HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1979-05-31, Page 18`111 THE HURON EXPOSITOR', MAY 31, 1979 7 • . • , •.1144•04•T•411,7'..A141:11, .1*.147.A. N.:INT.71,1,4•44.3r714,79,-.0 c)rn, •Cars,. : • II I ..... 7., ", 1. • 1 r I • w t 11 1. Coming Events. WATCH for the Culeton Show Band oa Saturday, ..fine 23 1979. Sponaored.by• Sieefodh lions. Tickets from stientherst or phone 527-0120 $27-1680„ / 1-03-1 COME to the Craft Show at aforth'Community •Centre Saturday June 9,10 a.m, - 5 1-100-4 ANNUAL members meeting Huron. Historic Jail to be held Thursday May 31, 8 p.m. at the Jail in Goclerich, Everyone Welcome. 1-02-2. FORESTER'S Chicken barbecue to be held. in Kinburn on June 14, 1979. I-03-1 1 Coming Events CLINTON Legion; Bingo every Thursday, 8:00 p.m. 1st regular card 51.00. Re stricte4 W. 16 yeas or, over 15 regular games of 515.00; SS least on split. Many other specials. JadcpQt 5200.00 must go each week. 1.99.if BAND Concert in BroSsels, Ball Park (Brussels Arena if inclement), June 15 at 8:00. p.m. Sponsored by Brussels Legion Pipe Band. One brass band, three pipe bands, dancers, marching cadets. Adults 52.00. School child 51.00. Under 12 free. Seating on benches oryour own lawn chairs, . 1-03-2 MITCHELL. MS -MS! MT., FOREST - 323•1545 • Make your travel plans early. There are still plenty - of seats available for the following motor coach • tours, with washroom facilities. Fully escorted, Call collect for reservations. 3 DAY RENFRO VALLEY- 2 shows - Jun 15, Aug, 31 3 DAY AGAWA CANYON - June 5, July 15. 3 DAY WHEELING WEST VIRGINIA Sept. 14 Nov. 3 DAY KING.ISLAND AND, 01110 CAVERNS 3 DAY JAMBOREE IN THE 'HILLS, WHEELING, VV,V., July 13 2 DAY FRANKENMU'Ill BAVARIAN FESTIVAL, - .2, DAY GREENFIELD VILLAGE, DEARBORN, MICHIGAN - June 2, Aug, 18. Sept. 8 ` 3 DAY 1,000 ISLANDS AND. OTTAWA - Aug. 10, Sept. 3. 3• DAY .KILLARNEY MOUNTAIN LODGE: on the shoresof Georgian Bay plus,M.S. Chi Cheemaun to • Tobertnery,- June 15, Sept 25. 3 DAY COLOUR TOUR - Lake Placid Tupper Lake, Adirondack •Mts., Sept. 29 . '.3 DAY LETCHWORTH PARK AND CORNING, NEW YORK Oct. 2 • • . 5 DAY PENN. DUTCH - June,I1, July 29, Sept. 5. 5' DAY MOOSONEE, July 22, Aug. 26. 5 DAY AGAWA CANYON - Colour Tour, Sept, 17, 7 DAY CAPE COD & NEW ENGLAND STATES - July 17. . 7 DAY COLONIAL VIRGINL4, July 6, Aug. 3. 7 DAY EAST COAST AND. MINI CRUISE, Aug. 3, Sept. 28. 21 DAY WEST COAST - June 23, June 25. 12 DAY ATLANTIC PROVINCES, June 24, July 28. 15 DAY MARITIMES - Aug. 9, Sept. 10. 15 DAY MINI WEST COAST - Aug. 13 9 DAY NEW ORLEANS AND THE DEEP SOUTH, 6 DAY LAKE COUNTRY - 'See .the Great Lakes. • Sept. 22 4 DAY COLOUR TOUR, Beaver, Valley, Algonquin Park, Gatineau Hills Ottawa - Oct. 1. 21 DAY CALIFORNIA - Oct. 14. 15 DAY HAWAII - 3 Islands - Nov. 10 4 DAY NASHVILLE -Oct. 5. REX HUIVIBARD - Cathedral of Tomorrow - Sept. 1. For price and day by day itinerary information, write or call our friendly and competent' staff. Mount Forest call 323-1545, Mitchell call. 348-8492. FETTES TOURS AND TRAVEL 184 Main Street MOUNT FOREST; Ont. • 1-03-1.