The Huron Expositor, 1979-03-29, Page 1414 THIE filUIPION EXPOSITOR. MARCH 2,4 197*,
4,90c01tOr*of SoOfety.
welcomes .new members ...•
The *Dealt South
Hum Okarieultoral society
met Tuesday evening in the
Hansa Recreational 'Centre
With the President
Robert Baker Charge.
He welcomed two new
_eneeebers-Ross Corbett and
Don Reynolds. Volunteers to
niatict fre the Fair Beard are:,
Goatee Frayne. David
Turner, Bill' RoeerSon, Bob
Baker and JOhn Baker. The
fair will feature the "Pony
Pull" again this year. It was
a highlight of last year's fait
so plan to see it this year,
"The Talent Show" wiU he
held and anyone 'interested
in. entering please contact
Telephone tf2024li.39,.. The
Oki MacDonald faro!.
Poesy 4411 also be a feature
efthe Fair which will be held
Ort lune 19th Jack KinSMen
was, elected the new ;Chair-
• Mr. William Smale ender-
, went ear:ger/ in St. Joseph's
Hespital, London last Vveek..
Vera Mc Nichol speaks
Kippen East Women's
Institute were privileged to
hear ,Mrs. Vera McNichol,
Milbank, when they met at
the home of Mrs. Vern
Alderdice on March. 21:
Mrs. McNichol is a com,,,
mon sense; downeo-earei
lady, who delights in helping
people with all sorts of
problems. This is not e 9 to $
job; and is without union
wages but her happiness in
her work is -her mpens.
'Mrs. Dave Triebner, Pres -
1' idea' welcome everyone and
read the Beatitudes of the
Housewife. Mrs. Harold Par -
eons gave the Treasurer's
report. Mrs. Grant. MacLean
took charge of the business.
Mrs. Harry Caldwell gave
'Rehearsal supper was
given,by-lelr. and Mrs. Ross
Faber on March 23prior to
the wedding of Kevin. Faber
and Lori Campbell.
ivfisSes Vicky and Pam Bell
sPent, the winter break
Mr. Archie Parsons has
returned from Exeter Hosp.
M. and Mrs. Robert Gene
melt have returned from a
. holiday in the seuth,
Mr. and Mrs. Adrian
Tingnermans have returned
from a winter holiday spent
at their home in Florida..
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth
Jones and Jeremy Hillier
visited last week with Mr.
and Mrs. Harold Jones and.
Mr, and. Mrs„. Grant Jones.
Mrs.,.. Leslie Adams of
Exeter and Mrs. Hugh
Morenz Shiplta, were
guests with Mr. and Mrs.
Ja.4 COrbett last week.
e. s elect new officrs
Hensall area curling club
held their aPetiel meeting
Moeda • evening which was
largely attended. Following
the final playoffs. Doug
Shirray, president, con-
ducted the_ meeting.
The efficere for next year
are President -Ken Clarice,
1st Vice -Grant James. See-
ondVice,Dave ingrain*, See.-
Treas.-Erie Luther. Jack
Bell's team seen the Good-
evin Trophy for high play
throughout the year. Ray
Con.sites team won the Mid-
dleton trophy for the final
The Sunday 7 p.m. game
wieners were zero games-
Eric Mansfield's team, 1.
game • consolation, John
Sitea's team, 2 game winners '
Bob Raebutres_tearn.
Monday night 7 I), m genie
winners were zero games -
Jack Baker's team, 1 game
vvirmer-Walter Denv's team,
2nd game Winners -Jack
Bell's team, e •
. 9,p4n. zero, genie winner -
Howard $cane s team, 1
game wintier-Mf Ross's
teant. 2 game winner -Grant
Jones team. 3 games -Ken
Parkee$ team. .4th game
winners -Ray COriSitt's team.
"They else woe 5 games.
Doug Shirray. and new
President Ken Clarke pre-
sented a cheque Le ErR
Luther and Carl Mahon for
the Hensel) Areni fund
which makes a total of
seem, the curling elob hes;
donated to date. A social,
hour and refreShments con-
cluded the evening.
