HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1979-06-14, Page 24'244 RON i.EXPOSITORt 490E 141, 197*
BY WILD44 COU'. doing th* hy.lay.-, now the Clerk McLaeldan, asked lt
TOckerstnith, Township tanka are being put in prop- there would be any Merit igucil n
Itieldtty peialponed wetly with the ,new guideline sending the revised by -14W Ill
for secon4, time any dems- Of the Department of Agri -
ion On a by -4w regulating eulturek The old ta.ks will
uict manure Storage tanks ,,COPI1t1140 tOt V.414$0 be
,or lagoons.A proposed by, tromp. -
law was given first reacting, Robert. Broadtent said.
last Tuesday but •was sent "Onething you have to think
hack for Clerk Inek McLach- about is that the tans cause
• lan to. revise, •• most of the treUble, and this,
This week the revised by- would exist whether the tank
• law was given second read- is enclosed or open lagOon.
•ing discussed at ,great length Robert Breatiftlet Asked
.arld Was. returned for 'revision the clerk what would happen,
ngAin, ready for the• if earthen dugouts were ban-
•,Inly 3 Meeting. • ned, then if Seaforth wanted
14 the otiginal proposal for to expand the town lagoon
the need to regulate the ocated In UL. rsn ,
storage •of liquid manure, Township) Would the town. 'payers -Walter Denys, let
Deputy Reeve Robert Bell be stoppeii, . I'. concession 2. London
had stressed the need for the The deputy reeve Said that Road surveY: barn. silt) and
tanks to be given a eeVer to he didn't think the „govern. lagoon: and Peter Swinkles,
Councillor William Brown Mr, IBroadfoor asked, 4.+Wity liquid Manure tank. Both
the Federation 9f Agriculture
for its opinion. This WAS
agreed, On.
Coeneillor BMA Said.
'We don't need mere en•-
emies than friends.**
Mr. Papple suggest coup•cil travel around and loett.a.t
about 30 of these manioc
storage units, men beyond
township borders.
Councillor Falconer asked
That application, for two
building permits. held up
from the meeting last week.
be approved for two rate.
cut down on odours, while ment could he Stepped, and lot 9 concession 5 14R5,
was more concerned about would you think you, have the were approved.
safety of people working right •to stop individuals if •C'OoncilaccePted the res"
around unfenced lagoons and • you can't stop the provincial' ignation of George S. KroSe,
snowrnobilers. government? ' as a full•time employee in the
When it as reported at Mr. Broadfobt asked that roads department, working
last week's meeting that "Instead of trying to set your under Read Superintendent
foreing•a farmer to put a top own bylaws could you not Allan Nicholson. He said be
on his tank would mean ork ith the inistry would be available for part
doubling his cost of con- . environment to set up an f'time work.
IN wmof the
.. ' struction, the cover idea was animal unit factor based on ' * - WILL PAY
• omitted from the reviSed ' the ministry ruling, the line Stanley Township council
by-law. . : fence, the nearest high- WOW to Say it would pay its
. Three concerned farriers way..." township portion of the Van -
attended the ' • meeting... Clerk IsIcLaelilan •pointed astra Day Care deficit incur -
Donald Papple. Robert •out the ministry of the en- red by cliiIrdren from Stanley
BroadfoOt and Kenneth yironment is supposed to attending the centre.
Moore, and joined in the supervise but are not enforc,- Members of council were
, iti$ the • guidelines omit. a invited to attend a Fun
Mr. Papple asked sYhy tops eomplaint is registered. • Cl'o, mpics at the opening
had been considered for cern- COMPLAINTS? ceremonies • for the newly
ent tanks but net on lagoonS. Kenneth Moore asked if. constructed Bayfield arena,
stating that this would in- ' many people came to council No. member agreed to part,
crease the cost for the :than meetings to. complain about icilaate in •the fun program
with the lankand would manure odours in the town- planned for the day. Clerk
encourage farmers to con- • ship, Reeve $illery said no MeLachlan invited anyone
•• • struct the lagoon type. • one. had been to council to wishing to take part to con.,
complain for years but Ccorn, tact him: and he would reg-
• DeputyReeve Bell said,
• don't see why the council
• needs to be concerned about• ,
sa(ety. that is up to the
individual." He agreed, with
Councillor Robert Fothering.
