HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1979-06-14, Page 17_a
e n ,:,
Mrs. William mink was
potting trail and, accidentally
a Simpson's letter which was.
to be delivered by hand was
dropped ilitp; the local Pest
Office. I. a, matter of ten
minutes the Metter Was del-
ivered to Simpson, s's Order
Office. We too often coni,,
plain about snail services.,
We thank the Hensall Pc't
(Mice; Staff deserve personal
xecognitton for this service.
The Hensall Ladies' Leg-
ion Auxiliary held, their an-
nt.4 !Penny :Sale on Friday
June 84th with the following
Prize winners with donors,
Sated first, Custom Trailers,
End table, Bill Gibson; Hen-
sall Sales Barn -$5.00 bill,,.
Shirley, Seuthcott; 'Custom.
Trailers -Hanging lamp, Don-
na Jean. Allen; Legion Aux
iliary-Toy, Billy Towton, Ger-
bor's. Mill -$10.00 bill, Eric
Hinton; Hensall Home Hard-
ware -Bean Pot. Electric,
Sheila Raebtl.rn; ALS,:Market-,.
$10.0.0 Voucher, Trudy Rose -
boons';. Wedge The Mover -
525;00 Cash, Nellie Reid;,
Legion Auxiliary -Toy, Ray-
mond Beierlin , Varna;
Ron's Health Centre -Col-
ogne Set, Annie Reid; legion
og ,
staff deserves th
AuxiliaryTeddy Boar, Laurie
Harburn, Bendis Fl.aiit 12-
$50,00 Cash, Ted; Thuss;
Knight's Rlectric-Smoke
Detector, ,I:egnard Voisin;
keBox Mini :Mart -2 hags
rotate chips, Stephen flap -
burn; To nr& CountryBowl
ing Lanes.3games bowling,
, � t g
Kelly Vanstone, Jim Pollock,
Robbie McClinchey.
Hensall Department Store -
Tablecloth Set, L?atc Ingram
Bendix Plant li 1.53(1,00 Cash,.'
Robbie l-emirg ; William's
Hair Styling -515.00 Perin -
Lois Wurm,Exeter; Leona;
Parke -Avon, Anna Dutman;
Sylvia's Hairstyling -$10.00
bill, Herb Beieriimg, Varna;,
Legion Auxiliary -Toy, Mat-
thew Tinney; Agri -Press.
TOM bill, Jeremy Reid;
Rowcliffe Trucking -52000
bill, Bea Uyl; Sand's Res*
Ourant-$10.00 bill -Larry 141;
McCk's Dairy -2Q quarts Milk,
actC Henderson.
Bonthron's Furnitwe-
Lamp, Ethel 'Maxwell; Hyde
Bros. Toy Combine -Leonard,
Voisin; William's Hairstyling
Hair Brush, Marlene Parker;
Duttman'.s Bake shop -$8,O0
merchandise, Jean Towers;
Brian Richman -Single 8x10.
photo, Janie Reid; Ted Tluss
$7.50 gas,Ken Pollick
Legion Auxiliary -Deep Fryer
7'.cooker-Tom Dickens; Leg-
ion Auxiliary-Toy,Evelyn
Randall, Baden.
Murray Rr,ker-$c On hill,
Norm* C'c►ierlian, 'Kippen;
Joynt Insurance -510.00 bill,
Jpyce Willert; Parker &
Parker -Juice Cooler, Ross
Haugh, Exeter; Guess Who?
Ajax Cleaner, Peter Me -
Naughton; Hensall Co-Op-
g p
C ordless, Lamp -Bea Uyl;
Guess, Who?-Ceniic Books,
Aon MciCltnchey; Cqunbry.
Bew.ers,. 'Exeter -Plant,
Dianne ;D'enys;. Leona Parke -
Avon -Janet Traquair; Drys-
dale Appliance -Box Soap,
Marg Varley?, C.E. Reid ,&:
Sons Ltd, Patio table, Robbie'
Lcnting; Legion Auxiliary,
toy, Robert Smale
Ball Macaulao •H:imm.e
B r
Vera Smale; Bonthron's
Furniture -Carpet weeper,
BANdOCKBURNBAND BACK IN :'.FORM -New life came to the old
Bannockburn band, Sunday, in the form of the Webster Clan. Band get
together and family reunion. The event held at Brucefield.was a success.
.- Left, back, are Don Webster, Glencoe, .Murray East, Clinton, Billy Jay,
Forrest, Watt Webster, Cllnton,;John Stevely, Clinton, Bill Webster and
• Ken: Webster, Glencoe.
