HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1979-05-24, Page 10• s, 'THE HURON EXPOSITOR , 'MAY ,: 197,. At its,. regu.,.'lar Meeting, h+landay tutght, Seaforth e uncil decided the tfollowans Patters: ,A bylaw setting .down ruls and; regulations for the Seaforth Pgliee• ;Force was ,lippreyed , as was the kwcstigation into buying a Pew typewriter apd walkie titlk a sYStem for the police The towie$ building, inspect* we'll report in June on the possibility of making smoke detectors, mandatary in, Seaforth homes and apart- ments, following; a coroner's rMommendation to that effect at art inquest following the death of a. Seaforth, n •in a ,fire in December. Request from, the Legion:to, close Huron. St. on June 30.. from noon to 0 p.m. ,,Olid to, use the handshell :lune 24 were approved. ' roomed agreed to publish biercic safety and littering laws to alert paretns to their esponsibilities. ;following, .a. request from the Chamber of Commerce. ^, Town ,parking, by laws and fines are under review and, .police have, been asked to • enforce,ail no:parlring. bylaws SereniJlzt, by: Alice• Gibb will:` appear next week • OPEN HOUSE. The family of Ernie Er Alberta, STEVENS slab to invite Refad es, friends, neighbours, to their parents' 50tH Wedding Anniversary Duff's United Chuatrch Walton on SUN. JUNE 3rd 1.. from ,12-5 p.m.( [7-9 p.m.] BEST WISHES ONLY Morrison Dam PRiNG.HIKE at. Morrison, Dams Conservation Area, miles, east of . Exeter Sunday, Ma... 27 at .2 'la .m.44 being binoculars, field 'guides, and boats [If It rained.] For further information contact the Ausable Bayfield Conser- vation Authority at 235-2610 FRI -SAT. SUN. May25-26-27 BOX OFFICE OPENS 8:00 P.M. SHOWTIME 9:00 P.M. Would you be shocked to find out that the greatest moment of our recent history may not have happened at all? 0 .310 , 't! Mr LgA siI DDUS `P1 f i 11 1 1%1117- iD I Ofa i(o1 %f1 \ 1 e11 1I FF F\ WWEST MO%•Ili E% ER VI 10E lir t 0:3214 At iItNtt 5249011 MI#V6- 11111111M171771111111111111 in SeafOrth Arena cental: for the :Liens Club eight day .carnvial in 'June was set at 'E150. a day. 'l.rsual:rental 4' per day. end the' town will donate the arena=flee of i barge for the Wintario draw June 2t. An electric floor .scrubber wilt be,purebaaed for S4S0 for the arena which wall allow gni* man to clean the floor itt two hours as opposed to the proem day all .a half. • The arena, manager's probation period has ended and hissalary is increased; from 12, 500. to. $13.000 per year. Following: an incident at the arena when the manager was '''verbally. and physically abused" during an argument over lighting for roller Skating. council accepted the recommendationof its arena, committee and barred en, trance to the arena by Gordon Pullman for 30 days, effective belay 14. $3,000 was donated to the Lions for the park and pool from the recreation budget. New nets,at a cost of S$0 willbe purchased :for tennis ,courts at the high, school, which are open to the public 'with the school and the res Vanastra Centre TENNIS' • COURTS .� .. `. 6 hardtop OPEN FOR PLAY: Dawn till dusk 7 days a week,,. MEMBERSHIP ONLY Single 12.00 Family 311.00 4.82.-3544 4'0014 409: splitting :the cost. The tee ,committee Will sponsor as o dance, ford, teenagers at the ares a July or Angtt- . • L Alex Stephens Ovas appointed to the Committee of Adjustment far a three year m. A requeterst for up to S3,000 help the Chamber of Co nnte{ce promote the town tin CItNJi: was turned down as was arepeat request for a grant from the Blyth Centre for the Arts, on the ground* that budgets , have been set and no funds were available. Following a lack of response . on tenders for. repairs at the town hall and library, the clerk was asked to seek quotes. • Bylaws authorizing the seeking of tenders. for James St reconstruction and Huron St, storm drains were passed The PUC will be asked to instal a street light at the southeast corner of Chalie. and Side Sts, near, the new apartment building. The town will pay labour costs of 5222 to Bell Canada for relocating telephone poles for James St. re . construction. Bell pays five percent of its gross billings to the town as' a. business ta,x. Dan Owens.af the Ontario. Fire Marshall's. office ' ii l meet with -council Mav 23 to discuss the