HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1979-05-24, Page 5AND THE WINNER IS, ,: Teresa Kolk.rriart of;
• R. R #2, Monkton was crowned queen of the -'
New .Canadjah Club at the clut;rs first such,
competition at the Seaforth arena'Saturday
,night,. She ls, flanked by the other 'contestants,
from left,. Gayle anderVe(den,, Seaforth, Maryy
.;Hyy k, •Seaforth, Stratford Benelux Queen Mary
Ellen Veldman, who crowned MissKolkman
and Diane VanDooren, R. R #5, Seaforth.
(Expos itor. photo)
attends ba
The bulletin of. St. Peter's
Lutheran Church, Bro4ha$en
for the month of May was;.
sponsored by Mrs. Adeline
Bennewies in memory of her
husband the late Norman
Bennewies who died seven
Years on May 10th.
• Nei hbfriends and;
'relatives of Mrs. Les
• Weitersen will be' sorry to
thathearis" a
shepatient in
Seaforth; . -Community
Hospital ince Wednesday. P t Y_
We miss her and hope she
will soon be home..
The -• 4-1-1 Club. of
Brodhagen enjoyed
achievement night with their
• parents ' as guests • at the.
Upper Thames in Mitdiell:
last week.
Mr. and Mrs , Mervyn ,
Leonhardt Roger and Jeff of
Brodhagen attended the
baptism of their grand-
daughter, and niece Christa
Dawn, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Doug Leonhardt of
Seaforth.: The baptism:,: was
held at the United Church in
Winthrop: on Mother's Day
May 13th and: were guests at
the home nf" her grand-
parents Mr. and Mrs.. Don
McClure; Cheyri', Jimmy,
Keith in honor of Christa's
christening At the same
home were' .Dennis and
Debbie Murray all of
Winthrop and great grand- -.
parents,' Mr. and Mrs. Sam
Visiting with. Mrs. Mary
Dittmer were Mr. and Mrs.
Milton Bode on Sunda
Sorry' to report that Rev.
Herbert Gastmeier is ;still
t.; confined to the General
Hospital ' In . Stratford. ' His
many friends and - the
• congregation of St. Peter's
Lutheran Chuiih, Brodhagen
continue to,,pray and .wish:'
,;him better health.
Guests with Judy and Ross
Wood and family were Linda.'
and Clayton Markle of
Guelph. Wendy of
Kitchener, Wayne -and Marie
Wolfe,. Dorothy Wolfe and
Faye who all gathered at the
same . hottie • to celebrate.
Mothers Day.
Miss 'Darlene "Elligsen of
Waterloo enjoyed Mother's
Day weekend: ather home
and '.visited several times
with her dad- Alvin Elligsen
who is, a Patient :in the
General Hospital, Stratford,
He had the misfortune •, to
dislocate ' his shoulder and
break his heel. He is resting'
more comfortably after
-undergoing surgery.
:Darlene Carn4 chan and
Bruce Williams exchanged
marriage vows at the United
Church in •Egmondville on
Saturday, May 12th Whyrc
Rose,' ;Bob .Robinson and.
family, Scott; Jane, Brent,
Anne 'and Jeff enjoyed the
pretty wedding of their niece
and also attended the
reception at . the Pineridgc
Chalet where a large :'crowd•.
Welcome' back in
Brodhagen to,, ;Mr. , Louis
Bennewies who was recently,
residing with his son ` and;
daughter. -in-law. Mjr;; and'
Mrs. Edward Bennewies and.
family where he was
convalesin after his is sta in
the Seaforth Community
Mrs... Lavern Wolfe.' -and•.
Dale :enjoyed ° Friday '.with
Lorne and Betjy Wolfe at
.their new home in Vanaastra,
26 Quebec St., G M: Box
229 from where they. moved'
Clinton two weeks ago.' The
former visited with them for
several days, and. Dale went
on to Timmins with friends
for the long weekend: •
Lloyd and ' ; Edith,
Pushelberg and Anne :visited'
with their daughter and
son;,in-law Bonnie, and Ted, ., .
Elliott and Jamie and Sherrie`
in St •.Marys on Mothers,
A bridal shower was held
at. the Brodhagen
Community Center in honor
of Miss Sharon Tachauer on
Saturday ,evening; The
bride's' attendant Michelle
Vicki Vanhevel ' and Kim
Albert planned: the . event.
Games were enjoyed. ,and
lunch served. The Groom is,
James Vanhevel and the
wedding will take place Sat,
May 26th. •
it was a shock to hear of
the sudden death of the late
Emil Bauer, 63, who passed
away in the General Hospital
in ' Stratford.` He was a'`•
carpenter by trade and,
operated, his 'own business
- P �
until about six years ago. He` •1•
was .presentlyemployed by
Henderson, Mfg, (Canada)
Ltd. He is • survived by his
'wife the ,former Jessie
Campbell oreson' Robert,two.
-' daughters and 3 grandsons.