` Classified Rates WORD courit • Charges are based On the number. of words. Sets of numerals as tor serial numbers, street numbers: phone numbers or prices count as one word per, set. Words joined by .hyphens count as separate words. FIRST INSERTION - 15 words 52.50 10c per word thereafter SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS -- No copy changes, 8c per word, minimum 52.00 SEMI -DISPLAY FIRST INSERTION - 52.17 per column inch. ' SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS 51.89 per column inch. (Minitnu size in this category 1 Yr inches. Accepted in multiples of half inch.) • BOX NUMBERS TO THIS OFFICE - 50c per insertion. BIRTH..- 15 words, 52,50 10c per word thereafter. MARRIAGES, Engagements, Death Notices, 15 words 52.50, each additional word 10e. IN MEMORL4MS 52.50 plus 10c per line Of verse COMING EVENTS 15 words 52.50, each additional word 10c. Three insertions for the price of 2. CARD OF THAIIKS- 30 words 52.50 each additional word 3c, 50c DiscouNt }Olt tiitlt PAYMENT ON OR BEFORE FRIDAY NOON IN WEEK OF INSERTION. No cancellation of multiple insertion advertisements after Noon, Tuesday DWAIN tor cilasoffled ads 1. 12 Nam Triesdayit. ...Phone.75270240 • 1 Coning .vents Bingo, Every Tuesday Night 3t the VANASTRA CENTRE R.R.S. Clinton f$ First regular card^$1.00 15 Regular games of$15.00. 3 Share the Wealth Jackpot 5700 most go. Admission restricted to 10 , Year$ or over S. Bus. Qpportnnity 71114 Bus Opportunitv 11 Articles For Sale 11 Articles For Sale 14 Property For Sale 14 PrOPertY For Salle THE HURON COUNTY HEALTH tirer invites you to attend the; Adult Health Guidance Centre held at the HEALTH UNIT OFFICE MEDICAL BUILDING • BRUSSELS on WEDNESDAY, JIJNE 6 1979 from 1;30 • 3:30 p.m. for: 1. Health Surveillance .2.. Foot Care 3. Anaemia Screening 4. Urine Testing 5, Blood Pressure 6. Hearing Test 1-03-1 WHITE Carnation, Holmes: - vine, offers smorgasbord 'Wednesday through to Sun- day. Noon special 12 •to 2 p.nt Wed. -Sat. 53.75 per person. Salad bar, hot buffet, dessert. coffee and tea. Din'- ner 5:30 7:30 p.m. Wednes- day - Saturday and Sunday all day 55.95 per person. 53.50 12 and under. Pre school 51.50. Featuring roast beef for week days plus selection on weekend. All you caneat for one low price. Telephone 482-9228, after hours 524-4133.. 1-01-4 THE ANNUAL Webster Reunion will be held Sunday, June 10th, 1979 at 2 p.m. at the Brucefield Centennial School. Dishes, cutlery and beverages supplied. 1-03.2 THE SEAFORTH Ladies' Slow Pitch Baseball Team is planning an auction sale for Th ursday..lune 14 at 6:30. If you would like to consign or donate articles call. Dolores. 527-0978 or Dawn 527-0940. 1-03-1 ANNIVERSARY Service will be held at Hibbert United Church,. Staffa on Sunday, June 3 at 11 a.m. Guest minister will be Rev. VVilena Brown of Bluevale. The: Stratford Festival City Chorus will also be attending. 1-034 STRAWBERRY AND HAM SUPPER Hibbert United Church, •Wednesday, June .13, 5:00 to 'p.m. Adult 54.50. Children 12 and under 51.50. 