HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1979-06-07, Page 22x 1..EXPOSITORt It ' i ar 1 Coining Events THE .ANNUAL Webster' Reunion will be held Sunday. June 10th, 1979 at 2 p.m. at. the Brucefield Centennial. 'School. Dishes, cutlery and. beverages supplied. 1-03..-2 Bingo Every Tuesday Night at the •VANASTRA CENTRE R,R,5, Clinton 8 P.M. First regular card $1.00 15 Regular games of $15.00 3 Share the Wealth Jackpot 5200 must go Admission restricted to 16 years or over • 1-95-tf BAND Concert in Brussels Ball Park (Brussels Arena if• inclement), June 15 at (1:00 p.m.. Sponsored by Brussels Legion Pipe Band, One brass band,, three pipe bands, dancer$, marching cadets. Adults $2.00. School child. 51.00. Under 12 free. Seating. on benches or your own dawn. chairs. 1-03-2 BINGO, Dublin Community Centre, Friday nights June 8;. 15 and 29 at 8 p.m, Spon - mired by Dublin and District Athletic Association, 1-04-3. STRAWBERRY & ham supper, Cromarty " Presby- terian :Church, Wednesdsay June 20, 5 p.m, to 8 p.m. Adults $4,00. Children; $1.50,. •1-04.2 ST. Columban C.W,.L,• June Social, Wednesday, June 13, 8 p.m St. Columban Parish Hall. Guest speaker; ;enter- tainment, bake and sewing table, penny sale. 1-04-1 FESTIVAL Singles Dance, Friday, June 15th, Victoria Inn, Stratford, Ont: Dancing. 9-1 a.m. Welcome all singles over 25 yrs, (No blue jeans) 1-04-2 "'M EMNON` COUNTY HEALTH UNIT invites you to attend the Child I the Hea Clinic HEALTH UNIT OFFICE MEDICAL BUILDING, BRUSSELS, r 012 TUESDAY,: JUNE 12, 1979 from 9:30- 11:30'a.m. for 1. Health Surveii►ance 2. Anaemia Screening 3. Immunization 4. Hearing Screening 5. Vision Screening 6. Fluoride brushing fo ages 3 to 5 years. 1-04-1. 1 Coming, Events: STRAWBERRY AND ,HAM. SUPPER 11.bbert united Church, Wednesday, June 13, 5:00 to; 8 p.m. Adult. $4,50, Children 12 and. under $1.50, 1.03-2 • All interested: persons or Organizations are Invited to attend a meeting of the HURON COUNTY COMMUNITY SERVICES; COUNCIL 0.n JUNE 14 at,the Vanastra Recreation Centre at 9;30 am), 1-04-1 SEE Warm Weather fashion s. courtesy Jack and JIlI Shop, Hetherington Shoes. Sea- forth Jewellers, 1:15 and 3 p.m, Seaforth Craft Show, Saturday, June 9th. 1-04,1 1 Coaling Events CLINTON Legion Bingo every Thursday, 8:00 p.m, 1st regular card $1.00. Re stricted to 16 years or over 15 regular games of 515.00: SS least :on split, Many other specials. Jackpot 5200,00. must goeach week. 1 -99-tf WHITE: Carnation, Holmes ville, offers. smorgasbord Wednesday through to Sun- day. Noon special 12 to 2 p.m. Wed. -Sat, 53,75 per person. Salad bar, hot buffet, dessert, coffee and tea. ner 5:30.7:30 p.m. Wednes- day - Saturday and Sunday all day 55,95 per person,. $3,50 12 and under,. Pre school' 51,50, Featuring roast beef' for week .days plus selection on weekend. All. you can eat for one low. price. Telephone 482-9228; after hours 524-4133. 1-01-4 The Huron County 'Health Unit invites you to attend the Child' Health Clinic Health Unit Office Seaforth Community Hospital on JUNE THURSDAY, UN , 1979 from 9:30 11:30 a, m. for 1, Health Surveillance 2. Anaemia Screening 3. Immunization 4, Hearing Screening 5.' Vision Screening 6. Fluoride brushing for ages 3 to 5 years 1-04.1:. HURON COUNTY FAMILY PLANNING PROJECT invites youto attend a, FAMILY PLANNING CLINIC Every Thursday from 6:30 9 p.m. at Huron County Health. Unit,Shipley Street, Clinton. For information, Cal[ 4824416 Natural Family Planning., (Billings) 'lst: Thursday of. each month:, 1-04-1 MK SOAIOIIN WAIN 519 5270050 Advance Booldog:' Charters. .a• $us Tours Atlantic Canada Western' Canada etc. o+**** Wheeling, W. Va. Jamboree July 13 to 16 Brochures on Request 1-04-1 HAM SUPPER Wednesday June 13, 1979, 5 to: 7 p.m. Sponsored by 8th and 16th Unit U.C.W._Duffs 'United' Church, Walton. Adults $4.00, Children ;; 52.00.. Tickets available at 887-6912 or 887-6597. 