Mr. Bauer was a former
member . of St. Peter's
Lutheran ,•' Church,
Brodhagen. Two brothers
Rudolph and;: Albert- one
nephew;. Janl,es Bauer
Brodhagen and one ' aunt,
Mrs. Clara Young who are all
members of the same church:
„ v
•'• There a
two sisters) Clara and Hilda
and two:, more. brothers
Reinhart and Martin
surviving. He was pre-
deceased by two brothersr,.:
Herman. and Julius. He was ..
laid torest in Avondale
Cemetery.. The funeral was
conducted b Rev. • William
Molting. .
Friends and relatives of
afsuipnsingly. efrfordable prices
.•Simmons La: ;Z -Boy
.•Electroh•ome •Samsonite.
Furniture: and T,V.'s and other top quality.
. manufactured lines.
Huron is
We Invite you to drop In and
browse through 'oar selecr'Ton
of exciting ' new furniture
accesii<orfes, displayed with
you in mind.
From Seaforth pkwy. #8 From Mitchell
Our low overhead assures
Goettler you that it you --drive a'
Furniture • little—you'll save a lot! '
Closed Monday Open all day Wednesday
Friday night t1119 p.m.
of nh1in
Fine Fgrnrture
MAIN STREET 345.2250
Miss, Darlene Rose daughter:
of Mr:, and Mrs. Gordon Rose
will be pleased to hear she
has returned to her home
from her stay in St. Joseph's:
Hospital in London.
We are glad to report that
Mr, Alvin ` Elliiigsen has
returned to his home from;
his stay .in the, Stratford:
General Hospital.
A'large crowd gathered to.
see ''iRon Ward . and Kathy
Dalton exchanged marriage
vows at United • Church,
Winthrop on. Saturday at 7
o'clock. Among those who
attended th e wedding;
•reception at . • Family
Paradise were BOO and Rose
Robinson. who were unable to
attend the wedding:
Congratulations are
extended to the ;young .•
McKillop UCW discusses'.
One hundred' years ago this week, the are left homeless, and with but little of their
people of Dublin watched, as much of their housebpld goods to set up again,"
Main Street went up inflames. g
Shortly after the ,noon hours on Monday, DESTk¢YED oyed were the
� Anion the businesses d'estr
y 19, 1.878, a fire brokejout behind the Dominion Hotel and its stable. Tom Delan's
Dominion or Prendergast Hotel buildings. blacksmith shop and home, D". O'Rourke's
Or. as The Expositor reported the following office, and home which were owned by
"On • ,
Friday,the afternoon of Monday 'last, Joseph Kidd, Cornelius .Friel s boot and
the village of, Dublin Suffered.- a great shoe shop, the Ross: blacksmith shop, Ben
calamity from that dread element -fire, which Allen's carriage shop and John Howard's
comes when no one knoweth, and in a short tailor shop. Buildings on the east side which
space of time sptleadsdesolation andwere dost in the fire included a large frame
distress on every hand," • building which had once been John Kidd's.
The Expositor, reported the fire started in store but was. now McKenna's drugstore,
the stables of Prendergast's Hotel, on the George Hambley's harness shop and home,
west, side of Dublin's Main Street. The only the Straube tin shop and George Digel's
method Of fighting the fire available to harness shop, home; and stable.
-residents' was the bucker brigade, 'hut high Joseph Kidd was the. largest financial
winds fanned the flames and the; fire spread loser in the fire since the business man
in no time. The hotel was the next to go up, in owned many of the building's destroyed as
smoke, and then the flames spread to the well as a storeroom which housed :a 'large
opposite side of the street, destroying all the quantity of new hardware. Few of the
buildings between Joseph Kidd's store and storeowners or homeowners carried insur-
, Doer's wagon shop. The fire travelled north, ante on buildings orcontents although Mr.,
for almost two blocks on the east side of the' Kidd: at least; was able to recover some of his
street as well and before it could: be tosses.,
' ,extinguished, 28 families were left homeless Both the' Seaforth an
d' Stratford fire
and 17 buildings were either com le el e
P t y departments were. wired to assist Dubliners
destroyed 9r else left burnedout shells. . .in battling the blaze, but by the time the
Fate certainly wasn't kind' to Dublin since en ines ,and companies arrived' by special.
most of Dublin's men' were helping with a trai s ost' o tbuildings'-had already
barn• raising on Philip .Carlin's farm in St: 'been destroyed. ..
