HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1979-06-14, Page 16THS .H IROP4 (;POSITOR,JLI$t~ 14,, 1979 . Correspondent. M'RS:HILDA, M. PA 262.5O15 The Executive of Hensall Women's Institute met in the United Church on Tuesday, June 5 andplanned the programmes for the canning, year, Ten members• 'were i present. The June Meeting; of 'Unit four, Hensel! United Church opened with reading Psalnt, 56 in, unison, followed by the. Beatitudes and the Lords. Prayer led by the president,: Mrs.. James McAllister: Mrs, Cliff Britton led in prayer asking Gods blessing On all our district churches. For the study, Mrs. Erie Luther chose "GS'S place its family life" as, the topic, bringing the message of how much God's presence' is, needed in our homes today andreminding us that children are a blessing and we should cherish them, Several scripture passages wereread by Mrs, Britton pedain ngto the study. There is to be a ba ke sale in the .Hensall Arena. at 10 a.m, on Saturday, June 16. before the. Fiddler's Contest continues, All baking to' be. brought in by 9 .a.m. The'• meeting closed with a hymn. and, the Mizpah Benediction. Lunch .was served by Mrs,' Pearl Shaddick 9 Mrs. Elizabeth Riley and Mrs;. Shirley Luther. The message at Hensall United. Church:. on Sunday was to place more trust in 'God as shown by the story in Daniel of the 'burning, fiery furnace. This was presented, not by the 'minister, Rev. Stan. C. 'McDonald.' but by the children of. the-Huronia. Children's Choir in., a sacred Musical called, "Its cool in the . furna ce" . 14 children. sang in the choir with special parts beiing: taken,' by the following', Daniel, Jennifer. Mason Nebuchadnezzar, Tim, Rowcliffe. - Shadrach, Tim Easterbrook - M.eshach, laps David. Dougall . A.t,ecfnegv., Peter Cook - The Snitch., Heidi Bonthron. . Guards,, Amy 'Bonthron, Karen Wells and Pant McCaffrey - the three wise men, Heather Jamieson, Sara Patterson and Ronnalynn Bell.,. Costumes were designed by Beth Janiesen. The choir consists of children resident throughout the area with Mrs ,Marianne McCaffrey as • Director and yr. Ralik repo' as accompanist. Both young ands Old Wilt remember this message for longtime Her:sa,lt Sales Barn prices: were steady to higher last Thursday with an active demand: supply Consisted Mainly of heifers and steers. Fatcattle, steers, S82.50 .. s85,1S, top to. 586.25; heifers. '551.-5 - S85.75, too a to S9030. 'Pigs. 432.00 Mr. and Mrs. Ken Glavin and family and Mr. and Mrs. Basil Glavin and family :of Mount Carmel visited with. Mr. and Fars. Sant •Qesell on $unday. Don't ferget the Fiddler's Contest at the Arena On Friday and,Saturday.;tune 15 and 16 and the Spring Pair", at the same place on June 19.. BARGAINS GALORE -These shoppers weren't about to let a bargain go by at last week's successful garage sale held Wednesday night at .the First Presbyterian Church. Baking sold out in the first ten minutes ins , '' i efl n,q' � r C!1" Ontario trap shoat Correspondent 't MRS. RENA CAMAY- 262 5935 Brad Mann, Hensall, and John; Anderson, Ktppen attended the Provincial Traub shooting Championship at Hamilton on June 2, 3 - Brad shot in the Junior event scoring a pair of 92's. John .scored 98-100 winning the Veteran. Trophy. In the afternoon John hit u#tother .98.10.0 and t1ed ,for the Vern Thornborrow Trophy but could. only win one trophy in each event. In Class A, he was runner-up with a score of 196.200, Kinpen East; Women's Institute will meet at the borne of Mrs. Wm. McDow- well in Seaforth on June 20 at 8:30 p.m. The