HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1979-06-14, Page 1•
120th Year •
WhOie ale. S80Si
Seaforth council sold; the Main St, lot, an
e .arler council purchased .,as a ,possible fire
ban site to a local': developer Monday night -
The sale, for $241009, wilee aPpreved en •the
recommendation; of council's finance :coin-
mittee after a recorded vote with ,only
c4luncillor ry M dissenting.
An IPA store is scheduled for the site,,
and Herman: Lansink of Tina Holdings-
showed council plans for a 9000 sq, ft, store
and aarking lot on landto thethesouth which
Tina has bought from, Luke's Machine Shop
Councillor Mere, objected that the
price rice did not ewer the purchase of
new fire hall property on Crombie St., also
purchased .Monday night for $25,000. The
T Studentswho received their. graduation
Seaforth Co-opare•(back row •Paul Dolrnage,
diplomas from the. S f'Nursery )
Deborah Coleman, Valerie Laverty, Kenny Hildebrand, Jennifer, Burton,
Stephen P.
• Mark Vogels, Tanya Vansteelandt, Brian.Little, and pFi letsch• ,
(second row) Tracey Fortune, Jenny Southgate, Mark MacDonald, 'Jason
Beuttenmiller, Christy Nobel,' Eric Johnston, Susan Rowcliffe, .Angie
Says no f'o waiving arena fee
Hensall council decided to •
review its grant policy Mon-
day night after turning: down
a request fromthe local
Kinsmen Club for free use of
the community 'centre for
their two day Ontario Fid-
dlers Contest.
Councillor Paul Neilands
said he heed checked out the
situation at the Exeter Com-
munity Centre ; and found
there was no reduction in
arena rental fees there for
service clubs.
Mr: Neilands told Hensall'
L• -
,council, ` "there's no way
they're (Exeter arena) :subsi-
dizing service clubs."
Reeve Harold Knight said
he might be in conflict speak-
ing to the motion since he
was a life member. "of, the
Kinsmen Club, but said he
thought it was time the
:village of Hensall had a
policy onhow they give
The. Kinsmen Club is be-
ing charged, 5400 .in rental
fees for the use of the arena'
surface area,. the kitchen,.
conference room and park for
the . •two; day period of the
Roth David Soontiens and Carly Geiger and,(Front row) Allan King,
Renee Devereaux,Julie u lie Smith, Kalen Carroll,. Robbie Van den Henget,
Tammy Janmaat, Dean Murray and Tawyna Taylor, Absent: Marl Wolf,
Jones, CandyBuist,Steven Popple and Sherri Roesner.
Shannon, Joh ,
(Expositor Photo)
fiddler's comp•'etition. Mr.
Neilands pointed out that
rental fees at the Exeter
arena are higher than in:
Although some. members
- of council expressed concern:
that the Kinsmen tub would
feel it was unfair hat their
request was turn d down, .•
.when the South l- .on, Agri-
cultural! Society re ves
5175 ,grant annually' r the
Hensall Spring Fair; other
council members pointed nut
the fair was a community•
20. house cau'Id .fie flooded'
conservation r apping shows
A flood plain map of Seaforth which shows
about 20 existing houses here and 30 more in
Egmondville in flood danger if a Hurricane
Hazel level storm hit here: was shown to
Seaforth council Monday night by its
Ausable Bayfield Conservation Authority'
rep Leone'Rowatt and authority manager Bill
Mungall. •
About 28 of the authority's 32 municipal--
ities have adopted • the ffood plain . map,
'which is still awaiting provincial cabinet
approval If Seaforth adopts the mapping,
and Outarto okays it, the town will have the
authority to deny building permits or restrict.
them, on land inside the flood plain. •
Mr. Mun all told council flood danger
Could be greatly reduced if the small culvert
under the CNR embankment could be
enlarged. The embankment he said, acts like
admit on Silver, Creek and poses "a very real
`hazard to the town.
