HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1979-05-17, Page 18THE, HURON EXPOSITOR t :M A' If' fi1-97,9 • • yo u p ant a 1 Coining Events, GARAGE SALE Saturday, May 19th,: 9.5 Egmondville„ . Corner of Brucefield and'Kippen Road. Furniture, wall hangings, dishes, and ornaments. Phone 527-0835. 1-01.1 THE WARDROBE, Bayfield- will ayfieldwill be open 41111 time starting, Saturday, ^ May 19. In addition to ladies' wear we arenow featuring, :women's slioes and mens' wear.. Monday tq Saturday, '10=6; Sunday Noon! - .6 . Phone 565-2588 1-01-1 Ga Show COME to the Craft howat Seaforth Community Centre Saturday* June 9 10• a.m. ". 5 p.m. .1-100.4 HORSE SALE ' Seeaforth Fair Grounds, .Monday, May 21st, . 11:00. a.m. For information call 527-1059. 1-99-4 CLINTON Legion Bingo every Thursday, 8:00 p.m. 1st 'regular card 51.00.Re strictea to 16 years or over i9 regular games of 515.00; 55 least on split. Many other specials. Jackpot 5200.00 must go each week. 1-.tf •. YARD 'SALE; For Janet Baker Apt, 2, 64 High Street, May 25, from one, •p,m. to5 p.m. ' 1-01-2 GARAGE & Bake Sale at First Presbyterian Church, ' Seaforth, Wed., June 6th, 4 p.m. -. 9 'pm.. Also items accepted : on .Consignment and Lunch Booth. Sponsored by Friendship Circle or Phone 527,1238 or 527-0046. 1:01-1r THE family of` Mr. and Mrs.: Victor Deichert extend a cordial invitation - to relatives,' neighbours and friends to an informal get torgether . on Sunday ' May 20th, :'1979; after 3 p.m. in the Hay Township;: Halh. Zurich, in honour of their parenis 62nd. Wedding Anniversary. Bring along your Best Wishes only, stay and reminisce: and join the celebrants for refreshments and a social evening..• 1-01-1 °Ming' Events, Bingo �. Everyp Tuesday Night at the YOASTRA CENTRE R.R.5, Clinton (; 8 F.M. First regular card $1,00: - 15 Regular;games;of $1500 3 Share the Wea h, Jackpot 5200 must,go, Admission restricted to 16 • years or over 1,.95-tf • ' BLYTH CENTRE FOR THE • ARTS presents:a SPRING FE.STIVA1'. of antiques and crafts • l/.; Sat . 'Ma� 10AM-5PM - Myth Community Centre Special Advance tickets now, as ailable. " . 149.3' GARAGE and Bake Sale Church, Nortitsidet Unitedh, School Room Saturday, on, May 26 at 2;0Q pan. Sponsored by Unit 2 U.C.W. 1-01x1 The Huron County Health Unit' ; ' • • Invites you to attend the Adult Health; Guidance . � held at the HEALTH. UNIT OFFICE' SEAFORTH COMMUNITY HOSPITAL • on DNESDAY WE , MAY 23, from 1:30 3:30 p.m, for: 1, Health Surveillance 2, Foot •Care 3, Anaemia Screening 4,• Urine Testing 5 Blood Pressure 6, Hearing Test. 1 Corning Events 4 E1eIP.l1 tt.nl,ed • FESTIVAL Singles. Dance,, Friday, May 25th Victoria Inn,, Stratford, Ont. Dancing; 9-1 a.m Weiceme all singles; over 25. Years - 1-01.2 .2, Lost Strayed Glasses, prescription•ladies', Please phone 527-1762 after , 6p,m, 2.01x1. 4H'el *anted p , 1-01-1 WHITE Carnation,, Holmes.'• yille, offers smorgasbord Wednesday through to Sun- day. Noon special 12 to 2 P at .m. W d. S . S3,75 . per person. Salad bar, hot buffet, dessert, coffee arid. tea. Din- ner 5:30' "7.30P .m, Wednes- day - Saturday and Sunday all day $5.95 per person. 5350' . 12 'and under: Pre school $1.50. Featuring roast beef for week days . plus selection on weekend: All you can eat for one low price. Telephone '4824228, after hours 524-4133. 