HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1979-05-24, Page 20THE HURON EXPOSITOR t MAY 24,,1gra 19.. Notices 20 Auction Sales COZY private rooms, 3 meals `iacluded for retired, people, '$11.00 daily. Not 4; nursing ltotste. Mrs. C. Van Damme, Holiday Home, Clanton, 482- 3685. 19.99-tf 11 d -Wester! raYlig Driveways, farm lanes, parking lots, repairs, also driveway sealing. FREE ESTIMATES PHONE 482.3733 19.92-12 R. S. Box FuneralHome 47 High Street Seaforth. Phone: 527-0885 19-95-tf Henson to Lives ock Sales SALES EVERY' THURSDAY AT 1:30 P.M. All classes of Livestock WE INVITE YOUR CONSIGNMENTS Victor Hargreaves, 482-7511, Clinton Barry Miller, 236-2717, Exeter and 2294205 Klifkton_ 19-99-tf WANTED: Decd: or Disabled Cows & Horses - Stocker cattle, calves and swine Top Prices Paid For fresh animals over 500 Ib. - 51.00 a hundred weight, Cows and horses over 1200 1b:-515.00 4 wheel drive radio dispatched trucks. 24 hr, service — 7 days. a week 20 Auction Sales Ucticn Sale of Furniture for the Estate of MRS, JOHN RILEY Mill Street, Brussels, on SATURDAY, MAY 26th Starts at l p.m* Shap; REAL ESTATE: 5 Room, lnsul Brick House & 3 Piece Bath,, built-in Cupboards. Situated on a Corner Lot, Selling Subject to Reserve Bid, 10°b Down dal,: of sale, balance in 30 days.,. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS 'Roger Majestic B & W T.V.; Chesterfield and Chair; Wicker Rocker;. Coffee Table;` TV lamp; Platform' Rocker; Wicker fernery; China cabinet; 3 occasional chairs; gramaphone and records; magazine rack; kitchen table and 4 wooden chairs; McClary 4 Burner Electric Stove; Prestoline Refrigerator; Antique chairs; antique table; studio couch; Simplicity washing machine alike new); large buffet; ;Antique Writing desk &. bookcase; rocking chairs; antique stand; pictures and mirrors and lamps; 'iron bed and mattress; coal oil 1antcrn;, dresser; floor polisher; 2 coal oil lamps; Quebec heater; Massey Harris Electric Cream Separator; iron bed; antique dresser and wash stand; wardrobe; bed spring and mattress;, lamps; card table; wash standand dresser; wash stand; Aladdin lamp; 6 dining room chairs. ANTIQUES: Complete toilet ;set; Beaver sealer; ' Shakespeare pitcher and bo;w1; wicker stand; trunk; antique dishes and other dishes, Numerous other articles. TERMS CASH Not responsible for accidents day of sale. JACKSON and JACKSON, Auctioneers 20-02.1 Brussels Pet Food Supplies Toll Free 1400.265-4267 19-99-tf J.rEt J. CARPENTRY John Ryan. and . JohnPeckitt. 345=2055' 482-7567 19-99-4 20 'Auction Sales locker Sale at 7`00 p.m. t ck. td.. .:Sal es L on �� Mon. Ma 28;1,,979 Mo y . Consisting of: Steers, Heifers and Calves Victor Hargreaves [519] 482-7511 Clinton or Barry Miller [519] 235-2717 Exeter or 229-6205 Kirkton or Doug Carruthers 289-5480 or Greg Hargreaves 262-2831 AUCTIONEERS tarry Gardiner and Richard Lobb 20-02-1 1 20 Auction Sales AUCTION SALE of. Real Estate, car, antiques, furniture. appliances, etc., to be held for Mr. Chris Leonhardt at 178 Main Street. South; Seaforth, Ont. SATURDAY, MAY 26th AT 1:00 P.M. REAL ESTATE: Property known as 178 Main Street.. South, Seaforth, Ontario, consists of a .1 i,2 storey, 3 bedroom frame house with, bathroom, carpeted livingroom and bedroom, small attached garage. House is heated with gas and has a gas water heater. The house is situated on. a large lot 120 ft. x 130 ft, elose to uptown. This is a good home for .a,."handyman or a. starter home. This property is zoned Highway' Commercial, and would be a good building site to start a business- Terms on, property 10% down day of sale, balance in 30 days. Being offered subject to a reasonable reserve bid.:. ' - CAR: 1972 Ford Torino 4 door sedan V8 automatic PS and brakes, radio ete: car is, selling a5 is. GARDEN TRACTORS: Simplicity garden tractor with