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FIreplace •adds beauty, warmth
What's a relatively easy
Iglnedeling project that can,
add: charm and comfort to
* your home and increase/its
value at the same time?
The answer: adding a fire-
A recent home -builders'
poll rated fireplaces among
the top four features home
buyers insist on, so . a fire-
place makes a good, invest-
ment in your home's resale
value, while making it a
cozier place to live right
tf this winter caught you
longing for a crackling
blaze,. plan now to add your
fireplace 'during the warm
months ahead. Ease, of in-
stallation makes it possible
to add a factory -built fire-
place, to: virtually any room
in the house -- the living
room, the family room, the
bedroom, even the kitehen.
In fact, there's a trend
toward two and even three
fireplaces throughout the
house, wherever people
Installing, a, fireplace is
easier than you think, with
one of the many factory.
built fireplaces available to-
day. Because they come
ready -to -install, factory -
built fireplaces spare you the
cost and inconvenience: of
extensive remodeling needed
to add 'a conventional
masonry unif— not to men,
tion the fact that skilled
masons are hard o find in
many Parts of the country,
And,. factory -engineered
units offer greater assurance
ofquality, since the -per-
formance of a masonry fire-
place depends on the. talents
of the individual mason, atonal Ben Franklins;* or-
nate box. models, Potbellied
"Zero,clearance is the stoves or parlot types. Many,
key phrase in understand- stoves do double duty as
ing the, advantages of a cooking apPliances, and
built-in, factory -built fire- some have tempered glass
• place: Over., conventional doors so you can watch the
masonry. units, Zero -clear- flames, Others can be used
ance means that the fire- with the firebox doors open
place may be safely in- for a fireplace effect, Ir
stalled on or against exist- maximum heating Vflue,
ing walls and floors. — no Many manufacturers recom-
need to, knock out walls, do mend stoves that are, air -
extensive remodeling or tight, which means no leaks
build a special foundation. or cracks around doors
Safety is another point in What type and size fire -
favor of factory construe_ Place or stove should you
choose? That depends on ;
tion. Check for the U1' many factor's: the size of the!
or other safety -approved room you want to heat, the
label when you buy. location of the appliance,
Looking for the old- your heating needs and how
fashioned warmth of a you want the room to look.
wood -burning stove? These Discuss all these points with
trusty wood heaters are an experienced, reputable
widely available and coMe in; dealer to make the best
a variety of styles; tradi- choice.
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