HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1979-05-17, Page 4'Tx&OPTHERE SOMEWHERE -+- A few of the
many spectators at the" Seaforth Men's
'Recrational baseball game tvlonday night Keep
to meet
THLARS., 4'Y,, MAI YY J 7,
8:30 to10;00 pari•,
at .the name of • •
Mary & Paul Cairroll,131 W. Goderlch St., Seaforth
(Authorized by official agent of .Moria Coupr, M.O.P„ Bayfiern
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, Moiil l a "JorWiia +� NtMsk*
iNW itf�R)i are rb�EtAred trettemhtks of
14bacnit xo.
their eyes on the 'ball, Play in the very active.
league. started last weelc.
(Expositor Photo)
CC.r'S darn xgect
a.niily earadtse is having
n•new face- lift theSet days.
The VOW owttf*rs are dudy.
and: John Geprge.
Mr. and Mrs. $orrIy
Hat ,AngglIne, Carrie and
Corey of :Stratford spent
weekend With Mr. and !Mrs,
rOld McCallum. ;
am St.aey
Sunday viitors+n Mrs. McCallum,
The alley behind, Main..
St."s east side is net the
safest place to ;park a new
-gar* if recent incidentS
reported' to Seaforth"s. poll'
are atiy ind#cation.
Bight or nine new cars.
ha a 'had their emblems
removed or peeled off in the
.last :couple of weeks, .accord..
ing to police chief .lohtt
Cairns,„ One car,, belonging to
Barbara Consitt of Varna,,
:also had a window broken'.
All the incidents occurred
in broad daylight and no one
has reported, seeing anyone
tamper with the cars,. Al-
though the damage isn't.
extensive, it does scratch the
cars, the chief says.
Police are keeping an extra,
a�'a�te board.. won't
duce trustE,E.....s
cattend conventio
Bit WILMA OI{.E Mary' Flannery, resource person in the
The Huron -Perth' Count}' Roman Catholic board office; Connie Birmingham, resource
,Separate School' . board voted ,.against person at St. Joseph's School, Seaforth and
`reducing the number of trustees permitted St; Columban school; and Mary Lou Shantz.,
to attend: conferences outside of Ontario; but resource' person at St. Joseph's schools
in Canada,: at a board session Monday night. Stratford, presented a report on the Impact
The amendment:to the board policy was
defeated when Trustee Ronald . Marcy '.of.
Stratford, on the. Policy and By-law:commit-
tee, presented a number: of changes'to.
various polities' when up -dating them,. The
:proposal to cut the number of trustees flying
to various conferences outside the province
was trade because of the cost factor. At
present three trustees and one: administrator
are allowed to. attend at board expense and
the committee proposed that a' limit be set at
two trustees and one administrator.. .
The board set the policy that attendance at
a conference outside of Canada by either a
trustee or an administrator must first receive
board approval.
Director of :Education, William Eckert,
objected to baying• to get board. approval
before he'could' allow a member of the
teaching staff or administration to attend' a
conference outside ofCanada because he has
control' of that budget; He said, "1 feel' that 1
should be judge of that:,"
The trustees' honorarium was increased to
S189 per month from;S162,Theallowance for
the beard .chairman'was increased to 5240 •
from 5216., both retroactive' to January 1;
Six. trustees- will journey to British
Columbia• in June to conferences. Three will
attend the Canadian Catholic School.
Trustees' ; • Association "tenventiion in
Vancouver -- John O'Leary, Staffa, Michael
Connolly; Kippen and Greg. Fleming,
.Credtion,with alternate Keith _Montgomery
Wingham. Most of the trustees, expressed.a
desire'. to attend this conference,
program .
The following resignations were accepted;.
Deborah Hobbs, special education from St.
Patrick's :school itt Dublin and in Kinkora;
Mary O'Keefe, half-day Kindergarten at St.