1-01-4 THE ieadershi development P P and communications commit- tee will hold workshops in the Vattastra Community.. Centre on the following dates: •May 17, with Al Sinclair of the Ministry of Culture' & Recreation on participation with available resources; May 24, Michael i Finn; of the' Department. of Inter governmental. Affairs or -pFarliamentary procedures and roles. of executive and cbotinittees;1 May,. 31, Phil *arren of the Huron Centre ° for :children & youth on. attitudes of people, change, agentsand value ..Clarific ation Sessions are. from 7:30 - 10 p,m, Cost per session 51.00. For ' further inform- ation., 482-9707,- Everyone welcome. .1111-1' Cl.alssif:ie d, R'o,tes� WORD. COUNT Charges are based on the number of words, Sets of numerals as for . serial numbers, street numbers; , phone numbers or pries count as one word per set. Words joined by hyphens count as separate words,, FIRST INSERTION -' 15 words $2.50 10c'per word thereafter SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS -- No copy b'ttanges, 8c per word, .minitnum 52,00 SEMI -DISPLAY FIRST INSERTION, - 52:11 per column inch.' SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS 51:89 per column inch, (Minima size in this category 1 Vs inches. Accepted in, ' multiples of half inch,) : `• BOX NUMBERS'. TO THIS OFFICE 50c per insertion, , •:BIRTHS 15 words, 52.50 ,10c per word thereafter, MARRIAGE? Engagements, Death Notices,: 15 words 52,50, each additional word 10c, IN MEMORUI'MS 52,5#1 plus 10e per line of verse COMING EVENTS --15 words 52,50, each additional lord 10c. Thre insertions for -the price of 2. CARD'OF' additional T19fA�KS 8 ords S2 50 each ddi i na • ��w ' word 3c,» SOc DISCOUNT. FOR CASH PAYMENT ON OR BEFORE FRIDAY NOON IN WEEK OF INSERTION. No Cancellation of multiple insertion advertisements after Noon, Tuesday Dose for classified' ads Is 12 Noon Tuesdayp Phone -527-0240 • Part & Full Time Help Wanted ARCHIES SUNOCO 527-0881 4-100-2 MATURE person to babysit in my' home occasionally, 527-1269, 4-01x.1: PART TIME HELP Conscientious part -tine help. needed for local store, interesting field of •work in' established business. Reply with name and Phone ko. to BOX 3387 HURON EXPOSiTOR' 4-01-1.r WIN WITH Watkins. Could use three adults to service your friends and neighbours: Good commission, Also, ask about our Can Do program. Write Watkins 504, Liineridge Court, Hamilton,, Call 1.416-388-2530, 4-98X6 • HELP ' en d'airY•farm, for summer, must have some • experience; 887-6634., 4.01-3 ELDERLY person to babysit two school age children for summer, live in or have own transportation. Phone after 6 o'clock. S27-1197, 4-01x1. PERSON to work on broiler farm. Apply Ferg. Stapleton,. Dttblin. Phone 3454682- or 3454741 .4-01-1 RELIABLE high, school stu- dent 16-18 to babysit in my Seaforth home from 8:30 - 3:30,'4 days per week. 'Phone 527=:0766 after 6 o'clock. 4-01-2 Nurses Aide willing to work shift work: Apply to , SEAFORTH MANOR' NURSING HOME 527.0030 4-01-1' Experienced TANDEM DUMP Trtick , u• Driver Apply 'GLENN CHESNEY,: FRANK. KL1NG LTD. '. 