HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1979-05-24, Page 180 1, at •'4A 1$, THE HURON lExpQsrroil,,,. NOW 24, 1979 •A• • • Coishiii:Cow, 4 I • Corniflg EVent0 1 Coming Events . 4 Help 'Wanted COME to the Craft Show at, Seaforth Community 'Centre Saturday June 9,10 a,m. - 5 P.m- ' 11.100-4. CLINTON Legion Bingo every Thorsday, 8:00 p.m, 1st regular 'card $1,00. Re stricted to 16 years or over 15 • regular games of S15,00; SS least on split, Many other • SpecialS. Jackpot S200•00, must go each week. 1.994f 'Yard; Sole • Saturday, May 26th, JO a.M. •to 4 p.m. Corner ef Goderich S. West and' Ann St., Seaforth, We're moving , - games, lamps, books, •records, furniture etc., Don't Miss it. 1.024 •PORK. f1.13.Q. and DanCe SaturdaY, June 16, Blyth and ' District Community Centre (arena floor). Tickets $1'2.00 . Per couPle. Supper 6-8, Dancing. 9 -:1 to "Blutwater. Playboys". Sponsored by Blyth Lions Club.. For tickets call Blyth' 523-4551' or 523-4545. 1.03-1 LONDON & AREA • SoccerLeague Seaforth. vs .- , • • Forest City •• , • Sunday, May 2711:30 san. Seaforth. District High School We appreciate Your tiaPPort'-' ' 1-02X1 FESTIVAL Singles. Dancet Friday. May 25113., Vietotia Inn, Stratford Out panda* 9-1 a.m. Weironle all 4inglel 9Vet XS Years. 1-014 Bingg • Every Tuesday Night atthe'' VANAS'TRA CENTRE R.R.5, Clinton, 8 P.M. First regular card S1.1:10 • 15 Regular games of $15.00 3 Share the Wealth • Jackpot S200 must go AdrItittiOn restricted q 16 Years Or over 2 Lost, Strayed MISSING cattle from lot 28, con. 3 Hibbert. 50,00 reward will be paid for information • , leading to the recovery of the Same in good ' health, .345-2943. 2-02-2 4 Help Wanted SOMEBODY FOR cleaning a house weekly orlIwice a month. Apply box #3389. The Huron Expositor, Seaforth. 4-02x1 Full & Part .Time ANNUAL members meeting Do. rson Huron Historic Jail to be held " •r C _ Thursday May 31, 8 p.m. to help work in an Arcade the Jail in 41 e type store. Everyone YVeltorne. 1-02-2 write THE family of Meryl and Gloria Glanville invite relative's, friends and neighbours to, attend 'their parents 25th wedding anniversary party, Friday, May 25 at. Seaforth Legion 9100 p.m. No gifts •please, 1-02x1 25th Wedding Anniversary. Donald and Adell RoSe invite friends. • relatives and neighbours to join them in celebrating their 25th Anniversary on Friday., June 1, 9:30;p.m. - 1a.m. at Mitchell & District Community. Centre. Best wishes only. 1-02-1 Msrty's Place, Box 340 • . Seaforth, Ont. SARAH COVENTRY JEWELLERY Full and part time position now available in ,fine fashion costume jewellery. No investment, .no deliveries, For interview phone. Mrs. Van Nynatten. 347-2622: 402.2 HELP on dairy farm, for summer, must have some experience. 887-6634. . • 4-01-3 YARD SALE: For Janet • Baker Apt. 2, 64 High Street, May 25. from one p.m. to 5 p.m. . 1-01-2. • WHITE Carnation,. HolmeS- ville, offers' smorgasbord Wednesday. through. to Sun- day. Noon special 12 to 2 • "' p.m, Wed. -Sat 83,75 per . person. Salad bar, hot buffet, • dessert, coffee and. tea. Din- "• ner 5:30 - 7:30 p.m, Wednes- day - Saturday and. Sunday all day' $5.95 per 'person. $3.50 12 and under. Pre school 51.50. Featuring roast beef for week days plus selection on weekend, All • , you can eat for one low price. • Telephone . 482-9228, after • hours 524-4133 1-01-4 ' • • Student Summer Ertio!loyment • •• FOR • ,•• • , 3.