The Huron Expositor, 1979-04-19, Page 3NOP CANO1ATE ACCLAIMED — Mrs. Moira Couper a Bayfield mother
of, four was acclaimed as the New Democratic Party's candidate' in the
riding of Huron -Bruce for the may 22 federal election Tuesday. WatChing
Mrs, Couper give her nominating address are Helen Tench and guest
speaker Brantford MPP Mac Makarchuk.
(Zurich Citizens Photo)
by 44.0.0 ).Athite,
'How do you fee 0001 the
safety of nuclear power?
That Was the question. More
or less. that we asked people
in the Expositor Asks eelumet
hist week-
Sinc6 rni at work un
TeleStlay, afternoons when
reporter Debbie Ranncy does,
her calling. Debbie haSn't
called me on this or any other
fi.A. question. Ohne to
Debbie: Maybe I could take
the odd Tuesday afternoon
Off if you want to talk
someone who won't say
this Ping to be printed in :•he
But last week's question
was an impertant one, 1 think
especially since the near
NDP nornlnates Matra
BY ALICE (IBB: the farm pepulation and werkers in Neter:ICS
Moira Couper of Bayfield, A freelance around the riding.
adult community educator, Was acclaimed as Mrs, Ceitpers ,campaign is being co:
the N.D.P. candiate for the „Huroe-Bruce ordinated by Paid Carroll of Seaforth,
riding in a nontinatioe ;meeting in Clinton campaign committee co-ordinator; 'Helen
Tuesday night, Tench of Clinton, officipl agentd Gwen
The candidate said One of her Ohs in the Pemberton of Hayfield, acting as the
candidate's advisor,
The party also plans a series Of informal
COffee parties held in homes around the
county to introduce voters to Mrs. Couper
and to discuss the party platforms. On :May
9, Jane Bigelow, former mayor of London '
will be the guest at an event in support of
Mrs. Couper's eandidicy•whiell will be held
In the south of the riding. •
In declaring Mrs. Couper the official
candidate, Paul Carroll told the audience,
we have a persoh with Vision, creativity.
icrgination ,and lots and lots of drive „
upcoming eleetion would. tie to "dispel smite
of the myths about the N.D.P. party."
Mrs. COuper, the nother .of four children,
now holds diplomas from Fanshawe College
and lona College, University of Windsor and
is now working .• On a degree from the
University of Watertoo.. in the pest, Mrs.:
.Couper has been employed by the ministry
of culture and reereatien in operating a
series, of .eampground programs.
In accepting the nomination. Mr. Couper
tald. the audience one of her major concerns'
is equal rights and opportunities for wonien,
which she will, make altlatform• in. her
Campaign. •
In an interview following her fornieation,
Mrs. •Couperthaid she plans to ren -grass
roots" campaign Around the edunty, For
eitamele, instead Of having ope carripaige •
officeth,e party . Mr. Makarehuk. emphasized, the issue of .
, . plans' to. operate mobile
information centers ,whichwill tour the .foreign ownership Of. Canadian industrie,s,
and said it isextremely important for us as
riding. Also, Mrs. Couper plans to aim her.
Capedialts- to control what goes on m thIS
campaignat three Main groups in the county '
the small businesemen onHegave the international Nickel' the main streets, ,
No Ore104; 1,664 .ownership
BY WILMA Faleener suggested that would come'Wet ,
DrainageProbletUe. in Fgnitindville and when council • decided whether to meet'
ether parts of the township, of Teekersinith: government 'standaeds.Or close it.
itick up A large part of the Council ,sessior • ' Council expecte toineet with the Minister
Tuesday night. A numeter Of items on the • of eultere and recreation. Reuben -Bates,' in
• agenda were postponed for actin At the next Tornface, on Apia 27to seek provincial
coned meeting on May 8. „ ' , . 'gt-,ents•eteehele..-withihe eeets of -etructural
• Insurance ageneDonald Eaton: Egmond- • work tobe done on the curling rink.