527-0297 4-01'-tf :Summer 'Positions Available, --Playscheotleader -Special events coordin- ators Apply in person to. Seaforth Recreation Office Community Centre 527.0882' 4.01-,1. MAITLAND VALLEY CONSERVATION. • Al.ITHORITY • Applications will be received for the position of • Water Resources Technician{ General duties relate to the Water Management projects and programs of the Authority. Candidates should have a degree in Geography; Planning, Resources. lvlanagement. ..Environ- mental Studies, Water Resource Engineering or a related discipline, and have a ` knowledge of municipal planning and, engineering documentsi, and procedures. Salary Range: 510.000.. to 515,000. Full details may be ob- tained from: Ian Deslauriers, Resource • Manager,,Maitland Valley ; Cnservation Authority, Box 5; . Wrox- eter, Ontario. NOG 2X0 Phone Gorrie 335x3557. Resumes should .. be submitted by 12 o'clock : 7 noon on 5 n Ju e 19 9. � 14-85-2 5 Bus. •Opportunity 5 ua, Ppo O rty_nity 11 Articles For Sale Unusual QpPortunlity Canadian Company.1nAgricultural field has Op enin in thiS: area:tor a. part-time 9 representative; ' The Company manufacture$ the highest 'grade of liquid; fertilizer on the, 'market for row and: foliage feeding, The very latest soil testing;' fracilities are available. If you are: presently 9 resentl farming or are of recent farming. background we would like to hear froth. you. Write giving details; of experience and background to: _ E. McLACH,LAN PRESIDENT . - Kingsford Industries Inc. 482Commissioners Road E. LONDON, Ontario N$C 2T8 3 5-01 r 7 . Situations: Wanted • ,11 Articles For Sale AVAILABLE TO cut lawns. Steven Henderson 527-0276: 7-100-2 Farm Stock For Sale. POOL .Equipment including; Filter, ladder, vacuum, diving ' board. Reasonably priced. Call 527-1505 after. 6 • p.m. 11-100-2 7 York Landrace gilts, Hamp 3 ton feed tank. 345-2746. York due in one week.' 5275 11-100.2 each, good size Carl Siemon 345-2606. 8-01.1 BRED •' gilts due soon. Phone ° 527-0247, t 8-01.-1 :5 F , 25 weaner pigs, 40 lb,. Average 345-21.70,:. 8-100-2 26-50 Ib. pigs, 60 40 lb. pigs, Ali casterated. Phone before 8a.m.. or after •P 6' .m. . 482-7126. _ 8-01-1 ele.O o�u sa�t. y 5 B us Opportunity nity EDUCATION ONFOR Conestoga College Certificate Pr ram$ •Would vou like to u rade.; our ob`skills?Get backY PYJ 8 in the' work force? Move ahead in the workiforce?. Conestoga College;Clinton Campus., offers certificate programs in thefollowing areas: ! ' ' me d Academic e Upgrading in Programs are offered on a continuous intake basis throughout the year. Testing and counselling for program selection are available and you : may be eligible for funding assistance, For more information on this or anyof our programs, call, write, •or ' drop in to the Clinton Campus, • Vanastra Road, 482-3458: 5-01-5 oga College led Arts Technology we 'wit lot toahsra. KAWASIKI 400 C.C. show- room condition. 1977 model with less than 300 miles on it. Best offer. 527-19.49. Evenings and weekends: • 11-01-1 ENSILAGE' for sale,will sell reasonably, 527-1300.. • 11-01-1 Used Cars For Sale' Farm Stock. For Sale . 35 good chunks. George Love Walton, 527-1536. 8-01-1 CROSS Bred hog, service- able' age. Lot 1 Con. 7, 1970 Chrysler' 383° good running condition, sat -tied: last. May. 