HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1979-05-31, Page 11SETTING ,i UP This: was the scene ani the, Seaforth- setting up the big top, and turning the fairgrounds into a circus fairgrounds Tuesday morning as the Martin and .DOwns: circus; MidwaY. crew,with the help of Serne local teena9erS,, started: the task of HELPING RAISE. THE BIG TOP—Three Seaforth boys turned up Tuesday morning, to help the. Martin and Downs Circus staff raise the big top. The boys are Mike Costello, Greg • McPherson; and Mike McLaughin. NOT •ANOTHERPHOTOGRAPHER-This: llama, one. of the stars of the Martin and Downs. circus; brought . to Seaforth :by the. Seaforth Agricultural Society, has learned 'to take, stardom in hand•; The Il;ama is also one of the most popularattractions at the petting zoo , run before and after the circus. performances. SH. t D As'f for the, 'Mentally Handicapped ANNUAL MEETING J'.A.DMcCurdy School Algonquin DriveHaron End Wed, 'J`une 6 8 p.m. AUDIO-VISUAL IRE POR'TSof what is beinsg- done in thin area for our. 'disadvantaged',children and adults:, TOUR of tire; recenty renovated 'pedal :education. facllttles: % Appreciate Your • Support sl STRAWBERRY and HAM SUPPER BruceAeld United Church Wednesday,: • June1'3 5 >! p.m., Adults $4.50 8.12 $2.50' ender 8 free TALENT WANTED. Anyone interested in ' entering Junior "Talent Show at Hermit Spring Fair contact.• Mrs.: GladysMcGregor 262.5839,: June 12 PRiZE MONEY for all entries . • AN ELEPHANT'S WORK IS NEVER DONE! — Jewell, the Martin :- and: Downs circus elephant, provides the heavy muscle to raise the circus big, too on the Seaforth fairgrounds on. Tuesday morning. The circus drew Targe crowds of area children and their parents. for both shows Tuesday Fiddlers in 'Blyth, this weekend and dance groups stepping to the tunes of area fiddler. Jerry. Smith. Four finalists from the -dance competitions. will be chosen to perform at the. Saturday evening con- cert. oncert. Saturday ; night also sees the open fiddling contest. Come and enjoy the exper- tise of our many area fiddlers. and hear fiddlersfrom dis- tant places as well Tap your foot and make your own Plans are . being made to make the Huron Olde Tyme Festival larger and more diverse than ever before. The festival will be held June 1st ' and 2nd at 8•.p.m. .in the Memorial Hall, Blyth Besides the ever -popular fiddle competition this year's program will; include many. entries in both the step - dancing and square-dancing categories. Friday evening will see many area dancers decisions as our judges delib- erate. Over $1,000. in prizes will be awarded during the two nights " of the Festival. Admission to both nights Of competition is 55.00' per per- son',, and.separat4 admissions can be obtained at $2.50 for Friday night and $3,00 for Saturday night. Children's tickets . 'are ' $1.00 off all prices. Tickets are available" by calling"523-9300; or at the. door.' y AI A I, HOTELA SEAf-ORTI1 This Week Thurs., Fri., 'Sat: & Sat. Matinee LYONESS WOODSTOCK Et STETSON Next Week: Chris McCann Ft Bourbon Hill it.'s SALAD BAR FRIDAY: Noon, 6-8 p.m., 11-1 am. SATURDAY: 6-8 p.m. 11-1 a.m. FINE F'` 0111) F1'\1 F'VI'E(l"i' 1INNIENT Weekend visitors at "Gladswood" :Rpxboro. home ,olv Mr and Mrs.. Henry Enzenberger, . R.R.1, Seaforth; were their son, Dan of Gravenhurst,; .daughter Dorothy Hardman„ Toronto, and cousins Mr, and Mrs JgeSifls ad son John. of Baltimore, Md. U.S.A. Other,' visitors .during the weekend were Mr. and Mrs, D'Orlean: Sills, :Mr, and Mrs.. Frank. 