HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1979-03-15, Page 24Don't find out the
hard Way. Call our
,r:.• Service Center for an
`^t appointment now. Well put.
your planter in shape ahead of'
tittle So that yOu'it get full value
out of it When you need it.
Don't delay.
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Reserve March 30- Pancake .0Oy'
By MU $rn day
MARCH 15 1
p ce
L`ve been helping a studeft. ,the lively
lovely , Julie Noack, to re are ''let
load � " >� 1?
Speech .for the f,tatt s. Club public speaking:.
Contest. She wrote it, l just listen and make.
c>tttical eamtttents. •
We've...had a few laughs. Her -Speech 4s.
est •praline sof` travel in Canada instead, of
taking our lame dollars off and spending:
them on, the often spurious attractions wif
isthi'r countries.
It's a sort of travelogue .of Canada. and.
at opoint
sounds: pretty 'good. But one p she
broke me up. We have just crossed the
Ottawa -River front Q3ebec and are cruising
around the capital. "where dwell."
accordin6 P to the speech. "our Prime
Minister, ambassadors from all over tate
world, and.. She shirred the "arnbas-�
sadors a bit, and it carate ottt. "Our Prinie
Minister, bastards front all over the
wv'orld... l couldn't 'agree more.
Another one that shook me up Was when
she said that. "Canada is mote than 'a few
acres, o snow% as the French writer._
Voltaire dismissed it." Voltaire came out
Volare,. The powers of television
Bove ever. one point in her -speech got me
thinking along a different trace;,. She
pointed Out that. •despite: the vast variety of
vistas this. country offers the tourist. it is
expensive to travel to this Canada of ours.
Too true.
Hotels' and motels au ridiculously
axistb: Manyof the big newv betels its the
• • tttes,`!a•unt'tin arm .and a leg, for a place -to •
law your head for a few hours. Motels want
from $20 ttitS3n for a ,.plastic„morn.. no room
set it e; often not even a place* to get a Luo.
,,o: c tiB'ee. and get out by dine p.m.. no
tratttter what time you checked in,.
#restaurants in this country are enttally
usurious. with a very few exceptions. 1.
dorilinind going Out and spending -a day's
pay 'at a good restaurant, withsuave
service. food caref(illG chosen and cooked:
with re. and nobody hustling you nut the
minute you've' sipped your last. drop ,of
fatty -cent coffee.
But it ' burns• my buttto be served a
leathery omelet with the inevitable. piece. of
limp the irtexorabfe:oiie slice of
grc;en house*, :tomato. and The ubiquitous
helping of french fries. none of which y'oti,
want, and charged enough to feed a
fair-sized fahity •a`good 'meal,. at borne.
oto Svottder so many reJtaurants and bars:
go broke. The business is so profitable that:.
too many people want into it, and the law Of
supply and' demand kooks after the rest.'
• Travel • in: this country . 'is equally'
cttiappealing.. internal 'airfares are ridie-
Yesyou can get '`fresh"}
Ontario vegetables at this
• time of year. : Vegetables like
peas, corn and tomatoes..
• Where? ' In the canned,
,vegetable section of your
food store,
C.arined vegetables are
1.indeed - "fresh'', They were
picked at their peak of
maturity, •then tacked into
carts within hours of picking:
When• using "fresh—
canned vegetables, remember
that they have been cooked,
so don't r cook them. When
you want to"serve theta hot,
gently, reheat: When you.
want to serve thein cold, just
serve them..directly :from, the
'CAB. it'sconv:enient:
Use . Canned vegetables
Often as. a "vegetable" but
also -.Use them in recipes as
do food •specialists: at the
Ontario Ministry of
Agriculture and Food.
B•pounbread fleet Pie
!;pound ground beef"
1 medium yellow c•t okirg,
onion, chopped '
1/2 cup chopped green
1 clove garlic, tainted
1 can (19 ounces) Canada
Choice canned Tomatoes
1 can (12 ttiinces) cvr,7
8 teaspoons chili powder
1.1/2 teaspoons salt
1/4 .tedspootpepper
1/2 cup corrtttteaf
1 cup water
It a large skillet, over
medium heat, cook ground
beer,' onion,. green pepper.
and garlic until meat, is
browned, abtiut 10 minutes.