'IVO Gremlin sold •as is or for parts. Only 45,000 miles on engine, Also '1966" slantsixV S chant 50 is Is, 527-1.317: for more information, • 10.100-2 • • Student Summer 'EmP loyment FOR 3. Recreational Leaders - Summer' of •'79 in Hensali A recreational program co-sponsored 'by the Ministry of Culture and REcreatien, as part of the Povince of Ontario special youth summer employ- ment program "Ontario Experience '7,9" i • POSITIONS AVAILABLE- Supervisor VAILABLE . Su ervisor 18yrsover dr 5875`.00 7 wk period . . Assistant 18 yrs. or over $720.00 6 wk eriod Assistant under 18 yrs, 5540,00 6 wk period Applications in writing, completewith h resurnc, Hill' be received by the undersigned until Tuesday„ May 21, 1979. ,f MRs. E. , OKE, SECRETARY gotta t. parks Board P.O. Box 279 \IIIENSALL, ONTARIO NOM IXO 4-01.2 211 MOVR�IG ITEMS FOR SALE [as is) '1 only Men's 10 -speed racery bicycle 575,00 1 only - . 'Witch Slush machine (like. new - used 1 summer) 5950.0.0: 2 only = 3 -prong pitching forks, - tines only " 51.00 each 2 only hammer, handles' .60 each (2 for $1,00) 1 only - 8 mm. Bell' & Howell (Sears) movie pro- jector 585.00 rojector:585.00 1 only .-Seabreeze tape recorder w. accessories :$11:00y 100:00 1 only G.E. 13.5 cu.. ft. refrigerator575.00 1 Drily - R.C.A. ,console AM FM ,,Phono -radio 5125.00. 1 only - Motomower Snow Shark snowblower. 20" throw, 31 H.PI, 5100,00. 1 only - Motomower gas lawnmower 22" 3'/a H.P. 550.00 . 1 only Electrohome black & white TV • console 5100.00' ' 1 only - Panasonic 8 -trick ;•' tape deck 575.00: 1 only - 50'': x 36" high green vinyl clad fencing (new);. with 11 6' T -bars included 540,00- 1 only - pitchfork handle. only 52.00, 1 only ax handle (long) 51.50. TERMSASH CALL: 527.0848, Walton, 11-01*2 A two row J,ehn Deere. corn and bean; planter, a 32' foot. 'Pipe bale elevator, 527-1687 -; 1 1-100x2 GOT something to sell? 9000 people read the EXPOSITOR classified =ad*- every week. Place your low priced Expositor classified • at 527-0240. 11-95xtf McKillop. . Phone 345.20b7.. 8:01-1 LAWN Qi Used.•C,ars For Sale 68 Acadian S.S., 283 pasi traction, Hurst headers, Dual. exhaust, grey interior, excel- lent body, good for age, Winter stored, miscel. parts, slicks, ;wiring, . etc, Certified • if requirled, 'Paul Patrick, 527.0047:236-4485. 1041x1 1975 ' Dodge Dart, 6 cyl Autoinatic, ' 24,000 miles, new tires and ' snows,, ziebarted and certified, Phone Charles Campbell, 5270243, 10-01.1, 1914, Dodge , D100 half ton truck 1/8 automatic; power steering; power brakes, new brakes,. needs some body work, 51,500,00 of best offer. After 6 o'clock 527.1819, 10.01.1 .DELUXE 21" SELF-PROPELLED • 'MODE C8256 • WITH GRASSCATCH,E 1 • 10 x 33 Office trailer for sale or rent: 482-7066 11-100-2 i 17 o! . e, i" IncludeFost- Orbit Trailer, TrailHitchr,. Electric Brakes,; `mirrors, and awning. Phone 527-0 74:. after 6:00 p,m, 11-10-2 . UPHOLSTERED' recliner chair call 527.0216; .. on Saturday. 11-01x1' 22" Frigidaire electric stove, good shape. Twin bed 39" -- box springs, mattress and 6 legs. Large size baby's crib --good shape. Mrs. Alf Ross, 527-1013. 11-01x1 QUANTITY' of choice first' cut hay. ,Wayne. Hugill, 482-7548. 11- 014 FIREWORKS' o 0 students. W y not hire a student, you' both profit by the experie ce. Goderich 527-2744. Ex ter 235-1711. 11-01-1. 