mounted roto tiller and lawn roller: Walk' behind two wheel garden tractor equiped with 1 furrow plow. disc, and cultivator; Mastercraft gas lawn mower; wheel barrow; boys bicycle; garden tools etc. FURNITURE, ANTIQUE ETC.: Six matching pressback chairs; large diningtable with one leaf; antique rocking chair; fridge; McClary elect, stove; G.S, W, spin dry washer; fold down upholstered couch, nearly :new; G.E. vacuum cleaner (new); Lamps, upholstered recliner chair oil Tamp; antique combination china' cabinet and buffet with mirror and glass door; 2 trunks; Singer sewing machine; chesterfield and matching 'chair; buffetmatching coffee and end tables; tri -lite floor lamp; wooden floor lamp; two matching chairs; radio.; Electohome 21" Portable B & W TV; Antique dresser; chest of drawers; . large cedar chest; small chest of drawers; pine wardrobe; tredle sewing machine; humidifier; lawn chairs;P lywood Wardrobe; electric heater double steel bed and good mattress; card table; odd little tables; 5 fine wooden folding' chairs; ironing board and iron; smali quantity of bedding dishes and glassware; pots and pans; carpenter and hand tools; jig saw; 3/8" drill; skillsaw', electric gander; sledge hammer; 2 step ladders; large fan plus many items not mentioned: PLAN TO ATTEND Sala starts at late p.n., property *HI be offered at 2:00 p.m. TERMS CASH ONCFI:TTLES DAY OF SALE For further information & viewing of property phone, Mr. Les Leonhardt at Seaforth 527.1744 after 5,00 p.m: RiICHARD LOBO AUCTI010121,41sion, Dntark 411241198 Owaar er Atrtotlsaur Int Isapsa.$bld'for accidents day aila 20-024 r +r: 20 Auction Sales 20 Auction Sales etrilluill".76ar/,�le //t > iOe ale Auction Sale We have been instructed to sell by Public /section valuable property. The sale to take place on the premises at the hour of 6:30 in the evening of Tuesday, the 29th day of May 1979, the lands known as part tot 15, concession t in the Village of Kippen, County of Huron. . The Purchaser shall pay to the Vendor's agent at the time of the sale by way of deposit 52.000.00 by cash or by certified cheque. on or before the 22nd day ° of June 1979. Adjustment , are to: be made as of the date of Closing. The Purchaser shall search title at his own expense. On the premises is said to be erected a 40' x 60' metal clad building, consists. of 5 building lots of 100' x 150' each, Highway location and has possibilities for commercial value. inspection of the property may be had from 5:30 in the evening on the day of sale. Further •particulars and conditions may be had from Mr. Bruce Rathwell (519) 527-1458. 20.01-2. Udti ociaueJ AUCTIONEERS, LIQUIDATORS, APPRAISERS 77 MAiN ST, SEAFORTH,, ONTARIO NOK IWO (519) 527-1458' .Jlal�i ell Ficin oq--arlei Auction Sale FURNITURE & ANTIQUE AUCTION to be held at the Rathwell Building SATURDAY, MAY 26th AT 10:30 A.M. FURNITURE & ANTIQUES: round oak pedestal table & 6 matching oak chairs; oak bow front china cabinet; oak drop front desk, & book case; oak side board; 54" walnut 3 pc. bedroom suite; 2 pc. living room suite; walnut, coffee & end tables; smoked glass coffee table; 7 pc. chrome kitchen suite; 4 pc. oak bedroom suite; two 5: drawer chests; oak dresser quantity small tables; wash stand; lady's swivel rocker; floral rocker;' platform rocker; RCA Victor TV; ,2 walnut end & step tables; 2 prism lamps: picture frames; mirrors; odd chairs: oak carved chair;: pole lamps; swag lamps; lawn mowers; appliances.- large & small; kitchen utensils;. 