Mr. Gerry McClinchey
returned to Brantford after
spending the week with his
parents Mr. and Mrs. Edgar
Dr. J.C. Goddard and"Mrs.
Goddard returned front a
vacation in Florida and vis-
ited with Mrs. Margeurite
&enthrall in Sebastian.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmore
the motto, He who owns a • •
Roll Call wee to "Name an ruce un ay School
•hobby owns mental refuge."
ankle, 1 threw in the dump
and wished I hadn't." Mrsi • • "
Wm. McDowell gave court-
esy remarks and current
Lunch was served by Mrs.
Charles Eyre,Mrs Campbell
• Eyre, Mrs. Alderdice and her
cohostess Mrs. Stewart Pep-
collects for MarchofDimes
The senior and inter-
mediate classes of Bnicefield
PERSONALS United Church •were busy
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald lvolof-
Phoenix, Arizona during The fiat and family holidayed in sn b•1
owrno 1 e
Spring, break. ,
M. andMrs.John Mc
I b th • k
Geegor and family visited C u an s
•with Mr. and. Mrs. Alex . •
McGtegor in Florida during
the spring break. •
Mr. and Mrs. W,J.F. Bell
have returned from a min-
ter's vacation in Florida.
Me and Mre.-Gayle Coop-
er, London, visitedrecently
with Mr. and Mrs. Vivan
On Tuesday evening
March 27th the Stanley
Curling Club held a very
successful fun night. The ice
was well filled for two draws
with members of the ,club,
• spares and nesv —curlers
'trying for the first time.
Many prizes were given out
to winners in each draw.
Lunch and •a social hour
O followed the games.
Cooper. _
Mrs. Don McIntyre, Ilder-
ton called on Mr. and Mrs.
W.L. Mellis during the past
fun ni ht
The' Hully Gully Snow-
mobile Club had a full house
at their annual Spring Dance
held at Hully . Gully on
Saturday. March 24th.
Fifteen landowners Were
called' to the front and much
appreciation was given to
. them for allowing the trails to
go through their property.
•Members , and riders in
general were reminded to
• respect this property and not
to be littering the trails. •
Randy and Audrey Collins
accepted a plague of are
predation for allowing the
club to use their facilities for
the pancake breakfasts and
trail rides. Grant Webster
and Lorne Love were thanked
for a shack the club may use
as a stopping off place to rest
and get warm, while out
riding on the trials.
last week calling from door
to door in the village and in
the country, collecting for the
"Ivlarch of Dirnes'". This was
a great experience'• for the
children doing something to.
help others and they loved it.
Thanks goes out to the
Sunday School teachers and
mothers who provided rides
and guidance.
Mr. and Mrs. Doug
McBeatlr and family of
Windsor visited with his
mother Mrs. McBeath
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mac-
Donald spent: -the weekend
with Mr. and lefts. Bob Allan
and • attended Brucefield
C,hurch on Sunday,
•Mrs. Edna Patterson, Mrs,
Anna Pearl Eyre and Mr. and
Mrs. Ctibbon of Bayfield
have returned home from a
three month vacation •in
Mrs. Mary Haugh is home
from the hospital and 'is
convaleseing with' her
daughterMrs. Barry Liodon.
• Mr. and Mrs. Boom are
moving into their new home
recently 'purchased hem Mr.
Ross Scott:We welcome them
to the village. •
Mr. and Mrs. John Moffat
and family spent a few days
of the spring break in Brant-
ford with Mr, and Mrs.
• Mr, and Mrs. Wayne
Stirling and family have re,
turned home from Florida.
Mrs. Grace Chapman is
ER Spr'n
is lust around the corner
Vile have
available for you!
Foundation & certified seed available
of i .••
• Barley •
• •-• Oats
• :*Mixecl Grain
.„,For :01:0te ittiotrbdtibil. citontettt
.Seafo..eth 5274521 • Brussels 8814261
breaec,kdile)°.snlien aTfoter—O,PillPoe.-nclinS a
Mr. and Mrs. Vic
,Hargreaves have returned
home from Florida, ^
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Caldwell
are horne from a three month
vacation In sunny. Florida.
