The Huron Expositor, 1979-04-19, Page 14liknY is the
time of the
**hi farmer's are getting
—MOT tO ,pump out these
ihri,4 Manure 444 that
tee ed up oar the
winter. Malty fanners*, are
Planning: new .building pro-
jects for the etiMittgi SeaS4t1••
In both these cases, it is Ovist~
to *lee some :Understanding
ef the hazards of manure gas
204 of the ways these
aids ;eon .he Minintized-
.n . imal ,� ._
c t tt
tninure gives Off a Variety of
,gases •locluding. hydrogen
sulfide.. carbon. dioxide .and
Methane. e The utast danger,'
m ._n
OltS, of these his hydrogen
sali`ttie ('iatAst co,nunon ,'
. called "manure gas".1 ands
this ga$ leas boon. reslronsiklle
for 'many unirfla1 deaths. •a
Welk :as occasional human
:deaths..14.y'dretgen sulfide is
produced continuously in aU
areileette4 .lrtallere storages
=leased r
` ^1
bet the :�� -
slow tato un: ittidisterbed
Storage. This gas i$ heavier
than air. so it can aeeumulate
i the surface of the Manure.
1f the love! al manure order a,.
slatted: floor barn rises i lose
to the slats, the .gas may bt~
'feared ''.4 a floor 'level.
endangering the entreale.
- y>.lregen sulfide gas, is
usually associated with ,it
lily farms
. , .. '-
It's easy to Berth a rut.t Not the kind ei.
vehicles have beenin this spring - but a
mental rut. One that ,Can only see se fad•
I tend to encourage farm business
agreements between parents and their
sorts: or daughters, Stich agreements have
been developed ascommon sense
approaches .to farm transfers. However.
they .are not for every ane.
During coffee break at a recent meeting
one farmer said "Vtn, not for these
agreements where everyone has their arms.
around one another,'" Another said "there
isforty years age difference between 'my
son and I •• we just don't chink alike.''
These farmers' have done a lot •ol`
thinking, And their that farm
business agreements and partnerships are
not for them, But, they would like to help .
son or daughter get started on their own -
A parent can help by providing .securiity.
This is the age old practice of backing a
loan. Some are reluctant to take on added
•risk without having any say in management
decisions. if • parents are optimistic and
willing to take a risk, the banker will likely
be more. willieg to lend. You can't blame a
banker for wondering when'' dad says "1
•can't see how he'll make it co.""
Ken:Chase, District Supervisor Of Farm
Credit Corporation, feels that farm mort-
gages are a good investment. Land has
always been good security. Since F.C.C•'is
short of funds maybe fathers should
consider private mortgages, These could.
be at F.C.C. rates, On a 100 acre farm this
could briegin S15,000. - 520,000. per year.
Control retnains within the family. If times
get bad,, parents may be more tolerant than
an .outside agency-, If times reinain ;good,
parents will have .a steady . source of
income. i
Terni insurance on son's life would
give added security for the whole family.
Coverage up to $200.000. is available
through group plans (various farm Organ-
izations) at S270, per year (51.35 per
51,040.) for those under age 29.
We have been told there is
a company in this ,area
selling greenhouses and a
hydroponic system of to
matoe and lettuce •produc-
tion. We have checked their
figures.: andthen discussed
these. with . 2 greenhouse
specialists in Ontario. It ap-
pears that the company is
suggesting a .higher rate of
return than the greenhouse
`."specialists -Moir is possible.
Furthermore we are told by
these same specialists that
nobody should : start: into
hydroponics until they have'
mastered conventional green
house .production tech•
piques. One specialist
—summed it up by saying "it
•sounds like a very -dangerous
Hydroponics refers to the
practice of growing. plants
without soil. Usually a med-
ium such as gravel or verm-
iculite is used to support the
plant and nutrients are .sup
plied in solution. This colt -
ural'' `practice lust hasn't
worked out on a commercial
basis in Ontario.