He'also told ' councillors that the town has
to b plan havea flood emergency in order to
getP help
Provincial pin the event of serious:
flooding here. Even sand bags from' MTC..
he told councillor Jim Sills, can't be released
unless a flood. plan` exists before an
Dover Township: site of 'recent serious
• flooding, could not get provincial emergency
help because it didn't •have a plan. both he
and Mrs. Rowatt said,
• Council will consider the mapping further
and ask CNR to enlarge the railway culvert.
Mr. Mungall told council that dredging
Silver Creek would also lessen the flood
danger.' and :suggested it request ABCA to:
consider that. `Grant structure for this type
of work is much better than for deee.loping.
w� conservation are s." he said. "
new a
Garden centre tri go
With one councillor arguing that the
owner' should have been asked for 'input acid
a counter proposal, council decided Monday
night that Roth's Garden Centre most be
removed from town owned property by
September 30;;
The action was taken in response' to a
letter of complaint from keith MacLean
tabled at last month's eouncij and the town
foreman's finding that the "entire area,
attached to the south wail of Roth's Food
Market was located on town• property." "
"It was okayed by a previous council, now
you're reversing it," said councillor !Henry
Mete). Clerk Ilan Crocker Said while a
building permit was issued in 1916; no
structural drawings were required. then.
When other councillors said an exception
to one merchant, is unfair and the centre is
*ening . from land it doesn't pay taxes on,
Councillor. Jim eSills asked "has he been
approachedY , iMaybe herd: be willing to
rent the property from the town
Councillor Bob Dinsmore, ehtiirman of the
police committee which reco Mended the
garden centre's removal, said it was felt the
Mown wouldn't want to rent the land.
"The merchants use so much town
property at certain seasons. forfruit baskets
on the sidewalk, ete„ but the garden centre
is a permanent fixture: Andthere's a traffic
problem," Councillor Dinsmore .said.
Councillor'Getald Groothuis, a member of
the police committee, said "we have to act
on •a complaint or (someone else can say)
'give and a corner on Main St. beside Sills'
store,' If anyone can find a better solution.
Ina rccorded'vote requested by councillor;
Mero, only he and couneillor Sills voted
against removing the garden centre, Mayor
John Sinnamon and councillor Bruce Hoel
scher, both of Scatorth IGA declared a
conflict of interest and. weren't in the
Acting on another complaint, by Hilda.
Austin, on conditions at the laundraniatr
c ttncil will ask the bni1diiig`s owner to have•
stipulated opening and closing hours, and a
caretaker to lock up, as Well as to :post no
loitering and no unauthorized parkiet,; signs.
rather than a fundraising T
Council • decided .:it will
review the whole grant pie
ture at a later date.
The ministry of culture and
recreation granted the town
51,940 to employ three stu-
dents for the summer reerea-
tional. program. The three
students hired from 25 appii--
cants were Janet Bilcke;
Marilyn Pepper and Julie
Ingram. •
In the report of the Rensall
parks Board, the new arena
manager, Bill Pearson, repor
ted he is concerned over the
performance and mainte-:•
nae ce; of .the ice plant. He
was instructed •ta, try: to
obtain a firm commitment
from the company which. sold ,
the town the ice plant equip-
Paul Neilands told council
the• parks board wanted to
thank the hall team for
installing lights at the ball -
(Continued on Page 3)
Another sul�divisi
unveiled at counic
A draft plan of subdivision by two Toronto,
developers which would put 23 serviced Tots,
on the market .was. on view, at Seaforth;
council Monday night.
The subdivision, in the south west area of
town, south of the already approved Arris
West Braneh'subdivision, Was' described by.
Peter ,Van Herten for Eugene Cafanga and
Tony Tascio:ie: It would require one new
road to join Brantford St. •totieorge St., and
a zoning change to allow setni-detached ,as
A 14 -year old Walton area
youth, Jeffrey R. •Hackwell,
died Monday morning as the,.
result of a collision between?
the Motorcycle he was riding
and a car oh Huron County'•
Road 12, a half mile north of
He was pronounced dead
Mr, Hackwell' was riding. at the scene by Huron
sduth on the highway on his County Coroner • Dr,. R, W.
