HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1979-05-10, Page 1414 iEHUO :I Qos.rroR,, MAY' '19, 9191 .. ., .� MOST 'IMPROVED- Pat on a trophy Murrayy as most improved player with. the Seaforth Atoms, four time WOAA champs and it was presented at Saturday's hockey :banquet, (Expositor Photo) :TWO TROPHIES- Scott Driscoll Won the most valuable, player and the most goals. Schra i trophies with Seaforth's WOAA Champ Atom team Saturday night. W (Expositor Photo) SALM CONSTRUCTION Farm, Commercial & Residential Const. Framing, Roofing, Aluminum Siding, y Renovations Dave Salm 523-9641 Blyth, Ont. elleei Via ,_....eteta4._. in Area Churches First PRESBYTERIAN Church 59 Goderich St„ W., Seaforth ' Minister: Rev. T.A.A. Duke : Organist: Mrs. D. Carter SUNDAY, MAY "13 Christian Family Sunday 11:15 Worship Service for all the family Come and Worship ST. THOMAS" Anglican Church Seaforth Rev. James R..Broacifoot :B.A., M. Div. Sunday, MAY 13' '4th Sunday after Easter Mother's Day 11:30 a.m. Morning Prayer St, Thomas Anglican Church, NORTHSIDE United Church 54 Goderich St. West, Seaforth MAY 13, 1979 CHRISTIAN FAMiLY SUNDAY 10 & 11 Sunday Schools 11 a.m. Family Service Rev. J.G. Vanslyke, Minister Organist -Choir Director Jr, Choir Leader Margaret Whitmore Audrey McLlwain Area congregations' are invited to take advantage t)f the church dirt ctoryto announce their church services each week. Church directory announcements are available for a niininittm of 26 consecutive weeks in units of two column inches at 'S2 per unit. Changes in copy may be trade each week but roust be received "before noon on Tuesday. • s by•Steve COOS, Fenc4..f 'C Just about everyone knows that cover IS essential for the suntival of wildlife. but the term "cover" encompasses many different types of growth. 'Nesting cover for birds may be just small ,growths of slashnear openings while w1#ter covet almost alway S. means a, mixed har4wood area with; SUMO coniferous trees •far protection frontarctic wantis. The most important type of cover. however, for both birds and mammals is what 'biologists call "travel lands:" Travel lanes usually follow some +irregu- larity, in the lay of the surraundirSl,tnd-, Rivers, creeks and brush* gullies. :are probably the most Common natural aven- ues, but in years past, fence rows have played a major part :iewildlife movements., The old split rail fences Often grew up with hawthorn bushes, wild apple trees, wild raspberry canes etc, creating; safe areas for' birds and animals to move from one area to. another. Even fence bottoms of barbedor page wire eventually grew up enough to provide some degree of protection. With today's clean farming techniques, many of these travel lanes have been removed. it is possible, however, to give - our wildlife a helping hand b • } improving . natural travel ways. and where possible. creating new ones. 1 have always, believed that one of the easiest ways. 'to build or improve travel' Lanes . is by planting the seed of indiginous species of trees and bushes that are found near. by, This can be done successfully in .either spring or fall, but 1 generally prefer to do it in the fall. The pocket of. mY - hunting coat always• has a few plastic bags in it which contain an assortment of nuts and berries, Haws and wild apples predominate, but my favourite for fence rows is the autumn olive.. In early spring,.transplanting small trees ran: be very satisfying and .shows up with immediate results. This method .does. however, require more work as the young. saplings must be du'g, with care (minimal disturbance of the root system is a must) and planted the same way:, Although any tree is betterthan none. 1 prefera double row of cedars which, when they grow up will provide a well sheltered inner corridor fir wildlife management. This spanner, when you're out fisbwg, prospecting for new hunting territory, or just out for a stroll, take a good look around you. 'You'll be amazed at the n.tmber of areas where mother nature can use a helping hand and if you start now. Neto:"ll be reaping the benefits in just a. flew short ' vo'irs, *********�s tth'the start Af the fishing season in full wing. I would like to .mentioan, a very :worthwhile project being undertaken by Writers the Outdoor ti x hers of Canada, and the Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters This program is in ,accordance :with the Internation Year of the Child and is tailed -Tackle for Tykes," The O.F, ,.H, and O.W.C. are asking people to donate fishing, tackle in order to provide the opportunity for underprivileged children to ge fishing. The donations can,' be turned in to local sportsmen's .clubs that are members of the O.F.A.II, or sent directly to Jack Davis, c 0 Angler and Hunter in. Ontario, P.0, Box 1541. Peterborough, Ontario, K9J 'H''. Donations may also be sent to me, c o this .paper and 1 willsee thatthey get to the right plae s. Fishing tarkip manufacturers are re- pointing extremely well to the program �tttlt: 'Zebcodonating 25 rods' and reels to be used by underprivileged kids attending a summer camp in • Algonquin Park. sponsored' by the Y.M.C.A, and firecks have donated a box full, oflures along' with books and decals; Woadstream. has donated: 250 tackles boxes for needy. kids: Ruko bad donated Iwo high quality spinning reels• to be auctioned Off at the O.WV .C. (C,'onyention this spring with proceeds going to buy tackle; and last but not. least, Daiwa