Stir in tomatoes, corn, chili
powder, salt and pepper,
-Corner '-'Sitr"ifner for 5
mitnates. Measure cornttieal
into a small bowl and slowly
add water. Stir into ham-
burger mixture. Sinimer,
covered for 10 minutes. Tutsi:
mixture into '9 x 13" baking.
dish, Spread With cornmeal,
topping. Bake at• 190°C
(37$11) for 40 to 45 minutes.
of Cana a
ulously high. it eosts almost as much to fly
from Toronto to Vancouver as from Toronto
t9•oondon...ngland, a thousand mites or
more. Trains are a dying species. They
have lost their old grate of eRrvice, good
'food and est.`itement. eut off all: their
. 'branch lutes. and become a rather wistrid.
anachronism for people who. like rtugh
road -beds. frequent break -deigns, "' and
• abandoned stations.
$ues are better. Some hasw crept intx.
the twentieth century with air-conditioning:
heat in the winter. and fairly punctual
trine -tabling: But all this is ruined by the
bits depots, which are pore i9'0s. Sleat'e'
dirt'—impersonal. and with the iatewitable
drunk sounding off. Or throwing up..
Another aspect of travelling in Canada
'Mat pots people of stheserveice.oriackof'
it. There's ver little sersice with a smile,
Too often it ranges from grudging to surly.
from in4i,fretcnt to sullen Waitresses slap
coffee mire your saucer or wipe off your
plastic table \s uh a dirge damp rag. Waiters.
stand with their backs to you When call are
in a rusb to catch a plane. Hotel doormen
are all smiles when you are .hee;king tri.
:and non.existent-When yoe:are struggling
out With three heavy hags.
:Hotel clerks are almost insatiably
insolent, exuding the,itinosphere that they
are doing you a fasrur by letting you sign
in. Car joclteey `, dome squealing up to the
front door of the hotel tamp out. hand you
• yaur'keys with one hand is lute holding the
Bother out. a:nd disappear to. let you, with.
yourbad back, loadtbe bags anto.the trunk.
Xuu can spend ten minutes, looking for a
clerk in a supermarket. Vim Could spend
. the rest of your fife looking for a porter at
Ott airport. you
can turn . purple in the face Waiting for:
service in a department store. While two
clerks chat
about their night atit at
singlesclub, 'and burbles away
the phone to her boyfriend.
Qceasion ally you get.a genuine imile or a
real thank •you, but ;more often they are
perfunctory or non-existent. • „
'hs? is it that native-born Canadians
feel themselves 41ov.• the Service trades,
so that they take qut'their resentment on
their. customer, ,
Is' that Why most.. jobs • in these- fairly
lucrative trades are held by intrnigrants?')s
that why our minority of good,restaprants
are 'operated by immigrants,'
Julie is right. The country is niagnifi-
cent. But high,priees. had food and had
manners make it less than a paradise for
tzar r iters..
Remove from heat Stir in -1 tablespoon butter
Cheese and, eggs.
Green Pea Cream Soup
(makes 2 cups)
l can (19 ounces) Canada•
Fancy, Choice or Standard
green peas' ..
1 burr leaf .
1 4 teaspoon thyme
1. can 1`6 ounces) evaporated.
1 4 teaspoon salt'
1 tablespoon butter
Pour contents of the can of
green peas into a'saucepart.
Stir its bay leaf and thyme.
Bring to a boil. `Boil gently
for 5 minutes: Discard fray.
leaf, Stir in: milk, salt and
butter. Puree' the mixture in
blender until smooth. Strain.
Return puree to saucepan,
Heat through,.
Pears Milanese._
1 can (28 ounces) Camila
Choice Pear ,Halves. of
. Dessert Pears
1 '3, cup slivered almonds"
.ornmeal Topping
1.1/2 cups milk
2 tablrpoons butter
1/2 /e SpOoit salt
1/2 cup cOrnmeat
1 cup grated cheese'
2 eggs, beaten
St;aId milk with butter and
salt. & fatdually add corn-
meal. Cools, stirring con -
stonily until thickened.