Ville and an official from the :Frank Cowan ((nitwit will; 'appoint B M Ross and
--hisureetreCompany atten-dedilie meeting to TAssociaties ot.Codeilef f.Frbringin two storm
discuss the inSuratice coverage for the drain reports„ The first one is; on Water
township, Setieral of the ,polieies . Were, Street in 'Egniondville where Aborting °peer -
increased', includingdoublitigthe anioueeof red . during the weekend because of the
. the policy coveting death. or injuries re, heavy rains and the 'melting of the snow froth
sulting:from an accident to the five,members the severe snowstorms the previetis week.,
of ceuneil :with the $10.00 "death .policy The .other -area 'requiring a .study is in
coverivg a 24•,hour period 'each day and net north Eernondville due to a petition from 13
just when a member is on councilbusiness; residents in that :draft of the hamlet' calling
. denthlifig the insurance on the contents and on council to "investigate and ' make '
;equipment of toWnship garage; doithlieg the apprOpriate, alterations to the existing
habllty insurance on the true* owner by the: inadequate drainage Pattern in north
township. The total 1979 insurance plemitim Egnioedyille.", .• • •
amounts:to 59.937 which is up $1.655 front : •Keithetli Getnmell hada drainage petitionf
lam -year ge :a result Of the various', increases in to council and Robert eleGtesor, who
hiroverage. Township buildings areinsured attended the council session on 'other
for $950,000. lecluding increases in, business, said the dr ain on the McGregor's.
coverage, Township. buildings are. • insured ' farm was not Working satisfactority. ' •
for' $950,000, including township, Shed. Mr; McGregor suggested that drainage
township office and Vartastre. 'recreation , tile 'or pipes of. a:larger size shOuld be
. • •
oritplex. • considered by council because of ' plowed' "
A number of persons wrote council fields with no .fenees, no pastureland to help .
ceneetned-about the poesible closing' of the' slow down run-off or rain waters that the
Vanastra Ceding Rink due to the structural, smaller tiles: could not handle it. Council.
inadeqUaelesof the •buildieg. 4 was noted by meet 'betS agreed , the mattersiOuld be •
:1Ctitlecillor';,Williain 'grown mine offered considered when each new 44141 is pet in.
finatteialaSsistance and he suggested they Mr. McGregor asked who wesrespooSible
should be aked. Hewever, Councillor Frank for inaking Sitte municipal drainage 'work
The guest Speaker at the rientination
meeting was mac Makareltuk, MPO fot the
Brantford riding, Who was once stationed at,
the. Vanastra air base. .
Lloyd says thanks
On behalf Of my facility and Myself I would
like to expresS My appreeiation to the mayor,
einthdl,citizens of Seaforth, Canadian Legion
Ladies' Auxiliary, Lions Club and Country
Singles, for.their fantastic support shown to
Lorri and me on our 'recent return from
Without this many Of out' :endevours
would not be accomplished, ,
We will always remember the ones Who
helped us up the ladder" to suecess.
Lloyd Eisler Jr.
Ban nee s mernuppers
It does not.matter, as long as you are a
musitian; that can read mates (ricisie) We
• wotild like to -see some of the many
nutsicians living in Seaforth join out band
thiS Saintlier. The Seaforth Dashwood
. Hand is in its 4th year of existanee, and we
need more members, otherwise it will
happen to us, as has happened ifi so many
other places, to fold up, r choose a
different name for our hand, since there
are More outsiders in our band than people
from Seaforth itself.
Two years ago When we had athristhitte
party fOr all band members and their'
wives, We had a special guest Speaker Who
has Said and I (motet.' get Wetiderfull te
have a hand a marching band in a- -small:
plaee like Settfottli, thettld be proud
of it and he called: Seaforth a lucky
Town" on a lot of other places, hands have..
been folding up', A is a results, yOuttg
people are not interested in bands any.
more, aod the older ones are linditig
exeuses. they are getting too old. ,
it's too bad if the Seaforth. Dashwood
Hand, will be just another Memory. in-
Seaforth'S history, like the famous. --
Highlanders where!
As you all know. our band members
etome front 4 vvide-spread area, such aS.,
Dashwood, Exeter, London, Grand Bend,
Mitchell. Dublin, Brodhagen and so ort,tO
Make up a 24 iece band, while We all know
tete that Seaforth has se Many mesiciens,
If they Only had the courage to get out,
pickhp that old instrument and start
playing again, it is a good exercise fer the
elderly ones too.
Se if you are interested 'please get in
contact with Harry Hoffrean, Dathwried,
Feed JenSen, Ot/John Vangefferti
Seaford) and eome out to ot-ir practise on
Sunday, April 22nd at the Seafetth TOwti
Hall at 2 p.m, Ste pall all there!
John VanGtt
Sec.-Treas, S.D. Band
Chaster at :the flltee Mile
Island nuclear plant near
Harrisburg Pa. .
Our family's been, thinking
And talking for a tong time
about the safety ancl the need
for nuclear power, Din it
wasn't mud Friday 'night that
the whole question t:ame
veryvery clearly into feces.
