HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1979-05-17, Page 17OWITER BALLPARK FOR HENSALL — Thio. fu 4 raising committee is
flautcting a arfpt}pftoi1nP 01$.$
GiIiiie at the,
Hensel al
l.ba bail
park. From
an - irman Andy(manse, Dave Strafe. Front are:.
te3ft rear. are: Bill Soldan, , aha
' Bel Charlie Dalrymple, Kay Gardner :and. Tom
8itl° •Sl>lithl $pikeBell, � °
4Expositow+ Photo)
111:. rserj 1r;tSf is :form
f rn •.
262 -$OIs
Hensall citizens have their
new Community Centre,;
thanks to all who participated:
in the fund raising_ .efforts:
and now the Recreation:
committee is looking towards
other ' needs,
In March,. the Hensall;
Recreation Ball Committee
was formed consisting of
Andy :!Branae, fund raising
cbairran, . Roy Bell,
construction..chairman, Kay
Gardner, :secretary, Tom:
Neiliinds, treasurer, Brian
Campbell, Have Smale, Bill,
Smith,. 'C)f..,,-s;. falrymple
don't Cows-- use All He0sali INf
and Bill, Snide!), , The
committee 'investigated to.
find out how much interest
there was in recreation ball:
and it was found that there
were many groups
interested, itheae. .being' bays
and :girls, mens and ladies
recreation .teams,
it was decided that a new
balldiamond would: have~ to
built because .the bid:
diamond Was destroyed by
water .main and sewer
construction and the loiation
of thin new arena. The .old
lighting': system has
deteriorateds:from old age so
0014.4100s sire needed. (It
the bathroom?"
r': The Sunshine Kids
Nursery School enjoyed their
annual visit to the farm last
Thursday and Friday, when
they visited the farm'of John
McAllister, R,R.1,H ensall-
Along with their teachers,
Mrs. Phyllis Johnson and
Mrs. Ruth ,Mercer, they
visited the chickens and cows
on the farm, truged through::
'the;. long grass and saw the
creek, (Black Creek) and the '
remains of an old dam on, the
creek. Curiosity abounded,'`
from • the kids who
woundcred why the' cows
didn't, use the. ,bathroom to
the little fellow' who couldn't
understand where his yellow,:
knees' • came . from. • `
After the visiting, ,cookies
and apple juice were served
and then Sarah Kerslake,
Paul . Rau, ' Fred Godbolt,
Jeremy Brock, Neil Sadler,.
Steven Parker; Jason Laurin,
Sarah Darling, • Kev in
Johns, Iatrick Jeffrey, Mark
Keller, Eric ' Bishop',
'Christina • Parkbr and.
Heather Gray t•' planted
Marigolds to give 'to their
mothers on Mother's 'Day.
Tired:, but happy, they
reloaded the cars they had
come in tp return home, their
mothers hoping they would.
Sleep the afternoon - away.
The other half of the class
visited the farm= on
THANKS, KINSMEN Andy (manse,;
chairman of the baseball fund raising
committee, accepts a cheque for $500 from
Hensall Kinsmen, presented by Bili Soldan of.
(Expositor Photo),
'other s Day •service
Mother's Day service .at
Hensall United "Church was
conducted by :Rev. John
Wareham of Exeter; who
took as his subject for the;,.
sermon ' the woman whose
child was posessed of an evil
spirit. The people in the story
were nameless. but they
were just as : important to
Jesus; it was the faith of the
motherand the love she had
far. her daughter that were
rewarded, Jesus had.
compassion forher
persistance ingenuity and
The choir, under the.
leadership of their Director,
Mrs. :Marianne. McGaffrey
sang The ':hymn of all.
nations" with Dr- Ralph
"Copp at the organ.
Plants around the pulpit:
were from the wedding of
Catherine Christie and.
'Grandmothers were the
guests of honour at the May.
sheeting of the Hensall '
Women's Institute held •qn;
the United. Church on
Wednesday, May 9 at t3 pan,.
the meeting opened with the
president Mrs. Cecile Pepper
in the chair who opened with ..
a poem, "What is a
Grandmother?" Present
were 20 members and •26.
guests. The roll call 'was,
".Name your grandmother.'s.
girth. place" and
grandmothers, • ' were
i troduced. s
Mrs, Sam. Rannie gave al -
report' of the 31st Officers
onference held at Waterloo.
aniversity; 56S members
ttended , representing' 565
branches in :Ontario. Mrs:
Clarence Diamond,
Federated, Women's
Institutes of Ontario
President, welcomed all who
attended. The majority of the
meetings were held : in the
• meetings were held. , in the
Hutiianities Theatre and the
Tweedsmuir .Histories: The
suggestion for local histories
was ''first made ' by Lady.'
Tweedsmuir in "1.936 and.
' histories were irststarted. in:.