0151 school. called
well as stegte Jamey dm/Vines.
Mr. Van Harten said the developers would
like the town to provide the new street while
they would pay for all services within the
development, under a subdivision;.
Council passed the plan: to the'.p a t nning g.
board for and or approval.
Commenting on "all ll these subdivisions.
inthe ,
wor - " councillor Jim Sills aid "I
.hope they get filled 'up, They must know
something 1 don't' know,'
town'e Main St. tot,bought in Cads 1,97S for
520,000 was appraised a, fewmonths: ago
when n an earlier offer to purchase from
Lansink was not accepted but the appraised
.figure has not been released.
"We talked that over, finance chairman
deputy reeve Bill, Dale told him. "Wt,"“
subsidized both senior citizen' homes hem
Why not subsidize Main St., help build tip
Main St.?"
Mayor John Sinnamon, are tGA
employee,, and councillor Bruce 1loelscher,
1GA ownerzdeclared a conflict of interest and
left the rogm during the discussions.
Council hopes to close the sale :lune 30
and' the store may' be completed this fall.
At the same meeting council finalized the
cale of the last lot available in Seaf0rth's
$.13 yostrin Oxy
Industrial park to Luke , ann►aat of fmkg's:
Machine Shop. The sale is conditional on: a
building being erected there within a year
Clerk Jim Crocker said tber acre;parcel'IVfr,
Ja.nniaat bought for $4,000 is east of the!
property owned by Brewers Retail ,acid hada
been considered at one time as dire" tall
M the same meeting council; accepted' an
utier m purchase two and: a half lots in the
park . for $5,000 from tarry McLean who
plans` to erect a Braden nursery and
,equipment business, Council accepted an
offer to purchase the same lets some time
agar from a.Lance Fisher but Mr. Fisher
t.oulilift he found when final': papers were
drawn up.
eaforth would
SilveF Creed '+as �s
Seaforth Town Council is• approaChing
McKillop Township and the engineering,.
firm of W.E. Kelly and Associates Limited to
determine whether approved alterations in
Silver Creek can be changed.
The plan as it affects the town of Seaforth
is to, straighten Silver Creek where::. it
meanders for 300 feet near the Seaforth
Community Hospital and turn it into: tt
drainage ditch 8 feet wide. , '
The creek, according to :the . report
submitted by the Kitchener engineering
firm, wouldbe straightened and deepened.:
from its upper end in Lot:`21, Con, 1,
Township. of McKillop downstream to where
the creek crosses under Highway No, 8.
Approval,, was given by mcKillop Town-
ship Council_ after a petition signed by Ray
Devereaux and supported by Dale Nixon,
both of R.R. 4 Seaforth was presented to
The existingopen ditch, the report says.
does not have sufficient depth nor capacity
to accommodate the runoff from the lands
and roads within. the Silver Creek watershed.,
The creek, where it passes below the
• bridge entering Seaforth, would be replaced
by a cement drain.
The revisions, said.Mr. Devereaux .,• w ould
prevent erosion and make the affected :.11d
on his farm Workable.
.*Right now it's not," said Mr, Dever-.
The subject of. the alteration of Silver,
Creek was raised at the Seaforth Town
Council meeting, Monday, as all munic
ipalittt'.involved: by a 'change in a water.
cuurse'are routinely notified,
Objections to the proposed and approved
Changes in Silver Creek were made by Leone
Rowan, Sauble-Bayfield:Conservation Auth
'ority representative..
Though the alterations are a reasonable
g atr o_..,.e
re ui. t from the farming stand of t,. said
tl .,p
Ctrs. Kuwait, 'Suver Creek'is a beautiful;.
approach the town and I would feel badly,
if it were done away with".
Mrs. . Mowatt suggested that it is perhaps
not : necessary to fill 'in. Silver Creek at the
entrance to Seaforth, and that deepening' the
geek could accomodate the excess water,
rather than a great big unsightly ditch."