The better half and I.
visiting, the grandparents in
the big eity, went to see the
China Syndrome. the movie
that documents an imaginary
nuclear accident, and
subsequent problems. at an
imagieary nuclear , power
plant in California.' It if.i•
grippee'of a movie. that'hao
us both on the edge of our
Seats. it S very good theatre,
has tetrille aelOrS• and *.
ro$oarghgd, plauSilalp 'SOO
The China Syndttones
imaginary accidentv also
exaCtly the--4SAme Ona that
actually occured at the
Pennsylvania plant.
a4nOrie that has such a
great emetional impeet that
find myself shaking, just
bit. as 1 try to write abate it
Theres no room for'
emotion, 1 know, as we as
society debate the need for—
nuclear power • .111e
possibility Of an energy sliort
future dua could see a very
:Mich lewered standard of .
living and the loss of
thonsands of jobs, .
Rt Thetle4 S".41°
in f'hina SyUdrOme at a
hearing on. power plant
safety being held for :a new
plant, planned by the SaMe
company which rens the one
where the aCeident occurs.
hpPi:le°0ntPoll Qbsoitelittdi n.tgi /hit hhoe1;0,1:1,1111i:
hildren as a spokesmen
rhymes off the names of du.
kids who will' have to lise
with iteh consequences if
nuclear power turns out not
That's an iMplication, 1
think that all •of us who care
about Our children*s fetures
have to consider and it'S an
implication that*S :heavy skith
Emotion aside, The China
•Syndrome. presents in a. very
believable \Nay some very
rational reasons why all of us,
owe it to ourselves and Our
children to sttidy the nuclear
power qtiestion and then
urge our leaders to listen to
our conclusions,.
Becanse of the profit
Motive, once the wheels of
big husirtessS get moving.
there is a tendeney. to
overlook or sweep ander the
r.1.10 smait problems or even
wholesale unsafe 'practises
and graft in an effort' to get
things into produetiott. A' sort,
of damn the torpedoes and
full speed•ahead mentality:
It's an- end. justifies the
mea.ns philosophy, an urea-
lingness to: look at tin,
work, that exists in all
hesiness, (I know it happenS
Company siteatiee in Sudbury as an in response to a question from the
example of what happens when an indsutry audience abOut people's fear of nationalize -
is controlled by endther country and said the lion, Mr. fvfakarehuk said there wasn'tany
strike situation there hasn't been resolved reason taxpayers couldn't get a return on
because "the decision not to increase, wages their investments in new industries. He said
was made in New York.- He added. "No the Syncrude project was one of the' few
other 'country but some banana republic in..., .s as appened in Canada.
South America %vould allow this situation to • "There's no reason taxpa.yers shouldn't .
exist." He told the audience to look at the .benefit front the infusion of publice funds."
oil, pulp and paper and nianufaeturing he added. He said as it is now, when
industries in the county and asked,' "Who' Canadian industries make a profit, these
controls thein?- • t .profits often go to the United States.
Mr. Makarchuk said voters shoold look at The same audience member said he felt
the choiee8 other than Prime minister the farmers of Huron County have less to
Trudeeu facing them in .the upcoming worry about if the potash industry is partly.
controlled bY the Saskatchewan government
Calling PC leadet' Jbe .aark "'the. oldest . than if is is controlled by New York City.
young man fee ever s-ceri7N1r. Makarchuk In an interview following the Meeting.
asked. Can you imagine him being campaign committee' co.ordinator Paul
concerned about the price of gas and oil?" Carroll said while it isn't realistic to expect
when he has friends in his home province thatthe party can ceinpete on the same level
like "Ayatollah LiiEieed
Mr . altareh uk 'Said the NDP e P party, a county. the N.D.P. supporters do hope to
social demeeratie party, founded on the base
eeiteatethe voters about the party's aims' ic •
of the CCF party, had provided the Canadian the (,,8011):4ign,
with the other two political parties in the.
here when the panel's .off
, . schedule and everyone's
nerves are frazzled. -Just
people w tt t e im etus for social measures •
epureeghraams shnonspditaotidlizaatgioen,pesnoseiioanls..usasieStastalcide partv's finaricial campaign. told the
audiertee the N.D.P. party in Nlanitoba
. a A
• 1
B n fieT a i u
• l'k th had. t d ' . • . - -
P John Woad, the co-ordinator of the local
get the bloody paper ota."