Fire 4rea Board.. FAI3 chairrnan Irwin- Johnston told council he, had little to report from the FAB, saving meetings had been well anl: fairly covered in the press. Councillor Johnston. volunteered to sit as councils representative on the LACAC. •A request ,from Lawrence Cusack to have no parking. signs posted from Main St, to. Mill along the north 'side of Brantford ,St., near the ball: park was passed to the police comimttee. A. letter from 'Keith and; Wilma: MacLean of MacLean's Flowers, complaining that a Garden. Centre is allowed to operate on land owned by the town, was passed to the saute committee toinvestigate the facts. Clerk Jim . Crocker told council Bell Canada is putting a second downtown pay phone booth in next to the post office, A bylaw was passed exempting farm lands. within Seaforth to ten mills of taxes.. i Dublin Community centre .Commencing Fricay,.May and every following Friday at 8 p,m. 'Sponsored by Dublin and District Athectic Association THE WAITING GAME 7 Graeme Craig, his wife Helen, his mother Mrs. ;Harvey Craig. (seated, front row) and supporter. Murray. Hoover of Grey Township anxiously wait for the results after the pollblosedTuesday night. Mr. Craig's campaign headquarters were located in Walton. (Expositor'_ Photo); Frankenmuth band headlines festival A well known band from •. Frankenmtith, Michigan,'' Linda Lee Brown and the Golden Airs is headlining the annual Optimist Spring Fest- ival )formerly the Mardigras)>:• Saturday at the Seaforth arena.;. The ' band, number one attraction . at the- Bavarian Festival in Frankenniyth, will p'ay„a Matinee Saturday as well as during the evening. The 'five piece band plays Germak and .all kinds of music and its second recor will be released shortly. The Spring Festival feat- ures food by Campbell and. �o HURON OLDE TYME ,„FESTIVAL See.performances in, Fiddle, Step dancing Square dancing for 51:000 in prizes and trophies , Fri..,Sat.,June 1 & 2 Memorial Hall, Blyth 8 p.m, Admission. Prida} 52-50 'SatiirdoN 5:2 00 Balli Niglus S5 00 Children 51.00off`Adult Prices For tickets call .t.23.4300 '. APPEARING -IN THE Seaforth: Community Centre SATURDAY, UNE 2 9to1:e.m. Lunch provided Sponsored by Seef'orth Lions Glu b Tickets S .00 each, Tickets at 'Bob and Betty's, Vincent . Farm Equipment and from Seaforth Lions or order by phone. Call' 527.0120, 527.0373. Cardiff 'Caterers including whole hogs barbecued on a spit plus beef and; sauerkraut LCBO regulations won't allow anyone under the ag of 19 to attend. Proceeds from the Sprin Festival go to suppo Optimists' ° youth work.' Th club recently donated the balance' necessary' to instal new lights at the arena.; Its next project will be to finance.' t e installation of childrens' playground equipment at the Optimist Park. WINDING DOWN — Graeme Craig's campaign manager, Bruce McDonald of Walton, waits anxiously for results from polis: in the`north of the riding at Craig headquarters Tuesday night. The Liberal candidate lost by almost 9,000 votes' to PC Robert. McKinley, re-electedtfor thesixth. consecutive time. (Expositor Photo) . ave Fun a:t the Faire • Western Ontario's La:rges`t Ex'hibit`of Livestock OVER $22,000' ' IN CASA PRIZES' i CLASS 1” 125th Year CLINTON COMMUNITY PARK FnsSAT.June Friday, June t 12 food; Judging, of Ontario Spring Jersey Show 12:30 p.m. Judging et Huron County Holsteln Show 1:00 p.m. Judging of Goat Show 3:00 p.m. Arena Concessions Open ti 00p.m. ltid1es ' Exhibits Open 7:30 P.M'► b INF TRACTOR GULL fstinetWyted' punj • 10:00!Meta Pm� Concessfinkt Cia JOYES MIDWAY �M FULL OPERATION ALL illi DAYS ILUNCH COUNTS Operated by 'Ladies Division Saturday, June 2 •10-00 a.m. -- Judging of Line. Classes for light • Horses 11010 a.m. • Judging of • ' Poultry Classes ' 11:00` a.m. — Judging of Sheep Classes 12 Noon - - Arena; Concessions Open 1:004.m. Judging of Livestock Classes ". 1:00 p.m. PARADE Leaves Legion'Halll Ontario Massed Pipe Band [wW participate] 2:00 p.m. — O�ciwl Opening 2:30 p.m. Baby Show 7:00 p i — Judging of Teams in $'seness 8:30 p.m. Grandstand' Show featuring the ONTARIO MASSED PIPE BAND \. Sunday, June 3 1:00 p.m. -- Arena, Concessions and Ladies Exhibits Open 1:00 p.m. Horse Show, Judging of Western, Games etc. 1:00 p.m`: Judging of • Beef Cattle Classes