1-03-2 Unusual Opportunity Canadian Company in Agricultural field has • Opening; in thisarea Tor a part-time representative. The Company manufactures the• highest grade of liquid: fertilizer on the market for row •and: -foliage feeding. The very latest soil testing: fracilities are 'available. If you are 'presently farming or are of recent farming background we WOuld like to hear from you. Write giving details of eXperiOnce and baCkgrbund to: 11.4cLACH LAN. PRESIDENT Kingsford Industries Inc. 482 Commissioners Road E. LONDON, Ontario N6C2T8 5-014 . • FOR Conestoga College Certificate Programs Would you like to upgrade your job' skills?*Get ,back • in •the .work force? Move ahead in the work force? Conestoga College, Clinton • Campus, offers certificate programs:in the 'following areas: Aodernic (-11;)131.0:11173 Programs are offered on a continuous intake basis throughout the year. Testing and counselling for program selection are available and you may be eligible for funding assistance. . For more information on this or any of our programs, call, write. or drop in to the Clinton Campus, Vanastra Road, 482-3458. 5-01-5 Conestoga Col of Applied Arts and Technology Wo'vo rpt a lot teatime. Farm Stock For Sale 11' Articles For Sale FIFTY pigs approx. 50 lbs. IN STOCK we have two - 16 345-2197 8-034 foot, a 18 foot and a 32 foot 60 Good chunks, castrated 7t roa6v6e1 trailers. Phon1e1.04282.2- • 5-03-1 'GOT something to sell? 9000 people read the EXPOSITOR. EIGHT pigs for sale. 40-45 classified ads every week. lbs. 345-2976. 8-034 • place your low priced DuRcie Landrace boor Expositor classified at performance tested, health. 527-0240. 11-95sri approve, guaranteed breeder. Bob Van. Den 50 acres of alfalfa hay, to be Neucker, Seaforth 482-9800. cut before June 10, 345-2236.. •ONE EPPS Jet Pump with all Controls and 30 ft. of pipe $100.00, Also TV a riel with rotor and control, Cheap. H. Palin, 527-0357. II -03x3 • VARIABLE tower telescope for high power rifle Nikko stirling 3-9X, Bushneli 1.5 4X. Phone: 523-4569. 11-03x1 IVIOPERNcolonial style desk and matching chair, large" LAWN wall mirror, 527-1571 11-03x1 BOY 1 LARGE mesh playpen, 1, large crib, 2 pony saddles, .1 24" electrie stove, I L. shaped cbunter top 66", x 32", 523-9276. 11-02-2 x 40' •mobile home, air condition, frig and stove, 5274158. 11-02x2 SWIMMING POOLS to Rent , Will lease and install for homeowners, family size aluminum swimming pools with patio. Choice of styles, Meeting all fencing regulations on 'a one, two or three year rental basis with • option to own. Try before you buy!, Call Imperial, Pools toll free 1-800-268-5970. (If within our local calling area 746-3340) • 11-034 IN STOCK we have two:.- 16 foot a 18 foot and a 32 foot travel trailers. Phcine 482-7066, 7 11-03-2. COW Manure 'for. sale. Phone 887-6634. 11-03-2 100 lb. bags of fine salt. Phone 527-0049. 11-03-2 •SHERLOCK Manning piano in excellent cOndition. Phone .527-083. 11* -03x1 USED Building material including, 8" cement blocks, 2 x 6, 2 x 8, various lengths, 5" and 6" furnace pipe and gas 'furnace, . toilet, aluminum windows, doors. Call 527-0256 after 4:00. ECONO-MOWER. mop. 45,* • A trim bargain for yews. L/tLLL7&Ld ffisizza=zuesicor • '4' .1' awn •.. Seaforth 527-0120111-034 FALSE ' teeth, long under- wear?' Expositor classifieds have sold almost everything. ' Place your ad today by calling 527-0240. 50 cents off when you pay cash. 11-99xtf TWO used refrigerators 15.5 cu. ft..- also, one 'used freezer, 15 cu. ft., after 6:30 p.m. Phone 527-0636. 