I've been .known to exclaim:
aroond here tti times when
the ethical thing ,might have
been to Stnad: hack and
consider earefullY what we're
doing and why./ '
Out the lives of millions of
people are at Steke in ItUelear
plant accidents. unlike,
thank God+ little mishaps at
this newspaper, and
eoverups• there can have
almost unspealfabie resolts.
•In the movie a Man who's
spent his life in the nuclear
indastry. a control room
supervisor at the power,
plant. played by jack Lem -
moo. finds out that some
t'onstruetion ' errors at the
plant, probably covered Up
by a safety inspevtor who's
on the take. coeld eauSe a
•purnp that cools the planes
reactor to explode. ,
His efforts to convince his
superiors, of that fart are
•ignored in a big rash to get
• the Plant "back on the line,"
Although he's a firm believer
ie .the potential and need for
nuclear power, Jack Lefienon
finally decides he must Make
his findings public et safety
hearings- being held into the
'tympany's secortd nuclear
•power plant.
The whole awesome
energy of a massive power .
tYmpaey and its coliStruet ion
companies swings inte action
against him, They'll stop at
nothing, not even 'murder. to
keep his information from
the publie hearings.
Not bloody likely, you say,
and anyway. it -could never
happen here, hi quiet- law
• abiding Ontario?
I'm sorry. but such a
deyelopmear is very be-
lievable in 'The China
SYndrome. AO cOtatl
coneelVehly Iteppert bete'.
Co4Sidee all the poivrfa
interests who: have hog
Stakes in tnielear POWer-,' A
.rtant..'ntunt exists ihneS ver
!herd to control.
That's my big eoneern.
Nuclear power plants have
4nCh eapeeity tee herrn. (and
AS:1, admit the power they
prodeee has enormoeS
capeeity for good too) that
they must be subject to rigid
public eentrel,
That means we must have
leformation about them.
-.How safe are they? What
evacuation and ernergeecy
plans exist? Are •°markt
KYdre'S eeetgy needs fore-
casts outdated and based
cm the booming sixties or the
eonserving seventies? Do
they juStify more and bigger
plants irt Canada and around
the world? What is the worst
damage that a reactor
accident, at Kincardine or •
Pickering say, do to the
communities that surround
them? Will we spend as
much money researching
alternate sources of energy
as has been spent on the
ralelear source?
There are decisions in our
lives that are too important to
be left to the experts, I
remember those power plant
protestorS with the photos of
their children, arid I conclude
that every one of us has to
dentand;. ntore. information
from Our „utility pomparees
and our governments.
Then Av#' leaet to take a
stand, for or against the
building of nuclear power
plants. ,And then we have to
take action that will let us
live with ourselves,
•programs t e ese erpa e a soctety tn
started with small beginiangs and e t ance p artne
Canada that is "basically reasonable;
,. •
'Sensible and sane."
n Tuc rsni •
•can,' do it here ,setnedav-
e ith council hear
was stopped when weather unsuitable for
construction work in the fall. He said work
Federation at Provincial and county levels is
concerned about foreign ownership of Agri.
waS done on Ins )dram when ground was cultural land in the province. He said he did
frozen and huge lumps of frozen earth, not think it a problem in the township of
denuiechin drain. ' Tuckersmith at this time as it was in other
Councillor • Robert Fotheringharn noted areas of Huron County. He asked council if
Seitforth was having,flooding problems toothe clerk could inform the Federation of the
He said the fire truck pumper was used sale of farmland to foreign ownership, with
.Sundax.fer-the_sectufd-ti me -to -.pump- tInrownuratratieat-ed"TaTardih.
raw sewage in the town, He said this was Reeve Ervin Sillery said there was more
'done it spite ',of earlier complaints by the than one way to look at foreign ownership.
township representatives tm the Seaforth "While that, land is owned by an outsider, he
Fire Area Board, He said iewas pointed out makes it available to a local Person to. rent
• to the fire chief after the first esuage that it,- Mr. Sillety said sometimes a man can
" there was a motion in the fire area board . rent land but cannot afford to buy it or does
A benefit dance will be held later this
month for Linda and Afvin Jones of
Goderich Township wholost their home in a,.
fire at the heigt tot The blirtard on April 6
Mrs, .lonc..s is the former Linda 'Papple,
daughter of Mr. :•Ind Mrs. Gordan Papple
, of McKillop Township.
The benefit dance for the couple will be
held at the Pineridge Chalet, Fiensall on
April 27 at 9:30 p.m, ' •
The Jones family are staying with
neighbours until a trader home arrives" to
Fire` house they lost in the fire.