1 /3 clip firmly. packed
brown sugar
1/4 teaspoon almond'extract
5 chopped rtraraschino:
1 tablespoon lemon juke
Drain. pears reserving l/2
cup syrup: Place pear halves
CM. side itpinan8x13x2
baking dish. Toast almonds
in . butter ` until ..• lightly,_
browned, Mix almonds,
sugar, almond extract and
-n1arasehind-ehetries. Spoon
into pear .cavities. Pour pear
syrup and lemon juice into
baking dish. Bake at 180°C
(350'F) for 30 to 35 minutes
or until lightly browned and
syrup :bubbles Serve Warm,
with syrup spooned over.
Makes 6 Servings,
Winter Fruit Bake
1 can (28 [ounces) Canada
Choice Peach Halves
Grated rind of 1 medium
According to the pcuv iniad
minister of consumer and
contnierical relations the fate
of :�arada• its
the fi naa
analysis rests ia Ontario.
The honourable Frank
Prea told the 21 •partY
faithful at the Annual
MecLint of the
Httron.Mtddles:ex ridtng
assexiattoo! held .Friday Jin
Exeter that this province is at.
the centre•:of confederation.'
' • said .,td the •"'go [intent i f
Premier Oasis IS ,:twntntitted
to the maintenance Aff lite
monarchy as. the; , head of
state and that this stance is
not negotiable . .
Referring two t#te.t+ssihle
w Canada and
split between (.a a
Quebec. Drea stated Ontarioswill never negotiate
asoverelgnty ase aciAtautx With
!Premier Levesque
This province bill
"continuer to lead the way"
�lntat"tcv esu not afford SG
stand: still, according to lite-
,former Taranto Telegram
There is, a. sense of
bewilderment of what is'
happening to this ~.tuntry
which a decade ,Ogee s;ta
,prOgressitta to the .polka
where the hew people of ..the
i ountry assumed it tw? #ie,
autoniatie.1)rea stated. •
This. pro,.eaae»i.'
government : has been among.
the leaders in the •t.'tuntn est:
terms of fiseal responsibility
with Area citing the example
of his own ministry where the
budget has remained the
same for two years.
Some retardafi on
can be preuenfied
By Don, Campbell'
Executes} director. South
Huron association for the
Menttilh Handicapped.
As much as this. Associa-
tion is dedicated to the ,:are
and rehabilitation of the
handicapped people in cstFr+�
hones and our communities.
And as much as we. vs ill.
continue to love and.apprec-
iate the>m, and continue to
advocate on their behalf.
Kromer rn care
Want a taste of, summer
put of season? It's easy', .lust
open up cans of sunshine
from Ontario orchards, Cans
of peaches and pears,
labelled with a Canada
Choice grade.
Ontario, tender fruits (a
term used by the food in-
dustry 'to refer to' these
fruits), are graded and
labelled ."Canada Choice"..
Imparted fruits'of.equivalent
grade standard are :labelled.
choice grade. The word
Canada in front of: the grade
marking will assure you that
you're getting fruits packed'.
and processed. here - and note
There is not oneof us who
i told not have prevented
t v
any of these chiidren .from
being handicapped if it were
We dee not mean to say that
mentally handicapped child-
ren should be .•prevented
trout being .born. We Lire not
advocating • abortion,
We do mean to say that
those conditions which are
known to produce mental
retardation 'shoutd be elim-
inated or corrected,
For those Children who are
tinav'pidably damaged, we
are pledged to provide early
and .quality intervention to
minimize. the handicap as,
much as possible.
The above .information is
the :statement of philosophy
of the South Huron' and
District _Association For "rho.
Prevention of .Mental. Hand-
Prevention is the mandate
of this `committee, Excess
use of alcohol, tobacco, or
drugs arethree of, the more
than 250 causes if. 'Mental
H'andicapism. `
Rubella vaccine. proper
' nutrition and pre -natal care,.
home safety, • rigid poison
and chemical control
measures, etc, area feww of
the preventative measures if
utiliked could reduce the
incidence of mental handi-
capism by as• much us S0
1/2 teaspoon ground ginger
1/2 teaspoon ground
1 /4 cup butter
1/2 yup firmly packed •
brown sugar
1/2 cup all-purpose flour
1/4 cup chopped walnuts
percent. •
Presently. one out of. 33
children born in this province
ex pericnces, some degree of
mental handicapism, The
prevention committee is
developing a plan of action
which will reach the' profes-
sionals, the school'' -age group
Drain peaches, reserving the general public, :and :very
3/4 Cup of syrup. Place iniportantly,` file expectant
Rob Grant of Exeter devel,
oted the new logo for. the
South • Huron and: District
Association for. the Preven-
tion of Mental Handicapism.