11-03-1 1 Harvest gold Kelvinator 24" • electric stove. 5130.00 2 years old, like new. 527-0859 11-03-1 APPLES our special 56.00 per bushel excellent spys. Bring containers anytime. Ross Middleton. Storage 1 mile northeast of Bayfield. 11-03x2 SVVIMMING , POOL Manufacturer has new 1978 Pools, regular price 52,190.00 now at: our in season special of $1,355.00. Pools come with walkaround deck, 1 patio .fencing pump , 1 motor and filter. Delivery arranged to your, convenience. For best selection and information call Imperial Pools toll free 1-800- 268-5970.(If within bur local calling area 746-3340) 11-034 10,000 bushel Rosco VVesteel bin, used once. Complete with sweep . auger and unloading auger. 3 hp. aeration, fan. John Van 523-4431, 11-03x2 12 Wanted ToBuy WANT to buy a fridge. a • Ford or a phonograph? Try an EXPOSLTOR w a n lt2e tof buy Classified ad. 527-0240. $.CASH • t Good Used Furniture t W Antiques N. Estate Lots Any saleable items 49 Forest Clty Auctions IV London t Call Collect -1-453-7960 $ • 9-5 12-99-tf ROAD racing set in good condition. Phone 523-4569. 12-93x1 FARMS wanted. Dairy operaton. 100 to 200 acres. Contact Tom Reidy Realtor.. 347-2358 12-03-1 13 Wanted WEANER P!Igsfor sale-oll a • TRAVEL mate hard top tent BOX OF good used girl's clothing, size.5. WANTED old 1 cyl. gas regular ltasis, Able to pro per year. 345-2685. 8-02-3 duce approx. 1500 weavers trailer, 2 way frig, stotrae, 2 tables, 2 way water, sink and 262-6008 11-03-1 engine double flywheel • prefered' also want related Used Cars For Sale 69' Dodse Coronet, 6 cyl. good condition, 5400. as is. '74 Ford Torino, green and vvhite 2 door hardtop, 46.000 miles excellent condition. 2 Lost, Strayed' 74 Oldsmobile Cutlass, 8 cylinder, auton.atic 41,000 miles, excellent condition. 527-1858. •10-02-2 11 Articles For Sale • MISSING cattle from lot 28 Con. 3 Hibbert. 50.00 reward will be paid for information leading to the recovery of the same in good health. 345-2943. 2-02-2 4 Help Wanted HELP on dairy farm, for summer, must have some experience. 887-6634, 4-01-3 FIELD and around barn help for summer on dairy farm. Phone 345-2908. 4-03-2 Is This You? -Aggressive, self Starter,. farm equipment oriented -I- II so, Vincent Farm Equip. meat, 'Seaforth, needs Sales Persia Pasts Poona* Service Tsellodelan To &hinge an interview toiitactr MA91E14 VENCENTI, SEAFORTH 5274130 . 4-03-1 10 large size aluminum white Enamel windows size 29" x 86", Call 345-2546. 11-03x2 FARROWING crates 527-0890. 11-03x1 • NEARLY new Bell and Howell Super 8 movie projector. Used only half a dOzen timet. 575. or best offer. Phone 527-1578 after 6 P.m. . 11-03x2. 2 door suitable for a tool shed 24" louvre (folding) door 'for ' an Opening, of 36". Phone 527-1346,• 11-03-1- 3 month old kittens to give away. Phone 527.0807. 11-03-1 GESTETNER available at The Huron Expositor, 527-0240, Seaforth • -4,4.4....& canOPY, sleeps 6, 527-0266. I1-02-tf • MOBILE HOME 10 ft. by 40 ft. Canadian Star mobile home. Easily moved, great for summer cottage. New carpet, propane heat, skirting'included. Excellent condition. Best offer. Phone 348-8166, 11-014 FOUR brand new Uffiroyal tires, 13". 