The Huron Expositor, 1979-04-26, Page 9Walt
On Monday evening; about
75 people registered; for' the
Historical Society Meeting at
the Walton Community Hall,
The President: of the In; -
wt .ire welcomed ,everyone
r e
and ,opened with 0 Canada
ith Mrs.Neil Mr4aviii as:
pianist`: A reading ",She
;uses her 'antiques" was
given, by; iMrs, Viola .Kirkby.
Fite society ,conducted:
their 'business with Mr.'
Harry'Worsell in the Chair.
Mroutes' were .read bat Mrs.
Barkin; He e re-
mindedrs of the Auburn 125
Anniversary int. June and
Winghaii, centennial n,
Mrs.. Bill Humphries .gave
a reading "Age: is the state of
mind,'. Then we were .en,
ter ,rained with Some geed
ILi mrr,
I'LL. TAKE A MAN The trio above were singing about the difference
between men horse and money. This was just one song from the operetta
efro u f Central. Schoolput on. The spring
West that studentsrel H,"l`� p 9
concert'was'I st night. (Expositor Photo)
Crowdan uaa
The April meeting of the
17th and; Boundary Unit was
held at the :home of Mrs.
Helen Williamson, on
Wednesday with 13 ladies,
Devotions were led by
Mrs Bruce Clark opening,
with a.poem, "The Year of
the Child," Hymn:, "All:
things- bright and beautiful"
was sung followed by
Mrs. • Eric Williamson.
reading the scritpure from
M14ark16 9t 35.37
and Mark 10;
Mrs. Bruce.Clark gave ,the
Topic on; "People, in, the
church community,'', by
George "Tubbe, giving us
thoughts on what the church
are offering out° children and. .
that otrchildren are real.
people and ready to be. loved
Mrs. Eric Williamson read a
poem; "Kids grow up too.
soon" followed by prayer by
Mrs. B. Clark closing this:
part of the meeting.
Mrs.. Graerne Craig pre-
sided for the business..
Minutes were ap�rav'ed as,
read by Mrs. Helen William
son. Treasurer's reportwas
given by Mrs.: Harold
tum followed by Mrs.
Hugh Johnstonth
giving e
report of the miscellaneous
fund.. Mrs. G. Craig 'read a.
poem, "Instru ments of
Peace,. Collection was reg
ceived ' `and. dedicated A
special offering.. tor World
Relief, was taken.. There was°
a. discussion. on the; new
Correspondent his dad Norman Cartwright Rev:. McDonald attended.', �.
MRS. BERT SHOBBROOK . a leader of the Cub Pack who the fiftieth Wedding menu prices announced by
523-4250: died suddenly thispast year. : Anniversary•'of his cousins, the supper committee and a
This is was received David Mr. and :Mrs. Russ Lohr reminder of good articles to
There was an overflow h. by
turn -out on Sundayn Overboe, Group'Committee held; in' 'Kurtzville be left at the churchaot the
Morning • .Chairman. -A gift from Mr, Community Hall; on Saturday bale . by May • 27th: The
for. the annual.youth service. '
at Londesboro Church. Hui. : and Mrs.• Earl Cartwright, evening. He was ac U.C.W. May general
lett Central School Band aunt and uncle of Norman. companied .by : his mother meeting to be held at the
Rev. McDonald spoke to Mrs Carl McDonald of church. •
under the direction of Mrs P
Bruce Johnstone Wer • the congregation' on 'Five Atwood and his' two' aunts " The next. meeting is to be
specials guests and added Smooth Stones". the story of Mrs, Russ Annett of Listowel held at Mrs. Barry Hoegy s..
much to :the service with David and Goliath and .: re- and Mrs. Gordon McDonald
Mrs. Roy Williamson: andr
h laced this to the giants that of Senlac Sas atchewan He Mrs Helen, Williamson in
during the offering. cz,, be slain with the stones Wedding ; Anniversary of. Mr. Lunch , Was served by Mrs.
Piper and led ' the youth become the boy and girl that •the . Atwood Community son and. the hostess.
groan . in their parade to the God . would have us be. Center on Friday eveniing.
church. The groups . taking During the children's time Mr, : Cockwoll ahs . been a' W' fe leets
part were,. the Messengers
with their leader . Mrs. John seated the Religion and Life A. ian Foresters. f f
Approximately . 24
t err excellent presentation . - •
'n .the• Prelude - as. well . as are in our lives 'and tiow'they also attende the fiftieth charge of devotions:
Glenn McGregor . .was of gooti and trLthy so we can and Mrs. Alex Cockwell In Clark and Mrs E Williartt
Rev McDonald also ' pre
Radford;: the 'Explorers with Award to Scout John .Cart'
long-time member . of •the
wood' Canad
their ,leaders :. Mrs. Garnet wright, Greeters for the
Wright and Mrs. _John Hog ' 'Services were Bert Shob-
gat; the Cubs with leaders brook and Emerson Hesk,
Murray Howatt, Bruce members of the ,Session pf
Lochart; Mark . , Mitchell,` Elders. Memorial. flowers by
Greg Andrews ' and Allen . Ge¢rge Smith in memory of
Peel and. the Scout Troop
with leaders Dave Overboe
and Tom Pollard, as well as Ex I o re rs: meet
the Cub ' and Scout Group p
committee. The ,Explorers held `their the song. '-This
Scouts Gary Wilts, Ron meeting April' '19 • with 17 Fathers ; World.