•Reciegfional.Hteottet. Summer of '79 in Hensall A. recreational prOgrarin co-sponsored by ,ithe • Ministry of Culture and REereation, as part of the Povince of Ontario special youth summer .employ - mem program "Ontario Experience '79"". •POSITIONS AVAIIABLE 5Uperviscir 18 yrs or over $875.00 7 wk period Assistant • 18 yrs, or over $720,00 6 wk period • Assistant under 18 yrs, • $540.00 6 wk period Applications in writing, complete with resume, •.‘ ii1 be received by the undersigned. until Tuesday, May 27, 1979. MRS. E. A. OKE, SECRETARY • ElensaU Parks Board• , P.O. Box 279 HENSALL, ONTARIO NOM I XO •.4.MAITLAND VALLEY • CONSERVATION • AUTHORITY • • Applications will be 'received for .the position Water. • Resources Jechnician • General ,duties relate to the Water Management projects and programs of • the Authority. Candidates should, have a. degree in Geography, Planning, Resources Management . Environ- mental Studies, • Water Reseurce Engineering or a related discipline; and have a knowledge ,of municipal planning and •engineering .docurnents and procedures. Salary Range: S10,000. to,. 815 ,000. , . Full details May be ob- tained froin: Ian .Deslauriers, Resource Manager, Maitland Valley Conservation , Authority, Box 5, Wrox- eter, Ontario. 'NOG 2X0' • Phone Gorrie 335-3557. Resumes should be submitted by 12 o'clock noon on,June 5, 1979. 4-85-2 4.01-2 '7.10.1000.10NRITA COACH. -Anyone interested • - Farm Stock' For Sal; NUMBER of bred gilts. .$2731504. • .,;.:8412s1 • -I! • . Pigs„ 40-45 pounds. ,BillMUTPhY 145-2976.' 8-02-1 • Used Coro For Sale 74 Datsun asking 5650.00 new -tires, good gas Mileage needs body work. Call 527,0265.• -. • 10-02x1 74 Oldsmobile Cutlass, 8. cylinder. automatic 41,000' miles, excellent condition. 527-1858. 10-02-2 • 11 Articles. For Sale ROXBORO Garden. $27-0705 Box plants for sale. Petunias, marigolds*, dusty miller, self blanching Cauliflower, cab- bage, broccoli, Spanish onions, tomajoes. 11-02-1 1972 Toyota Celica, Raleigh • Record 10 speed bike. No calls Friday or Saturday eve- nings, 527-0067. - 1 02x1 • in coaching ladies , slow piteh .50 acres of alfalfa hay, to .be cokis 11 Articles, For S1e 11 For Safe' • • • • .. 200.011". Or Kentwnod bean tek Seed; 900 lb.. of Seafarer IIII bean seed, Both grown from •• foundation, 20 bushels Perth 11)1 • E5E1.1 POWER Barley seed 2.50 per bushel. • John Patrick 527-0047 or 236-4485, 11.01x2 . • II 12' by 52' mobile borne, t Includes 2 bedrooms, carpeted. living -room, stove and frig. Would make an ideal rottaee at the lake, Willard 13ennewies.345•2296, • 11-01-2 DOES IT • MOBILE HOME 10 ft. by 40 ft, Canadian Star mobile home. Easily moved, great 1 for summer cottage. New Carpet, propane heat, skirting included. Excellent condition. Best offer. Phone ' • .348-8166. • 11-01 -tf TO give away to good home registered red male 12 Wanted To Buy 'WANTED: used metronome, 527-0508. • 12-02x1 Wanted small Freezer. 527-0330. 12.01-2 $ CASH $ $ Good Used Furniture' t Antiques m' ji .4, Estate Lots :71r.t• t Any saleable items t Forest Cffy Auctions '11' London • $ Call Collect', 1-2153-796Q $ 7-99-tf 30Hp. Huron %Total Kuirta SIATORIR ATR WARRIOR( Rh • Seaforth 527.0120 daschund. 527-1310. 61 4 • 11- - . . . • - . • FALSE teeth, long under- wear?'Expositor classifieds have sold almost everything. Place your ad today • by calling 52.7-0240. 