The Huron Expositor, 1979-04-19, Page 17P.ROViNCIAL HONOURS: • Lora►, 4-H members, from left., Betty Boer,
J'a Allan; ......Cie A lac Robyn. McLellan: end Brenda; ` Ded..!!g. o, were awarded
Provincial honours; at Achievement Night lest week.
(Photo by Oke)
COUNTY HONOURS - Home economist Grace
County honours , to Linda Gerstenkorn and Janice
At -the Annual Meeting of
the Hensall Women's Insti-
tute, . held in the United
Church, the new slate of
Officers Was installed by
Hurondale President, Mrs.
Marion Dougall, Past presi-
dent, Mrs« Carl Payne; presi-
dent, Mrs. Cecil:. Pepper;.
vice-president, Mrs« Sam
Nannie; secretary, Mrs..
Pearl Koehler •Assistant Sec-
retary, Mrs. Robert Simpson
treasurer, "Mrs, John Sl,ea;
assistant treasurer, Mrs.
Tom Sherritt; District direc-
tor. Mrs. John, . Corbett
assistant district director,
Mrs. Robert Simpson; public
relations, Mrs. John Corbett,
Mrs. Carl Payne; Tweeds -
Secretary of Social develop•
meat regarding' Family U'ntty
Month and front the Home
Economist about upcoming
short courses, Mrs. Pearl
Koehler, Mrs, Elizabeth Ri-
Jey and Mrs. Hazel Corbett
were chosen for the gift
committee and volunteers
were asked for to help with
the programme for the -•-Dis-
trict Annual. Fall fair coma
mittee to be Mrs. Sam.
ltannie. Mrs. Carl Paw artd
Mrs Cecil Pepper.
An Auction bale ot •0111eles.
brought raised' over $30..
-lostesses Mrs. Tom Sherritt
and, Mrs. Blighton Ferg and:
their committee served
lunch Programme convenors
were Mrs. James McAllister'
and:•Miss. Greta Laramie.
The Sacrament of Holy
Communion'was observed, at
the Maundy Thursday even-
ing service at Hensttlt
United' Church and was
conducted by Rev,. Garnett
muir , history, Mrs, Sara Husser. Preaching on, "The
Rannie, Mrs. Robert Simp- song at Midnight,'" 'Rev.
son, Mrs. Albert Alexander; . Husser pointed out that the
branch directors, Mrs. John 'whole of the new Testament,
Skea, Mrs, Vera ,Brintnell, rf cgs 'with ' musie from the
Mrs, Elizabeth Riley; press attgets proclaiming Christ s
reporter, Mrs. Carl Payne; birth to the revclationS of St,
card convenor, Mrs. Gladys John•
Bird, right 'presented Coteman;.pianists, Mrs, Wil- This tousle comes from the
Murray. liam Sher Rogerson, Mrs. Myrtle last Supper which toncluded
(Photo by Oke). of a hymn.
Committees agriculture. So Jesus went •to Gethse-
and canadian industries, Mrs mane when . we come up
PeaCorl Koehler, Mrs. Walker against it• The way of the
Carlile; citizenship and world song 'is theway of victory:
affairs, Mrs. Carl Payne, . The choir, led their
Mrs,' Len Purdy, education -director, Mrs, Marianne Mc
and cultural activities • Mrs. Caffrey, sang,""Tcne,rae in
Elizabeth Riley, Mrs. James - R Flat" with Dr:. Ralph •Top')
McAllister family and con- at the organ, Easter Iiflies,
sumer affairs, Mrs. William on either side of the pulpit.
"Face Framers" - Catherine ' Rogerson, Mrs. Gladys. Cole- were provided- from the
Mustard and Mary Gibson; man resolutions, Mrs. Jam bequest of the, tate Mr, and
:30 p.m. oti Sunday
Commentators. "Modern es McAllister; auditors, 'Mrs. Mrs. Victor Fee.
Millies'". ' William Rogerson; Mrs. Cliff A. Sunrise service'was held
Seaforth 11 Exhibit - Britton. ,
'Costume: •vs Fine taring the ing,
Jeweller. - Jane `Ellis and
•Easter hymns wereevensung! and
Rose Ann Van Loon; Com- a selection of `"Quipsels"
mentators. Ni"e Nacs': were read from the Farmer's School, Thost taking part.
McKillop IV - Exhibit - Almanac. Mrs: 'Elizabeth' Ri were Glenn Slade, Tim Row-.
'Handbags for Any ley.' gave a reading, '`Child eliffe;"`Mary t rysdale, Step,.
