HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1979-05-10, Page 12He HURON EXPOSITOR. MAYiO 199 - ENJOYING THE SALE — A good crowd, looked, and bought, at • the Agricultural .• 4, Obituar • ROBERT JAMES, VANSTONE graa4t5on cora Seater* resident, was. •one of two DaShWoOd area residents; who diet' MeM44Y 410t 1* two ear •crasb HUrou • County Rt-katt Z. • • Provinciat riign nEseter sold Murjorte Arnold, Pi Pr Rit 2 pashwood, and Robert James VanstOne, 21, of RR t Pasbwood, were killed in tho , head-on 44 Watch for the eatly' warn,‘ • in g signs of arthritis, They, include: swelling in the fingertipshands and feet; fever and general weakness; persistent pan and stiffness when you get up in the morning, If Mese sYriiptomS recur, The Arthritis Society urges you to see yotir doctor • Tight away. * * to o in Canada, more work days a spoety) auction last Wedheliaxyponsiigtohrt.ph.oto . , • becausere olostf artovery yhritis thear ECan through strikes, according to The Arthritis Society. County turns down Goderich program .for handicapped Huron County -council •did not dispute the worth of an, integration program for mentally handicapped people in Goderich but balked at supporting the.program because it is not-cpuntY tde. • Council accepted the • recommtneridatien a its • ei4rutive COrriniittoo Thursday and untieddo' n a request from the Ooderich. Recreation department for funds. The executive committee heard the request in March and turned. it down at that time but council was asked to delay final decision -• on the matter until a more • complete .presentation Could, be made by the Goderich rec.: department • Goderich. reeve Eileen Palmer. persuaded council • not to make final decision. on • the request without hearing a presentation • frOxii Jane ••liotzke, program co ordinator in the . Goderich tie • ' department. Paltner,said the mentally handic.apped peopl• e • in the program. Aye're. from.' • Goderich and. • the. surrounding,area. She said she did not know exactly' how mar» handicapped were intohed in the program or bow mans. municipalities • •municipalitv. were int ol% ed but asked that a decision be, delayed tintil that information could be • presented. • Netzke explained that the PrOgrAln n Us started in Goderich tinder a ministry of .communit?, and • social serms grant that paid all costs. That grant expired in t0-8.. At That (Mile parents and people AnNolved in the: integration program joined in an appeal tt Goderich toWn 'On mil keep the program • operatmg • and council reSponded b).- funding the program for. 'at least ane niore yea. COuncil's • executiVe committee sympathized With organizers of the integration program but felt •`' that because it was confined the Goderich area the cOulny •'could not -Support it. County clerk Bill Hanly sumnied up -the . concerns of the ki)mmittee when 'he told Palmer said the program 00W lands • 'would be IA hulsoever in asking for a council Thdrsday OatwaS very worthwhile adding isolated in the Goderich area grant from the county". recreation responsjbility wa:f • that despite the fact That the_ she had ''no reluctance• Classified Ads pay dividends. Pftce sal4 'Mrs,- ArltultriS dattghtert Julie tyon,: W4S thrnWit, LOW their car Ott itnRet, $Itg was listed in atistactory condition in Sotitli Ugrian • tiospital fxoor M. Vanstone is a Sit% Of Mr. and • Mrs.RQU Vanstone. Hensall. He is survived by his wife tho former Joyce 104 Webber • and ,by three ebildreni3Onryi jason and Charles at home. is also. survived hY brothers and sisters befMt. Olen (Peggy) Restemayer of PashWeod, Mrs. Carl (Claris) Wurnt. Karen. Park, J90. of Bayfield, Sttsan, Maryann. Kelly anct Shawn all of ilensall and by grandmothers Mrs, Ken, (Shirley) •Morris, RR 4. Goderich and Mrs. Blizabeth Brown of Seaforth. Resting at the Bonthron Funeral. HOMO, iIeflsajJ, after 7 pm,. Wednesday where funeral se'rvice will:be held Thursday May W, at 2p.m. Internent will follow in flensall Unior Cemetery with Rev. Kenneth, Knight officiating. Hardy• said that if the county got •involved in this ort of thing there would be **rio•end to the requests for funds and the count) would be in a difficult ,Position to turn them down-. The 'committee recommended that, Godeiell seek assistance from its neighbours. 11 felt that the program should be operated • on a user fee . basis • suggeSting that Goderich appeal to the mUnicipalities in whieh the, handicapped people live.' • Reeve Palmer appreciated the fact that the Goderich `reqUest was for a program that was confined to one area but reminded' Council that Goderich was the county's largest contributor of tax dollars. She told council she was '"very disappointed 'again' that the committee refused the grant. •SLABTOWN SABRES BROOMBALL TE 50' ents DAKICE AM with the • ED SELL REVUE FRIDAY, MAY 18 9:00 1'01 p.m. SEAFORTH 8. DISTRICT COMMUNITY CENTRE • •(on Main Floor) Forticket call: 348-8447 • 345-2787 • 887-6796 • •'4.00 per person • Held under the authority of Special Occasions Permit • Blyth:Centrg. for the Arts, •SPRING FESTIVAL Presents a • Of di fitiqUe# and Crafts Featuring • Ontario's 'Mast art4aftt land antignedsalerS• SAT. MAY 19' 10 "IP 5 pm • OlYth Community Centiv Ariatis.001140c. • .Speolal Athiance tic now available /so teatoring Huron Countyr!.s---1. • largest annual book se!e t's Here • Starting Saturday, •••May 12 • $ Of i , 'Yd g: U ti - 6 o, ,0: . . '• :50C '4' 41CP'CIlli ...- ...: . • Farmer's Dell Brucefield, Ont. 482-7265 PEN/At T urs -da Don't miss the outstanding entertainment • which is being featured during thi'sj special • grand opening occasion .11 41, Satt.ir May 10, 11 • Sal.urdpy, May 12 at 3 p.m.: Door Prizes FREE DINNERS -,wflIbe served between 5:30 & p.rn. on May 12th • to our first 200 visitors •.Your 'hi -tit 'Atone. thd 2 • Lucille Starr THE COMMERCIAL HQTEL.. Seaforth Main '.$teeet • Ontario • 527-0980