580, or best offer. Phone 527-1578 after 6 10,000 bushel Rose°. VVisteel bin, used once. Complete with sweep auger and unloading auger. John Van' Beers.. , R R 1 Blyth. „523-4431. 11-03x2' COPIES Copies of your important 'papers or documents While you • wait. Letter .size, 25e • each, THE HUM* ixposlioR 11-99xtf ONE • International Harvettbr. 353 four row, EXPOSITOR corn or bean scuffler; one Honda MT 250, 7500 miles; one' Case four bat side rake 527-1866. 11-02-2 'HARD top Apache Tent Trailer sleeps six newly retondioaed canvas, included burni stove, Sfulrn7-04711,21: "11" rii-t3irxel 0 1978 New'Idea 9 ft: wide condition fill! width, used for 20 acres, in 'new condition. Lloyd Mouseau , Hensall, Ont. Phone 236-4819. " 11-03-1 150 New bricks. Colour off white. Phone 527-0403. After , 5.00 p.m. 11-03a1 23" Frigidaire electric stove,. good condition, best Offer. 527.1.792 after 3:30 11-03x1 • KUBOTA p cce res. a collect 262-6068. 13-03-1 OLD BRICK Buildings for Demolition and Salvage pur- poses. Contact Ross Lumley, 1185 Murphy Road Sarnia. 1.542-4088; Ontario'giargest supplier of reelaimed bricks."1 WANTED: Approx. 100 bales of hay for horses. Call 3452638 or 527-0625. 13-03-1 GOOD used furniture. 482-. 13-99-tf 'DIESEL' POWER 7922 DOES IT, 14 Property For Sale A FINE 3 bedroom older at home convenient to 11_ downtown, also adjoining lot. Private sale inquire weekends. 5274522. 14-01-4 ' 16 hp. - 38Hp. Hamm Coanty's Kubota Nein . * • . SEAFOIRTI152/4124 11-01-4 6 Lots Industrial Zoning, right in Seaforth. Asking 527,500. for the whole parcel. Call R. LANGENBERGER Toronto (416) 4844141 A.E. LEPAGE (ONT.] LTD, Radler , 14-01-3 WORKMAN REAL. ESTATE LTD. Henry Mero, Seaforth Office- -5274430 Harold Workman, Clinton Office ........482-34•55 Dirk van der Werf, Res..... . . . . . . .4824165, Ron Dohon, Bayfleld Office . . .504797 SEAFORTH AND AREA HOMES 'ONE' OF' THE LAST 'REMAINING ESTATES IN' SEAFORTIL' - Large 2 storey brick home on 31/2 acres of land possible 10 building, lots, For more information, call now. • TWO TEAR OLD - ranch style home 3' bedroom and featuring a completely finished rec room, games room and attached garage. The kind of home You've. Eit'anitwo;!atTyg4a$WILLIAMweanted.ST.-Takea4 on this 2storey,btick'hvoamntae.geof A familythe home with 2 baths, 3 bedrooms and large kitchen, 534,000.00. CENTRE ST. - See this 3 bedroom, 11/2 storey home thatowp Isriacttelacatt4.ce.00. attractively and cl°se to uptown.N CLOSE 'TO DOWNTOWN'- 1 block from the heart of downtown, this 114 storey home has had several renovations done, Priced at only S29,000.00. BRICK DUPLEX Beautiful decor in 000: storey ' brick home, a large well treed lot. Home ' .cluplexed 537,000.00. 547,500.00 - 6 year old, 3 bedroom bungalow, , Partially finished baseMentand attractive landscap, in. $52,000.00 - This 3 bedroom ranch style has economical gas heat' and full basement. 'A quit* " built John Price home, very generously appointed.