HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1979-06-14, Page 7tting Business'
Cvc I rS tS COI'n,
';bb's most skilled
!either competed. in the An,
ef'the bicycle rodeo at the
*Worth, arena en Thursday
The three top scorers were
Jim tone, a Grade:8 Student
at Seatorth ?unite cuio it
(SPS); the senior champion
David Garrick, a Grade 6
pupilat the saine school,, wbq,
wain the intermediate champ,
ion; and Vicki Tremeer,
Grade 3 SPS student, who.
ete her
Was the ;primary chanpinn.
The competition en the
;arena floor tested the cyclists.
on their accuraey in steering,
knowledge of traffic Signals
and hand sighs when turn-
Students who, placed; high-
est in the semi-finals at St.
James; Separate School and
SPS competed in the comp-
etition• at the arena,.
The runners-up in the
senior competition were
Michelle, Huard: and Ken.
Hak, tied for second place;.
Jackie Nobel. 'Dave McLI-
wain and. Jim Campbell, tied
for third place apd Jamie
,Groothuis and Dave Camp-
The runners-up in •the'
intermediate category Were
Cheryl Cook, followed lay
Corrine Decourte attd• fort:
McClure, tied for thirdf? lace,
• and Mark Mero and John
Gouidand Kathy Soontiens,
who were tied in fifth place,
The runners-up in the
primary group were Jeff
Dick, followed' by Jason Rode
ney, ;Kevin. Dick and Ted
Sills, who were tied, and
Michael Miller, Tim Brown
and Bill Tremeer.
Constable Charles Akey,
assisted, by Chief John
Cairns, and: teachers and!
parent volunteers, conducted.
the bicycle trials.
PRIMARY CHAMP—Vicki Tremeer, a Grade 3 .
student at Seaforth. Public School, .receives.
congratulations from Constable Charles Akey,
as she accepts the trophy for scoring highest
among the younger bicycle riders in Thursday's
bike safety .rodeo at the arena.
Grade 6 SPS student, accepts his trophy as the
best intermediate rider in the bicycle rodeo
from Constable Charles Akey. Cyclists were
tested on steering accuracy, use of brakes, and
signalling for turns . during the bicycle safety
competition. (Expositor photo)
SENIOR CHAMPION—Constable Charles Akey
presents Jim Lone, a Grade.8 SPS student, with
his trophy as the senior winner in the bicycle
safety rodeo held at the arena on Thursday. Jim
scored a perfect 150 when completing the
chief John Cairns explains the, stop and turn
exercise tor cyclists competing in the bicycle.
rodeo.at the Seaforth arena Thursday morning:
The students werefinalists in the bicycle rodeos
held . at the .two Seaforth elementary schools
earlier this month'., • (Expositor photo)
local kids
can go to
Family and Children's Ser
vices of . Huron . County
(FACS) , have announced
plans for • the. 1971 Summer
The program will. be off-
eyed` to any children living in
the. County and is totally
supported by donations from
local organizations and indiv-
iduals. Last year the Agency
sent 100 needy children to
summer camp.
This ` year. the Agency
expects even ; greater de-
mands on the' program. In
addition to the camp pro-
gram, the Agency will be
planning day trips for child-
ren, and involving volunteer .•
efforts of local high school
students: John Penn, .Direct-
or, said, "A donation of S40.
will ensure a place for a child'
at camp this year, and we By Andrea Ribey,
hope to raise about $4,000," SPS Kindergarten
FACS would be pleased to
hear from anyone willing to
help with this program. For
more information,* phone
Kathy Pryde or Rosemary
Foran at 524-7356.
Conestoga Caltege Certificate Pragrams
Would you like' to upgrade your Job skills? Get back in the
work force? Or move ahead in the work force?
You can do it—in. Clinton
Conestoga College, 'Clinton' Campus, offers the following
certificate Programs on a continuous' entry basis
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are ,eligible..
Call or write to arrange an Interview, or drop in to the
Clinton Campus on Vanastra Road, 482-3458; for more
inforrla.tion on these or any of our other programs.
Conestoga Col
of ied Arts
We've got a lottoshe,t
Picture yourself marching;
on a hot summer day for
three hours, with nothing :to,
,drink but a sip Of rice eoldr
water every five to ten min-
butes.. The sweat, is rolling
down your ,cheeks as yeti;
pass the judges and; T.V.
cameras while you play your
instrument. You Can feel the
heat going right through;
your heavy green jacket and
plaid skirt. You pass many,
many people, a very few that
YOU r'ecR$nimany that
re :and
you .We never seen before,.
but the band plays on!
As you come to the end of
the parade there is a cooler
full of ice cold Coke waiting
for youl You sit down to
drink it feeling proud to be a
part of that band, very hot,
tired and sunburned.
You would have Seen all of
' these events take place if you
had been at Niagara Falls on
,lune 2 at 1:00 when then
Seaforth District High' School
HURON i P. $T°R9..aU 14,1
Otis Band matched through
th, a streets, LPa five other
gale eight,girls Were lucky,.
Magi* to be" able to join the
band a few 'Maths ago. It
WaS :thefirst big parade for
many of the girls as well as
for~ me.
