HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1979-05-10, Page 4614 — HOE& GARDEN ,MPROVEMEN ,WEEK O MAY k 1979; �r •best hams trnprovenl.ert 01 a fire extinguishp Otte of the host impor- tant home improvements you May ever make is the in- stallation of fire extinguish- ers, it could• be much more than an improvement, It could save your home as well as: your life. Each year more tnan 12,000 people die in fires. and more than 300,000- are injured, many critically, The .annual loss in property damage from, residential fires is three billion dollars.. Killing a fire in the hone can be easy to do if you act It's time to e. It's always. time to think about home improvements.. An estimated 9,000,000 quickly; But, a fire ex- tinguisher 'should be .used to prevent a Ore- from getting big, Today, there are pro- fessional. fire extinguishers designed for home use that. are as easy to handle:. its a garden hose with a noz le,. only a thousand times safer. and more effective. Extinguishers should al ways be mounted where they. are easily accessible, in plain !view, and nearan exit that will provide a quick escape According to Walter i Kidde & Company, the world's largest :manufac- prevention go hand: in hand. turer of fire extinguishers,. Even if you invest today in the best extinguisher for smoke detectors and fire ex.,• home use is the Multi -Pur- tinguishers for your home, pose extinguisl er,.It livesup an ounce of prevention is, as they say, also• necessary„to its. name because: it is ef= fective against oil fires, That means checkingi grease. fires, live electrical'. around your home fieriodi- fires,, wood, cloth and paper Cally to see if you`ha,'Ye fire fires, even gasoline fires. hazards. For example, how You Would' not, for ex- about frayed lamp and ap- ample,: spray water on a..pliance ,cords? Broken elec- blazing, electric wallsocket trical outlets in the wall? only a dry chemical ex-' What about oily rap, paint tinguisher .is: safe to' use: cans and other, flammable. against electrigal Gres materials in the cellar, gar age' or attic? Accumulation. install a sm householders: will be .buying residential .smoke ;alarms this year;,,£ Q.oi ceramic tile ops for summer .,w pond for lilies or carps, Tile Plan ahead for the sweet- est summer: ever. Improve. yard and garden to . "elimi nate last summer's mainte- nance problems,. and if you don't have a cool -shaded, summer space, make .this the, year to add one. To help you:,. plan for a lazy, sweet summer, the Tile Council of America offers some. ideas: *Is family traffic wearing outthe.grass irt.paths? Can't, gets grass to grow yin the shade .ofthat huge maple? Then go nature onebetter, and pavepaths andshaded' area with handsome cer- amic tile. Now, you've got fuss -free and clearly de- • fined) walks plus ' a cool- shaded patio area. Fireprotection and fire of waste paper is also ( dangerous, Check your oke •a 1 a r j`' home from top to bottom' now and eliminate potential According to the Na,- dangers to your lives and !iona) Fire Protection: Asso- property. Don't think a fire ctation, after a fire begins to can only happen to some- �< flame, occupants may ,have one else. It can happen to only seconds to escape. you, If you're prepared, FIRE Studies of fire characteris- you're. protected. You can The%. tics show that stroke indi- start today to reduce those cates the presence of a fire .unnecessary •; national sta- much earlier than heat, and.:tistics, t therefore, smoke detectors provide' an early warning system that gives life-saving it for easy upkeep and good minutes. looks:. If you plan to install . a smokedetector in your *No area represents nas-,home. this year (and it's a tier upkeep 'problems than very good idea), look for the.:. the garbage. shed. Treat it. to UL approval „label, to show a tile floor.: NOW, you can that rigid specifications and just hose it down, • Tiled planters and win down; -boxes are .good-look- ing and; carefree. *Tile the picnic'table andi. benches to, avoid annual paint jobs. *Painted decks and porch floors are terrific mainte- nance headaches.. Tile them. once and for all. *:Those . small plastic tables 'are ' great for patio and pool. But, they fade in the sun. Rescue them with, ceramic tile, Think of ;giv— ing them a checkerboard-' tiled top for outdoor chess games. Build` a .tiled barbecue. , Soot, grease, sauce and marinade stains will wipe right off; and, heat and flying l sparkS can't hurt the tile, either. *Thinkingof enclosing the porch so' you'll have an . informal summer room? Ot, planning a lean-to green- house? Either way, you can incorporate la ceramic tile floor,: It's cool underfoot and can withstand the mist- ing and watering that's necessary for thriving green- ery. reen ery. *Choose tile's good -earth colors for large surfaces. such as walks, pool decks. and patios. For accents, such as . planters; window boxes and tables, you might well want to use flower hues .. to give you bright, out- door color spots even after reliability requirements have 'been met) nature has packed it in for the winter. Both AC wired -in .and; DC battery-operated models of. the Home Sentry have a button which allows your • family tobecome: familiar' with the horn, and to prac- tice what :to. do when it sounds;. After all, the most important thing is to escape quickly and safely when fire strikes yotir home. Do your family a life- saving favor, and install a smoke alarm on every floor of your home. t Make your house. smile with a:• New coat of Paint CALL US NOW FOR EXTERIOR; 'PAINTING HILDEBRAND PAINT and PAPER Interior and Exterior Decorators Water is a cool idea for : Seaforth527-1880 you..r summer ;life: Add a i'. EXTINGUISHERS should be located near, but not over kitchen stoves should also be located in or near bedrooms. t Move. that' old wreck from: Your back yartto: ours! iT'S $$$:.IN YOUR POCKET.:., WE PAT SPOT CA,'FoR WRECKS... FA. RM—PASSENGER..COM.MERCIAe. TIRES' rr DUNLOP °:. AD' KING, E.E. GOODRICH,' .GOODYEAR AMASS • MUD •'EOLYI$TIM )•Lir At Spill*, Rah, Price. PARTS .FOR LATE -MODEL CARS -IL TRUCKS 80TH REBUILT AND USD INSTALLATION SERVICE BY LICENSED. MECHANICS • • • UNp•C, Y ' . . ... : •llsr RECKER •foilopo