1-04-1. • Clas ifie� . dRaes�• D COUNT . ., •_ WOR Charges are based on the number of words.. Sets of numerals as for serial numbers, street number;: phone numbers or prices count as one word per set. Words joined by hyphens count as separate words. FIRST INSERTION - 15 words $2.50 10c' per word thereafter SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS -: No copy changes, 8c per word, minimum 52.00 SEMI -DISPLAY FiRST INSERTION 52.17 per column inch, SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS S1.89 per column inch, (Minimu size in this category 1'/:.inches, Accepted in multiples of half inch.) BOX NUMBERS TO THIS OFFICE 50e per insertion. BIRTHS - 15 words, 52,50' 10C per word thereafter., MARRIAGES, Engagententss, ':Death Notices, 15 words 52.50, each additional word 100. INMEMORIAMS - 52,50 plus I0c per line of verse COMING EVENTS -15 words 52:50, each additional word 10c. Three insertions for the ;price of 2. CARD OF THANKS -30 words 52,50 each additional word 3c. 50e DISCOUNT FOR 'CASH PAYMENT ON OR BEFORE FRIDAY NOON IN WEEK OF INSERTION. No cancellation of multiple insertion' advertisements after Noon, Tuesday Dosollhat;far &willed ads M 12 Noon 'I'iosilltyt Phone -52'7-0240 4 Help Wonted: BOY orgid to clerk in a store on Main Street on Saturdays. No previous experience necessary, Apply Box 113390, The Harron. Expositor., Sea - forth, Ontario:. 4-04-1 Tender For Day Camp: Councillor At the Brodhagen &,District Community Centre . will be received by the undersigned 5:00 p.m. JUNE 14, 1979 The camp to run for 6 weeks in July & August, Tenders to` include age, ;experience and wages expected. KEN SMITH, • Bornholm, Ontario; Secretary of Brodbagen Chamber of Commerce S But} Opportunity opportunity 11 Articles FurSale EDUCATION Conestoga College Certificate Programs 9 Would you like to upgrade your job skills? Get back in the work force?, Move ahead in the work force? Conestoga College, Clinton; Campus, offers Certificate programs in the following areas: Academic Upgrading Programs are offered on a continuous intake basis throughout the year, Testing and counselling for program selection are available and you may be ~eligible for funding assistance. For more information on this or any of our programs, call, write, or drop; in to the Clinton• Campus; Vanastra Road;. 482.3458. 5-01-5 Used Cars For Sale 11 Articles. For Sale 1974 Toyota Corolla for sale for parts, 527-1825. 10-04-1 USED 1973 international ' ton n pickup truck. * $,•,AMIM ATM UMEMiDG, Seaforth .527-0120;. .10-04-2 6 'Dodge' Aspen, 318, as is or certified; '69 Dodge Polara as is: 527-0168. 10-04x2 Remember! It takes but a moment to place an Ex- positor Want Ad'. Dial, 524-0240. atershed Planner Ausable-Bayfield Conservation Authority Responsible for, preparing components of the Authority's. Watershed `:Plan under the direction of the Resources Manager; review and comment upon municipal planning documents and drain- age proposals; administration of fill and construc- tion regulations in vaileylands; improvement to the Authority flood warning system; maintenance. of records of stream discharge, precipitation and , flood damages, production of technical reports en the above topics;' extensive liaisonand promotion. of the. Authority's objectives with the public, municipalities, planning boards, engineers and government agencies. QUALIFICATIONS Honours Degree from an accredited university in Planning, Geography, Resource Management, Water Resources, Engineering, 'Environmental'. Studies, or disciplines:: iv years related experience in resource management'. or rural. planning. SALARY Negotiable and commensurate with education and experience. Please state expectations. Applications postmarked no later than June 17 will be received at the; Ausable Bayfield Conservation Authority. Box 459, EY ETER, ONTARIO NOM 1S0• Attn: W.A. Mangan, Reaotarces Manager Phooe (5191 235.2610 4=04-2 Farm Stock For Sale 20'GOOD pigs, 3452148. 