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1111RON, EXPOSITOR,. MAY 10,1979
QT .flK
The Perth -County Board of
Education gave final pp-
proval on 'May 1 to the
building proposal to be sub-
mitted to the ministry 9f
education for the new
addition and alterations to
Mitchell District High
The building project which
is now in the early develop-
ment stages will , see an
addition of approximately
3,200 square feet •to the aoto
shop; alterations to the
• existing metal and wood
industrial arts shops which
will become teehnical shops.
•one for building construction
and woodworking while the
other willbe a -machine shop;
two classrooms will be
alteredto mak e space, for a'
draftingroom anti an art
room; plus the purchase of ,
the necessary equipment ,te
equip each of these facilitiei.
A preliminary estimate has
shown four teachers will be
needed to run the vOcational
An4 OceOpatiOn411 gOU,res
which is an *n4 ase of
two -and -a -half teaChers. ,
At this time it• isnt certain
bow much teaching time the
new art course will take so
consideration is being given
to utilizmg ' the ,art teacher
from Upper Thames
Elementary School, which
sits about a block away from
Theproposal would 'see the,
phasing in of the teehnicat
program n September 198ti
with all Grade 9 stadents.
choosing teehincal subjects
in the new facilities,
Those students who have
started taking technical
subjects. in lir 9-80! at North-
. western Secondary School. in.
Stratford, will be allowed to
finish their stedigs with that
Hirings transfers
There were a lot of likings, School. while Jane Klumper,
transfers, resignations and cleric -stenographer at the
separations of Won -teaching schoolhas been promoted to
staff by the ,Perth County head secretary as Marg Val)
.00ard of Education at their Bakel has resigoed. •
meeting May 1, Appointed were Judi
In the clerical secretarial Hannigan, 4$ a patt-tinte
departnients there was cleaner' at Central SecOndarY
announced an appointment, School in Stratford,. While
one transfer and a re- Eva Macke has taken up thg
signation. Beverly Britton is 'part-time cleaning position
the new stenographer at left by 'Donna Dickson at St.
Northwester Secondary Marys- Niarth Ward School
get iready
• .
• •Seed Grain •
*Pioneer Seed Corn
*Funks Seed Corn
*White Beari Seed ,
Complete- line.
of chemicals for
all your crops
*Bulk Fertilizer Blends youneed •
*Spreaders Equipment to rent
*Anhydrous Ammonia
Equipment torentorwewfflapply
We can deliver bulk to your farm
spreading available too.
et Sons Ltd.
R. R. 2 IVIonkton 347-21)36
For all your planting needs
John Scott of the Sooth
Ribbon Athletic Association.
and Gary Van Loon of thel
Dublin and District Athletie
Association visited Hibbert
council on Monday to: solicit
support for the twO athletie
associations in the form Of
grants front the Township
and council 1. was agreed
that this YeAr`LS, grant weeid.
be $500 to each associatioe.
•Council agreed to support
the application for a
serveranee of a surplus
house front a fifty pere lot,
provided the purchaser of the
agricultural acreage agreed
to the condition that no
further houses be built on the
seerd portion. The
approval is subject to the
severance being granted by
the Perth, County Land
division Committee and the
agreement is.to be registered
against the property.
•Cyrit Brown, the Perth
County Weed Inspector,
•brought council uptodate on
weeds in the Township,
including Leafy Splorge,
Milk Weed, Jimson Weed,
and a new one named
-Colts Fooe". Mr, .Brown
said he wouldbring in
samples of these to council at
a later date. His report on the
township was that it was in
good Shape, and hoped
council Would keep up its
good Work.
A grant of S25 was made
for 1979 to the Perth Cciunty
Ploughman's, •Assoeiation
and road vouchers in the sum
of S72980 aild On general
account fee $e5670.06 were
go prorell.
Budgets of the committee
of Adjustment and the
Adjustment and the Mitchell
Planning Area were
approved. except • for
payment of representatives.
Which would be done at
township level, The Seafotth
Fire Area budget was
approved, with a reserve
account set up in •the
• Township for the porvhase of
anew truck.
William Feeney was
awarded the contract for
renovation of the basement.
•of the Township Hall, with
panelling and ceiling tile,
and new toilets and• ,
washbasins. Council Will!
meet with Mr. Feeney tO
finalize plans at the May 1.44th
E.H, Uderstadt, Qntario
Land Surveyor was
appointed to bring in reports
on the Linton and Tyndall
Mtiniciapal Drains.
THE ARTISTIC TOUPHAmong the colorful pleCeS of art on dlif".10aY. at
St. Columban School during EducationWeekwasa colleation of collages:.