8000.. BTU air conditioner; and many more items of interest too numerous to mention. GLASS, CHINA & MISC. Large quantity of glass & china, pressed glass, cups & saucers, PROPRIETRESS: PEARL CAMPBELL... ,20-01-2. a/,iroij�c�a e. AUCTIONEERS LIQUIDATC3RS:;APPRAISERS 77 MAIN, ST. SEAFORTH, ONTARIO NOK IWO (519) 527-1458 ,%Ld/ir,r//i :4,e, wife ,. SEAFORTH ANTIQUE COLLECTORS AUCTION to be held for Miss Ethel Beattie s gby me collection of antiques, glass & prominent resident of Seaforth who olferin Public Auction a lifeli china and furniture to be sold on Sdturda.,:Jun,� 2nd • In the Seaforth Community Centre at 9 a.m. • Seaforth, 20 miles east of Goderlett on liwy 018. Catalogue listing of approximately 800 llama..' ALSO offering her residence by auction at 3:00 p.m. Subject reasonable reserve. Terms 104'o down day. of sale, balance in 30 days. PROPERTY: Approx one acre upon which stands•lthis 2'storey: irarne 4 bedroom house ,with• aluminum siding, tireptace, full basement and all in excellent. Condition ' COLLECTIONS: 32 pieces :Hen on Nest" including milk glass. pressed glass; Colored glass. 130 piece pitchers including' approu 40 copper luster pieces; R '" Prussia Royal Bayreuth. Flow. Blue; splatter glass. End of Day. 4 cranberry, Royal Doulton: 2 Basalt Collection of goblets - Westward Ho, Amber Daisy e. Button. Daisy & Button. Thousand Eye; Polar Bear; Mary Gregory and others: Collection of platters plates - R.S. Prussia. Royal Boulton: Ambereno; Blue Sandwich gians 12 Milk glass figure plates; Royal Bayreuth. queen Victoria, Flow Blue. End of Day; frosted. Collection of salts' & peppers, buttons; Iron -store pottery, cups & saucers, brass & red wrought iron • ' GLASS & CHINA: 12 place settings French Elite Limoges pattern: -Bridal Wreath; 2 satin glass biscuit barrels; Prs of matching satin glass vases, 2 satin glass brides baskets; satin grass pear; pink overlay cruet. 3 pc Garniture vases; 10 pc water glass set in Cornflower, 2 amber finger lamps - one with match holder; sweetheart lamp. sandwich glass lamp with .blue, base; and other tamps; pink lustre tea set. spun lace cranberry bowl; quantity of Wedgewood pieces; Mary Gregory pieces; amber bourbon pig .bottle, ironstone Wash set, brass candelabra; 1 small and 1,Ilarge brass candlesticks, Fisherman figurine. figurines, 3 snuff boxes: guitar trinket box, blue biscuit barrel, beer mugs: bottles; arnbereno tooth' pick holder ANTIQUES & FURNITURE: Oak Brbadfool & Box lady's rob' top desk, cherry & birds•eye mapte chest of drawers w matching 54"' sleigh bed, tiger maple chest of drawers, butter nut bonnet chest; butter 001 ' Irish hutch" 12 pane pine flat -Ib -wall cupboard; 9 pc oak dining rtgrpsuite, 2 whatnots; Duncan Phyte drop leaf table. maple 48 spool bed, 64•' spool bed; pine blanket boxes, rosewood bookcase, wash stands, tiger maple can bottom chair. chair, chicken coop chairs, 4 Bentwood Chairs; 2 Windsor chairs; Lady's & Gent's walnut Carved back chairs. cane bottomchairs', ladder bark chairs, cedar chest; needle -point chairs; rosewood labfe: wicker fernery & 61hor wicker pieces; quantity of bedding and table linen, Terms Cash; Viewing by appointment on Friday only t%&rz/h e//C-.rr�,I�rlir/r,J' AuC1"iONetnC, 1-t01.n0ATORS. APPRAIStPO 9y MAN ST • sEArORTN, ciNTMIN NOK IW*) + • 1S,91 421+i46e AUCTIONEER NOTE: This Will be one of the most outstanding offerings of. Antiques, Glass, China & Iy Furniture that we tia'vi1 the pleasure of conducting. Keep this flyer for future reference. 20 Auction Sales: lutction Sales • Auction Sate SATURDAY, MAY 26 1 P.M. SHARP Ito be held on premises tot 12, con. 5, Stephen Township, East end of Crediton, 'A mile north for. JERRY ACKON, Tel. 234-6241 TRACTORS; Ford 5000 Diesel real good, also 4,000. Ford Diesel Sleeto speed. Both units in excellent condition, 12 ft. Krause Wheel disk, 13 ft. triple K cultivator, Ford 4 row Scuffler complete with shields, 10 ft. 1 H cultivator. 1 H 3 PH Plow 4 x 14. 