50 cents off when you pay cash,' 11 -99 xi , • . VINCENT FARM EQUIPMENT • at Seaforth continues to grow anci offers a rewarding ••opportunity lot: SALES PERSON - PARTS PERSON - MECHANICS • Experienced and aggressive individuals are required. • Ideal working conditions, fringe benefits. Excel- lent opportunity for the right people. To arrange an interview contact: MARLEN VINCENT Vincent Farm Equipment 1.id. SEAFORTH, ONT. TELEPHONE [5191527-0120 • WIN WITH Watkins. Could use three adults to service • your friends and neighbburs. Good commission. Alko, ask about our Can Do program. Write Watkins 504. Limeridge Court. Hamilton, 'Call 1-416.388-2530, 4-98X6 • Classified Rates WORD COUNT • • Charges are based on the number of words. Sets of • numerals as for serial numbers, street number phone numbers or prices count as one word per set. Word'joined by hyphens count as separate.words. , FIRST INSERTION - 15 words 82,50 10c. per *ord • thereafter SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS - No copy changes. 8c • •, • per word, minimum 82,00 SEMI -DISPLAY ElltST INSERTION -82.17 per coltimn inch, • • SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS11..89 per column inch. (Minimu size in this category 11/4 inches. Accepted in • multiples of half inch.) • BOX NUMBERS TO THIS OFFICE 50c per insertion. . BIRTHS -15 words, 82,50 10c per' Word thereafter. MARRIAGES, Engagements, Death Notices, 15 words $2,50, each additional word 10c. IN MEMORIAMS 52.50 plus 10c per line of verse COMING EVENTS 15 words 52.50, each additional word 10c. Three insertions for the price of 2. CARD OF THANKS - 30 words 52.50 each additional • ' •word 3c. • SOiDISCOUNT FORCASH PAYMENT • . ON Olt BEFORE FIUDAY NOON IN WEEK. OF INSERTION. No cancellation of Multiple insertion *idvertisentents after Noon, Tuesday Deadline for classified Adak 12 Noon Tuesdays ..:Phone521,0240 4 5 Bus. Opportunity. ball. • Call Delores at • cut before i._.. in 1,0 345-2236 527-0978. 4-02-2 • Full Time Factory help wanted,. experience not necessary, to start immediately IKI 0 FORD DIC S • • 11.02-2 KITCHEN table with 6 chairs dishwasher. stove, -one laige chair, washer spin dryer. •Best.Offer,,'' All in excellent • condition, 348-9274, 11-02-1 INDUSTRIES • 3452344; . . , • • 4-02-1 • • • TRAVEL 'mate hard top tent trailer, 2 way frig, stove, 2' tables, 2 way water, sink and canopy, sleeps 6. 527-0266. • Experienced •11-034 TANDEM DUMP ick. • Bs Truck Driver Apply '• • GLENN CHESNEY, • FRANK KL1NG,LTD. • • 527-0297• 4-01-tf Farm. Stock For Sale WEANER pigs for sale on a regular basis. Able to pro- duce approx. 1500 weaners per year. 345-2685. 8-02-3 ucum er Contracts available • at • NORMAN Kers R R 4 Seaforth, Lot 1 • Con. 2, Tuckersmith. 5270076 or G. Knuners • Main Street, Dublin 345.2700. • • 5 Bus. Opportunity 5 Bus Opportunity Copies of your important papers or documents while you • wait. Letter size, 25c, each. THE HURON EXPOSITOR G RED AND, pOLt)3 piece e bcarpet, 1:1s.uftx7ft,el::pair of table lamps. 571 after 4 ceclodk. 11-01,2 • CUNNINGHAM hay conditioner; good condition, also, apartment size clothes • dryer nearly new 345-2349. 