HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1979-05-10, Page 43r
C ntractor's advice on
saving tir.ne and energy
For, the do-it-yourselfer, safely, ands special attach-
the question has always been ments can be bought for the
this; how canthe job be done gun to make the job even
quickly and without an ex -simpler."
orbitant expenditure :.of en- Such, an attachment, is a;
ergy? unique Piggyback slip-on
According to, Robert Cin- clamp created to piggyback
cotta, a New York City con, one staple over another, thus
tractor who works in homes. locking tlie ceiling tile se -
e -on Long Island and curely to gypsum wallboard
throughout the city,. main -or lath
taining a, well -stocked tool "I've always ' used the
chest is the key. Among the Piggyback for , securing
worksavers he has found screening to wooden win -
valuable to.his trade is the dow and door frames," Cin -
staple gun. cotta says, "because it gives.
At his workshop i n. extra' support to the screen-
Queens, ' Cincotta com- ing,. and again does the job
ments, "The staple gun is very quickly,"
simple to use, isn't bulky, - Cincotta warns, however,
and. cuts out much of the that the proper gun be used
time one would spend ham- for the job at: hand. "I only
mering nails. This is a one -use the Hammer Tacker, for
hand operation, " allowing example, when, the. job re-
use of the other hand' for quires more speed' than ac
balance. Some models, such'. curacy. For jobs such as in -
as the Hammer Tacker by stalling home burglar and
Arrow, can save up to half fire alarms, which are now
the working time; with one very popular in New York
quick blow of the Tacker, and. on .Long Island, l use a
you've accomplished the model designed specifically
same as you would by taking for wire installation, such as
a nail in your hand, holding the Arrow.T-25. The T-25,
it between your fingers, and shoots a rounded 1!a inch
then banging on . it two or crown staple: which `hugs'
three times with a hammer. the wires so they are secure -
It drives home a staple with ly fastened and neatly hid -
each blow." den out of view. Without a
Cincotta also claims that " model like this one, the wire.
the Hammer' Tacker is es -could become loose and
pecially useful for installing .dangerous,- piercing the in -
black saturated roofing - sulation and possibly caus-
paper, and adds, "Its . de- ing a short circuit. There can
sign is durable enough to al- be.some nasty results if kids
low for striking without ,tun through the house 'and
jamming, yet. its lightweight' trip over the wire."
construction .relieves your As with"any other.tool,
arm of the tiredness' which good care must be of
usually occurs after hours of the gun. Though an Arrow
hammering." Cincotta rec- staple gun is equipped with
ommends that staple guns. anti -jamming mechanisms,
be used wherever 'hammer -
,best results will be pro-
ing might cause damage to duced if the internal
the materials involved, such mechanisms are checked'
as ceiling tile, and.where periodically for cleanliness.
precision stapling is needed. As dirt:accumulates inside
"In the old days,'' he : the gun, the possibility of
says, "ceiling tiles would be jamming increases.
installed by hammering "Many people only check
nails into them, and you'd their staple gun after it's
wind up chipping quite a few jammed," Cincotta.con
of them. But, with a staple !eludes. "Better care could
gun such as the T-50, the tile 'save them a lot of aggrava-
can be installed quickly and l tion." t
e horne caApqrtthE.j,t, .
Be it ever so hutnble — You don't have to sacri-
n, there's: no place like home, fice sleeping, comfort with a
even if it's just a one -room: sofa bed, decorators point
apartment!' out. It's perfectly accept -
If you're starting, on your able to use a good, comfort-
able twin. bed for both sleep -
own in a "single" dwelling,
here are some suggestions ing and seating , , if you're
for making one room bloom, handy with a needle, you can
and seem larger than it ac- cover the mattress and box
tually is, spring with attractive fab.
ric; have a handy friend
Because your floor area is fashion a 'wooden frame to
so limited, take advantage set the mattress, and spring
of wall space wherever pos- upon, covering the frame
sible. Wall storage units are with matching fabric. Add a
a good way to organize your few large pillows or ,bolsters.
stereo .equipment and, and you're ready for com
records, books and art ob-pang, !
jects. Use wall lamps wher-
ever possible to keep floors Make your furniture do
uncluttered, .double duty by choosing
multipurpose items. A Par- that crowded look. If the
sons 'table, for instance, .can room is ' painted a dark
serve as a desks a dining color, ask if you can repaint
table, a buffet or bar, ac- it white'to open the, area up,.
cording to your needs. Avoid "chopping up" the.
Choose a cocktail table that room with conflicting colors
can serve as an informal din- and patterns,, as well.
ing table, with floor There 'ate, many other
cushions for seats. ways to create the illusion of
Chairs and tables, that space. Mirrors, window
fold up for easy storage,•bltnds in place a�f heavy dra-
when not needed are also penes, scenic wallpaper that
good selections for the small expands a , irogm, and
good s
apartment. glass -topped furniture are
r all good choices for the
Placement of furniture smaller room. `'
can help create the allusion Artful decoratink* and;
of a larger room keep careful shopping can make,
furniture against the walls asithat first apartment seem
muchas possible to avoid
like home'sweet home.
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