Columban when the fire broke out.,As soon • . All .ofhe buildings damaged in the fire
b R
as someone spotted the heavy, black smoke were frame buildings withth'e-exce tion of
g P
the men crowded into buggies andwagons, the Prendergast Hotel and the O'Rourke
but by the time they reached the village, the home both brick buildings.
fisc had gained too great a headway, All. but RECOVERY
four horses were rescued fromthe hotel. ,ronically, the •.fire •swaFt through the
stable, stable, as•well as an:egg wagon belonging to village less than a year after Carronbrooke •
D. Wilson: Esq., of Seaforth, but many had been renamed Dublin in a Dominion Day
homeowners weren't able to save anything celebration when' the future looked bright,
but themselves and the clothes on their' Both the day's high winds and the boards.
back. As' the Ex sitor re orter noted, "The Y g
..1� P had ' helped, �: the fire travel out of .control.:
calamity is particularly distressing, as little • the villaAlthough 'e survived` the .calamit
or nothing of the contents of,the buildin s g never
g many, businessmen left the town and, it never
. weresaved, and many:of the: dwelling regained the flourishing
,•g . conditions the late
. houses were occupied by poor people, who 1870's.
acs t
.0n: Monday, •, June 4 ,the;'
'Huron -Perth R,C.S.S. Board
will be holding a. i?rofessonal
Activity Day for. nU of their.
teachers: in Huron and :1Pertti,
The day.' tot be in
the form of teacher work-
shops and will be held at St:'
Mary's School in. Goderich.
Teachers wilt be: receiving;
input in the following .areas;
Ninny' aid JuaioF e+ad,
alts - Mu$tc, Objective ice,
Hing, lf..Htle,If(aate,
mediate eatth Teachersus- Sclencei;
r�eagcsphy., objective iPtilat
n ng '
Patents; with any, further
(Rattails regarding this Pro-
fessional- Activity,. Da can:
contact Jim McDade,
d ulum Resoutce•Teactt4tt) at
345.24,44, ext, 34. •
Dublin lady
at funeral
Mrs. jean,. Dill attended
the funeral of her brother -in
law Lester V. Hayne,
husband of ' the fiitmer
Dorothy Frost of Seaforth
now living at 12 Simcoe Blvd.
Simcoe Ont.
Visitors with Millie Evans.
'on rhe weekend . were Mr.
and Mrs. Jack' Cleary, Mr.
and Mrs. Bill.. Cleary,.
London, also Mr.nd
a Mrs.
Bill Evans, 'Colleen, ' David
and Jim and friend Chris of
Niagara Falls;' Mr. and Mrs:
Jim Arnold' Hamilton They
Y .
all attended': the ' Bruxer
McGre 'Wedding.
g g
-human rights
The McKillop Unit of the
U,C. W, . held • their May
meeting last Wed. evening at
the home. of Mts. G.
Mrs. . N. McGavin ' in.
charge of devotions ' opened
with a' poem "Kindness 'is;
Strong" the scripture taken
from Luke 1:: 5 - 16 was read
by Mrs. G. McNichol,: Mrs;
N. McGavin ,gave , the
Meditation "God planted a?'
seed," followed by Prayer.,;
Offeringtaken was aen by•
Mrs. M. Hackwell Nand
dedicated by . everyone
singing "We ;give Thee but'
;Tine ' own.',' • The hymn•
"Faith of our Fathers".
Mrs. D. Dennis had. the
David Steckie and Family r'
1 1/2 mi, west then
R.R. #2
ZURICH 3'h. north. of Zurich , 565-2122'
Our Selec
hon Of;
SAT. TILL 5:00
OPEN SUNDAY/1 : 30 -'5:00'
topic '`Choose Life". This
part ' of'- the meeting. was j
closed ' by 'Mrs. McGavin
reading 'a ' poem "Do
Mrs. N.. McGavin
president presided for the.
business opening with a
reading "Nine lessons to
Live;' minutes of the last
meeting were read by Mrs.:
McNichol Roll Call ' was
taken, everyone giving . ''an
.article,from the media re:
Human'Ri hts• report
'Rights. Treas. s. a ep rt
was given by. Mrs. Hackwell.
A social: half' hour was
spent' and lunch served by
Mrs; C. Wey, Mrs. K: pock,
Mrs; M. Hackwell and
hostess' Mrs. G. McNichol.
Action packed summer values
otfer bOys; giris and men; 'the latest".: • "'
styles at competitive priCesNor the family budgets. •
Jackets F Shorts
Boys .2-3X7.89'
4.6 5.98
. Gids - 10 to 18
yrs. 13.95,
Girls t- . sm., •`
Med. lg. 18.95 t
4.6x 3:29 & up
• 8.16 yrs. 3.98 &
Boys 8 - 14 yrs.
8.491) up
Maps S M L XL
8.79 A up;
arone s
ole 'hopping is al .pleasure'T
00•n Fri. Hite 0119 p.m
That's Our S
eef & � Pork
weal ickled
Ever Sweet
Beef and Pork,
Tues., Wed., Thurs., and •Sat. 8 - 6 p.m.,
Friday 8•a.m "'- 9 p.m.
Store 262-2017
Hou s for. Woking
� g up freezer or custom orders -- ,
`ftllas`Fri. 8am
.. - 8 my' . .
p: Sat. 8 a.m. -1 pan,.
A'bbatoir 2'$2 2041
y .�r.tiag. , ..w
o •b