Occasion'` Louise Ryan, Psychology'" from '`Through hen Gerstenkorn"'Dana 'Boz
Commentator. • "Nameless a Roadside Window'" Zatto, Starr Jesney and Scott
Nine", 21 members answered' the Jesney:, Rev: Garnett Husser
Intermission, Fashion toll call by the payment of was at the organ. Following
Show by all clubs- Props and . fees• Mrs. Cart Payne read the service, a bacon and egg.
set up - Seaforth' 1 "Acres- the ;'report of , the Spring breakfast was enjoyed by all
on, Addicts •---Board--• meeting-in-the-place--rpres •'
of Mrs. James' McAllister. : ' The regular 'morning ser -
t D D r'r The district Annual on May vice:. was conducted by Rev.:
I ■ 17 was brouht-to members Garnett Husser who preaFh
g ed on Life .has the las `
and•Mrs, Jack McGee; • attention,: also the Fall Nally t
Blyth, 'visited recently with on October 1, the•. plaque to word, After the .utter desp-
be. 'presented at Centralia air and desolation of the
Mr, and Mrs, W.L.�Mellis. p
Bru `:'.field; and. St And: College andmilage for offi- �ucifix' ion, the resurreciioa
revs Church, • Kipper], held :a'c 'sial business: • was incredible to he 'disci
join Good Friday Service at 8 Correspondence was re= pies; The resurrection spells
p.m. in St: Andrews.. ceived from the Provincial new life from dead hopes,
girls take ;part'
About 9() members of nine.
4-H .Homemaking clubs in
thew ;Seaforth`... area . par
ticipated itl an Achievement
Night program Tuesday at
Seaforth Public School.' •
Accessories — . The Final:
Touch was the program's •
theme and topics:, discussed
included how accessories, can
best accent their wardrobes.
Members become more A-
ware of jewellery; shoes,
belts; .starves; hats and, other
accessoriesand how to select
and care for them.:Members
sewed a simple acccssoty -t
wear in the summer. months.
Provincial honors for cora-
pleting: 12 club projects were
,awarded to Betty•Bcer, Hen -
'salt; Jane Man, Brucefield;
Robyn McLellan... Kippen; •
and Brenda DeJong,
County honors, for
..completing six projects went
,to .Linda Gerstenkorii, Hen-
sal .and Janice Murray.
.!Seaforth. -_
Skits•, and exhibits and a
•;fashion, show were presented
by the members for a large
Miss Grace Bird, Home
Economist for Huron pre-
sented the certificates :and
4-H teaspoons and com-
mented on the program,
Seaforth 111 - Exhibit .--
'-Gloves Past & Present;
Miss Little (Eileen Connelly,)
and Mrs. Extra (June Haney)
Commentators: "Little
Killo �- Exhibit
:1 -
t stones Legends.' &
Characteristics Donna
McClure, Commentator:
"Aunty Accessories."
Hensall 1I1 - Exhibit' ,.
o "Fads. in—Accessories"
Janice. Campbell and Donna.
�,., 1 $4,y, N„ „
Zwaan, Commentators. "Ac-
cessory Sewers'
Hensall I Skit "Accent
with Accessories:" - All mem-
bets participating, "The End
Hensall 11 -"Exhibit - "Feet
Are Where its; At Betty
Beer and Linda Roberts,'
Commentators, "The Stylish
Seven." -
Egmondville - Skit "Ac-
cessories of Other Lands'"
All members participating:
"Fahionable Fillies
Ki pen 11:1 E hibit
The classic :shirt —
resist dress t+ ith
the new narrate•
cuff and ,small
The narrow front
tem/miry! skirt •
with fruit tie
brit g d .sine
pockets 45.00
The skin suit that'.,
a knaekont warn twit/
or without r1 blazer .
, ,11 0,00
DtvlSION or J lf, ooR'DCN.
morning led by the young
people' . of Mrs; Sharon
Wurm's class in the Sunday',
511Th. Square, oODERlcI$/Mtib 4rnsr, CLINTON/M.1n Corner, $EAfORiH
PStTO,R APRit, 10,194
Richard ock
Hensalt; COnnelltor ;Riehat 4
Packharn ls. now a :C4na4>ru.,.,
thought at wa.;*..,abtatlt
tine*'" 1V a P'ackham, wlto$e
.wife and.twee children .are
Canadians, • told: the
Expositor -
The councillor, who was'
n: eligible to hold office since
Ite wa,s a British subject, was 1
ono of 37 people ,who were
•awarded citizenship •calyds
a recent ceretr►ony in
Kippen U1•
Mr: and Mrs. hrnerson
Anderson. have • returned
front, spending the winter irl;
Florida and Texas.