Joseph's School; Kingsbridge; Jeannette •
Eybergen, half time kindergarten•teacher at
St,. Alyousius School, Stratford; Mary Ellen
Kot Grades.? and 8 at Precious Blood school,
Exeter; Patrick Shaughnessy, 60 per, cent
and music 40 per cent at St James' School,
Seaforth and St. Columban and. Esther Rau,
principal, Prescious' •Bloodschool, Exeter,
who is retiring. All resignations. effective
August; 31, 1979.
A committee was' formed to ..consider.
filling the positions at .Precious Blood Exeter
and St.. Boiniface, Zurich: The committee
will consist,of three trustees:GregFleming,
Ted Geoffrey and Michael Connolly; Dean of:
Stratford Deanery;one'principal, (he Director
of Education William Eckert) and . the
Superintendent of Education (JslylcCauley)..
Recommended for actions; transfers of.
teaching ; staff by rnutual consent --Frances
Westelaken from St. Boniface School, Zurich
to Exeter; Sister Anne Antaya from St.
James, Seaforth to Zurich; Sister Eileen
Foran, Zurich to. Seaforth; June Holmes (50
percent) fromExeter to St. Joseph's School,
Clinton; •DavioSharpe from our Lady' of
Mount Carmel to Holy Name of Mary school,
Edward Cappelli, St. Marys to St.
St. Marys; pp , ry
Aloysius school, Stratford; Terry. Wilhelm,'
Zurich to Mount Carmel; `Lorne. Rideout.,
Mount Carmel:' to Zurich. Marie Ryan: (50 per
cent) St. 'Patriuk'•s School, Dublin to
Three trustees will, attend' the Second- Seaforth; and Terry Craig Seaforth, to
Congress on Education, also in Vancouver in Dublin. Mi. transfers effective September 1,
June.. They. are John O'Drowsky, Tim 1979.
• McDonnell. and `Keith Montgomery. Five The. City of Stratford was given permission.
trustees expressed a desire to attend. to use the aboard owned Willow Street
Over.SO students, college and secondary ' property fora ball diamond and soccer field,
school,, applied. for the 12 positions.under subject to..,plot -plans„The City will be
Experience '79 program. Slit students will., requested• to enter into a year -to -Year lease
work in -the Media Centrr. at the board office with the board for the use of:the property for
and six, . others will assist teachers in 'recreational purposes.
:operating the summer school program at St.' The revised custodians' three-year salary,
'Patrick's School, Dublin. agreenient signed June 14, 1977, was
At the Media Centre the students will .' inctteased by one and one-half per , cent,
structure and organize Media Centre retroactive to January 1, 1979 and by ra
materials, particularly unit banks for the further three per cent, effective July 1, 1979,,
teachers next term increasing :hourly rate to 55.32 and S5.80
At. the summer school for exceptional tespeetively.
Children it run for six 'weeks from July 5 to '• Mrs. Alma Biesinger was hired as the new •
the middle of August.Elementary students custodian in St. Mary's School, Hesson, -.
`from Perth. County` will fill the first• thtee • effective June 1979 with probation period
retroactive to April 1, 1979: ' ''
The board returned to committee -of -the-
whole about` 11 p.m.
watch :on the alleyway and
plan to talk .to aids in local.
schools. the chief said.
Otherwise, things have
been pretty quiet in town on
:recent weekends, according
Paul cCallurn.
Cindy and Colleen were Mr.
and Mrs, Harold McCallum
Joyce and Cart. Mr, and
Mrs, Archie WilNts of
Brussels. Mr. and Mrs. KeliX,
Dalton and Jamie of
Londesboro, and -Mr, and
St. Columban man home
from Saudi Arabia
Mr. Jack Malone is
returning to St. Columban
:from, SaudiArabia via
Bahrain, Bangkok, Thailand,
Singapore, Hong Kong,.