Council agreed and asked clerk Jim
Crocker to contact the engineering firm to
determine whether deepening, the creek
instead of building a drainage ditch would be
last day of school as he
travelled to Central Second-
ary, School in Clinton when
he collided with a north-
bound car at about 8:30 a.m.
drieen by Joy Vella of 145
Maid Street N. Seaforth:
Flowers of Clinton: Mrs,
Vella is in satisfactory
condition in Seaforth
Community .Hospital
Damage to the: car • is
estimated' at 52,000., and the
motorcycle was heavily dam.
Constable James MacLeod
of Seaforth detachment of
the Ontario Provincial Police:
Ideal apartment site
Although Seaforth' council wasn't much
interested in a suggestion from .local
ratepa\ crs that a public meeting be held and
an engirt ring study be done to find future
uses f e the .11 Seaforth Public School oe
Church St„ it did decide to contact the
Ontario Housing Corporation to see if it
wants the site as a future senior citizens
apartment building at its Monday night
Council will also ask Genesee Ltd., the
building's present owners, how soon they
plan to put the 1 u (ding and site, which is no
linger needed .at storage, on the market.
letter signed by Patti Carroll,• Nana'y
Larose, PC3 Sills and W.J. Teall tabled at`.
the meeting Asked council tri take leadership
in trying to find a use for +hc+iuilding, which
it called a fine examt,te Of 1800's in.
stitutional architecture, It pointed to
Stratford's Festival Square de t+loprnent as a
new use for an old building Which has beets
an asset to the community,
Councillor Jim Sills said' ho understood
that when the town sold the old school to.
Genesco mere than 20 years ago it retained a
first option on buying back the site.
However. clerk Jim Crocker said he'could f.nd
no record of such an agreement in past
council minutes.
Emphasizing he 'was in interested in the
Site rather than the building, Mayor John
Sinnamon said u had 'terrific potential for
seniors' apartments. When councillor
Gerald Groothuis asked about an
t"°.ttneering: study/clerk Jim Crocker said
t lei'' wasn't much interested in renovating,.
outer buildings a couple of years ago.
A copy of the citizens' letter to council,
appears on the Expositor's editorial page.
FATAL ACCLDENT--Jeff Hackwell 16• of the Walton area was killed
Monday morning just outside Seaforth when the' motorcycle he was
riding collided with a car driven by Joy Vella of Seaforth: Mrs. Vella, is in
satisfactorYycondition in the Seaforth hos ital, (expositor photo)
is investigating.
Jeff Hackwell was a son of
Merton and Doreen (Long)
Hackwell of R.R. 4; Walton.
He excelled, in sports and
was particularly active in
baseball' and soccer.
He was a member of
Duff's United 'Church, Wale
Surviving are his parents,
two brothers, Blaine W„ 12,'
and Craig, T., 9,'' and his
grandmother, hies, Ethel
Long of Brussels. He was
predeceased by grand-
parenti Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas "•Ho Rockwell and �t +� ti Mt;
Claire Long. •
'The R.S. Bore f=uneral
Horae .wvas i n charge of th
rl, ._-e
service held Wednesday at 2
with Rev, Ed -Baker.
officiating.'Interment was in
Brussels Ce Meters •
Asexpressions of sym-
pathy memorial doaatirtns to
the Winthrop or Walton Ball
Park Improvement. Funds or
the eharit' of sour choice
would be appreciated,;
Pallbearers' were: Scott Rob
uson Danny McClure,
James McClure. James: Mc-
Donald, Stephen Huether,
nd Brian 'McGavin:
.Flower bearers were Wes
Gozard, Peter Payne, Doan
ackw l[ Arthur
H e Glanville..
Honorary pallbearers were
Blaine,Pryee, Robert' Taylor,
Peter Van Drunen, Darrell.
Dietz, Thomas 0 -Rourke,
John Huether, Keith. Mc-
Clure and Bert Reinink.
ct fliuron
Irns><c a this week
H lbbert tax. rates'.
NeW graduates
Fashk n show . ,.. .. ,
Ti kersm'ith getaita tplaitits » .