11-01x2 5 Bus Opportunity • • Unusual Opportunity, Canadian Company in Agricultural field has. opening in this area for a part-time, representative. the Company manufactures the highest grade of liquid fertilizer on the market for row and • foliage feeding. The very latest soil testing fracilities are • available. If you are presently farming or are of recent farming background we would like to heat from you. Write giving details of experience and • background to: . E. 11/IcLACHLAN PRESIDENT • Kingsford Industrial Inc. 40 CUifirtiiitIOriars ROW E. LONDONOntario N6C 2T8 J.11 -3 1 11 Articles For Sale GOT something to sell? 9000 people read the EXPOSITOR classified ads every week. Plate your lovv •priced • Expositor classified at 527-0240. • 11-95xtf For Sale • • MOTORCYCLE 19'75 .Kawasaki 400 • A -I condition • Phone 527-0814 11-100x5 1973-18' Shatta travel Trailer sleeps six, 2 way frig., furnace. shower, basin and toilet, electric brakes, mirrors. Good condition. Phone 527-1445. 11-01x2 LARGE mesh playpen, 1 large crib, 2 pony saddles..1 24" electric stove, 1 L- shaped counter top 66" x 32". 523-9276. 11-02-2 10' x 46' mobile home, air condition, frig and stove, 527-1158. 11-02x2 , REPAIRED harrow sections and a milling machine, small older type 7" by 20" table. Phone 527-0114. 11-02-1 10 x 33 Office trailer for sale •or rent. 482-7066. 11-02-2 IN STOCK 'we have two - 16 foot,• a. oo n a 32 00 travel trailers. Phone 482- 7066. - • 11-02-2 • •• MOVING!!! ITEMS FOR SALE [as 1' only ,‘ Men's' 10 -speed racer bicycle $75.00 • • 1 oflly - Wilch Slush machine (like new - used 1 - • summer) $950.00. 2 only - 3 -prong pitching •forks, tines only $1.00 , each, . , 2 only - hammer, handles .60 each (2 for $1,0(» 1 only - 8 mm. Bell & Howell (Sears) movie pro•-• jector $85.00 • 1 Only -Sesibreeze tape recorder •w: accestories • S100.00. • 1 only G.E. 13.5 'cu. ft. refrigerator 875.00 • only R.C.A. console , AM FM Phono radio $125.00. 1 only • Motomower Snow Shark snowblower 20" throw, W2 HT. $100.00. 1 only - Motomower gas' lawnmower 22.• 3V2 HY. 850.00 1 only - Electrohome black. & white, TV' console 8100.00 1 only :Panasonic 8 -track - tape deck 875.00. 1 only -50' x 364' high green vinyl clad fencing • (new) with 11 - 6' T -bars included 840.00. 1 only pitch fork handle only 82,00. - 1 only az handle (Icing) 51.50. TERMS -CASH CALL:53741018, Walton 11-01x2 •. • A QUANTITY of pipe part- itions and gates for riffle or hog pens'. 527-0428. 11-02-1 • APPLES our special S6.00 per bushel excellent spys. Bring containers anytime. Ross Middleton. Storage I mile northeast of 13aylield. 11-99-4 ONE International Harvestor, 353 four row, rolling corn or bean scuffler; one Honda MT 250, 7500 miles; one Case four bar side rake 527-1866. • 11-02-2 TOURIST tent 9 x 9; top • quality. Phone 527-1418. 11-02-1 $, WANT to buy a fridge, .a Ford or a phonograph? Try an EXPOSITOR wanted to buy classified ad, 527-0240: 12-99-tf 13 Wanted 4LD'BRICK Buildings for Demolition and Salvage pur- poses. Contact Ross Lumley, 1185 Murphy Road, Sarnia. 1-542-4988; Ontario's largest supplier of reclaimed bricks," GOOD used, furniture, 02-7922. .13.994 • USED Building material including 8" cement blocks, 2 x 6, 2 x 8. various lengths, 5" and 6" furnace pipe and gas • furnace, toilet. aluminum windows, •doors. Call 527-0256 -after 4:00. ' • I I -02x2 TWO older triode! vacuum' • cleaners - one Electrolux, One AirWay: in good working condition. 