HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1979-06-14, Page 4-.:• THE HURON EXPOSITOR 41.INE, 14 1979 Seaforth; commit, at Its regular meeting Monday night t considered the folloW, ing: Building, inspect Herman Van Wieren report- ed on a prOPertY standard* seminar he attended recently and said 41. Ontario municip alities partici13ating in the home reaewal program (mow, which. Seaforth has used far several years) will prOhably have to have prop- erty •stt,tadttrds bylaws by 1980. Seaforth's, ,building permits in May totalled. 5278,000 "quite a. bit higher than (thiS month) la% Year". LOCAL. EXEC.—A. former St. Columban principal heads, the lOcal unit of the Ontario English Catholic teachers federation. from left are, front Mw, Don Farwell, Clinton president; Gretan Blanchette, Clinton, past president; Sandy McQuillan, Stratford, first vice president and Jim, McDade, Stratford, second vice. president. Back row, Pat Brewer,. 'Stratford recording secretary; Justin, Tomasulo, Stratford Counsellor and. Farwell heads teachers e added'. :)in*, McIntosh or ,Pearee, a ,Stratford survey, firm, convineed request a dOtailed propos4 on costs to establish a system; of surseying bench marks through the town. "1014 could wprk into quite a saving on engineering fees," commented Mayor John Sinnamon, and Mr. ,Meln- tosh said Seaforth would be al pioneer in the field if it established the benchmark system. Council paid a bill from the same firm for 5972 for the very involved work needed to extend Side S. near the Lansink Apart- ment.S. Councl decided to. strek to, its $9000 budgerted figure for tarring and chipping several streets in July, per - naps by doing Birch St, just te its first turn. The amalgamation of Council's 1, jodestrial and development „, committee`i • into a new eccinoinie deve1013- contrnitteer was approved. The Cotnntitten wants to put a sign at the entrance of $eaturth's in4s- Mak patk,, approvedwnU the IPVC",,s 1.979 budget of. 577,828.27 but. decided not to return the body's .1978 sur- plus. "It wasn't budgetted, ter and the money really belongs to the town," corn- =Med; Mayor Sinnamon. A 'grant, iequest &�m the Gocierielt and District Associ- ation for the Mentally Re- tarded; was. denied hot $25. will be donated to disaster relief in Field. Deputy reeve 1:1,01e. said his committee. felt "it could happen to OS one day." Council' agreed to declare June 15 to 23 Lions Week. A grant of S1,053, based on SG for each of 3$1 Seaforth patients admitted to' ttre local hospital last year v.ya- approved. September was declared. -arthritis month, and the local , 1 I ; I 1" '1,:). .• I 1 1 1 1 ' seciety given penniSSion to ean, VASS, Se4for1b, frgrot Sep- teminr 10 19,34. Council's procedural by- law was amended to make it mandatory for councillors declaring.a ceptilet of inter- est to leave the room durg.in discussion, of thp matter n,. qnestiOn. Councillor Jim Sills. was authonzed to make a firm offer of 57,650 for a 1976 dump trick for the public vVorics committee, - Specifications, cost esti- mates and grants will be investigated on curb cuts to make Main St. more acces- sible to handicapped people. .F0110 'lug 'A' complaints aheut Ili st from the parking Io bind the Commercial Hate ,, the owner has agreed to boy calcium which; the town will spread. Tom Schoodervvoercl re- ceived permission to fill in two unused coal shutes on the west side of Main St. Weeds most be cut by property owners by June 9 or town emPloyees will cut Inez Haid, Hesson, corresponding secretary. (Photo by Oke) •. ' ' • • ItY WILMA OICE At a meeting of the Huron - S S English Catholic Teachers' Perth unit of, the n Association on Tuesday Don • Farwell of Clinton was year °kis can start 1 earlier icce Sueding a p r e Gs deet an tn' elected Blanchette of Clinton. BY W11.114A OKE The Huron -Perth Roman' Catholic Separate School board heard a presentation on the Geography curriculum LS taught to students " in Grades 7 and 8 in the Huron and Perth separate schools. Making the presentation were Paul Zybura of St. Michael's School, Stratford; Terry