H ensa
1947.: The latest addition is
Daniel O'Neill, ', and the
flowers from the Vanstone
family, placed there in loving
memory of Robert James,
The Rev. Stanley
McDonald will be inducted at a
service on Wednesday, May
16 at 8 p.m.Board of Elders.
will meet at 7:30 p,m •
Prices at the Hensall sales
Barn 'cast ' Thursday were
slightly lower but demand
was active:
The Huron Strings,
composed of Lorne Lawson
on the mouth -or an Helmer
Snell, Lorne WhitmorqJ
Wilson McCartney on the:.
fiddle, Harold Black. Hughie
Hodges, on the guitar and
Marie Flynn vocalist and at
the piano,'' entertained then
and again after the business,
Mrs. Margaret Lockhart,
speaker for the evening,'Was
introduced by Mrs. Elizabeth.
HereAre some cif the issues raised by
your M.P. In, the past 18 months,
as taken directly from' the official
index of the House:of Commons; reports.
•Atomic energy, heavy'water production, 4400
laid, M. under S•0.43,5531
Cheese, 354E-1 . '
Form improvement loans; 40,3333
Fs+•d grain, corn, rtsilwattars, 40510•
Gasoline, sales to farm• s, bulk.purchase price; 1'355
income Tax sill (C•23) 2102 '
international , Plowing , Match and Farm Machinery,
Show, 4714° ,
Manpowir Industrtel training, program; atomic•'in•rgy
s#off,, M. under 3.D'. 43,1330
,Mitrik tonverslon program, 5224' -
Milk, 4023 '
phonal 'capital raalone `beildinps, Iease►d end, ivrown
tiiptaitt. qui„ 2701„...
Ct tpwir, govrnmint Olt* space, r•ntol'egr.Sments..
•tc., 014377744'; s,
Pantteritlariels, London; maw institution, 1301
Postal *srY1016. 320•,' 31131
Public buildings, tenders,: minimum wag. polity, ter- .
-fain anon,, ite.i 3343 ' • . ,.
tliDianal developni•rit' inintivis.
$112 M, under S:O.
busiaefilh loans, 66.3344'
Sugar inrdustry,1201.2
.16ibit• beans, 4211
Agricufture,.•expenditures, restraint program; 1440
iludget, Nov. 14/70,1447.51
Canadian Forces, 16-7 •
Farm machinery and equipment, 2033
Federal-provinciai relations, 2404
GATT, 374
Gun control, 2003 `
Health Resources Fund gill (C-3), 2403.3 �---„
Income faX 2004 .
Light bulbs; '1.000` destruction by Public Works Dopar
M.dkalresaarch, 2005 .
Medicare. 2103.4 '
Ottawa, governmont office• spate,. unoccupied, ranted
and !goosing arrangements, 634 •
,Penitent) ries; Louden, building pians cancelled', land'
use 3301 •
Postage stamps, commamorativi; Lions Club 'Inter•
national congress, 2172-3 •
•Public Work Department
Expenditures, HipginI report recommendation, 2314
Expenditures, "user pay" 'printlple, M. under S.O.
Re -organization; 1547
itole,. terms of reference. amending Public Works Act;
etc'.. 1220 ,
For continued effeetive reprasentetion int
House of Commons aind dedicated service to constituency problems
lietep a good i k roprsssnting;you in Heron -Bruce
f or leformit hili pll0titre.
raise til ii11044 e0reitfitselkk; 234;4351
'COeSitt14*.Pi i GIEWA 524.2141,
CMe+t it • 4i24414, Stew*. $27•0171,
tzsts'r • 23s•0177,0fhlk iii • 30.2305
Ou/ttst et
lh+ker� .iidelaHan i
should be. ,nhi.d: that Hensall
had; the first plighted ball
'diamond in Heron Countyy.).
fund. ,raising subM
committee was formed to
raise funds and, a con.
Struction sub -committee was
formed to locate, and :Build
the new diamond,
After meeting Whit the
,Hensall Park Hoard, the
Iter decided they
later would
any funds raised d b
onanona : and; that
1 b made to
. t•' o d t
1 i e
• .. u
on v+ e a
Wintario, (Ministry of
Culture and Recreation) for
funds, It was found that
captial expenditure from
N►intario had been; stopped
Riiey, She gave a short talk,
followed by a slide
presentation' on the • various
trips which the All Star Tours
driveevery summer,
Mrs. i John Corbett •shade
presentations to the 4-H Club
Leaders, and girls who had
achieved. honours; Provincial
Honours,Robin McLellan,
Betty Beer; -County Honours,
Linda Gerstenkorn; leaders,
it tt' because of the
'enthusiasm of interested hall
groups if was decided' to
carry on without Wintario
The cofstruetion COM:
>mittee investigated the
location of the new diamond
and with the- approval of the
Parks. Board decided- that it
would be located in the
north-west'corner of the park.
directly behind the Arena,.