ham that couneil should draw
• the line and do away with dirt
tanks and permit only -closed
• cement, •
Councillor Fran Falconer Brown moved and seconded higher than last year.
said. "I think we should a motion to scrap the by-law Council turned down a
draw a line through the .. but the reeve and Councillor request from Field -Springer
whole things, File it for six Fotheringham said they • Dlsaster Relief where flood
months." •< could not go for that as to; damage amounted to over S3
•• e
Donald Papple told council • much time had been put into million, and tharea de-
• •
"Yu are ten years too late iri it. •clared a disaster area. Over
, plaints were made to ister TuckersntitbS etetecc
idual members of council. He or appointed officials in any
said council feels things will event they would enter.
get out of hand entirely if • Clerk McLachlan reported
carried on as at present time. that to date 55 building
"All we hope is to gontrei permits have been applied
some of it. we can't expect to for during this first half of the
control it all."'• . year amounting to • over a
C Tors Falconer and million dollars, considerably
$00.000 MOM be raised 'bY toWnship officials hod a sinery .44d *he ow sidewalks,
the Relief 'fited. "'Too tat !meeting in Londeshoro. They must be repaired first. Road
away from our WA." reAgreed to each write *letter Superintendent Allan Nichol -
marked Deputy ,Reeve Bell- to Scafortii council asking •son will be asked to check on
Robert Fotheringham will for A Meeting of the five The sidewalks and report on
represent the township at the !Mittel's involved--TuckerS- the priorities.
reading of th,e report for the 'Smith. McKillop, Holten and arose Thfro
e smitle;aclokmpOlatIgOn VanaStradra to be 'held by iiibbert with Seaforth,
Council endorsed a ite. firucefield Sidewalks. Coun-
TSCfuleslipT;olivanlishi'jfip a
aen solution from the Town of cil will budget each year for
June 21 at 8 p.m. S eaterth asking the Ontario, sonic, repair work or instal -
William Brown will rep- Attorney General to, conduct lation work,
resent the township at the An aggressive and thorough Council set a tee of 520 to
Court of Revision for the study of time-consumino be paid to the tile drainage
Silver Creek municipal drain, coertrOOrn procedores in the loankinSpector for each drain
and the Nash drain to be held province and to analyse sen- he inspects. The inspector
in Winthrop by Metciliog: tenceS being handed Mit ter (presently Deputy Reeve
NtarliOaS, criPea. (Seaford) Robert Bell) receives 510
V°uCnecuint*cil approved a grant state4 that there are un- whichcouncil. considers too,
of $50 to the Vanastra Lions necessary delays in the low when often two in-
. Club to help with the. Vanas- CQUrt$ and too lenient pun., spectionS must be made on
tra-Tuckersmith fair to be • ishments and a lack of res- each drain.
held in August featuring a titution to victims of crime* • A. request for a grant from,
beer tent, games of chanCei. such AS vandalism) the Ontario Livestock Protec-
various contests and shows; Council will review the tion Association was denied
a grant of S300 to the condition of its sidewalks and a suggestion will be
SeaforthLions club for the with a view to repairing its made to the Association that
Lions Park and swimming old sidewalks first and later it seek a donation from the
pool ftind; and •a grant of perhaps construct new ones cattleman's association in -
$200 to Seaforth Community ir, new subdivisions. Reeve stead; The Association said
Hospital to the capital grant -II • 4,
fund. (The ,hospital had
asked for S630 based on 210 bu a
patients from the township At , '.
the hospital from the town- GLADYS KERSLAKE Bonthron Funeral Honie on
shiP last Year with grant The death Of Gladys M. Wednesday, June 13th at 2
bacseodunocnit rareteceef i fveci$3,4'7etpteerr i :erg a
slake occurred in Liniver- „,with Rev. Kenneth
Patient.) ' ' sity Hospital, London follow- Knight officiating* Interment
severe brain hemorr- in 'Baird's Cemetery. The
from Allan Guest of Kitch.'
hage. She was born May 7, pallbearers were Messers.
ener on behalf of Brava.