Craig of St. James School, Seaforth and Roberta Sternp, of St. Mary's School. Goderich. During July and 'August the board will hold onlyone Meeting a month,.unless an extra meeting is considered necessary. In. July the meeting will be held on the 16th and in August on the 20th. Superintendent of Education Joseph McCauley pointed out for the information of parents that the revised rfolicy.un kinder- garten admission, approved at the May .28 meeting, will become effective September 1, 1979. It is: that until now a child had to be five years old by December 31 to enrol in a class starting in September of the same year. Starting September 1, 1979' where sufficient spaces are. available and at the parent's' request, the child may be enrolled if he turns five by January 31 of the following year. The board office had calls 'from parents, wanting clarification on the starting time of the policy. It was reportedthat Clem Regier had; been appointed school, bus driver for St. Boniface School, Zurich and Mrs: Sharon Rau for Ectile Ste. Marie, Zurich, .both with duties to 'commence in September 1979. II Tenders 'will be called for the installation of metal clad on over brick on the upper part of the gym at St. Mary's School, Goclerich: re- modelling seven 'classroom windows, plus the window in the principal's office, at our Lady of Mount ,Carmel School, Mount Cannel; remodelling four classroom windows at Mount Carmel. The beard accepted the resignation of Lillian Simpson, music teacher (20 percent) 'effective August 31, A field day will be held ' June 20 at the Mitchell District High School for the athletes in the 19 schools in the systems. The trustees were invited to attend. The meeting was, adjourned at 10:30 p,m. Correspondent • MRS. LAVERN WOLFE:: 345-2757 Thanks for the beautiful yellow carnations that. adorned :the altar ' of St, Peters Lutheran Church, Brodhagen on Sunday morning, placed there in, honor of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth ':Siemon, • who celebrate, their 25th wedding anniversity on Friday, June 15th: Flowers were also, placed there in memory of the late George Siemen, who died one year ago June llth, by his family, In the absence of Pastor Aethur Horst members of the church council took over the Worship service on Sunday. Pastor, Horst',.and Ronald Hinz attended the convention - of the Eastern Canada • .Syribocl in Waterloo for several days. Mrs, 'Lorna Dickison accompanied Robert and, Twyla Gibb of Glencoe attended the wedding of Shirley Smyth and Murray McKange at the United " Church in, Teeswater on Saturday. Congratulations. are extended to the young couple, Kenneth Ahrens of Burlington enjoyed the weekend, with his parents, Wilfred and.Maude Ahrens. Mrs. Henry Scherbarth of Detroit, who attended the funeral of the late Norman' Reihl on Sattirday, Visited BEST ROCK RECORDS 40 ONTARIO STREET STRATFORD with Mrs. Dorothy Elligsen Arena Community Centre. for the weekend. There' was a very large Visiting with Mr. Les crowd gathered at the Weitersen in Brodhagen Brodhagen Community were fiis,daughters, Grace of Centre where a three day ball Stratford and Marilyn , tournament was enjoyed. Cakebread of Hamilton. Caledonia won With a Mrs. Lavern Wolfe, and decided decision when Lorne and Betty Wolfe of rained out., Pelham was Vanastra visited with Mrssecond in line and Fullerton Adeline Diegel in third. This was' the 6th Shakespeare. ' annual tournament. The ladies L.C.W. meeting ' , Brodhagen was a very for June was held in the exciting and busy place from meeting room on Wed. Friday till Sunday evening. evening. The guest speaker Mrs. Lavern Wolfe and was Mrs. 