527-0638, I1 -02x2 BOXED plants: Cabbage„ Spanish onions, tomatoes marigolds, pansies, violas, snapdragons and geraniums. Apply 150 Market Street; • 11-02x1, USED 24" gas range, $75.00 good condition. 527-1443 after six o'clock, 11-02-1 GESTETNER INK available at The Huron Expositor, 527-0240, Seaforth • 11-95xtf 14 Property. For Sale. • AFFORDABLE starter home for young family or retiring. couple With plenty of room for children or visiting grand- children. 12' x 68' Bendix mobile home situated on first choice lot in a quiet park. Home features large living room and kitchen, 3 piecc Property Eor S#1e, Real Estate Ltd: • POtoocii.11n47.93111. : 11/2 storey home on large nicely treed lot in VeryEgniond- 4vinIleiasd. ca;eicely decorated dnd 150 ACRES - in Morris Twp. withebhaormn home 1½. storeyfratu. • $ * * 4!• • . 1½ storey frame home with • heated, workshop and gar- age. Located ort paved road, 1 mile north of Brussels ideal for small business, • Restanra$4ssli** 'andgasbar, rural village.. Apartnientd.above, ** * it** LONDESBORO • - 1 floor frame home on 1/3 acre lot. acres with houSO, barn, silo, `nicely treed. • EGMONIILLE-9North • • St, building lot with 87 ft. frontage. NEAR • MONCREIFF - 5 MORRIS TWP. - .1' floor 3- barm. brick home on 4 'acres' 4/2 mile from .Brussels. Two good barns. FOOD. FOR THOUGHT, To bgentle, wiseand portion of toughness. • 14-02-1 reasonablo requires a goodly. •bath." reverse hall and 3 ' liedrooms. Also included tool . shed and 10' x 24' cedar sun deck, Starting price $12;500. • Call 527-1898 after 5 o'clock.. • • • 14,01=2 BROKER HOUSE in Blyth on MH1 aox '249, •' GEORGE. JOHNSTON• , REAL ESTATE LIMITED • Street, close to school. Phone FAST I76RNE-61,1111 it:F.1.'11'7o a 523-9247. •14-95-tf •- ,. • .. . A. FINE 3 bedroom older • home • convenient to downtown, also adjoining lot. Private sale inquire weekends. 527-1522. 14-01-4 s, Industrial, Zoning, right, in Scaforth. Asking $27,500. for the vvhole parcel. • Call R. LANGENBERGER Toronto [416] 484-6141 A.E. LEPAGE FONT.) LTD:. . • Realtor. • • 14-01-3 can't sell all of 'the • properties in town but we sell the most satisfying. It's good when the buyer is satisfied and it's good when the seller • is satisfied. ****** . S75,000.00 burs100 acres of grassland slightly North of Brussels. No buildings but a drilled well and y r • ,* * $62,000,00 buys a cottom- • built brick home, electrically • heated, double 'garage, fire place, pella 'windows, two • bathrooms, patio, broad- Idomeff floors and extras by the dozen. IV14' PAR LANE 4E4 1"Al.ttle oiu • 1. • WALTON, 2 storey brick, 3 bedroom home on one quarter acre; needs work; oil heat, dug well, low taxet, . IMMEDIATE POSSESSION „ CaH BOB THOMAS 482-3096 or 235-0541 14-01-2 PI REAL. ESTATE LTD. E/al/TOP , • JOHN DUDDY • 50 ACRE FARM:' in the Blyth area, 3 bedroom home, barn , 'set up for Migt, large silo. , HIGHWAY LOCATION:: near Clinton, six acres witti. extensively renovated home With new addition, Good sized barn. TOWN AND COUNTRY: Two floor brick home with attached garage. Lot with Livestock Products Presenting an extensive line of -liquid Manure pumps •-.spedial cattle manure pump --eleetric manure pumps •-matitire spreader tanks - lagoon pumps economical, strong rear and loader 4...hog penning • *--farrowing crates -7-cattle free stalls -feedbinds Ji SPANJER MANUFACTURING Mitchell 348-9104 LAWN -BOY e mature trees over an acre in ****** 552,000.00 buys an almost new home of distinction. Open for viewing by appoint- ment. • *4!