The family credits a smoke detector for
. saving three • lives during the fire. •Mr.S. • •
jOttes-Andber two children were sleeping
upstairs- in their , home at about 1100
p.m. ThursclaY night when they were
. awakened by the howl of the smoke
Mrs. Jones went outside to summon her
• husband who was working ott a generator, :
'aed the two rescued the children and fled
the. house .•
. The Oiniton 'Fire Depatthient responded
quickly: to the alarm and managed to 'save
• 'the house from being levelled, 'despite gale
force winds blowing at the
minutes that said the fire truck was not to go • no need -to tie his money up in the purchase. detector.
, ,
out to do any outside work except in - ;rouncil authorized clerk Jack McLadhlen
emergencies,where loss of life was involved.r to hotify the Federation of the sale of land to,
OU ,,S or e
The house was gutted inside and the
Jones lost most of their. belongings.
Damage in the _sleaze„
-550,000 but no final estimate has. been
reached. ,
"We're so thankful to the firemen who
fought the fire under such terrible
conditions, and to all the neighbours who
helped us,- Mrs. Jones said,
The fire broke out following the severe .
light ning storm On d‘kil
He said the truck should not be used on ` foreign investors. The clerk said at the
ort ers ot a town comic llor and the fire chief
• , present Ono there is no !anti in thetownship
He said the Fire Area board.Was in charge ef ynder foreign ownership. '
the fire truck. He said the next Fife Area Bridge No. 13 - the Flee:4es bridge
Board meetingAie April 24 ,would deal with be repaired with expansion joints at both.
theMPrr.McGregor ends tWo three-inch holes will be drilled to
Lregor and Stanley Johns, re- allow water to get away after a rain it lays
presenting Tuckersmith Federation of Agri- on the bridgeand other minor work for a
culture., attended council meeting to aSk for .-total of $2,586 and cementing the top for
an increase in grant money this year. from $2,590 for a final cost of 55,176.Looby
cotmcie They requested 5700.. Conktruction of Dublin will do the work, •
Council did not discuss the request or Bridge No. 14, the Crich bridge, is
• , 4, .
come to any decision at the meeting. considered a hazardous bridge, Council will
Mr. McGregor told council that the ask the engineers to bring in a report on it.
B of E buciget ups faxes
, (Continued from Page 9
'be looking at an eight per cent increase.
But the budget made one faet dear, The
Major expense in any one area in the entire
edecation system is salaries. Payroll eats up
a total of 76 per cent Of the $23 Millien the
board spends in a year.
Dunlep said the bulk Of the motley spent in"
the bedget is peyofici the eentrol of the ,
'board, Hesaid ealarieS have to be treated as'
fixed casts AS well as, debentures. loans ahcf•
Operating costs. He said he had not
a et e ow much o t udget the board
had to work- with. but estimated that the
makinittne amount 'Would be 10 per cent..
The operimeoeot 'tom* the beard the
majority et concerns department heads had
for the tenting year had been handled. Hc
said one area net adequately funded was
aesthetic maintenance.
He told the board there was "no 'way in
the world the schools can be kept they
were five years ago. We just .haven't ' the
money to do it."
R.M. MeVeart, plantt sitherintendent,
explained that aesthetic 'maintenance in-
volves things like stripping floors and
rewaxing them and Major housecleaning
projects, He said there is too much work Io
he done by caretakers to permit time to be
Set aside for those projects. He added that
.the beard owned -buildings Were net suffer-,
ing because the. jobs could not be done.
by Kari Schuessler
(Centinued front Page .2) --
Measures eut reagelfiCA English ih
controlled caderice - that voice that shapes
the -language of the Ring jamas Version.
into a perfect word treasure.
And beSides that voicethere's his face -
that face that angers. winces, disgusts and
warms. ,
Two hours :Of Watetting and listening to
this Matt Made Sestis conte alive that
Easter Sunday. It was resurrection.enough, ,
it was better than hundreds Of :piecemeal
readiogs Sunday after Sunday (rem the
lectertt. Better thatt thousands and thous.
ands of vvord comittentarios on that original
And of course, it brought far More than
any Easter bunny totildeVer bring,
ileSidea, when you're fifty,you're too old
fOr the ounnies, Attu' too Stoat toi
chocolate S and jelly beans. And not all that
stout-hearted te tilt kites in the high Easter
Yes, you heard the right. I heard it for
the first time tnyself this year, When I
stood at the Moor St. �d Yonge subway
gate in Toronto, and asked people what
Easter means to diens, one man told me
Faster was the time to fly kites, TO send
-kites high into the air. Just as .1e8tts rad
and later arose into the 'heavens,
Fly kites at Easter time. itt. memory of
Jesus who rose:
But thanks to Mee MeCiowrin 1dititet
have to go fly a- kite, 1 -le did It
magnificently for me right there at the Hart
Heitee Stage in Toronto. ' ,
, •
Two local yaiitbs, have
been charged with lOitering
under Die'. town bylaw,
passed by Seaforth council
last year.