8-03x1 QUALITY pigs for sale. Call 348.8857 collect. Delivered if necessary. 8-04-5 PIGS for sale, 345-2756. WEANER pigs' for sale on a regular basis. Able to pro- duce approx. 1500 weaners per Year. 2 485.: 8-02-3 Farm Stock For Sale 10 large size aluminum white Enamel windows size 29" x. 86. Call 345-2546: 11-03x2 YOUNG sows due in two weeks. Han von Euw, 527- 1798. 8.04-1' SERVICEABLE age York - Shire, hampshireand hamp x york boars. Bob Robinson;,, R.R. 4, Walton. 345.231% TWEN'T'Y one pigs, aVeirage 1.50 lb. Dave Preszcator, 482- 7234, 8-05x1. 25 WEANER pigs, average 40 Wt. 345-2170. 3'1.52170. 8• M-1 NEARLY . new Bell and'. Howell Super '8 ' movie projector. Used only half a dozen times, 575, or best offer. Phone 527-1578 after 6 p.m. 11-03x2 MOBILE HOME. 10 ft. by 40 ft. Canadian Star mobile home: Easily moved, great. for . summer ' cottage, 'New• carpet, propane 'heat, skirting included. Excellent condition. Best offer. Phone 348-8166. • .11-01-tf COPIES Copies of your important. papers or documents while you wait. Letter size, 25c. each. , THE HURON EXPOSITOR 11-99xtf IN STOCK we have two - 16 foot, a 18 foot and a 32 foot travel trailers. Phone 482-7066. . '11-03-2. COW ;Manure for sale, Phone 887=6634: 11-03-2 100 Ib. bags of fine salt., Phone 527:0049. 11-03-2 SWIMMING POOLS. to Rent Will lease and install for homeowners, family size aluminum swimming pools with: patio',. Choice of styles, meeting all fencing regulations on a one, two or three yeat rental basis with option to own. Try before you buyt Call Imperial' Pools toll free 1-800-268-5970. (If Within our locai calling area 746-3340) 11-03-tf.. HAY for sale, 40 acres alfalfa mix, suitable for ensilage. 482-3373. 11-04-2 ONE EPPS Jet Pump with all controls and. 30 ft, of pipe 5100.00. Also TV a riel with rotor and control. Cheap: H. Palin;: 527-0357. 11-03x3 FOUR brand new Uniroyal tires, 13". 580, orbest offer: Phone 527-1578 after 6 p.m 11-03x2 GESTETNER INK available at The. Intron Expositor, 527-0240, Seaforth 11-95xtf- FOR, SALE: 1 small used fridge and; stove, Ideal for cottage. Best offer, Call 527-0441, 11-04x1 IHC 175 Swather, 101/2 ft., 2 reels, with or without con- ditioner. Excellent condition. 345.2182, 11-04x2 TWENTY four inch: Westing- house stove; 'also, 14 cu- ft. Westinghouse frost free. refrigerator, both harvest gold and almost new. 527-0284, 11-04-1 OIL Furnace in good shape.' AP Phohl soe 4"527-1854; perim11-04 2eter pipes, SPRING INTO SUMMER SALE' White zig zag sewing mach- ines " reg. 5219.95, now $169.95.. White zig zag with stretch stitch reg., $249.95 now $189.95. White free -arm with stretch stitch reg, 5249.95 now $199.95. 'Husgvarna Automatic reg. $369' 95 now $269.95, Save up to 50% on fabrics. Sew and Save. Centre Ltd, the sewing machine .:and fabric specialists 149 Downie Street, (2 doors sgutlj of 1-[udsons) Stratford, Ontario 271-9660 Closed Mondays.. 11-04-4 9 ACRES thick standing crop clover and alfalfa hay. Erwin Sillery, 482-7590. 11-04x1 GERANIUMS - from 50e to $1.00 Boxed petunias still available MacLEANS FLOWERS 527.0800 11-04-1. TWO cattle mineral feeders. Two part rolls of barbed. wire. Phone 482-7548, 11-04-1 15 ACRES good .mixed hay standing. Call 236=4494 eve nings. 