**** •If you want something special let us show you the century stone house' with ten acres of land near Seaforth. It has all been revitalized with two bathrooms, broad- loom, new family room an outdoor patio. • * * * $41,000.06 buys a Modern- ized home that outclasses all others for neatness. Ready to move into ,,pn fairly short notice. ' eist Ask us about lots for building. Ask us abont a business location. Ask us anything. WILLIAM. M. HART 527-0870 or 5274972 ALLAN CAMPBELL , Phone 5274445 For rent: large home neat Main Street,. * 4 * * * We've been so busy lately We forgot to mention that . . "We sell very, very quietly . . bat we sell." . 14.20-1' ecoNO.MOWER 20' Additional MODEL 4630 .5AiUR26.0RN AREA: Two, 200 ' acre dairy farms with excel- lent buildings. One 100 aere purchased together or lugs. Fiarriston, loam. Can be • cash crOP 'farm with build • - Classified A nu* bargain forlveara• 4tAt.: iTEXT.:. TIAL Br TWO separately. ACRES: In theebitittry . i in Hullett Township. Two floOr 3 or 4 bedroom home, Drilled well. ' JOHN THOMPSON °like ... ....... , ..482-3766 . Home.. . ....527:0238 6• Tun° ia page • EDIJCATION Conestoga Would you in the work Conestoga certificate • • . Programs throughout • program • eligible . , For more call, write, • Vinastra • , . • • • . F011 ElVIPLOYIVIENT College Certificate Programs like to upgrade your job skills? Get back. force? Move ahead in the work force? ' College, Clinton Campus, offers programs iii the following areas: • ' , Academic Upgrading • . are offered on a continuous intake basis the year. Testing and counselling for selection are available and you may be for funding assistance. • . information on this or.any of our programs, or drop in to the Clinton Campus, • Road, 482-3458. ' • 5-01-5 • , -Of; ConestogaCollege ,„ i of Applied kts ancl Technology WeVegota lot tomato. ,. 5 Bus Opportunity • • Unusual Opportunity, Canadian Company in Agricultural field has. opening in this area for a part-time, representative. the Company manufactures the highest grade of liquid fertilizer on the market for row and • foliage feeding. The very latest soil testing fracilities are • available. If you are presently farming or are of recent farming background we would like to heat from you. Write giving details of experience and • background to: . E. 11/IcLACHLAN PRESIDENT • Kingsford Industrial Inc. 40 CUifirtiiitIOriars ROW E. LONDONOntario N6C 2T8 J.11 -3 1 11 Articles For Sale GOT something to sell? 9000 people read the EXPOSITOR classified ads every week. Plate your lovv •priced • Expositor classified at 527-0240. • 11-95xtf For Sale • • MOTORCYCLE 19'75 .Kawasaki 400 • A -I condition • Phone 527-0814 11-100x5 1973-18' Shatta travel Trailer sleeps six, 2 way frig., furnace. shower, basin and toilet, electric brakes, mirrors. Good condition. Phone 527-1445. 11-01x2 LARGE mesh playpen, 1 large crib, 2 pony saddles..1 24" electric stove, 1 L- shaped counter top 66" x 32". 523-9276. 11-02-2 10' x 46' mobile home, air condition, frig and stove, 527-1158. 11-02x2 , REPAIRED harrow sections and a milling machine, small older type 7" by 20" table. Phone 527-0114. 11-02-1 10 x 33 Office trailer for sale •or rent. 482-7066. 