Vincent, Bruce Vincent and members . present. Explorer
- Bob Jamieson Wert the flag . emblem presented by Connie
bearers leading the Parade; Hoggart-and Lisa Duizer.
David Stevenson, . Robert The Explorer picture 'given
Adams, . Robert • Radford. ' by Janet Wilts.. Plans were
Mike Vincent, David Whyte made :for youth Sunday to: be.
andrScott Overboe .were the held April 22. We made a
ushers yePresenting the Cub Craft. played games and had
Pack, Angela Schneider of lunch. Meeting closed ., with
the Explorers read the ;Old •4
Testament reading and
Marni Gibbings : _of the.
Explorers : read the New
his wife Maria
` Rev. McDonald and his -
amother ata' Mrs. and `Mr -
Jack Lee '. wire . dinner guest
of Mr. . and Mrs, Nelson on
McClure - on:; Monday'
Testament reading and,
Marni Gibbings of the °
Explorers read• . the ,New
Testament scripture. The
Explorers also presented
. their theme song
During the Service Scout
John Cartwright presented a
Canadian Flag to the Ctib
Pack in Loving . Memoryi of
Rnone 527-0240
it's everything you'll ever want in a dual*purposd inial.,
sports a two-stroke engine, rigid tubular frame; dnd
Your agthorized full eervlee dealei •
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ne'w o ices
members of .the Walton ;
Women's , Institute _ , werei.
•. welcomed "by the President,
•Mrrs. Bill' Humphries: The
Institute. Grace preceded a.
smorgasborg supper at.Seven
o'clock,. Thursday; April 19, '
at the community 'ha I..
The meeting followed .with • •
Mrs: Humphries reading a ,
is mv` poems. "The=,Child's''Face."
Roll call ' was payment of ,files;
and your sunshine sister was Humphries; President .•
revealed with a gift, a: new Mrs.. Harold Hudie; lst Vice
sunshine sister was. picked „ President,- Mrs, Keith Rock;
for another year, With, per 2nd, Vice - President - Mrs.
feet attendance were Mrs. Ken McDonald; Secretary,-,
Ron Bennett, .'Mrs.. Harold Treasurer. Mrs.; Jinn:
Hudie;: Mrs. Ken McDonald; Axtmann, District Director
Mrs. Bill Humphries and Mrs. Ken; McDonald;,
Mrs. Allan McCall. . Alternate Mrs, Alvin
A committee was chosen McDonald; PublicRelations
for the euchre this week. It Mrs. Don McDonald; Branch.
was decided the Dessert Directors - Mrs. Graeme
Euchre would be: < held Craig; Mrs. Dorothy
Tuesday evening May. 15, Sholdice; Mrs. Neil
The Institute'will cater to McGavin and: Mrs. Nelson
an Anniversary and a Marks; Curator Mrs.
wedding in June, Mr. and Nelson Reid; Auditors - Mrs.
.Mrs.. Harold Bolger are the Harvey Craig and Mrs. Keith
new caretakers for the hall, Rock; Resolutions -. Mrs.
theyk-are to be contacted if Dave Watson and Mrs, Allan
anyone wants the hall in'the McCall.
future. The Needlepoint: Standing . Committee
summary is scheduled to be Convenors Mrs. Gerald
held at Wingham High Watson and Mrs. George
School in May. The 4-H McCall.
Achievement is on. May 1 at- Standing Committee.
7:30 at Grey, Central School.. Conveners , Mrs,. Gerald
Mrs, Humphries._ had a Watson and Mrs.: George
break prior to the annual McCall; Citizenship and
meeting when she ;led in a'1 World Affairs : Mrs,; Keith
sing -song . on "if ever you Rock: and: Mrs. Lavern:.
wish •to join the Institute to Godkin; Family { and
the tune of the Little Brown. Consumer Affairs' Mrs.
Jug," accompanied. at the Frank Kirkby and Mrs. Ray
piano, by Mrs. Ray Huether, Huether; 'Education and
Mrs. '.Axtmann read the Cultural Activities - Mrs.
lastHarold' Bolger and Mrs Ron
of annual mintues
followed,�with . the financial Bennett; Sunshine and 4-H
Membership fee is to go to,
the. Historical, Society. Mrs.
Harvey Craig gave the
auditors report and Mrs. Don
McDonald . reported' for the
Standing convener com-
mittee reports were given by
Mrs. Allan McCall for Agri-
culture . and Canadian
Industries; Mrs. Keith Rock
for Citizenship and World
Affairs; Mrs. . Ron Bennett
for . Family .and Consumer
Affairs; Mrs.• Ray, 1-luether
I l
Old Timen .usle by tew:at
McCall with violin. George
Love Sr. with, hanio
accompanied by Mrs.