U.C.W. of St. Andrews
Church met on Tuesday,,
The sabbath was changed
from the last day of the week
to the first, another sign of
the beginning of new life,
Life has the last word over
death, he gad,
Inspiring music was provi-
ded by the choir's two
numbers, "Christ is risen"
April 10 in the church and.
entertained the' ladies • of
Bayfield, Goshen, Varna and:
Bruceiieid. Mrs• Jack Sin-
clair gave the worship on the
Easter theme assisted by
Mrs :Percy Wright and Mrs+
Ross troadfoot on the organ.
and: 'Benediction" from
"Glory to God" by Haydn.
Love was the theme of the
Easter meeting'of Unit one Of
the, Hensall United Church,
held in the church parlour on
April 12 at 2 p.m; •Mrs.
JWene Keys, who presided,.
first read a poem, ",Faith"
then spoke ,on love. Love
enables us to see things wr
could not see otherwise.
'Accepting the Gr;,ce god
reveals in Jesus Christ puts
Easteir in our yes and we
begin to ser as we never saw
before. Here and now we see
(Continued on. Page 24) •
Il '
Mr. Paekharn wh It til
inCanada for seven rel K
was given a plaque and,
card with his photo to mArk
the occasion and he ami;
jokingly with the reporter
thatthat's more than native
born, Canadians have.
President Mrs. P.E. Kylee
welcomed the ladies. Speak.
er was Mrs- Kathy :Pryde' of
Family Social Services wha,
spoke on Child Abuse and
also presented a film, -Sylvia
Bell, Ffensall• favoured with
several solos accompanying;
herself on the guitar. Lunch:
was served by the hostesses:
Mrs, Wm, Consitt and Mrs.
Hugh Hendrick..
On Palm Sunday, David
Binnendyk, Gordon Love,
Bill Kinsman, Sandra Finlay-
son, Julie Wright, Mrs,
Robert Cooper, Mrs. John
Kinsman, Mr.. and Mrs.
Percy Wright, Mr. and Mrs.
Grant McGregor,Robert
McGregor, David. McGregor
joined the• congregation at St -
Andrews., •
Everything reduced to .:.
4-79 Zephyr
5-'79 Monarch
5-'79 Cougar. XR7:
14-'79 Lincoln(sedaroMarkV(versailies)
11-'79 Marquis
2-'79 Bobcats
h Cles�'
me an offer Safe'
13-'79 Pickups
5-'79 4 Wheel Drives
3-'79 XLT Broncos
3-'79 Vans
1 New '78 LTD 2 door Hardtop
2 New '78 Fiestas
'78 'Corsair
'27 foot m•
a► otor ho
was $35,000
MZP 118. NOW
1978 Cadilac
Eldorado Biritz
Tilt wheel, cruise control,
light pkg., power seats,
landaw roof,
MTH 635
• 15,995
1978 Ford LTD Wagon
Air conditioner, radio,
MWR 495
1977 Chrysler Cordoba •.
Landaw roof, A.M. tape,
19,000 miles,:
LYL 539
1976 Cadilac Sedan de Ville:
Power seats, power locks; tilt wheel,
cruise control, stereo radio
JYY 897 '8455'
1976 Lincoln. Mark IV
Dual' power seats, 20,000 miles,
AM/PM stereo tape,
DZN 946 49,995'
1978- Jimmey
4 Wheel Dr.
Deluxe 2 tone, V-8` automatic,
AM/FM Stereo,
T36 341 *8,595;
1978 Ford F154
4 Wheel Drive
V-8 autotnatic, power steering,
radio, explorer pkg.,
G36 342
1978 Granada ..:
'4 door. automatic, .P.S,, radio',
=' 66,000 miles,
NRE 076
1978 Lincoln
Town car,:tiit wheel, cruise control,
.AM/FM -stereo, power seats,, power
locks, 9,'606 miles
NEE 466 ' 14,99,
1977 Bob Cat Wagon'
LYL 627 *3;515
1976 Lincoln'
• Town car, 'P,S., tilt wheel, power'
tock, cruise control,
LBP 843 *8495
' 1'976. M eteor`
4 door, defrost, P.S,, P.3.4
radio, 12,000 miles,
KJD 140: 44,9
1974 Monte Carlo
V-8 automatic,' power Steering;
HNL 374 X3,195
1978 Ford Super Cab
4 wheel drive, V-8 abttmatik,.
Power Steering,4 1.
T36 338.7,99rJ
1976 Fora F 150
Pick Up
V-8 automatic,
power Steering, 'y
... 340
You Can
• Thousand
Miles m
You Can't
I h
�l ;