Police Chief John Cairn*
said the first charges under
the bylaw were laid when the
town youths were found
• .
Smashing beer hottles,....tq
front of a real estate offite on
Main Street. • •
Althotigh there were no
accidents repelled in Sea -
forth in the past 'week,
Seaforth police investigated
three thefts and three inci-
dents Of, wilful damage
On Friday Morning, a"
Seaforth resident reported a.'
car had been stolen over.
night fronLiohn Street. The
vehlete was recovered later
that morning in a vaeaot field
near .Vineent's Earth .1Vlaell-*
O'n Friday night. police
investigated a ease of wilful
damage to a vellielelarked
on Main Street SOuth in front
of Mae `S. Hair, Styling, LA_
beer bottle Was thrown at the
vehicle, resulting iri approx..
imately $SO in damage.
A bicyele, belonging to
Jeff ,Boyle of Centre Stteet.
Seaforth, was also reported
stolen the same day. The
theft is Still under inveSti-
gatiOn arid the bicycle' hastet
been recovered.
On Sunday motning, a
local youth was discovered
darhaging a parking sign in
. front of the Pizza Express
building oh Goderielt. Street
West by a patrolling Officer.
When the youth replaced the
Sign. he eharges were laid
On Sunday afterhoon,
Police Chief John Cairns
discovered 'four youths in a
ear tearing up the fawn,
beltiod Seaforth District
Ititti. Stitch* The elder said
he estimate Of the darttage to
the lawn is /Wadable at press
• •
• •
Chief Cairns said the and repairing all the'
youths involved will work On; darnages done and no
the weekend replacing sodcharges will be laid.
Firemen. ou re
host meet
, The Seaforth Fire Depart-.. • . d
merit hosted the monthly
meeting of the various fire
departrifents - in • Hetet].
Cotthty Monday ,night. The
meetings are for educational
purposes. There were 65
firemen in attendance at the
meeting MoridaY.
Don Daly of Hiekey Fire
Equipment Services from
Hamilton was the guest
Speaker. ,
His topic You and Your
Fire Trucks included
information on maintenance
'of fire pumps.
Plans were Made for a
'day -long pumpers* Sentinar
to be held in Clintoh at the
fireball on May 16.
. A representative from..the.-
Fire Marshall's office will be
in attendance to discuss
water availability and water.
The "Happy Citizens'
invite all senior Citizens to a
pot luck supper and euchre
on Thursday,.. April 26 at 6
p.m. Please bring food
, dishes and silverware.'
The bowlieg prizes will be
given out at this,tneeting,
At McKillop Township
council meeting last week
McKillop Councillor Wik
fiam Leeming said in re-
potting on a recent Seaforth
Fir Area Board meeting he
had stated that a committee
Was appointed "tO go to
Oederieh to hire Dontiolly &
Murphy to represent the Fire
Board in court" in the
SUit threatened by the Town
of Seaforth over' thedispute
twmta.intenance paYniehts of
fire hydraots located io the
Itt addition McKillop
ie Allan Campbell said
he wanted it known that he
Was "very ' upset that the
low 47. 41.
:All persons interested in
,the early heritage of Huron
County are invited to attend
a meeting of the
Architectural Conservancy 'of
Ontario at 8 p.m. on
Thursday, April 26th at the ,
.• . Hayfield:
Members will Shown slides
and pictures et resteratitet
Towit of Seaforth used the
fire truck to pump mW
sewage in thetown at
reported by the tOwnship'S
representatives on the Fire ,
Board." The reeve said a
request from him Wat re-
fused for the fire truck pump
to be Used in the tevettship a
few years ago to bib* out a
plugged tile at Dublin, to
Cldall up a flooding problent
ih Ronald Ferguson's house,
In last week's flonsall
.eouncil hews story the name
Of ettuneillor Richard Pack.
harn was incotrectly repOtted
as Paul Campbell.
The gxpositor apologize*
tot the error.