• made from material. These senior students displaying their ginghaM
dogs and cats are Carolyn O'Reilly, Grade 8; Susan Murray, Grade' 7;
Joanne Albert, Grade 8 and AleXerle McIver, a Grade 7 student at the
• (Expositor photo)
WINS RIFLE RANGE TROPHY -- Pte. Mark Daniel Looby who recently
completed a basic recruit training course at CFEI Cornwallis, Nova Scotia,
waspresented with the skill at ams trophy for excellence on the rifle
range by Captain R.1, Hitesrnan. Mark, who's the son of Mr. and MrS.
Louis J. Looby of Dublin, is now at CFFS Halifax, receiving training as a
sonarman in the sea arm of the Canadian Forces. He's, a Grade 13
graquatot Neglna:n on on.
Shower honours Karen Croni
Miss' Karen Cronin,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Joe Cronin, Dublin was the
• recipient Jaf a surprise .bridal
shower Sunday afternoon at
the home of. Mr, and Mrs.
Clarence Ryan Hostesses.
were Pat Subject. and Helen
. Warren. Approximately 50 '
friends-, neighbours . and
relatives attended.
The gifts' were. wrapped in
newspapers and the •money
normally spent Onwrapping,
paper and .bows was used to
.bitY two boxes of groceries .
• Karen of coursowill be the.
. bride of Gerry Ryan soon.
tThe May meeting of the
CWL was held Monday nioht
with 24 ladeis4 present. The
nekt-nieeting June .5th will
include a plant. sale:,
Our June social .will be on
the 13th at 830.
'• ;Thi ilI include a bake
sale sewing booth , and
penny ...sale with entertain
! .tnent as well. It will soon be
our last chance to get tickets
on our lovely quilt and organ,
After the regular businesS,
Mary, Margaret CI'Leary
entertained us with some
MI Childron's
• Shoes 055A •
• PANTY 110E
7 Specialaroup
'Men's' Slacks
Size 28 to 32
Work Sox
$1 8°°'
31b Zic A 4 49
• Ladles' • A,
•House Dresses VI :9?
Krazy Ed'
BOY* ifld Mnn°11
S 4 t
F .41 .!
.4 .
chosen readings. The
President introduced ..the
guest speak Father
McQuaid, Father McQuaid
spoke about St, Lucia. We
learned there is no children's
allowances there, no pension
plans, no, unemployment
insurance plan. Titre are
three factories on the island
only.Since the island became
independent in February
'there . is a parliament of
eighteen people. The women
clean the streets in the early
morning, Water is carried to
most homes on the top of the
head. The temperature never
; .
goes below 70-1'. Since it is --
the year of the child we were
interested in knowing that
70% of the'children are from
unmarried parents. Families.
are large with an absentee
father often There are high
schools in twoof the citieson
the island only. To go to0
university students mut
leave the island gooks are
not free some children in
:remote areas probably never
g(L....to school at all Father
McQuaid spoke of a mother
corning tohim asking for
something to bury her child
in that had died, There as
no money for a proper burial.
In spite of what we wciuld call
a hardship these people arc
happy people who are proud
of their heritage.
• At the conclusion of his
address a general collection
was taken 'up and given to
Father McQuaid to take baek
with him to help the ehildren
of St. ,Lucia. •
• Mrs. Mary Ducharme on
the mystry prize.
-.Remember it takes but
oral -lent to place an Ex-
positor Want Ad. Dial 527.
-FUNERAL. 1-10
thoviroom dial)*
Ross Ribey
527 1390
Every week more and
nvre people disCoVer what
plished by low cost Huron
Expositor Want Ads. Dial
THE PENNY SALE — Matthew and Jackie
Megens of Mitchell are trying to decide where
to drop their tickets in the St. Patrick's penny
sale at the school's open house. Proceeds. from
the sale will be used to send the school safety
patrollers on a trip to Ottawa this spring.
(Expositor Photo)
Why have so many ministers
left the federal cabinet?
An effective voice for Ontario
no longer holds its proper place
in federal government decisions
under the present administration. -
A Progressive Conservative team
would restore Ontario's proper
influence in decisions that
affect all of us
A Progressive Conservation gover-
nment • would - also insure
Parliamentary control over gover-
nment spending which hu not been
the case since the present Prune
Minister changed the rules in the
rIfouse of Commons in 1969 by the
closure method.
On May 22
eK N
lerech :231.4351
hi* • 44.00 124.2141,
Olitlii1 ! 462./414,1s/4A S27.01t5i
fiefOr • 231.0113', Wk,1h.M 3574305
.1 •
pRopaitissavIE caNSERvATI4E
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