1 LH. 15 run seed drill, Kelly Ryan Manure spreader, 7' Denson snow blower; gravity box, other farm. implements; trail mower. TRUCK: 1975 Ford pick-up 6 cylinder, standard; CAR: 1975 Mercury Marquis 2 dr. hardtop. aut. Both vehicles sell as is. Good running condition, 'FURNITURE: Oval dining table buffet hutch & 4 chairs; fridge; elect; stove; TV; 40 ft tower with new motor & colour antennae (Purchaser is responsible for moving the above item.) PINTO PONY: Quiet for children, saddle, harness, junior pony dray wagon, cutter, etc. POULTRY: 2 pair mated geese, ducks & drake; Guinny hens; 15 RI Hens selection rabbits & cages; 4 rolls link fence 6 ft, high; incubator like new; bicycle; large assortment plywood; lumber; steel & wooden posts; some wood (dry); Many other items too numerous to mention; Yamaha 1976 bike; 1974 snowmobile;.Electric fireplace, TERMS: Cash day of sale; Cheques with Identification. ACCENTS: Neither the owner nor the auctioneers will be responsible for accidents or property loss day of sale ... MR. GERRY ACKON, OWNER' Crediton, 2344241 PERCY WRIGHT, AUCTIONEER Kippen, 262-5515 20=02-1" ESTATE Auction Sale SATURDAY, JUNE 2,12:30 P.M. for the late • LYLE WORDEN ESTATE in the Hamlet of Staffa 5 miles south of Duplin: Choice Property 1 V2 storey brick home, large garage just 2 doors south of Sadlers' General Store, kitchen with modern cupboards, dining room, 1 bedroom & 2 piece bath downstairs, upstairs 3 bedrooms,3 piece bath. Good basement oil furnace, cascade hot water, pressure system, Staffa spring well, situated on very attractive lot. This property should be seen prior to time of Auction. Sells. at 3 p.m. 10% down, balance in 60 days. Subject to a very reasonablereserve bid. Hardtop driveway. FURNITURE: Chesterfield & chair, Stanley piano, chrome table & 4 chairs; 3 radios; 2 leather rockers; studio couch; hostess chairs; Gilson fridge; Beatty wringer washer; 2 •electric heaters; portable spin dryer (Chilton); portable TV (BW) & stand; Moffat electric stove; Cornada deep freeze (apt size) assortment kitchen utensils, dishes & flatware. Many other home items. ANTIQUES: Solid round oak dining, table on pedestal (excellent); 5 dining chairs plusarm; china cabinet (rare); key hole desk; press back rockers; matching wicker rocker & chair; organ stool; 6 small tables; hall tree; Raymondpedal sewing machine; Gingerbread clock (excellent) rare antique settee & 2 chairs; 2 press back chairs; T.cane bottom chairs; quilt box; old trunk; commode; dressers; iron bed brass tops; scope & pictures; old books & picture frames; choice assortment china including Nippon; Royal Albert, King Edward, souvenir plates, blue milk glass, relish dishes (Germany);, cut glass assortment; silver cream & sugar set; candle holders; selection Rodgers silverware; Many more antique items. Windsor & Cane bottom rockers large assortment tools etc. wheelbarrow; gas lawnmower AUTOMOBILE: 1969 Chevelle 300, 6 cylinder aut. (32,730 miles) excellent condition. Sells as is.. Sells at time of propert3'. Partial Listing Only. TERMS. OF SALE Cash; Cheques with Identification For prior viewing of property please contact either of the following: AUCTIONEER PERCY WRIGHT, KIPPEN, ONT.. 262-5515 , EXECUTRIXES MRS. STELLA WORDEN, STAFFA , 345.2748 MRS. LOIS WALDEN, LUCKNOW 528.2205 Neither the Estate ori_ the auctioneer will be responsible for accidents or property loss day of sale. 7n -n7.7 20 Auction Sales 22 Legal Notices Richard Lobb: Auettoneer AUCTION CALENDAR Clinton 482-7898 Sat. May 26th - Prop- erty, antiques, turn- ,•iture etc. for Chris, Leonhardt, 178 Mains, Street South, Sea- forth. Sat. June 9, 12 noon - furniture, antiques etc: at Richard Lobbs barn for Bill Wilton of Godericb, Sat. June 1610 a.m. 150 acre farm, tractor machinery, antiques, furniture etc. for the, estate of Marr Shaw, 3'/2 miles north of Goderich on Hwv. 21, 20-02-1 NOTICE TO CREDfTOR$: In the Estate of MARION ROUTLEDGE All persons having claimsagainst the Estate of Marion Routledge, late of the Township of Tuckersmith in - the County of Huron, dec- eased who, died on the 12th day of March, 1979, are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 31st day of May, 1979, after which date the assets • will; be distributed having regard only to claims then received. Dated at Seaforth, this 3rd day of May, 1979. McCONNELL, STEWART lk DEVEREAUX, Seaforth, Ontario Solicitors for the Estate.. 