11-02-2 IN STOCK 'we have two - 16 foot,• a. oo n a 32 00 travel trailers. Phone 482- 7066. - • 11-02-2 • •• MOVING!!! ITEMS FOR SALE [as 1' only ,‘ Men's' 10 -speed racer bicycle $75.00 • • 1 oflly - Wilch Slush machine (like new - used 1 - • summer) $950.00. 2 only - 3 -prong pitching •forks, tines only $1.00 , each, . , 2 only - hammer, handles .60 each (2 for $1,0(» 1 only - 8 mm. Bell & Howell (Sears) movie pro•-• jector $85.00 • 1 Only -Sesibreeze tape recorder •w: accestories • S100.00. • 1 only G.E. 13.5 'cu. ft. refrigerator 875.00 • only R.C.A. console , AM FM Phono radio $125.00. 1 only • Motomower Snow Shark snowblower 20" throw, W2 HT. $100.00. 1 only - Motomower gas' lawnmower 22.• 3V2 HY. 850.00 1 only - Electrohome black. & white, TV' console 8100.00 1 only :Panasonic 8 -track - tape deck 875.00. 1 only -50' x 364' high green vinyl clad fencing • (new) with 11 - 6' T -bars included 840.00. 1 only pitch fork handle only 82,00. - 1 only az handle (Icing) 51.50. TERMS -CASH CALL:53741018, Walton 11-01x2 •. • A QUANTITY of pipe part- itions and gates for riffle or hog pens'. 527-0428. 11-02-1 • APPLES our special S6.00 per bushel excellent spys. Bring containers anytime. Ross Middleton. Storage I mile northeast of 13aylield. 11-99-4 ONE International Harvestor, 353 four row, rolling corn or bean scuffler; one Honda MT 250, 7500 miles; one Case four bar side rake 527-1866. • 11-02-2 TOURIST tent 9 x 9; top • quality. Phone 527-1418. 11-02-1 $, WANT to buy a fridge, .a Ford or a phonograph? Try an EXPOSITOR wanted to buy classified ad, 527-0240: 12-99-tf 13 Wanted 4LD'BRICK Buildings for Demolition and Salvage pur- poses. Contact Ross Lumley, 1185 Murphy Road, Sarnia. 1-542-4988; Ontario's largest supplier of reclaimed bricks," GOOD used, furniture, 02-7922. .13.994 • USED Building material including 8" cement blocks, 2 x 6, 2 x 8. various lengths, 5" and 6" furnace pipe and gas • furnace, toilet. aluminum windows, •doors. Call 527-0256 -after 4:00. ' • I I -02x2 TWO older triode! vacuum' • cleaners - one Electrolux, One AirWay: in good working condition. 527-0638, I1 -02x2 BOXED plants: Cabbage„ Spanish onions, tomatoes marigolds, pansies, violas, snapdragons and geraniums. Apply 150 Market Street; • 11-02x1, USED 24" gas range, $75.00 good condition. 527-1443 after six o'clock, 11-02-1 GESTETNER INK available at The Huron Expositor, 527-0240, Seaforth • 11-95xtf 14 Property. For Sale. • AFFORDABLE starter home for young family or retiring. couple With plenty of room for children or visiting grand- children. 12' x 68' Bendix mobile home situated on first choice lot in a quiet park. Home features large living room and kitchen, 3 piecc Property Eor S#1e, Real Estate Ltd: • POtoocii.11n47.93111. : 11/2 storey home on large nicely treed lot in VeryEgniond- 4vinIleiasd. ca;eicely decorated dnd 150 ACRES - in Morris Twp. withebhaormn home 1½. storeyfratu. • $ * * 4!• • . 