HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1979-05-10, Page 342i
Ef " WEEK OF MAY 7, 1979'
1.eeping your !awn in .min coedit o
If you have planted a new
lawn, you'll want .to ensure
that it grows into a perma-
nent ,part .of your landscape,
A beautiful lawn doesn't:
happen by magic but lawn
care doesn't have to be a
problem as long as you re-.
member the basics—provide
proper watering, feed it good'
nutrients, keep it well -
Mowed and weed -free,
How much water you
should give your lawn really
depends on variables like the
climate, type of soil, and sea-
son, You can learn by, work-
ing out a flexible watering
schedule and noting how,
your lawn reacts,
' Keep in mind that grass.
roots will extend themselves
only airy illioist areas. so with
just a superficial sprinkling.
the roots won't penetrate
deep into the soil, A water
.supply six inches to one foot'
deep will be adequate for
>. most lawns.
You; can test for water.
depth simply by poking .a -
screwdriver into the ground.
'fit slips in easily, to ti inches,.
the soil is properly moist,
Like all living things, your
lawn needs nutrition and the
recommendedmenu is a bal-
anced combination of nitro'
gen,. phosphorous, and
potassium. Nitrogen is the
mainstay of the diet since it
enaburages greening and,
'helps build upa healthy root
system: yet, it's also the most
scarce element in the soil and.
Greenhouses are a
Lawns require care and proper f nitrogen,
Besure yours gets a popuI hobby
proper balanced rnmbination of dtrogen, phosphorous and
potassium. Nitrogen encourages greening and helps build a
The public is becoming
I increasingly :interested in
small greenhouses as a
hobby and as a means of
gardening year round. Many
gardeners are constructing
hobby greenhouses from
their own plans. while others
purchase kits available from
Before, one begins, •local:
climate conditions . warrant:
careful investigation to
ensure structural adequacy
of the proposed unit.
A goodfoundation is
essentialto anchor the small.
greenhouse and preventa
possible tip -over during:
windy .weather. Either .a
concrete ora pressure
treated post folandation must
be constructed to go below
the frost. level. Some green-
house suppliers have prefab
cedar foundations which
extend 18 inches below
ground level.,
Quonset -style green-
houses are usually formed of
galvanized steel pipe hoops
covered with one or two.
layers of polyethylene. Self -
builders often :.erect the
greenhouse structural frame
from wood which, if painted
or treated; .should give long
lifeto the greenhouse. Red.
cedar and redwood: are:. the
best woods to use for the
framework due. to ..their.
natural weathering • resist-
ance and their resistance AO
shrinking „and warping.
When selecting a green-
house covering, factors such
as percentage of light :trans -
healthy root system. But nitrogen is the most scarce element in
the soil and is easily dissolved by rain and. watering; That's why
most garden centers carry special lawn fertilizers. '
, which include water insoluble nitrogen for extended
greening; It's easyy to putdown on your lawn with a 12%11
spreader, as shown above, and should be applied every four to
six weeks, followedby watering.
If you're in the market' for a, loan, the
first place you should go is to the Roya
Our Loans Officers would really like to
help you with your particular plans. And
there are a. lot of differentways wecan
be of help. _
We have Personal Loans for alnost
any worthwhile purpose, And for major
:purchases Special Purpose Loans up to
$40,000 and longer terms are available..
The rates are flexible too.
So before you go anywhere, go to the
Royal Bank where :borrowing is comfort-
able. We'd really like to help.
.: ft�ra lot of masons.
Tree planting
can reduce
energy bills
Want a beautiful way to
reduce your gas and electric
bills? Plant some trees.
Research shows that plant-
ing deciduous trees at the
west and south sides of the
house can reduce summer
cooling bills and winter
ing bills by 10 to 20 percent.
Savings vary dependi
climate. In South, Dako
plains state with high winter
winds, fuel consumption was
measured for two identical
houses, one with a
windbreak of trees and the
other exposed. The tree -
protected house had 25%less
fuel consumpGod:•
ng on
ta, a
mission, thermal radiation
transmittance, life of the
material and initial invest-
ment must be considered and
evaluated collectively.
•Polyethylene can be put on
the frame as a double layer
and: air bhi vn'. between the
layers to cut heat costs 30 to;
40 per cent as compared to a
single-layerpoly-house, The
poly -house is .easy to, con-
struct and is about„SQ per
Gent of the cost of a glass
greenhouse: Double Poly-
ethylene transmits 81 per
cent of available light but has
the drawback of usually :last-
ing only one growing season.
Glass greenhouses have a.
high initial cost but have the
highest life of any covering
material, Glass has, a very
high light transmittance of 90
per cent. Reinforced fiber-
glass panels have good light.
transmittance, with many.
panels having a guaranteed,
life of 15 to 20 years; Other
rigid panels ' available; are
acrylic glass and PVC panels.
The disadvantage of 'a
small greenhouse is that it
heats up quickly when the
sun is out and also cools
quickly when the sun goes
behind a clouds. This char-
acteristic necessitates . the
use of heaters and proper
-The hobby greenhouse can
be constructed free standing'
or as a lean-to to an existing`
structure. .
is easily dissolved by ratnand
To :help keep laWns in.
"mint"' condition, most gar-
den centers no carry spe-
cial lawn fertilizers, like Or-
tbo*s Lawn Fpod 24-4-8,
which, include water insolu-
ble nitrogen .f'i'r extended
Espread the
Ortho asy lawn spreaders, thi;
;stohould; be with applied.
every .four to six, weeks, fol-
lowed: by watering fora quick.
greening response,
With good care, quick
greening will go hand in hand.
with quick growing. But if.
you let the grass grow' too
high, then cut it very :low,
you'll; suddenly subject
stems .that have been shaded
to sunburn: -,and your once
green lawn will look like
Most grasses respond well
to mowing higher than you
might expect, so if you're in.
doubt check; with your local
garden center,. For a hand-
some finish, you might .even
put your lawn twice, once in
each direction.
If broadleaf weeds appear
to; mar the: beauty of your
Lawn, use a broad, spectrum.
weed killer
It will conquer dande-
lion, chickweed, clover,
plantains .and many other
broadleaf weeds, as listed
on the label. .
That helpssolve the mys-
tery of' maintaining a beauti-
ful lawn.
precast concrete sups
Mr. Unit Step ' can provide you
with a safer entrance
a Non Slip Safety Treads •. • Maintenance free No painting
• Expertly replaced in houre required- .
nor days a Manysizes of steps .
• • Steel re-intorced•precast and porches•
concrete provides longer lite'
Quallty Ornamental• iron railings to compliment your entrance
Call Mr., Unit Step for your free estimate<
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Your Precast Specialists