Expect to see more about this,
group in your. commuhite.
For further information egn-:
tact the Association at .P.O.'
Box 29. Dashww otyd:. or 237-
peaches, cut side up in a
greased "8 x :8 x 1" 'baking.
dish. Combine reserved
syrup, orange rind, • ginger
and'nnamon. SGirikle over
peaches.Crumble together
butter, sugar and .flour.
Sprinkle over fruit, Top with
Chopped walnuts. Bake at
180°C (350°F) until, top is
browned, 35 to 40 minutes.
Serve warm.
Makes 5 to 6 setvrings.
Es cry tw.eck.. more • and.:
rake people discover what
mighty jobs are accon ;
plishcd by low Cost ;Huron
Expositor ;Want' Ads. Dial
52'-0240, •
Ftiee7 Wt?
►our planter
planting . season
SEAFORTH 527-0120
,i, of of th+x
+rwirtseTt«attae s provincial
restr;tints is the return of
many functions which the
h s5urnc .
government iiia din
previous years 10. the private
sector. ,.
Dri"a said, an ,example' of
this. was the regulation of
insane agents by
Making reference to
Current economic conditions.
Pro stated it was private
industry w+hich would have to
lead the is ay in ;term of'_
growth for the *twiny- with
a—minority- of pro,et:
130,000 new jobs its the
province this year to he
treated by the private seetoi'.
"As .a government we are
contntitted to Creati; g a
climate that will attra0 the
investor and OA
entrepenetir,., Drea added.
-in an indirect reference to
the area in whichhe w'as.
speaking. Drea said the
agricultwat community ity 1v1as
ttx otic a part in' tho
ltradership of the. province.
Turningto the .ettpeetedi
fe.derat election..
he sat
. d it
"will he difficult" and that
-the future of the country is
at stake."
In thanking the cabinet
minister new riding
president', Bruce $baw of
Exeter sasid ,people in rural.
Ontario :are afraid. of big
g'ov'ernment. :big. business.
and big labor;
He said. the Davis
'government was making:..
progress in the tight
direction and that one of the
problems of the present
government was in their lack
of boasting of what they've
accomplished during their
years its office. •
Shaw said it wastip to the
party membership its inform
the ' public of what 'the
Conservatives havo done for.
the province.
Insurance Agency
Auto Fire Casuait ; - Life
Murray Siddall
Glen' Ronnenberg-
Farmers:. Businessmen -- Individuals
—At Reasonable Rates
Trust Certificates 5 yrs`
Jiaitiand Valley Financial, Consultants `Ltd.
Come ill end see our
Boys' and Girls'
Sizes 2.14
1 VICTORIA Si'. CLINTON 482.3853
s rin�
.ErbdaY end. Saturday
Long - shoe. vanilla"
raStnel or flavored
OneY S
�� iJDN • UT...
1 •
We haveaSitit ,
Vithite sliced
!French Broad, • Stone
.. Gro...-n
Rye Bread r►6 Grain Broad
ort ea
Cookies ,shoe, chip. oatmeal,
varieties �.
._ ,
afo rtth'i
Spring,, is a wonderful time to create
your own personal fashions with the
latest fabrics from Toronto, Montreal
and New York. Take time to see some
the new, exciting creations in wools,
cottons and polyesters.
19 •
Also, Butterick's latest assortment of
Spring patterns have -lust arrived.
Select the latest style. Make your own,
fashion fun to go With the May flowers: -
Fashion accessories at tatorie.'s mw
include a full range of Dart' and
Gostumaker zippers, threads by
Guterrinann and J P" Coats as, well as a
full range of buttons by Lady -Fashion. •,
'Where shopping is a pleasure"
527.1960 Si it ar>th