SOiL rowan/
We had . an ettquiry
recently about the fertilizer
to' use on some tetds that
had been tested for fertility
at the lab in Guelph. The test
results •indicated that no
phosphorus orpotash was
required other than the nut-
rients in the soil. The soil
fertility rating ineach case
was Very High. The soil test,
value for 'phosphorus was 50;
A 20 value-indicatesthat no
additional '` phosphorus.„ is
.needed in order to :grow the,
most economical yield of the
crop, The soil test value for:
potash wastl 1-x'0 va e
indicates that' no additional
potash is needed in order to
grow the most economical'
yieldof the crop. In addition:
'the owner was planning to
apply 2,'00'. gals per `acre :of
liquid hog 'manure. ;At•this
rate the manure would sup-
ply 50 lbs. of actual' nitrogen,
25 lbs. of actual phosphorus
and 35 lbs. ;Cif actualpotash
per acre.•
We suggested that there''
was no, need to apply phos-
phorias or potash on this field`
either through the planteror.
'broadcast. The soil fertility
was built up to twice what is
required to grow a •crop. In
addition the manure. acted:.
as a safety factor by provid
ing 25 lbs. of actual phos-
phorus and 35 lbs. of actual
txittcti'Ogg; Jedittir..However.
higher jonCtry trftiQnS. the.
gas paMr Ayres the Qlefactory
oases to the rteSea 'Relying
on smell of the ;as, for a
twarn ng i .:therefore. e'ene'enbe
dangerous. High concent-
rations result in .a complete
x t ,,. = r tion. Lesser
arrest of tY.;>(ii. ,�.�
0414111s t: art result in nausea
bt:lchirtg, and coughing. or
yep irritation.
The danger period for
hydrogen sulfide gas fs
usually • during agitation, of
liquid manure. This agitation
releases the gas inn manner
stntil:ar to the way ,gas- is
given tiff by shaking a beide
1af plop.
Several precautionsshould'
be taken for the safe :hand-
ling of liquid manure:
1. Neer enter a ph without a
tt lt•cuntained breathing
apparatus aria a life -line.
2. Don't let the . pit fill
t'ompletely--1, or 2 feet of air
space allowsfor some • tic -
cumulation umulation of gas.
3. Proside strong verttilation
during puniping anti agit.
atinn. Keep people. and if
possible. animals., out of the
'building at chis time.
4. Pumping and: agitation,
operations should - involve
two people.
Things ;to'consider when
building new facilities;
1; Locate manure pit pump.
out openings outside the.
2. Conneetinj drains from
barns to outside storage.
tanks should: be . equipped
with gas traps to prevent
gases from backing up into:
the building: ' .
3. Slatted floor wine barns
should .have under -slate
ventilation, to remove gases
as they are released front the
' ' _.
as Pa
calls for
s an
busintrsscs, Each $ 10 .1n- an equivalent percentage.
BY > PvA e t sales tax exemption i tI' 1? t!� ,<estMent sit A. 0400 Small The p
.Business i3t�veloprne;nt candy and' soft drinks win
esttraeit Oxank' Malt r i� w d .earl a rise from 20e to. 49c. and' ;the
presented his gist lodger to C`orp.Qrat ori seri!., tri,
Week Si100 rebate from the exeruption. on adniissien. ;fees
the' g ilgture ti e, health ... i ', t .• The for theatre and other !enter,
calf"ing, for htglter . in.' 'ltcvrrciue M tttstir}
Qvernnte t ho :es that:these tainment' events -will rise
suran�ct' , rrrntttnum:s and g ., _• l?Charitable
p 1 t a, al otn S3 to 53,50... h ..
to fits. ��`bl �"tt t�G Q�p �.. from .higher taxes ,on g,asQl:tne. cti su
b. o do. a :.t,. liquor, h: as ,events will be exempt front
tobacco,. Crit of tax shy rs; such gent enterain-
e retirement saving, plans and, the t.ert per . e t
vane and beer. The budget .. ,
also gives breaks to 'mining into industrial development. ment tax.