The reaspn this, Potation ,was.
chosen was , that further
construction of utilities
would not lnterefere with the
diamond, and, the diamond
hostesses,. Mrs, Elizabeth
Riley and Mrs, Rosa .Harris
who with their' committee
served a :lovely luneh. Next
meeting will be a ;picnic if
the weather. co-operates, it
.will: be at the residence of
Mrs, Carl Payne, if not in the
United Church. ,
Kippen WI 'makes plans
Marilyn Pepper, 'r Diane MRS+ RENA CALD'VWTELL recent guests of Mr.. and
Weald be more accessible to
parking, washrooms facilities
and to the,pavtliwi area .All
this loca,tletn would least
interfere with, other' ns of -
the Park.
The diamond, 'is estlamted
in POO $9,5013.00 This
includes excavation costs ,for
the *afield and backfilling
with suitable fill; six 4$' foot
towers. with two 1,000 watt
'lilfktures on
w.ali ssot ted electrical
wiring, also suitable
benches, bleachers and
bae.kstop,'Alt Labour isbeing
volunteered ` 'hy ';local: ;ball
The fug pasting
committee .....: eauvaased
local businesses and service
•:taps **Ito date rased
approximately 32,100.00.
liis canvass is still being
Carried. out and there. is .
door to door canvass of the
public and .Other *Oft:‘- ig
=events being considered for
the future.
• The diamond will be ready
o usetheu oma
f. r for � i..g halt
season., Ray Sell:
Construction C'h'.airmant:
f iensall. Recreation Ball
• •Committee,
Gerstenkorn, Joyce Pepper,
,Belva Fuss, Sandra ,Nixon,''
and Trudy Ferguson.
Correspondence was
received from the .Huron
Historical Society regarding.
their next meeting at Zurich
on May 23, about the spring
Rummage Sale for South
Huron Hospital ' and about
and; Erie Tour to Nashville.
• Delegates to the District
Annual at Thames Road-
Church on Thursday, May 17
are :to be Mrs. John Corbett,
'Mrs. Cecil :Pepper, Mrs. Sam
Rannie and' Mrs. Carl Payne.:
`At the close of the meeting
prizes were presented to the
oldest grandmother, Mrs,
Robert Simpson; the
youngest'grandmother, Mrs.-.
Glen Weida and : the
youngestr grandchild, Mrs , .
Rachaelchwalm. •
Prpgramme conveners
were Mrs;'- Walker Carlile
and .Mrs. Pearl Koehler and
• ' 262-5935 . . Hld J.
Fadrmers: ate busy with the
seeMrsing thataroones
was delayed by
wet weather and are also
preparingthe land for corn •
Mrs I'I4A, Caldwell spent!-
last weekend in the Nations
. Capital, Ottawa.
Kippen East. Women's.:
Institute held their Executive
meeting May 10 at the home
of Mrs. Dave Triebner, Plans
for programs for the coming
year were formulated.
Mr. and Mrs, Arnold.
Gackstetter, • Guelph were
rea weeding
The marriage' ,is anno need of Catharine Anne Christie,
daughter of Mrs.. Clen on Christie, Hensall, Ontario, and
e. ,
Pa •ck O'Neill,
ie . and Daniel tri N
`'e late. 'Glendon Christ ,
London, son of Mrs• John McCall, Wheatley, Ontario and
the late John McCall- The ceremony took palce at Hensall
United Church Hensall, May 11, with Rev: Stanley
. McDonald officiating: The couple were attended by' Kathy
Archibald, Simcoe and Rick Thompson, Wheatley.
Reception and dinner were held' at The Little Inn, "Hayfield..
Guests were present from Kitchener, Toronto, Simcoe,
Wheatley and Seaforth. After a trip to Northern Ontario;.
the couple will reside int ,London, Ontario•
9 door., Flame'Oran,ge with black interior; white wall radial
tires, Rally:wheels,, custominterior: pkg. 4 cyl engine, '4
speed:`; manual 'transmission, seal moulding, wheel lip ' r.
moldings, power steering. Serial No. 158582
2 seat, wagoh, .white with red 60=40 split bench, 360
.;engine, automati.c'transmission, roof luggage tack and air
deflector, cruise control, power trunk lid, air. Conditioning,.
tint glass all, undercoating and, hood pad,:visor vanity
• mirror, light ,package,.' accessoy'` floor: ; mats," electric
heated rear window, digital Clock, A.M:radio 'with rear
speaker, white radial tires, bumper guards and 'rub
stripes, left remote Mirror, deluxe windshield wipers.
Serlai . No. 120562
• Specsal' 8495
not including tax ift licence
�; . r � o
By nn ed I..k-
Lawn Mowers Tillers.
Garden Tools - Peat Moss-
Garden it' Lawn Fertilizers
Now instock
for oil your'requirements
P lojto' X214710. satortlt