Humphries at the piano.
The guest speaker. 'Mrs.
NelsonA Reid was introduced
by Mrs" B. Humphries. Mrs,
Reid *PPM the history of the
co-ordinator - Mrs, Stewart
H:u pliries-
It was voted to. give
donation to the Brussels Fair
Board. Committee on the
Walton Pall board are Mrs,
Harold Hudie; Mrs. Jim
Axtmann; Mrs, Lavern
Godkin and Mrs, Allan
The program ' panning
meeting will be held. on
Monday, April 30 at the hall,
when Menus will be'updated
in price and format for
another year.
The District -Annual will be
held in Fordwich, Hall on
Tuesday, May 8, registration
at 9;30 a.rp, Delegates are
Mrs, Harold Hudie; Mrs.
Ken '.McDonald, Mrs, Jim
Axtmann and Mrs, Ernie
It was decided to run the
•meetings through . the
summer months and omit
January and February. Mrs.
Harold Hudie presented the
retiring President Mrs. Bill
Humphries with ar gift in
appreciation of her past two
years service. to the Institute.
In her reply she thanked
everyone for their . co-
operation and asked for the
same co-operation to.. the new
for Education s and' Cultural
Act ivities, Resolutions by,
Mrs.. Lavern Godkin. Mrs.
Nelson Reid have her report
as .curator, :stressing to get
the ,farm history into her for
her tweedsmuir book: • All
reports were seconded by
Mrs. Nelson ,Marks.
The officers for the coming
year were installed by Mrs.
Allan ; McCall as follows. Past
President Mrs. Bill
• PhGne.527-0240
The following courses •are ..being offered. this Spring/Summer
Semester. Students ar.e already. enrolling. To ensure 'yourself a
place in the course of your Choice, please telephone 482-3458
• Monday and Tuesday' from 6:30 to 9:30 pan, or visit our campus
at Vanastra Road, Clinton, Ontario.
Home Study[Mathernatics: and English]
Office Practice for the Receptionist
Basic Bookkeeping.
Advanced Bookkeeping
Driver • Training ' -
Bartending Techniques
Basic Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation,
Manufacturing Processes:
': S23.00
127.00' •
We've got Slott° share.
the heart:ofdo' nto\, n Varna*"
VACUUM CLEANERS ' arc', and ser\ IC l71,m st makes,
I � 482-710
.V rna Ont. Varna,
n Mat which. was. :a
>aa ti°iPdlst�Clttlreb in 1873 on
the 14th eoi cession McKillop
,before being moved tot it$
present location.. She spoke
of the Walton Hotel on the
corner that is now the re-
staurant which dated back
over 100 ;years and has
changed :hands many times
in the recent years, she told
of the Walton ,Library and .of -
the 'librarians; that looked
after the books. It was, first
started in 1902, used to be in
dif ferent homes, before they
fixed tip the present
'building, Mrs. Reid outlined
all the business that used to
be u, Welt+ k it W 11:
thrivhardtong place in'
thraile dart*
h realize it
so few buiShesses, POW. .
Keith Reek t►le4 tic
A lively sing -swig of many,
favourite ,songs'Was. Mt"
ducted by Mrs. N.1401Witt.
assisted; by , Mc,•.. H.
Humphries on the pia:tno.
This was much .enjoyed by
everyone present. Mrs, Viola
Kirkby contributed another
reading, "Pioneer". The
Queen brought the meeting
to a :close followed by the.
Institute members serving; ;
$$ $ tn. $
hardw. are business to
,..,..N111„µ"'",,,..,µ,,..,,. d =
sold a O Mr.
Hoving our
Srnith nthis opaor-
z Mr, and Mrs. we take
- our Gere thanks t° `the '•
" tester' Brubocher, Drysdale
- Mrs.
=toasty.. to extend
havegiventhe Dry
ers over the past
cu roily their patronage
your hove ated 1.
( t and reel
eros t app- �.
reyears. to us has been rn u3 nesse yery
+ende ode our years in b.
11 and., has m rs we;
1e, er the -years, ab ov to.
en oy � toff us
1 r faithful enabling ;.:
E _ o ou thanks for nd
_ __. •t extend our tha ers:ind�.frte
E ;i also. care of our custom ffriend-
s =meet the efficient manner. Your faithfulness a
:1 and effi►eot as more than we h "_
y _.
• and dedcoto4l? customers will =
�_ ,_ right to expect. n valued Gusto and �' gWe trust our many .the new owners and to patronize courtesies a -
__ continue h the some €
th_e d: ,
0 0
� : extend t which we enl Y� .,....o...,µNa
const er
— • • d otlonstttt
We will .continye to: operate the major
appliance sales and service business from
our temporary store just east of the
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Bonthron: � Funeral Home until our new
buildingis ready.
We will .offera complete line* of White,
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