anti tourism and, to those who U0 Million will: be made To encottr tge energy Con*
want to risksome capital itt tt avatilablo in an etnptoyment servation, rebates, of the
att. com development fund to, attract sales tax will. be made on
Mr Millerrty' said. that die Major companies to the solar heating equipment, and'
esuiting increase s in revenue pr'ov'tnee. The money could home smoke alarms will: bor
,of 5181 million will go to be antic form of loan exempt. Yard goods and
reduce the 51.3 billion pro- guarantees, grants, 10405 or clothing patterns vville no
vincial dela to shoat 51.1.5 a share itt the company by longer he sObfect to TOaa
the' government. depending sales tax.
billion by next: }eat;g ro'etts,
Succession dutieswere en each: application. ' ' .Although, both p a
immediatelyThe general corporate
d for
andthe salestax willbe take income tar rate will rise from lat'on.Ontario
Gaff kitchenmachinery and 13 to 14 per cent, although week announced that •it will
restaurant e ui .mens, at small businesses will continue on seehedule with
s 9 1?the first two `reacterS of
untilMarch 31, 1981. continue to be taxed at 10 per ,
least t
Purchases en &the last two
urchases of,furniture for, Cent and. manufacturing and.Bruce B. and
use in tourists -accommodation processing Industries at 13
also will be exempt for. the , per cent.
same period. The present Sales tax will: now be
sales: tax exemption on rates. collected • on . ele
in-Qntario tourist accont communications . services.
niodation „ts' also extended such its cable TV fees, telex ..`
until 1981. : and teletype services.
The topminingtax rate.. The land transfer tax will
be cut from 40o.
t .3Q per be raised, costing the buyer
cent; and the basil• . of a $60.000 home S3Q0.
exemption from mining tax . instead of the present 5255.
raised from the first 5100,000 The .Tates, which are
to the . first $200,000 of effective. immediately, .are
Mining.rofits., in anattenipt 0.4. per cent on the first
to encourage the Creation :of 545,000 of transaction, and,.
more small Mining. ' 0.8 per cent on the balance..
companies. anies. . Ontario Health Insurance
a «
t iott pilon 1►rOjeet on .they baSiS of a`
f bwI
reactors Q. ha ...'. 52�=
fear -reactor' B station wilt he 'heath §grViCes Alt lftanizatiott
.delayed until, 1986 and 1987
respectively. to help Hydro;
match anticipated future
Po.wer .demand with;
ger4tating Fapacity. Hydra
akse indicated that they
se�tilu dexxtend the Censtuction
sehedtltes of Darlington and
the Atikokan coal-fired plant
in tVorthwestern Ontario.
Delegates from Godericlt
and Winghaln Hospitals met
this week with. Health,
Minister Dennis' Timbrell.
Both meetings pursued at
some length the matter of
active treatment bed cut-
backs, The Ministry acknovlt,
ledged, :that both hospitals
were under -bedded in terms.
of -,Chronic care, and agreed
to consider adjustments. In
the case of Winghani there
was some discussion con-
cerning cernin the setting up of a
IndiVidudls and companies premiums will rise in,
will be adored to set up new October by 512 a year for
corporations' to; invest in new individuals' and -S24 a year for
manure. . or expanding small famtl,es, r ng ng
We did --recommend the
application of 200 lbs. of urea
fertilizer. The - 90 lbs... of
nitrogen, `coupled with the .
manure would ' provide 140
lbs. of nitrogen for the crop:.
This amount seemed more .
than., adequate, particularly.
When :the soil was in a high
state of fertility and would
have some :residual nitrogen.
We're passing this. ex-
ample .for three reasons
Firstly we _ant to show that
consideration should be
given to the nutrients pro-
vided by manure when plan-
ning any fertility 'program.
Secondly we want to demon-
strate thatsome fields have
reached, very high: levels of
fertility. Phosphorus or pot-
ash nutrients stored in.: the
soil are the same • as plus .
Are On, Here:
And Now
from the 0750 to the X S 1100
You'll Like Our Prices
And Service
Cash rebates* frairtn Yamaha apply` on
Moret 1979 !models purchased before.