1 Articles For• Sale. 1973-18' Shasta travel Trailer sleeps -six, 2. way- ';frig.; furnace, ;shower. basin And toilet,- electric brakes, mirrors. Good . condition. Phone 527-1445. 11-01x2 EVANS Soybean seed, treated, 262-5044. 11-01-1 ONE used ShP garden tiller, Good conditon. Phone 527- °317. 11-01x1. ROXBORO Garden, •527-0705 Box plants -forsale., Petunia's, Marigolds,Dusty Miller, self'. blanching cauliflowers, cabbages, broccoli, and spanish onions. TO give away to .good home- registered', rred male;, daschund- 527=1310: ° 11=01x2 COPIES .:. :Copies of your ' important papers or documents while .' you wait: Letter size, -`25c each." THE HURON EXPOSITOR 11-99xtf' For Sale MOTORCYCLE. 1975 Kawasaki 400 A-1 condition Phone 527-0814 11-10Qx3 4 part shepherd and Collie pups to give away. Phone ' 527-1938. 11-01-1 SEED BEANS, Foundation Seafarer, Certified Seafarer and Kentwood. Lorne Fell„ R.10,:. .Staffa, Phone: 345-2697. 11.-994: BOY'S, dress • suit size 16,. also one young man's leisure-- suit size 38. 2 girls spring, jackets size 12 in excellent.' conditon, •345.2854. ' 11=01.1 RED . AND ' 'GOLD shag" 'carpet, 11 ft x 17 ft,, 3 piece bedroom suite; pair of table lamps: ' 527-1571. after„ 4 o'clock.• ;11.012 23", 4 burner 8idaire electric. stove. In 'good condition. Call 527-1792 after 3:30. . ' 11-01x1 No more taking. . .no more push- ing. ushing. Jutt start and steer it. Proven gear -driven, self-propelled rear wheel drive mechanism, Effort- fess ffort.less Finger-tip starting and con- 'venlent controls for easy handling.. Check the lightweight deck land patented, ,safety features. Enjoy the quietness of the under -the - deck muffler. Nice, ,•Quiet, De- pendable. OVER: 40' YEARS OF ENGINEERING KNOW-HOW;. ' L/LLLL-LL - L27.: l: ":::.:L RNIMI ,r • I9661~'oi<d'i tis ii , 527.0150. Slsatstti'a 327.12011-01.1 ' ••• 10.01111 ..' . - _ T • 2800: 1b. of Kentwood bean seed; 900- lb. of Seafarer bean seed, Both grown from foundation. 20 bushels Perth Barley seed 2.50 per bushel John Patrick 527-0047 .. or 236-4485.. . 11-01x2 APPLES •our special $6.00 per bushel excellent spys. Bring .containers anytime ' Ross Middleton. Storage 1 utile northeast of Bayfield 11.99.4 GEST ETN E available at Tlc Hu Expositor, 527-0240, Seaforth 11• - 95xtf IN STOCK we have two 16 foot, a 18 foot and a 32 foot . travel ... troilersR Phone, 482-7.066. 11-100-2 TWO older 'model vacuum:` cleaner's one. Electrolux, one Airway, in wood working condition. 527-0638: 1.100x2 1971. 14 VI ft. triple Etrai er, sleeps tour, Stove, 2 way frig. furnace, teilet, 12'. x • 8' add -a -room- • excellent. condition 345-2864. 11-100-2 1975 250 Kawasaki street Bike, 1979 'Licence Plate 262.-5888. 11-100x2 12 x 60 mobile .tole, must will best offer; be sold. ill sell to , also, 12 x Omobile homest up, available' for rent ..or lease. Can be seen at Heritage Estates Route 4 Seafoth, 52 7-0168. ` 11-:100-2 FALSE teeth, longunder- wear? Expositor classifieds. have sold almost everything. Place your ad ' . today by calling 527-0240. 50 cgntsoff when you pay cash. 11:r99xff ,MEN'S clothing Consisting of a green leisure suit size 34, beige pullover (both medium) brown shirt, green cbrduroy jacket size 32, also a medium size suede vest. Beige trousers 29 waist. All'. in good conditon. Phone 887-6677. 