Dairy Princess will speak„ Roll call is a product made with milk. Lunch . convenor is Mrs,. Robert Bell. Mr. and Mrs..1iarold Jones visited with -Mr. and Mrs. Ellison Whiting in Parkhill,• Mr. and Mr414. Grant, Love, Caro, Mich„ .are ::the guests of Mr, and Mrs, E. McBride.. Mr. and Mrs. Gayle Coop- er and family, London, visit- ed with Mr. and Mrs. Vivan Cooper. Sees flock of geese in Hensall The I•Iensali correspondent Mr. and Mrs, Jack Corbett while in her garden last week attended. the Morenz Re heard the calling of geese. union at the Lions' Park, looking up she sited a Mitchell this week. perfect V flying tow over the Mrs. Mel Glanville has village, been a patient in Victoria Birthday greetings to two Hospital, London where she residents at Queenswayis receiving treatment, Nursing Home who cele- Mr. and Mrs. Don Good - braced birthdays - Russell Ing and son Donald. James of Erratt and Mrs. Nell Kend- Strathroy Were recent visit rick ors. with the former's grand- mother Mrs. Edgar Munn. Mr and Mrs. Joe Bynn . Mrs. E.R, Davis returned. returned home after a week home after spending a few camping at Balsam Lake days with relatives in London • ber Lodge names officers There regular meetingof g Amber Rebekah Lodge was held on Wednesday evening; with Noble Grand Mrs., Hazel Corbett presiding, assisted by' Mrs. Elizabeth Riley, vice grand. The Inaugural meet- ing will be held in. Clinton Lodge Hall on .July 4th at 8 p.m. Several "thank you'' notes were read. Thematter of entering a floatin the annual Spring Fair was dis- cussed.. The following officers were nominated for the coming Varna UCW raises $66 at plant auction The"Chessells had reason- their aggressive tactics in ably good fishing atr,Powas- selling bottle-fed formulas to san on the weekend, but mothers in developing coun- could, :have; brought home a tries. The result is an in- lot more fish if the bass crease in deaths among the season' had been open. babies because of mixing. it The. treasurer of° Varna . with. contaminated water, U,C,W. reported at the ' causing' such diseases as meeting on Thursday eve gastroenteritis: A. list.: of ning that $66.25 was raised Nestle's products may be at theplant auction held atfound on page 36• of the in the ` May meeting. In re- issue of the United sponse to an appeal for help Church Observer. in providing camp expertMembers volunteered to ence for -children under the staff the Hospital Auxiliary. supervision of. Family andcart for the month of June.. Children's Services forty dol- Debra Rathwell was asked to tars was donated, which is arrange for music for the outdoor church service and, picnic' which will be ori -,July 29. A devotional service on the theme of "Light" was given by Joan Stephenson and Debra ' Rathwell. Bernice Reid read a tribute to Fath- ers. 'A sociai half-hour fol- lowed the meeting. the amount necessary to send one child. $40, was vote to the Vacation_ Bible School at Brucefield. Twenty-three Varna'. children have :regis- tered to attend. A letter was received from Perth -Huron Presbytery ask- ing members to • boycott Nestle products because of 604. in Area Churches • First PRESBYTERIAN . Church - 59 Goderkh St., W., Seaforth Minister: Rev, T,A.A. Duke Organist: Mrs. D. Carter SUNDAY, JUNE 17 11:15 Wonhlp Service mid Church School SACRAMENT OE INFANT BAPTISM Nursery provided COME TO WORSHIP ST. THOMAS Anglican Church Seaforth Bev. James R. Broadfoot B.A., IVI. Div. SUNDAY, JUNE 17TH, 1st Sunday after Trinity 11:30 a.m. *Holy Con:m inion Sermon: There is no fear in