May i. XSi i Oa Caeash l ebate $5 .00
Get *Curt From.__., ,
Ili o tthedhetl Yam l�uU Service' kr
' tiEMe WIiR/, 1. mite south of Roma!!
phorus br potash nutrients
applied 'via' fertilizer: We
might as well make use of the
balance that has been built
up,: Thirdly, one, gust doesn't
know whether the soil is low,
medium: high. very. high or
excessive in fertility until a
test is taken. It's vital to take'
a test -particularly when large
'amounts of manure are being
applied regularly. As a result
we will know what credit is in
the soil • bank and we can
apply other' fertility accord-
ingty• Thus it will tic possible
to avoid the expense of
providing fertilizer that isn't
needed. It will also enable us
to know when potash levels'
are building up;•to the point'
where 'they may, tie' up other
nutrients 'suchc, . as mag-
rates to 5240 a year for single
subscribers, and twice that
amount ,for families.
The ' provincial gasoline.
and. diesel tax will rise ;by
almost 2c' a gallon. or 0.4c
per litre, and it will double -to
1.32c per litre on aviation
fuel. Locomotive diesel fuel
will be . taxed for, the f st
Some individuals will want tine 2 2c cr 'litre
t CQ OO1eXaator$
t,tN;MtdfK Q• t'PMpi_ % aK luta
0:010h.lm St.,; Mitch tt
PHONE; OFFI E;34L9915 -
• RES. 3.48-9975
to. experiment by , planting Beer` will cost ten cents
one area with starter and. more fora case 24 on. April
anotherwithoutand compare ..30 and Canadianil: spirits and
the results: A soil test before Ontario wines wil rise iii cost'
:the crop and one in the fall by about .20c , a bottle. A
• would indicatetthc- effect ori package oftwenty cigarettes'
soil 'fertility of the two pro« costs 2c more, effective im
grams• This type of practical mediately, and. ' taxes on
demonstration works well. ruses and cut tobacco rise by
The trouhte with. earning. *
Wee salary to that it Mita ett.
much to let people Snow atx!ut
Age: something to 'brag about
in the wine. cellar' and terQet
about on your birthday.
sign an a restaurantt t t'lOtp
stamp Out home cooking!"
A husband 1.:someone who
atands,by you`In :troubtes you
wouldn't hrtvp :It yo4- hadn't
rrarrlad him•
wow.; a brilliant kali-.
satlanatist woo- occaslona y
Wia hair.
You won't get "acllppetr
Smaii :Engiil8.
Repair Service:
107 Queen Si., Hensaall
262; 2103 •
Sec; us tor sales b
by service on your Antall •
engine equipment.
If the address label
on the front of your paper sa
Feb. 2-1-0-9
Mar. 2-1-0-9
Apr. 2-1-0-9
pays :dividends in: learning
more about; the fertility, cote -r,
ditions on 'specific farm.
Borley pro,• earl^!.
Barley stabilization foams,
are now available; at County •
Agricultural offices. The plan
covers barley sold in • the
: •(Continued on Page 15)
1The-T110ane. a
�n a a� st raatv�o►rms
IwhiIe seN rests 'FURADA
eaforth. 345-2007
.Spring 1pIanting
is fast approaching.
The Ontario Bean Growers Co-opierative
can: help'yoiv with all of your seed
or chemical requirements,
Stop in at the mill or phone
345-2007 anytime.
We are flow taking orders for yCUr
University researchers have found the best way to' keep
corn rootworms from building up resistance is to alternate
a carbamate end an organophosphate insecticide each yea
DI-SYSTON systemic insecticide is the`organophosphate
that keeps the pressure or while FURADAN.gels a breather.
Contact action cleans up rootworms in the soil at
planting time: systemic activity extends control s6•ytu reap
grow and harvest more corn. •
Available in.two convenient formulations.. New'Concentrated
liquid delivers the same dependable rootworm Control in a
convenient 4 gal, can that overs more than 30 acres. Or free-
fltlwipg 15% granular to vapour -barrier bagst0 reduce.odor
during 'staralge and handling,
f'URA0AN 'SA lieg`. OA oa PMC Corp 0a-SvSTota is a iiaa TM of layer AG
Order 0I-SYSTON new from
Niton a . Dietz Ltd.
•,R1 4y eafor#h •52%” ;1': 9ataxi;4 •