1.1-01x1' MO LE HOME 10 ft. by 40 ft. Canadian, . Star :mobile' home. ":Ea"sily moved, ` great for summer cottage. w u tae tg. Ne carpet, propane heat, • skirting included. Excellent condition, Best offer. ':Phone 348-8166. - 11-01-tf 44 MASSEY TRACTOR,. 66 New Holland baler, active power mower 7 ft, cut. Phone 887-6495. 11-85-1 TOPPER to fit half ton pick up jeep:; Phone 527.0647. • • 11-01-1 CUNNINGHAM ' " hay conilitioner, good condition, also, apartment' size clothes dryer nearly new 34S-2349. 11.01x2 SELLING OUT: Entire stock of new and used pianos & organs. Many at,cost.:Other items selling, below cost; music stands,. guitar cases etc. Also bass'guitar* amps, leslic cabinet, P.A. heads. Closing date June 15. • Pulsifer Music' Seaforth 527-0053 Out of Town please phone. • 11100.2 ROTO-TIL•LER, 4 hp. engine. recently rebuilt . excellent condition. Bill Southgate, iianadian Tire Service; Garage, Seaforth. 11.01-1 12' by 52' mobile home.' Includes .2 bedrooms, carpeted living -room, stove and frig, Would* make an -- ideal cottage at ' the lake,, Willard Bennewies.345=2296,. 12 Wanted TQ BuY Wanted: ,sa11.Ere tzei 527-0330. 12.014 $ CASH $ ,.$ Good- Used Furniture { Antiques • Estate Lots Any saleable'tents s Forest CIOAucUOna London $ Call .Collect 1.453-79% 12'994* r WANT to 'buy a fridge, : a , Ford or a phonograph? Try • an' EXPOSITOR, wanted to buy classified; ad. '52.7.0240, 12 -99 -if, 9-5 13 Wanted GUINEA ;AND banty fowl* Phone '482-71,04 after 6. p.m. 13-100-2 OLD BRICK Buildings for Demolition and'Salvage pur- poses. Contact (Ross Lumley -- "' Iodd,s •Sala.go_tfrrgest. nia. supplier , of reclaimed furniture. • 13-99-tf GOOD used 482-7922, 14 • Pr. operty, For Sale HOUSE inBlY th on Mill Street, close to.seheol. Phone 5234247. 14-95-tf A FINE 3 bedroomolder home convenient to downtown, also ad'oinin ,lot., � g ,.;Private sale inquire weekends. 527.1522 14-01-4 6 Lots Industrial Zoning,right in.. Seaforth. Asking 527,500, for the whole parcel. Call R. LANGENBERGER`" Toronto [4161484=6141 A.E. LEPAGE [ONT.I LTD. Realtor 14.01.3' MFARLANE'. • REALESTATEIIMITED BROKER • um. 'i1fAt„ 31.6P6p$ .111 WALTON 2 storey brick, 3 bedroom home on one quarter acre, needs work, oil heat, dug . well, low taxes. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION- BOB THOMAS' 482-3096 ' ` or 2354541 14.01-2 Hyl�e r 1{Ir,11,T1`.1..1\Ii-u'i:i - HIBBERT, 150 acres of rich productive land, 3 different parcels.•:100 acres and two fifty, acres, cap be sold. together or separ- ately.; ,No buildings. 11012' • ELM" -µf KUIOTN 'DIESEL':. POWER DOES' IT 16 hp. -- 3041p. Hares Co�lu`t'y_'-s Kubota .h7ta 200 acres, One. farm with new implement 'shed, good barn; 4 bedroom immaculate brick home with 98acres workable, 2nd farm across the road 50 acres • bush, 46 acres workable .hand, No • buildings, GREY 100 acre farm., near Walton. IHog, and beef' barn with stable cleaner . and silo. Home has 4 bedrooms and 3 piece bath, 5105,000, sso**r, We have newer homes in Seaforth .and Egmondville ready to move in. "We speclall#e In farms u ' woll,asol6erpropettlei.,' Call JOE O'REiLLY' 345.2465` . 348.8823 14-01-1 L/ZzLi_LL,Lt: Seater& 527.0120 11.01.4 RRememberl It takes but moment to place • Ott Esposito, Want Ad, Dial 527.0210. • CI ossified an next page