After the long• parade the
band, rode .back to :the motel
where their clothes and a
heated swimming, pool were
waiting since they had al-
ready had an opportunity te,
'Unpack their things in
assigned rooms In: the: A-1
Motet in Niagara Falls.
Back at the motel,
think there Was .anyone who
didn't dive or jump into 1fthe
pooLAfter we were all coaled
'off. we left to, return ;to
McDonald's. ft wasn't the
only restaurant that the girls
visited over the supper hours
though . Some tried hard to
get steak and baked,potatoes,
in the Ponderosa.
Instead! of going back te
the motel we went for a bus:
UCW h.e;as about summer camp
John and Nancy Patterson.
were guests at the U.C.W,
General Meeting on June 6
at Duff's United Church.
Mrs. Don Fraser was in
charge; of devotion's opening
with the Call to Worship,
Mrs. Don McDonald read a
article on . Christian
Developem'nt. Hytrin "Take
Time to be Holy" was sung.
Mrs. Lavern Godkinwas
pianistfor the evening.. Mrs:
Don Fraser read the seven
rules on Christian Deylop-
ment followed by "a poem,.
"Time ' Hymn, "Tell Me the
Old, 01d Story" and prayer
closed this part of the
Mrs. Murray Dennis
introduced the guests <, who
live in Palmerston. "John
Patterson isi principal 'ata
Gownstown school and his
wife, Nancy3 teaches in
Harriston. ' They are very
:much interested . in. . the
,activities at Camp
Menestung, near Goderich
and showed a film " of the
experiences of the boys and
girls at the full educational
They spend three weeks
there in the summer with
their family. The Pattersons
are also full directors and are
members of the board. They
directed a lively sing song
much • enjoyed by the good
attendance from the four
They also showed pictures
of groups who come to spend
a week or two at the camp;
also, brochures were passed
Mrs. Alvin McDonald
thanked the Pattersons for
taking time to share much of
gift :of money,
Business was conducted.
by President Mrs. Don
McDonald, opening with the
"Ballad , of : the, U.C.W."
Minutes were approved as
read by Mrs. Herb Traviss.
Mrs. Ken . McDonald gave
the treasurer's report with a
balance on hand: of51,672.60,
Reports were given from the
Four. new branch opening
in Huron County
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"for it.- •
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A 3.
Members, were reminded
of the service at Winthrop;
United Church on Tuesday,
June 18 at 2 p.m, when a
speaker will be present from.
the Children's Centre in
Con Monday, June 17 a day.
of study and; worship will be
held at Camp Menestung
with, a pot luck dinner. A bus
will be going to. the. Algia
School for the one day,
August 21. Anyone wishing
to. go can get in touch wit
Marilyn McDonald as soon
as possible. The Fall Rally
will be at. Varna Church on
October 16th at 6;3Q to begin
with desserts and coffee,
Walton personals.
On Wednesday evening.
June.. 6th about twenty
neighbors and friends of Mr.
and. Mrs. Ralph McNichol
carne; to their home to
surprise .them on their .3Stfi
Wedding Anniversary.
The evening was spent
pla'•;r cards, and gifts were
pre 'i ed toy the honoured
Couple onthis happy
• occasion.. • ,
A special Birthday Cake
was made by Mrs. Bill.
Thamer for Ralph as it came,on the same day. The
Anniversary cake was made
by Mrs, Stewart McCall,
Lunch brought • a most
pleasant evening to a close.
Mrs. Laura Machan,
Sarnia spent the ,weekend
with Mr. and Mrs, Nelson
Phone 527-0240
tour 0 :NiaBwrs .Falls arum'
supper. The On then dd .
sled into, sal gro ps !1
about five :and visited sw-
shaP s, undemd.
tunnels that gave Yeti art Ides
of what it was like having: the
falls two yards ahead 01 1014,
wax museums. and 'Other'
tourist attractions. We
returned to the bus at ,930,
with many sower** ,
Niagara Falls.
Once back at the motel.,the.
girls got ready for bed • ,and
went to sleep by 10:30.:
Don't let me fool youl We.
were all asleep by 10:001 We
had to eat, be packed and
ready to go home at 9:30
sharp because some girls had
to work Sunday afternoon, It
was a fun ride home but a
long one. Some of the girls
made friends front Niagara.
Falls while othersmade
friends from right here in
Seaforth, Itwas a beneficial
trip full of fun and excite-
ment, to Niagara Falls and
we hope tohave another trip
likeit soon in the future.
1 would like to thank
Joanne Melanson, Charlie
Kaibfeisch, Mr. and Mrs.
Shaw, and: 'Bob, the bus
driver for making thistrip: so'
successful and fun for all of
thegirls and Chris, the only
unfortunate guy in the band,
who has assisted the drum-
mers in new beats. A special
thanks goes to the Lions Club
for providing the transport-
ation, the Coke after the
parade and for inviting us
down to be 'a part of their
1979, Rainbow Convention in..
Niagara Falls,
Krazy Ed's
Sale, continues
Open l delays until 9 p.m ..
Kraz‘,/ Ed is Barga lr HOUSP