has. indicated that they will be `.forthcoming with material for the , program; Why don't you jump on the band wagon by spending a buck or two on a lure to.send in and then take it one step further. Take a kid fishing this summer. I'll bet youget as big a charge out of it as the kid does, and take it from •me --- it doesn't even `hurt a bit, •r.: LIBE:RAL.RECoRD GE N:THE PAST 7 YEARS -4ob Creation, increased .23% [15%o in: IN PAST. DECADE —GNP increased 32% in real terms [second only to Japans —Employment grown by 3,000,000 [33.7%] or twice as fast as our population [24% in U.S., 10% In Japan, decrease of S.4% in Germany] —2.1 million housing ugits•but CURRENT YEAR —New Jobs rcreated`-447,000 [Jan. 78 to Jan. 79] —Manufacturing output increased 7.4% [Double the increase in 77] OURSELF ►N MAY 22nd Vote pa. ds aw redtrai1- Llbtp1-- Peptb SPONSORED MY THE PERTH COUNTY FEDERAL LIBERAL ASSOCIATION E ■ ,NK RATE FINANCING on all models -new and used F E 1 e to Brussels Motors See Our Selection '78 Ford LTD II, 4: dr.. - '78. Chev. • Impalas 4 air. • '7 Chev. Impala 2.door. '78 Chevel le 4 .dr .. at, ''74 Vega;- '78 Chevy Nova ' 6 cyl. 4 dr. 74 Catalina '78 Pontiac Parisienne ' Numerous 1973 Chets and Pontlacs .. Broughan dr: with air STATION' WAGONS' '77 Pontiac'Acadian • 2 door i. 76' Pontiac Le Mans 77 Plymouth Satellite 2 dr. h,t. Wagon '76 Buick Century ' 2 dr..fat, TRUCKS . .... '76 Toyota 2 door '7$ G,M.C., 44 tont 4 k.4 '76 Oldsmobile. MI- fatal power wits '78 G M?11 ow air 77 G.M.0.C.. rton'ton Pptckliuer,Sps, •'77 LV 600 tnth 18 ft vet '76 Hornet, 6 cyl. autbntatic 2 dr, and ltotvcr tail fate" �. '76 Le Mans 4 door V$.with air 16 Chev, Hicube 'Van` ''75 Old 98 full power '74 Chev ata ton' • '75 Plymouth Fury- 4 dr. '73 Ford '+tint limit tip Number Of '71 Chev and Ford Vans' � BRUSSELS MOTORS INC. " THE HOME OF BETTER USED CARS" I Box 335 Brussels, Ontarkit Urn me am ow NM NEM IMO ME Mai i 1 I 1 Non.11110son Ron Mason, the Seaforth native who was :recently ap- pointed coach of .the hockey program at ;Michigan State t'niversity ;in Laosing has one goal to win a NCAA, championship. Mr. Mason, 39, ,si'ho grew up inSeaforth,, s1,en t several year* in the Montreal Cana- dian** organization, before his south for h s Iirst intercollegiate head I oachittg job at Lake Superior State... From there.. he .moved; to. Bowling Green and recently= was, appointed head of the hockey program at Michigan 1 ' . State Gniserstty, succeeding. Amo Bessone, the man who's been head coach there for 28 years„ " At Bowling Omen. I think we had reached a level where we couldn,'t go further Mr, Mason 'said, explaining his reasons for leasing a highly successful progrant to take charge of one that hasn't been doing so well lately. "Here, somewhere down the road, the potential :is much greater. Michigan state is a prestige . name in athletics everywhere, If Ti am ever to win an •NCAA championship, I can do, it here. And that's. m v goal, In the six years he spent at • Bowling Green, Roll Mason managed -to put the school's team, The Fntcons, into finals. three years.linishing in 'third place in 1978. Mr, Mason has earned' a reputation both as an : excel), tiona.l classroom instructor andas at outstanding teach- erof skating#echniques. The latter skill has brought him off-season employment by "the Detroit, Red Wings as skating coach. Ron Mason said, "My style of hockey is a close checking, defensively strong style, I like to think my teams are very difficult to beat, We don't necessarily blow ,peo- ple out, but we feel if we can hang in there with a strong team, we can beat''them." "1 am strong on individual• discipline: 1 like to play what we call "units of five," five people on , the ice doing the same thing at the same time at Ale respective ends," he, said.. The coach:added, "1 think the fact I emphasize disci- pline and teamwork attracts a different sort of person. My players are normally good students. unselfish, the type of players who thinkof the team. not their own' statis- tics." Ron Mason iS taking over a team which hasn't produc- ed a winning record since 1976 and which won only 18 victories in 64 games in the last .two seasons: The imme- diate priority of the'new coach' is going . 'to be . a recruitment program to at- tract new Olivers to the t'eaPU Ott 1 1 1 1 1 1 Mason i fl S CO:JChin , „ „, , recruitment program may. tans San get httQ the Olayofk hopes, this, mean Michigan State Spar- by neat year.. • " ow -sup ism film BACH EFT'S CUSTOM MEATS' S R. R. #1, Walton, Qnt', Sea he i1 t• O meat. t t hgh cos �._..f 'Try Home grown" pork th's really a treat! SPECIAL Whole or Sides of Pork. Fully processed Includes cutting wrapping & quick freezing. try tasty Farmers Style Pure Pork Sausage $1.50- Ib 10 Ib lots or more 1 Also available ' Sides A-1 Beef Hinds_ I . Goverpment Inspected. Fronts t$ Phone 887-9328; Sunday, May 13th; Boxed Silk Scented Roses in Vase. Cactus in Plastic Egg 'Face Cloths pkg of 6' Tea Towels. Sheet Sets 1. Flowered pattern-permapress Twin 15.97 Double . 20.97 . Queen 23:97 4.79 1.49 1.44 3for 1.44 2 -Way Mirror 2.99 *Disposable lighter .77 Magcubes 2.09 Boxed Chocolates; Toiletries, and o good selection of Lingerie 5E/WORTH CX500 (Ustom.: cal roadster. Maintenance -free shaft drive, long- lasting wide profile tires. Mufflers sound as good as they look. The unique four over -head valves and water Cooling, the clean reliable shaft drive, wy 86 East