Mr. and Mrs.. Jac*
McGregor and ratlike en-
joyed a few days of the
spring break in Toronto, .
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold
Taylor and family enjoyed.a2
week holdiay in Florida at-
tending Disney World,
Busch Gardens, The Grey
Hound Races and they
picked lemons aird oranges
from the orchards of a friend.
• Cafill:lbelt-of Toronto Were.
recent.vieitors with the forge
er`e parents Mr, and MTS.
Pere Campbell.
Mrs. Rodger Wenner' and
Debbie returned home after
visiting with relatives in
1 I •
Mrs. Jessie Armstrong
returned home after visiting
with her 'sort-iu:law and
daughter Mr. and Mrs. Don
Flear in Grand Bend.
The "Three Links" .Senior
Citizen's will be guests at the
Exeter Senior Citizen'S meet"
irte in the Legion Hall,
'Exeter April 3rd at 7 p.m.
Cars will leave the local hall
at 6;30 p.m.
• Rev. Kenneth Knight core
ducted service in Carmel
Mrs. Hazel Corbett
Noble Grand presided. for the
Meeting of Amber Rebekah
Lodge on • Wednesday
evening assisted by the Vice
Grand Mrs. Elizabeth Riley,
who reported a donation was
. made to eye research. Mrs.
Dorothy • Corbett, Treasurer
reported for the finances.
Mrs. Kathleen Cuthill of
Huron District "23" Will
make her official visit to the
lodge on 'Wednesday April
18th: The District meeting
will be held in Edelweiss
Lodge Seaford' on
Wednesday April 11th at 2
p.m. The District Church
service will be held in
Wesley Willis Chuech,
Clinton, Sunday May 6th.
• The local church service will
be held in Carmel
• Presbyterian Church the date
• to be announced later.
Arrangernetes were made
to attend Ruth Rebekah
Lodge, Strattord on April
3rd, A representative and,
• Scholar are to be appointed
•'„ He 11-•
r from En land
Mr. and ;Mrs. Al
Amerlinek and Cheryl or
Stratford visited with Mr
.and Mrs. Gordon Schwalm..
and Mrs. Daisy Ivey for afe-w
days during the Spring'
Break; they were ac-
eompanied by the three Sons,
of Mr. and Mrs. Cleede
Langis• of Stratford.
Mrs, Elizabeth Volland*
who was a patient in St.
Joseph's Hospital, London
ehas been transfered to South
Huron Hospital, Exeter.
Mrs. Margaret Thorndyke
of Clintoll, who has just
Presbyterian ChurCh on -Sun-
day and presented, the
Sacrament of the Lord's
Supper. Mrs. Dorothy TeYlot
presided at the organ for the
service of song.
The choir are preparing• ,
special triuSIC fer the Easter
Mr. and Mrs. Alf Ross
returned home last week
after spending several weeks
vacationing in Florida.
Mr. and Mrs, Ron Mock
and Julie returned from a
pleasant holiday at Myrtle
returned freal an-e;tended
trip to California, ac-
COMpanied by her daughter,
:Mrs. Lynda Sanders of
Fateter, viSited with Mrs,.
Rachael Schwalm and Mrs,
Daisy Ivey one day last week,
At the morning service at
Hensall United church op
Sunday, MAO): 25, Pg
Mock accompanied Pr.
Ralph Topp on, the organ by
playing the piano. He also
accompnaied Mee•Donni St.,
John in a beautiful setting of
the 23rd Psalm which she
sang, Rey. Garnett Husser
Birthday celebrated
"Birthday Greetings" to
Nelson I.oghrin, resident, at
Queensway Nursing Home,
Hensall. Visitors celebrating
his birthday with' him were
the Klemke fan Iand Mr.
and Mrs, Lloyd'4geszler..
Ruth,. ,Naney . end Susan
Durand and , two ,friends
visited with Mrs. Kendrick.
Mr. and Mrs, Cecil Smith
Win at Brucefield euchre
Winners of the Brucefield Mrs, Mary Mellis, Ladies
Euchre were Ladies Highi 'low Mrs, Jean Johns, lone
0 hands Mrs. Ida Godkie.
for the Annual Session of the
Rebekah Assembly - being
held in Toronto June .18, 19
and, 20th. Mrs. Dorothy
Corbett volunteered to
Contact the local restaurant
for reservations for the 30th
anniversary of the lodge. .