have. NORTHSIDE United Church 54 Goderich St. West, Seaforth. JUNE 17, 1979 10 and 11 a.m. Sunday School 11 a.m. Chiiiral Service Rev. J.G. Vanslyke, Minister Organist -Choir Director Jr. Choir Leader Margaret Whitmore Audrey McLlwaln Area Congregations are invited to take advantage of the church direetoryto announce their church services each week. Church directory announcements are available for a minitnum, of .26 consecutive weeks in units of two tialUnttt incites at $2 per unit. Changes in Copy may be made each week but must he received 'before noon on, Tuesday. year: Noble Grand - Mrs. Hazel Corbett; Vice Grand - Mrs. Elizabeth Riley; Re- cording secretary • Mrs. Leona; Parke; Financial 'sec- retary - Mrs. Irene Black- well; Treasurer • ; Mrs. Dorothy. Corbett. •. Lodge closed in regular form. COMMUNION SERVICE Rev, Kenneth Knight dis- pensed the Sacrament of Holy Communion on Sunday in Carmel ' • Presbyterian Church delivering an inspir ing message on "The Bread of Life." Mrs. Robert Taylor presided at the organ and led the ,choir . in the anthem "Break Thou the Bread Of Life." Mrs. Brian Campbell is supplying at the Hensall. Public Library in the absence of the librarian, Mrs: James Robinson. Mr. Rick Luther, London, and 'Miss Susan. •Luther. Kitchener, were recent visit- ors isitors with their. parents Mr. and Mrs. Eric Luther. Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Raeburn; of London visited with their parents Mr. and Mrs., Arthur Slade and .Mr: and Mrs. Robert Raeburn this •week end: Mr: and Mrs, Harold asked to cater to this coming Parker returned home after ,season. The zone installation spending a week with their 'Win be held on', June 15th, son-in-law and daughter Sgt. The U.C.W. of'Chiselhurst Doug Wein; R.C.M.P., Mrs: met on Tuesday with the Wein and David in Ottawa. president Mrs. Brintnell pre - Mrs. Hazel Lutherwho has siding and oPened. the meet - spent the. ;past • several ing with '`a poem, "If You, months with her, son-in-law • have a Garden." The theme and daughter Mr:: acrd Mrs. ` song and prayer 'followed: Arthur Slade,and her son and Mrs. :Harold Parker conduct- daughter-in-law Mr, and ed the worship service, her Mrs.: Eric Luther, left this topic being "The. Shadow of week for Halifax where she a Man: will - visit with herson and. daughter-in-law -and family Thank. you notes were read Mr., and Mrs. Wm. Luther front the Parson :family, the prior to taking up residence at her home in Newfound- land. Mr. and Mrs..: Marvin Taylor and Kari Lynn spent a few days visiting Sgt. Doug Wein, R C.:M:P., Mrs. Wein and Did' in Owa. LEGavION TO CATttaER TO WEDDINGS The Hensall: Ladies' Legion Auxiliary met • on Tuesday evening with .the president, Mrs. Beatrice Uyl, presiding. During the meet- ing. Mrs. Uy'l presented Mrs. Vera Smale with • a Life Membership. A discussion arose over the, many wed- dings the _'Members were , Iruc�fiId United as visitors' day Brucefield U.C.W. had as their guests... .members of several neighbouring churchesin the area Tuesday for the 'annual visitors' day. Mrs. C. Henderson open- ed the worship with a poem and a hymn was sung with. Mrs. Ross McBeach at the piano. Mrs; Don McGregor read two scripture passages from; St. Luke and John. Rev. and Mrs. McMullen sang two duets. Mrs. Ann, Broad- foot chose as her 'theme for; the worship, ''Mothers of the Bib1e." She spoke of the influence of mothers of the old testament, of Mary the mother of Jesus and the other Marys of the new testament, and other mot- hers in the Bible. Mrs. C. Henderson read