11-04-2 STANDING hay 482-9206; .11-04-1 THIRTY nine acres newly seeded hay, •haylage mixture 2 crops. 345-2914. '11.04-2 17 ACRES of standinghay. 887.-9387, 11-04-1 36 ACRES red clover, alfalfa, timothy mixed hay. 527-1877 Lavern Godkin, Walton, Ont. 11-04x1 • LARGE reversible: braided rug, good condition; also Consul .hi -fie with radio. 527- 1978: 11-04-1 BEAN puller for sale. New condition.. Custom made, Phone 524-6679. 11-04-2 11 FOOT white'. Shamrock truck , camper in: good con- dition - 2 double beds (extra long), propane stove, sink and water tank, ice box: Great for a. camping, holiday or a summer weekend get away. Bev Brown, 335-6118. 11-04x1 IRISH setter puppies, reg- istered, all shots. Westtal. Kennels Reg., Phone Walk- erton,881-1184. 11.044 BOYS 3 piece blue suit, waist 29"inseam 311/4, like new.. 262.5648. 11-04-1 Presenting an extensive line of Livestock Products -liquid manure pumps -special cattle manure pumps -electric manure pumps. -manure spreader tanks -lagoon purnpa economical, . strong rear end loader J. SPANJER Manufacturing; Mitchel; 348-9104 11.04.1 --hog penning --farrowing crates --cattle free stalls 'feed binds 11 Articles For Sale GOT something to sell? 9000; people read the EXPOSITOR classified ads; every week. Place your low priced. Expositor, classified at 527-0240. 11-95)4 KITCHEN..: Md portable dish washer,. 3; years old, selling due to• kitchen, renovations, 482-9283. 11-04.1 40; ACRES; of standing hay. Don Beuermann. Phone 345- 2746, 11-04-2 9 PIECE dining room suite, large round extension table:. with centre pedestal, refin- ished in antique white, 262: 6509. 11-04-2 2S” Zenith colour television. set;: 21" Admiral black &. white television, set. Phone: 527-0075 after 5 p.m. .11-04-2 FOUR piece chesterfield: suite. Like new, Phone 527- 0091. 11-04.1 FALSE teeth, long .under wear? Expositor classifieds have sold almost everything. Place your ad today by calling 527-0240: 50 cents off; When you pay cash.. 11-99xtf' 1KUBOTA 'DIESEL' POWER DOES IT Kubota 11.245DT 16 hp. -30,Hp.' Huron County's. Kubota Dealer r t 0, ,.. •u•,:oci r SEAFORTH S27.0120 11-01.4 UNIT STEP, the. easy way ;;to buy better concrete steps. No waiting for concrete to set. Many sizes and styles in stock. Enhance the • beauty and value of your home with. precast steel reinforced con- crete Unit Steps„ Our instal- Ltd., ews work quid! cleanly. Call,Frank Kling Ltd., phone 527=1320 or 527- 0297, Seaforcrth. l 1-ckly04-an4; PIANOS -ORGANS new and used at , lowest prices from June 16th to August 20th: store will be open by appoint- ment ppointment .only. Pulsifer. Music, 5274508 or 527-0053. 11-044 . . 13 Wanted WANTED: Barn cats, 345- 2756. 13-044 (QLD BRICK Buildings. kr Demolition and Salvage put% poses,. Contact Ross Lumley, 1185 Murphy Road, Sarnia. 1-542.4088: Ontario's .largest supplier of reelaime:t: bricks." 13.99 t>r GOOD used 482-7922. furniture. 13-99-tf Prolierty For Sale A FINE 3 bedroom; older home convenient to downtown, also adjoining lot, Private ' sale ' inquire weekends. 527.1522. 14-01-4 RETIREMENT in affordable ;mobile home park on.. Lake. Huron, Enjoy life: inbeautiful; surroundings. Write; Huron Haven • Village,:. Box 128, Goderich, Ontario N7A 3Y5. 14-04x2 TOM REI.E'Y REALTY LTD Specializing in sale of farms and farm operations. LOGAN TOWNSHIP -00 acre. farm, 1' storey modernized 3 bedroom me. Large bank barn with modern -type addition,. Land suitable for cash cropping. LISTOWEL AREA - 150 acre Elma Township farm, close to paved road, 2. stgrey home,large bankbarn,: presently a dairy farm that would be excellentfor: cash cropping. ' 200 ACRE Monkton area dairy farm Elma township, gooddrainage, , good buildings, pipeline milker, cows and q EXETER AREA - Stephen township, ship, farrowing. operation,' approx.' 