'Sills, Miss Joan Devereaux, Toronto, Mrs. Alice Porter, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs, Bernie Reynolds, Toronto, Misses Margaret and Joan Sills, Mr. Cam Doig, Miss. Jane Sills, Elmdale, Mr. Leonard Muegge, London, Mr, and Mrs, John Mason, East Lansing, Mich., Miss Daphne Wood, York, Eng., Mr. and Mrs, Gerald Townsend and. Raymond, Arthur (Ont.), Mr. and Mrs. Jas.Sills, Tracey, Teddie and Donnie. Mr. and: Mrs. Garnet Wanless of Viroqua, Mr, and Ivlrs.. Orin Midtlien and family of Altoona Wisc. and Miss Heidi'. Overbo of Chicago are guests of Mae Smith, John St. and George Smith, Hullett. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Reynolds, Mr, and; Mrs. Larry Horne, Mars, R.S. Aikens and. Mr. and. Mrs, Emmerson: Durst attended the graduation exercises at Waterloo • University on Thursday, May 24 when John Durst' received, his B.A., degree in fine arts. . Mr and; Mrs. 'W.J. McDowell spent the weekend with Mr, and. Mrs. Walter McMillan of Belleville, also attended the graduation ceremony' of their son James McMillan a[t Queens University, Kingston, who is great grandson of the late Thomas McMillan, M.P. for Huron, Kim and Rena McLean and children. Robin, pan and Jennie_of ,Exeter were guests. Sunday with. Susan, Andyy. and Gaby White in McKillop. Mrs. Norma Steele was visited for severaldays last week by Verda Kinzie of Cambridge, Ontario. Britannia Lodge, Seaforth was represented by Ross Scott, John Modeland' and Gordon Wright at a Masonic service in Stratford for the late R.N. Bissonnette who died May 19. Mr. Bissonnette joined the lodge here in 1925 while on the staff of Seaforth Collegiate institute. Mr, John Modeland was in London attending the funeral of the late George Aberhart Mr. and Mrs., John C. Crich have returned from. Chatham where they spent several days. Brodhagen- Brewers BALL DAN CE Satu-r-day, June`9th 8i30 pini. -12x30 a.m:. • • at Brodhsgen: Community Centre Wale byNortlt Shore. [The IJttle Good Brotbersj • Held under authority of a special occaslon permit: Proceeds for.Park'improvements. i URONfi OPEN HOLMl Th•Lramilist Ernie E' Alberta STEVENS Rolattves,'fi each, asi sura to di* 50th: Wedding Anni1✓ersary D.11's Unclad. Gli h Wafit.la, on SUN. JUNE 3rd from 12.5 11.--R41 (7.9 p.a.), BEST WISHES ONLY 4th Annual DANCE for Seaforth Curling Club At Seaforth Community Centre: Saturday June- 2 9-1 MUSIC' BY RON BROWN ORCHESTRA Restricted to 19 and over $10.00 PER COUPLE • HOT MEAL Tickets available at Rowcliffe Motors, 527-1670 Gord Pryce, 527-0917 tie4 vise lisakfitet 4 UrO , ote Wed. -Sat. Sat./Matinee BUDDY .CARLTON SHOW Next Mon. -Sat. Sat.Matinee. .1 Lisle Show Band Wed.,, • June 6th. 5 P.M- - 9 P.M. First Presbyterian Church'.-. •Chlldrei 's Clothes •Toys •Dishes. ps, •White Elephant Table •Books •Lam_ Also Articles Sold by Consignment Lunch Booth *Jewellery 527-0046s ponsored by Friendship Chicle 527-1 238 Dining Room Open Daily from 12 Noon Good Home -Cooked Meals Continuous Entertainment from 8pm.'to 1 a.m. 1EIGHWAY`#8'. DUBLIN 345=2820'. S JUNE 1-2-3 BOX OFFICE OPENS ti:00 P.M. SHOWTIME 9:00 P.M. TWO GREAT SHOWS WARNING: Some scenes & language, may be offensive (Theatres Sr. Ont.).' Under New Management •Try'our Weekend Dining in our lovely spacious dining areal SPECIALTY. OF THE WALTON INN for the month of June on Fri. Sat., Sun. . 4:30 p.m. 8:00 p.m. PRIME RIB ROAST with choice, of potatoes French Onion Soup and. ctze Tossed Green Salad and Vegetable Tea Or coffee Please note s ow mos nk Thurs, one showing $:00 p.m. WARNING: some scenes mdy be offensive Theatres Ilr. Ont: STARTS.FRI. JUNE 1-7'. FRI. £ SAT. 7:00'x..9: SUN.-THURS. II P,M. ONLY only 5.99 per' plate CHiLDRENS PORTIONS AVAILABLE` Please come and join us for the finest in country dining! Hours: fvloh. Thurs. 8 a.:en. - 7 D. M. Fri,,. Sat. 8 a.m. 8 p.m. Sunday 10:00 a.m,"lt p,m, Don Antress 887 9293` The more you love._ the harder 'you fight. ter'. FIRST SHOWI G IN AREA THS •' N CHAMP► GODERICN JO THE St;iUARE PHONE 5244811 AIRCONDITIONEb A.R[')k (,)Ri Progo Brit to Ytiilligp HWV 6 60DIP[La AT i:ONCQSSSDN PD 4 NON( a:4 996 .1;