1½ storey frame home with • heated, workshop and gar- age. Located ort paved road, 1 mile north of Brussels ideal for small business, • Restanra$4ssli** 'andgasbar, rural village.. Apartnientd.above, ** * it** LONDESBORO • - 1 floor frame home on 1/3 acre lot. acres with houSO, barn, silo, `nicely treed. • EGMONIILLE-9North • • St, building lot with 87 ft. frontage. NEAR • MONCREIFF - 5 MORRIS TWP. - .1' floor 3- barm. brick home on 4 'acres' 4/2 mile from .Brussels. Two good barns. FOOD. FOR THOUGHT, To bgentle, wiseand portion of toughness. • 14-02-1 reasonablo requires a goodly. •bath." reverse hall and 3 ' liedrooms. Also included tool . shed and 10' x 24' cedar sun deck, Starting price $12;500. • Call 527-1898 after 5 o'clock.. • • • 14,01=2 BROKER HOUSE in Blyth on MH1 aox '249, •' GEORGE. JOHNSTON• , REAL ESTATE LIMITED • Street, close to school. Phone FAST I76RNE-61,1111 it:F.1.'11'7o a 523-9247. •14-95-tf •- ,. • .. . A. FINE 3 bedroom older • home • convenient to downtown, also adjoining lot. Private sale inquire weekends. 527-1522. 14-01-4 s, Industrial, Zoning, right, in Scaforth. Asking $27,500. for the vvhole parcel. • Call R. LANGENBERGER Toronto [416] 484-6141 A.E. LEPAGE FONT.) LTD:. . • Realtor. • • 14-01-3 can't sell all of 'the • properties in town but we sell the most satisfying. It's good when the buyer is satisfied and it's good when the seller • is satisfied. ****** . S75,000.00 burs100 acres of grassland slightly North of Brussels. No buildings but a drilled well and y r • ,* * $62,000,00 buys a cottom- • built brick home, electrically • heated, double 'garage, fire place, pella 'windows, two • bathrooms, patio, broad- Idomeff floors and extras by the dozen. IV14' PAR LANE 4E4 1"Al.ttle oiu • 1. • WALTON, 2 storey brick, 3 bedroom home on one quarter acre; needs work; oil heat, dug well, low taxet, . IMMEDIATE POSSESSION „ CaH BOB THOMAS 482-3096 or 235-0541 14-01-2 PI REAL. ESTATE LTD. E/al/TOP , • JOHN DUDDY • 50 ACRE FARM:' in the Blyth area, 3 bedroom home, barn , 'set up for Migt, large silo. , HIGHWAY LOCATION:: near Clinton, six acres witti. extensively renovated home With new addition, Good sized barn. TOWN AND COUNTRY: Two floor brick home with attached garage. Lot with Livestock Products Presenting an extensive line of -liquid Manure pumps •-.spedial cattle manure pump --eleetric manure pumps •-matitire spreader tanks - lagoon pumps economical, strong rear and loader 4...hog penning • *--farrowing crates -7-cattle free stalls -feedbinds Ji SPANJER MANUFACTURING Mitchell 348-9104 LAWN -BOY e mature trees over an acre in ****** 552,000.00 buys an almost new home of distinction. Open for viewing by appoint- ment. • *4!**** •If you want something special let us show you the century stone house' with ten acres of land near Seaforth. It has all been revitalized with two bathrooms, broad- loom, new family room an outdoor patio. • * * * $41,000.06 buys a Modern- ized home that outclasses all others for neatness. Ready to move into ,,pn fairly short notice. ' eist Ask us about lots for building. Ask us abont a business location. Ask us anything. WILLIAM. M. HART 527-0870 or 5274972 ALLAN CAMPBELL , Phone 5274445 For rent: large home neat Main Street,. * 4 * * * We've been so busy lately We forgot to mention that . . "We sell very, very quietly . . bat we sell." . 14.20-1' ecoNO.MOWER 20' Additional MODEL 4630 .5AiUR26.0RN AREA: Two, 200 ' acre dairy farms with excel- lent buildings. One 100 aere purchased together or lugs. Fiarriston, loam. Can be • cash crOP 'farm with build • - Classified A nu* bargain forlveara• 4tAt.: iTEXT.:. TIAL Br TWO separately. ACRES: In theebitittry . i in Hullett Township. Two floOr 3 or 4 bedroom home, Drilled well. ' JOHN THOMPSON °like ... ....... , ..482-3766 . Home.. . ....527:0238 6• Tun° ia page •