It was decided to hold a
Bake 'Sale.. and Dessert
Euehre en Wednesday May
9th, Lunch was served -
,following (he meeting by.
Mrs.. Isobel Rogerson, Mrs.
Dorothy,i Corbetti and 'Mre.
Evelyn MeBeath,
At the mesa!' Sales Barn,
O the supply consisted mainly
of he ife,rs and steers; de-
- mand was active and prices
were, steady. Fat cattle;
• steers, $80.50 - S87.50, top to
588.50. heifers 574.25-585.00
top to 590.75; cows S5525,
S64,50; Pigs; feeders $61.25 -
582.50; weaners,
575.00. • ••
• - •
Maple Leaf syveet cured.
Pride of Canada
Sliced Minced
Homemade smoked
Pork 8 Beef •
Homortio•dq.-: ••
O Choice
Beef & Pork
lb. box
1.89 ..
e 79 .b.
59 Ib.
Tues.,Wed., Thurs., and Sat. 8 - 60.011.
Friday 8 a.m. - 9 p•m•
Store 262-2017
Hours for picking up freezer �r custom orders,
Tiles,- Fri. 8 a.m. 6 p.m. Sat. 8 a.m. -1 p.m,
AbbatOir 262 2641
Men's High Miss Jean
McEwen(Playing as a man),
Men's low Pat Volland
Men's lone hands- Mrs.
Wilma McMichael (playing,
as a man) ;
First draw was won by
Mrs. Ruby Bell and the
second draw won by Mrs,
Refl. Southeran. The next
card p'arty will be on April
6th. 0
also visited with Mrs. Kend-.
rick. 1,estie and Barbara
Mitchell and Mrs. Hornigan
of Sault Ste. Marie visited
Mrs. Ionise Mitchell— Mr.
and 14.11m, flurkholder and
Lisa Visited Mrs, Hully.
Other visitors were Mr.
Rozendal visited his wife
Alice; Mr. Alderson Visited
his wife Vivian and Mr.
Beaver had a visit from his
sister Greta Beaver. Visitors
vOth Russell Erratt were his
wife Pearl; Lee, and Anna
McCennell; Mrs. Catharine
Robinson; Mrs. Mable Kyle;
and Mrs. Gladys Coleman,
Church service was con-
ducted by Rev. Leshbough
accompanied by Mrs. Lesh-
bough at the piano. The high'
score for bowling was won. by
Ross Thompson with a score
Of 102. The Ladies' of
Chiselhurst United Church
entertained the residents
with Bingo and:" Treats on
conducted the Service ShihiR
a sermon on, "I halleac ilk
the Hole_ Catholic Church"
Pointing out that the weld
"Catholic" mean;
* "Universal". The flowers.
decorating the Sanctuary
were in Memory of the late,
Mrs. Mari. Waring. Placed*
there by her family.
Next Sunday, the United
Church is holding a spedal
Mission Sunday with Mrs.
Maureen Mayne, Mission
Co-ordinator for the London
Conference, guest speaker at
the morning service. In the
afternoon, Row. Bruce Eaton,
from India and Africa, will be
showing displays on
both countries. lie:fresh,
ments will be availigi• s
Miss 'Patricia King of
Sutton, Surrey, England
visited with her aunt and
uncle, Mr. And Mrs, Carl
Payne over the weekend,
while on a business trip to
Jamacia, New York and
Toronto. On Saturday, they
all visited with Mr. and Mrs.
len Payneof Elmira.
Mr. and Mrs, Ron Mock,
and Julie enjoyed a trip to
South Carolina last week '
Our Four Page Insert lac
to -day's newspaper
reads Incorerctly as
4413.C. Snarl= MOO.
5 Ib. bag." This should
read LC, spade!'
IIPPlea-- 3 Ib. beg. We
sincerely regret an la-
: convenience caused_enr
cuatomers by tidserrot.
line' 171,11-1tri's 1110d,