A surprise party . was more. John Broadfoot spoke- and Hazel thanked their
held at Brucefield United • a few: well chosen words and friends for the patty and
Church Auditorium' on Sat.; gifts Were opened. Wilson gifts:,;
evening, June 9th to honour .
Wilson & Hazel McCartney Communion held in Hensall
on their niversary4 Ah fewe gams of The Sacrament of Holy disciples He calledto follow
progressive euchre .' were Communion was him.
played with winners Laides adminsitered by Rev..Stan C. The 12 voice choir sang the
.High, Violet Broadfoot; Lone. McDonald at the service on anthem, "The old rugged
Hands, Flora Dowson; Con- Sunday, June 3 at Hensall cross" led by choir directo
solation, Mary • McLeod; United Church. The message Mrs. Mari anne McCaffrey
Men's High Gordon Papple; '''Encountering Jesus" was " and with Mrs. Mary Moffatt
Lone hands; Bruce McLean; based on the story of Jesus' at the organ. ,
Consolation, Warren Whit- encounter with the ' first Andrew Mason of London
spent last Saturday night
withhis grandparents, Mr.
and . Mrs, John Skea and
Correspondent University of Western Ont- David who returend with him,
MRS. MARY CHESSELL ario, Alumni Hall on Monday to , London on Sunday and
Mr. and Mrs. Grant Web- June 4 for Cheryl's gradu- visited with the •former''s
ster and Linda attended the ation, which was followed by parents, Mr. and Mrs. Randy
Spring Convocation at the a reception and tea. Mason. 7
Congratulations to Darlene The Ball Diamond in the
Hayter who .graduated from park behind the arena is now
Guelph University in Convo-
cation excercises; last Wed-
nesday. ,
We were very sorry to hear
that F'r'ank Smith suffered a
fractured skull and other
injuries when he fell off his.
bicycle at the Bannockburn
bridge on Monday morning.
He is in University Hospital,
An Expositor Classified
will pay you dividends: Have
you tried one? Dial 527-0240•
Front are. Mac. Webster,' Kincardine, John
Webster, G:$,encoe, Danny Holmes Clinton..
Attend graduation
Peter Bakos
Phato0a0hy: Pool Eli{!;
ErtiPldyntbnt and
Mnmrn oration Canada
32++5144' 23$-1711
(Expositor photo)
On Sunday June 10th' her and Father to a dinner for
Georgina and Robert McCar dose relatives and friends at
tney entertained their Mot the Walton "Inn.
ready' for use and, the firs
game was played there on
Thursday, -May 31 between ` I _ ESTABLISHED
Hensall Bantams and Exeter
Bantams with Hensall
winning .8-7.
,Mr.and . • Mrs. Harold
Shepherd of Toronto visited
with, Mr,and Mrs. Clarence
Smiley on Sunday and with
other friends in the Hensall:
Seaforth area on Saturday.
Mrs, Rachael Schwalm
spent .a pleasant visit with
her daughter and family, Mr.
and Mrs. Bob French, Roy
and Joey, at Rousseau.
Area Representative
153 HighStreet
Toon troll
is Corner
Registration for Hensall and Area Children [ages 5 to 14j wishing to
enrol in the Hensall Summer Recreation Program and Swimming
.Program [includes transportation to Vanastraj will take place at the
Hensall & District Community Centre.
June 28, 1979
5:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m.
A reminder that the final Installment of Interim taxes iii due to the
,Village of Hensall, On eh before Friday, June 15*.
Victoria Bisback;'Hcnsall Co-
Op -Cordless Latnp-Darlene
uyh Guess Who? Pampers,
Bev Moir ; l-iowden's Elee-
arae -too# box, Lloyd .Frayne,
Exeter ' nal; Motor .,k:
►, .He, s...l. ..s
qts. tnotor oil, :Betty 'Sangster
Kyle Decorating -Quart
Plastic Paint, Bob. McLee;
Drysdale Appliance -Box
Soap, Eloise Klungell;
Kyle's Garage -4 qts Motor
oil, Marjorie Beierlin, .Zurich
Shaw's Dairy,. Store -ease
canned pop -Betty Sangster..
Tuckey Beverages -Cooler,;
Jennifer' Allan; Turkey Bev-
erages -Case canned Pepsi,:
Lauretta Riley, Staffa;..L.eg-
ion-Barb. eque, Helen Tinney;
Legion-Barbeque Tool Set,
Mildred Chalmers; Queens-
way Nursing Home -Bun
Warmer, Jamie Reid; Huron'
Auto Hedy $5.00 bill, Grace
Wurm, Exp, ^r; Legion Auxil-
iary -paint by numbers,
Eloise Klungell; Robert
Herbert Roofing -$5:00 bill.