'Kittle Schumilas Mrs. Herman Leonhardt who did the topic and showed enjoyed the Morenz reunion slides of retarded and dis- in the Lien's Park in -Mitchell abled children from the Sun- on Sunday. beam Home in Kitchener and told how to do Yolunteer work in our own Community. Norman and 'Edna lio-de The devotion was by Alice enjoyed last weekend with Beuerman, Girdie Driscol, Walter and Mabel Rode in Laura Rock and Martha 'Listowel. Sincere. sympathy Hinz. Guests were invited is extended from Brodhagen from Zurich and Stratford. and community' to the family Gordon and Loraine of the late Norman Riehl, Rumford attended the Sympathy as well to Mr, and wedding of the former's. Mrs. August Scherbarth, nephew, Kevin Rumford and Mr, and Mrs, Charles Scher - Darlene Dobson in the barth and M. arid Mrs. United Church in Thedford Edward Scherbarth, Mr. and followed by a reception in the Mrs, Lloyd Pushelberg. Perth needs su BY RAY MARTIN Board of Education is hav- ing a hard time getting its summer school program off the ground this year in Perth County schools. The, program, which is scheduled to run: between July 4 and. August 10, en- compasses the upgrading or making -up in mathematics and English courses. Classes will be 56 hours in length or about two hours a day. The courses 'which are designed for grades 9 and 10 will require students to,find their own transportation to school and will cost nothing. At present the board; is' having problems finding both students and teachers for the program. Superintendent of Pro- gram for the board, Keith Thompson told the trustees last Tuesday that many stu- dents want to wait until 'their fate is known June • Du b (Continued from Page 5) supervise programs at the YM -YWCA in Stratford supervised prograins and did nature studies at the Laurel Creek Nature Centre in Waterloo, , worked in the Activity Therapy Department at the Homewood Sanatorium in Guelph. - Donna Henderson age 18 of R.R.1#5 Seaforth - attended Seaforth Public and District High School, has completed her first year in Lambton College, Sarnia, has worked at '.the Seafotth Co-op Nursery, School and at the Clinton Early Childhood Education Centre. - Ms. Ruth McCre 'ight age 17 of Dublin'- she has been a playground leader at the Dublin Park for 2 summers, has attended 3 leadership camp courses, she also knows most of the people in Dublin and knows • the children that will be attending. I am very positive that the :Variety:!:Et• Main St. Seaforth' • 5274580 Father's Day and Graduation CARDS Et GIFTS By CASSIUS Hallmark Brigham Pipes A perfect tift for Father. , • . TAPES, - • 40 Min Blank 8 Track Tapes Reg. 52.59. 80 Min Blank 8 Track, Tapas Reg. 53.25 Realistic T - SHIRTS Reg. $4,S0 Block & Red *299 Men' & Boy's Sizes Only Open 7 days a week 9 Ei.m, till 'MLitt. siimeisa:swe, . • 4.1,. Other officers are; Sandy McQuillan„ Stratford, first vice-president; Jim McDade, Stratford, second vice-pre- sident; Sister Audrey Dumouchelle, Stratford, treasurer; Pat Brewer, Stratford, recording secretary; Inez Haid,.Hesson corresponding, secretary; rnmer teachers 27," He went on 'to say that because it is not known how many students will be in. volved in the program teach- ers and principals are .also reluctant tocommitt them- selves to the summer pro- gram. Members of the board learned that the total coslef the project will be $13,110, well within the original 514,000 allotted to it in the budget. High schools in' Stratford, Listowel and St. Marys will have courseetiffere'd in both English. and 'Mathematics. Only mathernatici be offered at Mitchell. Attendance during the summer classes, the truStees learned, will be fairly strict' with only three days absence being allowed, The board will know better by theirmeeting next week if the program will get off the ground •' Justin Tomasule, Stratford, and Jim Sterner, Wingham, counsellers, and Adrian Pontsioen, Stratford, Board' of Directors, Mr, Farwell outlined some of the goals of the. organization this year including continuing the public speaking where the students from the 19 schools compete for the top honours; to •support a conference in Chatham sponsored by the Association of Religious Consultants of the Diocese of London; to contribute to the golf tournament for teachers in June in Mitchell; to alio- coming year --to pay for cate some money for profes- • sional activity programs in the coming year --to 'pay for speakers coming in (offering money to the board on a shared basis for this). The