the bridesmaids
were. Nancy MacKenzie and Jennifer Rock. The best man.
was Ralph Osten and guests were ushered by Earl Becker
and ElveryRock. After a ,trip to U.S.A.and Northern
Ontario; they will be residing in Seaforth.
A free pocket, album
with every roll of colour print film brought
in for processing Offer expires June 30th
Pharmacy Ltd.
Seaforth 527-1990
Try our Weekend dining
in our lovely spacious dining area!
for the month of June
on Fri. Sat., Sun. 4:30 p.m. 8:00 p.m.
We specialize le.
banquets special
0eeaSlong and
Fondly Dinners at'•
Call now and
arrange for your
spec!.! accasloh'
with choice of potatoes French Onion Soup and
Tossed Green Salad and Vegetable
Tea or coffee
onl •99
y 5 per plate
Please come and join us
for the finest ;in country dining!
Hours: Mon, Thurs. 8 a.m. - 7 pat.
Fri., Sat 8 a.m.
Su8 p,m
nday 10:00 a.m. 8 p.m,.
methods, .at the River Mill,
Benmilter in olid -November.
Workshops planned for the
next year, include Spinning
and nature dying; with John
Kerr of Brussels as instructor;
card: weaving with Mary
McLeod of Seaforth, and
Dorene Kilburn. of St. Paul's
Station as instructors. a
corduroy rug weaving course
with Ruth Knight in January
and; a spi:n#ttrtg workshop
with Ted Carson;, renowwed
spinner Of Streetsville during
the March break 19130.
The meeting s. are held the,
second Tuesday of each,
month except January; and'
February at # p,m, Any
interested spinner or weaver,
beginner or experienced is.
welcome to attend.
The purpose of the guild is
to promote an increased
awareness and knowledge of
the value of handcrafted:
weaving to the public. A
guild is an excellent vehicle
for local spinners and.
weavers to l^ern from one
another. For this reason the
workshops already given and
planned for future use talent
among the members,
John Kerr of Brussels gave
a dYe workshop using nature
dyes on his farm last summer
and a mini -workshop on
spinning with a drop spindle.
in.. April, Evelyn Hardy 'has.
given a workshop in frame
looni, weaving for the
spinners who have a limited
amount of .their handspun.
yarn with which to work.
The exhibition planned for
November has the main pur-
poseof helping the public to
understand the • work
i.nvtilved' in these .crstttli*.
Where could there be a more
fitting, setting than at Ben.
Minor where f over :oat;
hundred ;yeas was woven
the Benn011er b ?ket?
Pick your own
Open $: a.(n Daily
Sundays Included
Weather permitting
2-4 or 0 OT. BASKETS
quart loxes can be purchased'
County Road 12 to Kippen
'First concession after curve, turn left,
third,farm on right. WATCH POR SIGNS -
RR2 Kippen 262-5878
ur Acodtans
in stock!
1979 Acadian
2 Dr. Hatchback
Finished in copper metallic
with matching vinyl trim:
Featuring electric rear
window defroster, 4 cylinder
engine, automatic trans
mission, radial' white walls and
mony extras:
Units s . .See' them tonight
and com ._, r r .ri
pa a ov p ce.
1976 Gran Prix
Finished in rich
maroon with gold ac-
cents, this unit features
a' V8 engine, power
steering, power brakes,
automatic transmission,
. air conditioning: A very.
clean car,'•
31,000 miles.
POt411A (aUCtt�
'', e .
1977 Datsun
If you're looking,for
economical' transpor-
tation this 4 cylinder,
4 speed unit is for you I
Featuring front wheel
35,000 miles.
82I`hitiron'Sti'..t 3414461