90 sows capacity on a five acre lot, modernized home. ROSTOCK-BRUNNER area - 100 acre farm along paved road, approximately, 17 miles from Stratford. Modernized' century stone home. 'Swimming. pool,, spring fed pond, large bank barn. Presently a farrowing operation. Sows and weaners extra. MITCHELL-RUSSELDALE area, 148 acre farm, ' Fullarton township, fronting on paved road. PA storey 4 bedroom brick home attractively decorated, good°'repair, Targe bank barn, old. style drive shed. Land: suitable for cash cropping. MITCHELL FULLARTON area dairy farm approx- imately 100 acre farm, 1.'A storey modernized brick home, bank barn with modern addition. 33 free stalls, milking parlour, upright 'silo, presently attached to farm operations. is 12.1, 312 litres of MSQ quota, herd is on DHIA, summer .possession preferred, Contact: • HANS ZAHND ,., . .887-6304' CHARLIE WALKOM ..... .348-8197 or 229.6149 MYRTLE WALKOM . 348.8197 or 229.6149 MAURICE REiDY ... '.347-2358 TOM REiDY.... . 347-2358'. 14-04-1 SWIMMING ; POOL Manufacturer has new 1978 Pools, regular price 52,190,00 now at our in season special of 51,355.00. Pools come --with walkaround deck, patio, 'fencing, pump, motor and filter. Delivery arranged to your convenience. For best selection and information call Imperial Pools toll free 1-800- 268-5970.(If within our local calling, area 7463340) • 11-03-tf 10,000 bushel Rosco Westeel bin, used once. Complete with sweep . auger and unloading auger..3' hp. aeration, fan. 'John Van Beers, R.R.1, Blyth, 523.4431._. 11-03x2 12 Wanted! To Buy WANT to buy a fridge, a Ford or a phonograph? Try : an EXPOSITOR wanted to buy classified ad 527.6240. 12=99-tf` CASH $ .. ., Good Used Furniture' Antiques Estate LotS Any saleable items t Forest City Auctlont: London' Call Conti/ 1.453.796# 9.5 �. 12.99-tf' �3$$$$$$ BILL CLIFFORD. REAL ESTATE BROKER PICK UP YOUR FREE PICTORIAL LISTIN BOOKLET•OVER mil: PROPERTIES • Appraisals • Property M.napem.nt • Investments: •esidential • Farms • Busln�is'• Resort 'Properties R oper WHEN BUYING OR SELLING CONTACT G•ETVIc FOX' 523TY CA452R5 0110 527-1102 CLEO- Z-15.11 COLQUHOUN4829fi6B 2 full storey duplex (side by side) oneblock from downtown - solid brick, 3 bedroom, in one side 4 in the other, separate entrance, good 'heating, rents are very 'reasonable: ' - 1 `/2 storey frame home, one block, from downtown, quiet location, combination .garage : and workshop, paved drive, nicely: landscaped, 3 bedrooms, very clean and well decorated home, storms and screens all' around, front porch, utility room = a very nice home, Ideal' for the retired couple or small: family.. To heat this house is very reasonable - nothing.to do but •move :in; practically everything is new.:Electric heat,: good garden, home very well' maintained,' in the twenties. • 981 . acres, 45 workable, .42: acres of mixed bush, gravel pit, 3 springs on property, on county road in'. Hullett Twp, about 5500.00 per acre would buy it. ,• Coin Laundry - 15 washers (Inglis and *Maytag), seven dryers kept in: good shape, just steps to Town Hall- Lot 75'x 114'a good businessas there is onlyt. . one in. town and this is i • Listings Wanted '. 8 Main SL - Ssalorth Mamba of rho Huron Roof Erni* BOOM Phone: 52 • 1' acres in Hibbert Twp good solid' 'house - 1'2 storey house, good level land) 3 becRooms, large family modern kitchen. Lovely country home, 5 acres, small barn in Hullett Twp., house well kept and fully modern worth looking at. 1.4-04-1 COMING SOON ll�gan` REAL ESTATE LTD. CATALOGUE OF`HOMES- i WATCH FOR IT. 14.8.1 Additional Classified on next page