Jim Pollock; Leona Parke -
Avon, Bob Drysdale.
Labatt's London -Beer'
Mugs -Dorothy Volland; Hur-
on. Expositor 1 year Sub-
scription -Nellie Riley
Reid's , Restaurant -2
chicken dinners, Bev Moir;
Flynn's Barber Shop -Hair
Cream,,,f,Edith Campbell;
Hensall Motors -Car Mirrors,
Gord Appleton, Exeter; Ex- •
eter Times Advocate 1 year
subscription, Bev Moir; Big,
O' Drain Tile -$10.00. mer-
chandise,` Marg Varley.
Alvin Taylor Leasing -
$10.00 bill, Jim S'male Clin-
ton News Record .1• year
Subscription -Darlene Uyl;
Tuckey Beverages Case
Canned Pepsi, Wanda Mc-
Clinchey; Guess Who? -Pizza
Cutter, Bill Gibson;, Guess
Who? Cribbage Board,. Jack
Upshall; Guess Who? Trac-
tor Set -Kathy Sangster; Ben,
gough Machine 'Shop -$5.00.
bill,. Lloyd Reynolds, Exeter;
Ttiompson's Mill $10:00 bill -
Bea Uyl. .
e sail
The :ltensalltaxpayer with an ,average. :,relntetl€ to the coca prow
$2,OOQ': assessment can expect to pay abouters,
S4Q• more i taxes in 19. the 21.82milli
n ... 7�,. ,Of . increase in ' Pulte'
Hensall ' council :approved! their 1979 school rate for residential taxpayers, R.eeye
budget at Monday's c, ncil ;meeting after Knight: said 15 mills were directly related' 1 .
two special budget sessions held earlier this; the storm sewer project;
month, The mill increase for separate scho,.
In 1979,. the general municipal' .rate :is 'taxpayers was 21.61 mills,
54.82 mills for residential
property, com- Commercial>pubiic:schoolsupportersface
pared to 42 illslast year and 64,52mills, a 25.25, mi
rate }ncrase and commercial
':compared to 49.41 mills fast year, for separate sehggl' supporters face a 25.01 null
ommercial, increase,
The county rate is 19.58 mills residential; The total amount to be raised by taxation
and 23.03 mills for commercial: in 1979 is 5349,550. which includes $168,410'
The public school support rate is 40.19 for $eneral municipal purposes, $39,.773 for 1
mills residential and 44.66 mills commercial: county purposes and 514.1,367 for. school_'
while the separate schooLrate is 40.98 mills board purposes.
residential and 45.53 mills commercial. Although major storm sewer construction,
The secondary school support rate is 31.82 :in the village should be finished this year,
milts residential and. 35;36 mills commercial. the Richmond Street storm sewer proJect wilt
The public school mill rate is up about 5 go ahead in 1980.
•mills, the secondary rate about 1 mill and the Clerk Betty Oke said while the village has
county rate 2.5 mills. The biggest jump this„ received' approval to debenture part of the
year is in the general municipal rate, which costs up to $300,000, council wants to keep
Reeve fiareld Knight said was directly debenturing down,
and area
New residents at
'Welcome New
'Residents at Queensway
Nursing Home Miss, Agnes
Cochrane Hensall and; Mr.
Wallie Crich, Clinton..
Visitors with Russell ;Erratt,
were" Lee and Anna
McConnell; Helen & Cathy.
Taylor, Joyce Boussey and
baby Clay, Ryan and Tim.
,Visitors with Louise:
Mitchell were her son 1.es.
Mr: and Mrs. Orbie Hestle
and Mrs. Hazel Snell.
Mrs. Elizabeth Verrand was,
visited by her daughters
Mrs. Beatrice Taylor and
Mrs, Irene Finlayson.,
On Saturday Mrs. Irene
Kalbfleisch was visited •by
her grandaughter Heather
Dougherty who was married,
to. Kevin Buchanan and her
daughter and son-in-law,
Mr, and Mrs. ' Harry'
Dougherty, following the
wedding ceremony in the
Hensall United Church when
pictures were taken • at .the
Home. Rev. George
Anderson conducted.. church
service accompanied by Mrs.
Forrest at the piano. The
Hensall United Church ladies
entertained with .Bingo. &
Classified Ads pay divid-
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