1928 daughter of Daniel Grant Webster,
HJack Mac -
Holdings Ltd. of Kitchener.
Buchanan and the late Ruth Gregor, 'Lorne Love, Elmer
which owns 10 town houses
Ena Buchanan. Ca'mpbell, Ray Consitt, Glen
containing 58 unit S at Van- . Surviving her , husband . Koehler.
astra on which ;bore are
Alvin 0. Kerslake, to whom
taxes in arrearsamountine ,
'?' she was married May 16th,
to S84,700, interest a- 1953 and children Daniel,
mounting to $21,660 and Mrs. Neil (Ruth Ena) Yandt,
unpaid water bills of $14,000.
Arlene and William and a • :
Mr. Guest . statedthat
granddaughter Nancy, She
Brava Holdings will no
was the sister of Warner,
longer he responsible for any, .
Malcolni and George of PEI,
' °toheveberreasfitit rTsi.t4itndhaecteioi‘s'n'itie:itntolleil.aubsotiebtirlse;.., rIviMe)ar,sp:lmej,:t.hOnlinat:a1Ereiloni insi,eM)orfsC•ua7nAeinobn°f:
company'S dale and Mrs, Sara Rouse of
don the project innitediate-
Scarborough, The Needham
• Memorial Chapel, London
At last Week's Council •
meeting Mr
• was the sit of funeral services
asked council to rGeuebastet somehad
; .Monday. June 4, 1979 at 11
a.m. Rev. R.W. Coghill of
of the unpaid taxes or to drop
First Church of the Nazarene
• the interest and. water
• officiated. Interment is to
charges, which eouncil v
follo‘in Staffa Cemetery Patricia Muegge is a Year.
• formed Mr. Guest was int -
possible. • m Donald WDONALD DALE. IV Student at S,D.H.S. whose
A letter received frothe (Buzz) Dale'
hobbies include cooking, sew..
ing, public relations work •
Seaforth, died Monday at and outdoor activities. Pat
ministry of labour regarding 71. of 66 Goderich Street W.
the Vanastra Curling rinkhas experience working in a
informed council it could Seaforth Community Hosp- dentist's office and at the
NE 17 with a GIFT from
1495Et 1695
• Waist 5 i es 28-36
Short Sleeve• • imb •
K NIT SHTS %beater and cotton SolV1•L ' - 99e
TANK T -OPS Assed Colours
Boxed •
• A good selection of boxed
toiletries for men
Seaforth 527-1950
599799 -
the funds Were nearly ex -
boated And it expected in-
creased Miami outlays
WOOld be needed Ot the future
to pay rewards 10 persons
notifying of thefts of live-
stock, increasing becattae of
the high cOst of Pattie,
. "
close the rink, stay open ital
during repairs, if monitored Born inMHuron Expositor. She is
Mullett Township, looking for , summer work
he was a son of the late. • •
or stay open without repairs involving outdoor jobs, store
if it could be monitored. ' George and Jean R. (Sprint) or restaurant work or public
sag.. Dale. , He was in the •con- reiatiou. Pat is one'of many
Deputy Reeve Bell
struction business in London
gested the president of the students who have registered
for years until retiring to at the Canada Employment
Curling Club • (Mervin Fal• -
Seaforth in 1975. He served Centre for Students. Call
cotter) be contacted and a
meeting with council set up overseas in World War Two now' in Goderich at 524-244
from 1939-45 in the Second
•to ask the club if they can . and in Exeter at 235-171) .
raise the one of Batallion Engineers
the cost • is survived by his wife• _.,..-
of the renovations, estimated ' He
to be about $200,000, while the, former Mona Marks to
govertimetit. grants will pay whom he was married in
the remaining two-thirds. Egmeindville in 1953; a
Councillor Frank Falco daughter •Debbie, Ms.
said he feels that council Frank Vecchio, London: two
should finance the two-thirds grandchildren, Rachel and
until the funds from the Paul Donald. Vecchio; and a
government come in to re- sister Anona, Mrs. Andrew
imburse - council. A special Crozier Of Harpurhey.