possibility, of establishing a professional library with the board was discussed, but no decision arrived at on the matter. Mr. Farwell spoke of the importance of communication among teachers, as well as between teachers, administration and board 3" girls, hired : will do, an excellent job at providinCa fun filled and creative summer for your children. Further details 'of the slimmer prOgfam will be published at a later -date. SEAFORTH JEWELLERS 527-0270 WEDDING INVITATIONS THE HURON EXPOSITOR PHONE 527-0240 — SEAFORTH them and add the cost to the ProPertY!s *Ws - Old police walkie talkies may be reconditioned for use to, improve communication between town employees and office, *pending on the cost. Legion WO given permission to close Gouin- lock St. near Victoria Park Sunday afternoon, Jung 24. A used manual typewriter for 5189,50 plus tax was purchased for the police office from Huron Business, Machines. Parking on both sides of Brantford St, near the Opti- mist Park will be continued but the north side of the street may te widened to; provide bettor parking, council decided. A streetlight on the South- east corner of Chalk and Coleman' streets will be installed as planned despite a complaint from a nearby resident that lack of privacy and a need for heavier curtains would result. The PUC recommended the site as the best for the light, Constable Peter Van Meekeren, was promoted from fourth, to, third class constable, effective May 1, Council agreed to accept a $7,000 seine clock for the arena from Coca Cola Ltd., in tenionetion with Wintarin, Established 1876' McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY HEAD OFFICE: 10 MAIN St, SEAFORTH, ONT. Mrs, Margaret Sharp. Sec.-Treas, Ph. 527-0400 F011.COVERAGE Farm and Urban, Properties, • Fire, Windsloetn, Liability, Theft Various Pioater Coverages Homeowner's. tenanf'S Padliage, Composite Dwelling DIAECTORS AND ADJUSTERS Ken Carnothan. R.R.N4, Seaforth 482.3354 Lavern Godkin, R.R.011. Walton ^ 527-1877 Ross Leonhardt, R.R.101. Bornoholm 345.2234 John McEwing, R R.N1 , Blyth 523.9390 Stanley MOIlwain„ R.1012. Goderich 5244051 Donald McK archer, R.R.it i ,, Dublin 527.1837 John A Taylor. R.R.I41. Brucelield 4624527 J.N. TreWarths. Box 661. Clinton 482-7593 Swart Wilson, R.R 11, Brucefield 527.0687 AGENTS SF, tin' burst, R.R.S4, Seaforib 527-1455 James Keys, R.R.016 Seaforth 527-0467 Wm Leiner, Londesboro ' ' 623-4257 CALL 'AN AGENT OR THE OFFICE TIPTOE THROUGH THE TULIPS. —.Seaforth Hb rticultural Society members Ritl Brady and Sandy Doig remove tulips to plant annuals in front of the Town Hall. •••••• ..coNGRATutATIoN$. •-• • their •50I,K,•911-nbiets,Ory. , • • .„... • • • • • CAM.01111 • tilett4hutor 10 tr, on the condition that the area' buy all its mix from -M" company. The arena already buys 9$ per cent of its mix fro.M. Coca Cola. The agree- ment runs for five years and the arena Will keep the elaek. A six outlet electrical box will be installed on the south side of the floor of the arena I at a cost of about S600 and a rollathon will be held to help defray the S'ost. The arena flooder will be repaired at a cost of 51400, 4. women's fitness pro- gram will start July 9 for 10 weeks at SPS with Lyn Nicholson' as instructor. Jest A ()merit - by JACK LAVgNDER Unit pricing, teaches us that; while half a loaf Is better than none, It costs more per pound. • • • • • Heard about the executive who. found a way to get his blood pressure down? He had it-ilsted on the stock exchange. . Withthings as they are, next thing.we know the government will be forming a medicine cabinet. . Nowadays, apples are so ex- ; Pensive you might as well have the doctor, .taieee The.only reason .many families don't own an elephant IS because they've never been offered an elephant for a dollar down and a dollar a week. If you've got a white elephant In your lawn and garden equipment, ' see JACK'S Small Engine Repair Service, 107 Queen St” Hensall, 262-2103. L.wc)iu off "k WIENS SHOES' 3 DAYS ONLY Main Street Seaforth Phone 527-1110 • Larone's "Where *hopping, is a pleasure" Seaforth 5274.960