22-100.3' An Expositor Classified will pay you dividends. Have you tried one? Dial 527-0240. '21 Tenders Wanted 21 Tenders Wanted' Town of Seaforth Tenders for Huron Street Storm Sewer. SEALED': TENDERS addressed to the Town n Clerk, Mr. James Crocker,' 72 Main Street South, Seaforth, Ontario, NOK IWO, will be received by him until 5:00' p.m. Monday, June 4, 1979 for the construction: of a storm sewer on Huron Street. Thework includes approximately 117 m of 900 mm Class 111 concrete sewer pipe, manholes, catch basins, and other work incidental thereto. Plans, specifications,' and tender forms may be obtained from the office of the ' undersigned upon. payment of a nonrefundable fee of 510100. This amount includes 50.65 sales tax. A certified cheque in the amount of •S2,000-00 must accompany each bid. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. B.M. ROSS AND ASSOCIATES LIMITED Consulting Engineers 62 North Street, Goderich, Ontario N7A 2T4 21.-02-1 Aaction Sale of ' REAL ESTA1 E. and Furniture for the Estate of JESSIE LITTLE Turnberry Street, Brussels SATURDAY, JUNE 2nd! REAL ' ESTATE: 7 room. Insul Brick house, 1'/a bath, floor Lovering. Sold' subject to reserve bid. FURNITURE: , Modern furniture; 1`, V.; appliances; cooking . Utensils; dishes, numerous other articles. TERMS CASH Jackson & Jackson AUCTIONEERS Lietowely " Ontario 20-02-1 •a a•• es' •o ale R. G• • Gethke • GENERAL • AUCTIONEER Serving Perth and • Huron Counties with many years of • experience. For reliable service at • reasonable rates'' `Call 347.2465 collect •i • -i•••••1••20.02S. •1 s•• •;• • • • • • • • • • • • r •• •, • Expositor Action Bids par, 52710240` Town of Seaforth Tenders for Street Reconstruction SEALED TENDERS addressed to the Town Clerk, Mr. James Crocker, 72 Main Street South, Seaforth, Ontario, NOK 1W0,' will be received by him until 5:00 p.m. Monday; •June 4 1979 for the reconstruction of part of James Street and Adam Street. The work will include approximately 4,200 cu. yd. of earth excavation, 4,100 cu. yd., of granular. backfill, 2,675 lin. ft. of concrete -curb and gutter, 8,600 sq, ft. of concrete sidewalk, 725 ton of hot -mix asphalt. pavement, and other work incidental thereto. Plans, specifications, and tender forms may be obtained at the office of the undersigned upon payment of a nonrefundable fee of 510,00. This amount includes 50.65 sales tax. A certified cheque in the amount of..55,000.00 must accompany each bid. Lowest or any tender not yaccepted. Lowest Y necessarily P B.M. ROSS AND ASSOCIATES LIMITED Consulting Enghseer. 62 North Street, Goderkh, Ontario N7A:2T4 21-02-1 TOWNSm®l OF HULLLr1T TENDERS FOR Municipal Dram YODUNGHLUT DRAIN' Open Work approxi- mately 1,725 lineal feet (1,200 cu. yds.) Closed Approximately 1;195 lineal feet, Catch Basin, Junction Box, Road Crossing, Tile Repair. Separate tenders will. be accepted for Open and. Closed work. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. All material and' Equipment, except CMP to be supplied by the Contractor, and included' in the Tender,,. A certified cheque for 10% of the Tender price to ^ accompany tender. Tenders to close at 5:00 p.m. on FRIDAY, JUNE 1,1!70 Further particulars and Tender forms available at 44, the Clerk's office. CLARE VINCENT, Clark Box 293, Loadesboro Ont NOM 2HQ 20.01-2'. Somebody Wants What You Don't Need! SELL Through Huron Expositor Classified Want Acts 1 on nett ,page