„ MARKET ST. - A neat 3 bedroom bungalow, close to. Public, School. Partial brick', attached garage, full basement and the Five Year 'Hudac Warranty are seine. of the features included in •the price of 15S1/E 4A7,5MLLI. ST. - We have 1,800 sq.ft, angelstone bungalow coniPlete with 'large. country kitchen, family room, with fireplace and two baths all on one • floor. Priced right at 557,500.00. *, IIARPURHEY - We are looking for a 'reasonable offer on this 2 storey, 4 bedroom home on a nicely, • treed, lot. Complete with garage. . INCOME PROPERTY - On Main St., we have'2 store fronts and 1 apartment. A very good location for •st retail business. A STARTER HOME 522,000.00 Will buy this 3 bedroom bungalow 'on South Main St. Close to uptown and a well, treed lot. SOUTH MAIN' ST. - Make it a point tosee this 3 . bedroom, 1 floor home on, a large lot, close to downtown, Priced at 529,900.00. IIARPURIIEY - A 2 storey, 4:bedroom executive • style home with family room,. double garage, ' fireplace,,' baths and Many more conveniences too numerous to mention. Priced at S75,000.00, $14,000.09 - buys this 3, bedroom, 11/2 storey stucco home close to uptown on .a well treed lot. 4 BEDROOM - A beautiful large home on John St. with a self-contained' 1 apartment for added income. EGMONDVILLE = Grandest view in Eginondville-is from the kitchen window of this PA storey, brick home on 1 hill acre lot. Nicely decorated and • landscaped. Priced down to -earth at$38,500.00. FARMS AND COUNTRY PROPERTIES 20 ACRES - Hog finishing Operation with' moderm • ized. barn. Two' silos, drilled well and 4 bedroom home. What More could you ask for? 569,900.00: • TUCKERSMITH - 97 acres of choice' level land. Price, and location on request. NEAR KINBURN - Is this 2 bedroom, brick • bungalow. on 1/4 acre lot. A nice home in the country at S45,000.00. •COUNTRY LIVING AT. ITS BEST - This 4 bedroom is immaculate in Tuckersinith. It has had complete renovations and is on one glorious acre. 550,000,00. McKILLOP TVVP. - 5: acres near a paved road. Three bedroom, 11/4 storey home, small, barn and double garage, S52,000.00. 3'4 ACRES HULLET - With a beautiful 4 bedroom, .2 storey ited brick home. GoOd Clean . country living. 548,500.00. 225 ACRES IN McKILLOP - Complete with 4 bedroom home, drilled' well, 210 drained and workable acres. A complete dairy operation with quota, Machinery and stock. Complete information • on request. • ALMA - The tasteful decor shows in this 4 bedroom, brick bungalow. Complete With 2' fireplaces, rec thorn, Hanover Kitchen; , double car garage and. many more extras. Plan now to attend the Open House on June 3rd. . , 04 HIGHWAY - South of Clinton, 31/2 acres, drilled' , well, 2 smaller barns, large 5 bedroom home, 100 Amp. Service 545,000.00. COUNTRY HOME - In ,Mckillop, .2 storey sided • home,, tastefully decorated with natural stone fireplace. Drilled well, small ,barn 555,00040. • 11/2 MILES NORTH OF SEAFORTH •• on. the paved, • road. We have a 3 bedroom, Ph storey sided frame home. Complete with garage, patio doors, sun -deck, large' kitchen and a small barn. WE HAVE MANY MORE HOME AND. FARM LISTINGS AND ITDOESN'T COST YOU ANYTHING TO GIVE USA CALL. Pick up the "Reid Eutaw" Magazine for pictures of these and many More Hstings. 14-03-1 • HOUSE iti Blyth on Mill Street, close to school. Phone 523-9247, 14-954 . • . RerneMberl It takes but moment to place an Ex- positor Want Ad. Dial 524-0240. :Classified • on oext. page