Tokyo, Hawa'i , Vancouver
and. Toronto,
Mr. and Mrs. TedMelady
have returned. from visting
their daughter Jeannie and
family near St, Paul,nortlt of
Edmonton . Alberta, They
watched branding of rattle
near St, Pouts by ranchers in
the area before turning the
Battle out on the range. They
report spring is late in that
area, They toured by car
visiting Red Deer,
Wataskawan and Edmonton
as well, They really enjoyed.
their trip and saw some old
Missed last week is the
• weeks, while students from Huron County
will attend the second half. The students will
be assisted ' in acquiring :language
experience, craft, work, drama, and other
stimulating work experiences.
White Bean
:Foundatilon, 'Seed,
. --2, Varieties-
* * KEMPWOOD and the
h t
The NEW FLEETWOOD'' has' out yieidAd
all other varieties in all' government.
performance 'trials,
"` iT PAYS
236-4749 11.14'.. 2, Zurich, Ont.
Appointed seed deaier
bytheOttario Bean Board.
fact that Me, and Mrs. Ab
Cronin visited in Kitchener
with Mr. and Mrs. Dave
Regier and attended the first
communion of their son,
Mr. . and' Mrs. Janos;
Janossy' of St. Johns N,0,
visited Mrs. Mary. Moylan,
Hook up .ok
Council accepted its pubie
work's committee's
recommendation Monday
Night and agreed to a
tentative, request for a
sanitary sewer hook up to an.
out of town property on
Goderich St, West, about,i0Q-
feet front, town limits,
The connection, will be
allowed as long as town.
specifications are followed.
with every Pizza
l._ �+
Mrs Murray IWO,
Angeline,. Car y a4X prey
of Stratford.,
Mit and Mrs], Ed. Resole
visited with Mr. and Mrs'.
Clarence Denni$ at Atwood
on Wednesday of last week,
Sympathy is extend to
Mrs, Alex Dennis Mr. and
Mrs, Bert Dennis and the
Dennis family in the death of
Mr, Ales Dennis:.
Meand Mrs,• Robert .
;McCowan spent Saturday
evening with Mr. and Mrs..
'Winstot Powell of Soafoc#h,
•srd Mfrs., Ron Koehler
of LC :have beenvislting
with W. Abner &,
APO att!d. M+9z !n ;otkr
Council brief
Dajn Maiot}ey wala.
appointed to the tecresltiq
committee to OIL s► Vacancy
left by Gary Montgomery,
,Class A; Jyhecharq
Repairs, to sit makes of cars & light trucks,
Lawn Mowers &. Titers,'
SmaII Motor Repair...,
Phone 345-2891
ruxe' '
Frank �r
infant to Size 14
Ianse! €t Gretel
The Cerner.Cottage for
Children's Wear
r nt
p ese s
,QY 23 g 9
3. 4 - is ss.
0 pan. 1 .1NasThere.
Hpst:' Jack. Ward
Guest:. Isabel Campbell
6:00. m.�, ,'
p News'
,Host: John McCarrol
7:00 Rem. TV Bingo
Host:. Scott Pawson:'
,1 8.
P.M. cA;.NDi.DAT•E.S
This is are la: of the May14 show
1? Y-
for those who missed it. ;..w
AY 22,; 19.79
Election Coverage
Beginning' at 8 p.m.
Studio 12 will be carrying; an update
of the election results till 11 RJR. so,
Vvatch your favourite" program and let
us keep you infermed° on
CHA►NN"E4 12.
For Strom, Fresh Voice
Bring tho famityearl Met Gnome Mar 17f1 atGod cis Araya
• Beef On A Bun- 5100 p.tn. = 7400 p.o
*Huron -Bruce needs a voice that will speak out and get Imtolved in the
*Huron -Bruce needs a member who will open up a pipeline between'.
Ottawa and Huron -Bruce •
Ft* lisfareilifierry Traderp+sirtft.tkMn, or if too vita o Worn ^ Phone Walton 881.68 86,
Eiteter235.27M1y Clinton 452-70011, Seaforth 527.0607, Gaderlcb 524-2161;'
Wilmslow 3$7.tS60
Publtshed`by The'Of'fit'iai Agent for Groom Craig, Walton', Ontario.