•'meeting is to be arranged by The R.S. Box Funeral
council and the club Horne is in charge of the
Council turned down a serviee t°'heheld. ThursdaY'.
June 14 with Rev. T.A.A.
request front the Huron Fed.
Duke officiating. Interment
. eration of Agriculture to have . g.
Mtlandbank Cemetery.
the township clerk answer •
the Federation phone on a
• part-tbne basis when that Walker CH, Carlile of
office was closed. It is - Hensall passed -away in
thoouthseedrienrk. t
anadjoining office Southron sHauturordnay,Hospital,june9, E19x7e 9-
• Following receipt of a let, •t •.
in his f •,1 ist yearlie was the
• ter from Seaforth Council last bOloved
pweekrepa ready i lit to ' it haveproposed
o wt no
withdraw from the Seaforth father of WhuilslibaanmdandofRo:el srite,
• Fire Area Board and was
rounding townships,
would soli fire (Landsborough) Carlile and ,
the (Martha) Stokes, London/
' bOth of llensall and Mrs.
Glen (Elaine) Weida, R.R. 1.
Zurich. Three sisters survive
board andMrs. Wes (Muriel) Richard-
• protection to its four sur. soil. Goderichl Mrs. James
* PhOne for routed beUveryService
• iternational & Shortline PartS availabie
Backing up ,.,Direct Lines 'to our certified
part t and service centre plus.
Availability from our.four locations
ark • A1Rr,t •
Mrs. Leeland (Ano) Willert,
Zurich: three grandchildren
and three great grandchild-
• ten' also survive. Funeral
service was held from the
Bonthron Funeral lio ine on
Tuesday, June 12th at 2 p.M.
with Rev. Stan McDonald
officiating. Interment in Bay- .
field Cemetery. The pall-
* bearers wire MesSers Greg-• 4,
ory Willett. Leonard Hoff-
man. Ken Richardson. Bey-
• erly Burrell, Ray Weide,:
Gerald Weida, •
Hugh love, formerly or
Hensall, passed away At the
Alexandra Marine General
Hospital, Goderich, on Sun-
day June 10th. 1979 in his
92nd year. was the
beloved husband of the late
Agnes Ann Jarrott and dear
father of Earl, gensall and
Mrs. Percy (Ernma) Camp-
bell, Frensall, brother of IVIrS',
Gertrude Moir, Hensall. Alan
surviving are six grand.
children, seventeen great
grandchildren and two great
great grandchildren. Funeral
service was held from the
rrOrr14,11,WArrrlarAP .11.1 .
Farm, CaMmercial & Rasidantial Const
Framing, Rooting, Aluminum Siding,
Dave Salm 523-9641 Blyth, Ont.
•••••• Priz�sTof• • •
In addition to 5 regular prizes of '100,000
Avoid disappointrtient -Get ;Our WINTARIO tickets and Variety
' Show Admission tickets NOW from these participating Wintario/
•Provincial Retailers: ••
• Bob & Betty's Variety -
• Mac's Convenience Store
Triangle Discount
• Seaforth Insurance Agency
• Province of Ontario Savings
Hessen Restaurant
• Commercial Hotel
Becker's Milk
MCLellan's peneral-Store
• BB1 aRcUk, sC EN/Fa rl iEetlyD
Farmer's Dell Drive In
Winthrop General. Store
At the
•June 21
doors open at p.m.
• being broadcast IIV� from Seatoilh
Admlssioh $2.00
Tickets available at
Bob .8c Betty's Variety
Mae's Convertiente
• Triangle Discount
Seaforth Insurance
Province of Ontario
Savings Office
Hessen Restaurant '
Commercial Hotel
Eiccker's Milk
lite Huron 'EXpositor
The Brussels Post
MeLellan's General .
• Store
• Black's Variety
Farmer's Dell Drive In
The NOW Canadian Klompen Dance Club
.,inthrop Genital
StoreN• ROM
'WWItLalt2Variety • liSietorth •McKillop
Dump; • rucetietd •lertickersrnith
Maeltaes Market •