two :poems: The hand that rocks the cradle and 1 love old mothers, After singing a hymn' Mrs. D. McGreg" or led in prayer, Mrs. ARnold Taylor Wel- corned everyone and read a poem "A little bit of 1 -Leaven. David Moffat, Becky Rath- well. Jo-anne Grienewald, SHIPPER to UNITED CO-OPERATiVES OF ONTARIO LIVESTOCK DEPARTMENT TORONTO Shill your livestock with MIKE DOYLE Tuesday is Shipping Day From Dublin CALL DUBLIN 345.2656. ZURICH 236.4008' Estella Wilson and Jeff Wal- ters explained the banners made by their Sunday School classes about the year of the child. Mrs. R. Allan introduced Mrs. Susan White' the editor of the Huron .Expositor who explained the lay -out of the community paper and how. „they used photos. She an- swered the questions asked by the members. Mrs. D. Brodie thanked Mrs. White for . her inform- ative talk:.. 4. Men's Mission in London,.. and Harold Parker: The Ladies are, Bolding a bake sale on Saturday, June 16th n\_ at the Hensall Arena at 10:00 a,m. Plan to attend. It was announces the new study book for next year will be on Japan. An interesting film wase shown on Understanding. Scripture, Episode #1. Mrs. Alf Ross played several piano selections. The president closed the meeting with prayer. The hostesses .were„ Mrs. Alvin Cole and Mrs: Shirley Kerslake. /We IlLirrhe't*3, 011 Ilinrr° 10011%) - -, ,_ ,r ,,,- 7.* .-..- IiG.Vitt; VY..vrvA, .t. ZEHRS COUPON WITH' THIS VALUABLE .COUPON INSTANT ' COFFEE 10 oz. JAR OUR REG. $5.99 SAVE $1.50 LIMIT ONE DEAL PER COUPON. EGMONDVILLE UNTIED � t�k► l r CH � R H _ C U . I�lYt�ali of Canada celebrates its 100th Anniversary of witnessing, for Christ in the present building A Service of Rededication willbeheld in addition to the Celebration of Our Lord's Supper on A 17 June, 1979 at 11:00 a.m. Memorials and gifts will be offered•again to God's glory, alongwith. the: ,intention of those to be confirmed in 1980... Friends of the Parish and former members are very welcome to help • this 144 year old congregation celebrate the 'building in which it now worships. On 24, June at 11:00 a.m. a Pioneer Servicewill be held on the site of the original Egmondvllle Church near the present Van Egmond: House, Friends and former members are welcome to this service of old time music, out -door preaching. Long and short sleeve Dress shirts 10•'"t01p00 'walking Shorts. Long and short sleeve, Dressing gowns ALL 'PURCHASES GIFT BOXED FREE. OF CHARGE:: Sport shirts 12- 22.96 Tank tops Socks Ties S, Leather belts 1a to 2J6 Bathing suits 4.00 Summer caps: Perms. Press Sommer Jackets 21." Perms Press Dress: Pants 22'�,to Men's. Sport Coats & Blazers • Pernta press;, WOrk Pants green, 'navy cit Matching, Shirts brown: Work Boots low or welt eats CSA approved 1 VI to.15 23." ass to 6.00. 8 to .24° 25" Reg. S55.00. Seaforth ■ Men's Wear 19." CLEAR .13' 12." s,49.lS 527.0.996 COUPON EXPIRES SAT. JUNE 16/79', ,ry WITH 'THIS VALUABLE 'COUPON 1 Ib. PRINT OUR REG. S1'.47 SAVE 20t ib. Ib. LIMIT. ONE DEAL PER COUPON' -. .COUPON EXPIRES SAT. JUNE 16/791; COUPON��EHRS WITH` THIS VALUABLE' COUPON 2 Kg BAG (4.4 lbs.) OUR REG. $1.09 SAVE 30c BAG LIMIT ONE DEAL PER COUPON COUPON EXPIRES SAT. JUNE 1.6/79 WITH THIS VALUABLE COUPON. HRS WHITE CR.' WHEAT WH. WHEAT 24 oz. LOAVES; OUR NEC.. 2 FOR 97' SAVE 50' ON 2 LOAVES '''...4%\\ Illa--..\ LIMIT ONE DEAL PER COUPON COUPON EXPIRES SAT. JUNE 16/79 BREA dd 1 id. did dd • ZEHRS COUPON WITH THIS VALUABLE COUPON NEW POTATOES U.S. NO. 1 GRADE 10 Ib. BAG OUR REG. $1,88 SAVE 904' LIMIT ONE DEAL PER COUPON COUP bN EXPIRES SAT, JUNE lint,