HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1979-03-15, Page 21111,011 is in
keeping with the time of the
year. Hepst4il eouneil agreed:
Monday to supp° rt a 'tree
planting progrtttn.
Approaching, councilwat
the', idea was4 Works.
superintendent Gary,
,Maxwell who said the village
ltadbeen losing a Sub tntial
tnumber of treesin recent
years due to the installation
of storm and sanitary sewers.
Maxwell Said he noticed
l*iceter wasparticipating in a
program where the ministry=
Of transportation and
subsidize a municipality 50
Percent onthe cost of the
trees provided they were
placed on town property in•
front of a residence' that .had
requested a. tree.
The trey- would be made
available ona first conte first
serve basis Maxwell stated.
Reeve Hareld. Knight said'
a program which operated in
the.village,a number of years
ago proved to be highly
When it . came down to,
cost, councillor Harry
Klungel said a tree might
cost in the range of S20,
Council passed,
r. lutio. calling for .thee
es� t n g . .
pity base of 20 trees,
M xwell said. he would
cont et his Exeter
Counte part to—find out: the'
details of .the program, '
Tighter restrictions on
Wintario grants have causcdt
a reassessment' in the
establishment of a new ball
. diamond for liens*.
Clerk- treasurer Betty Oke
said ministry of culture and
recreation officials told 'her
no. funds for capital
expenditures would, be
available this year.
Oke said members of the
softball club which play in
the Exeter and area men's
recreahanal softball league
had approached the parks
board with regards to
securing Wtntakitt funds for
the diamond, '
The only Source of
governments funds which
could be available~ would be
a 25 per cent subsidy under
the community centres grant
. program, but this program.
will be out of funds for the
next year and a half Oke.
Stated, ' -
According to Knight, the
new community centre is in
good financial shape with
Jock's Jottings
between )20,000.525 000 Conservation, Authority
remaining i9- be raised Klungel -said Hensall was.
locally. onethe
of ......_.
Knight said the amount which :derived little benefit
raised so: farwas actually from the authority. '
more than what had been Laughing, Knight replied
originally expected but that the village was getting its
some extra items. had been monies worth with the large
purchased at the time so as, amount . of water which
to qualify for ' Wintario fie%ed into Black. Creek, from
funding. -•---"the vltlage"s Aew ,stoma
The fund raising sower system.
committee is getting ready to: The levy this year is, $2,570
swing back into operation, compared to last year'a giure-
and "has done a fantastic of 52,494,
job." the .Reeve said-, Council• authorized lite
A minor problem ,,which payment of $3$,Q83.44, to;
the arena is experiencing is Omega Contractors• for the
the appearance of a black storm sewer •jorit,_
hint which adh eres to ally Okc said the village! has
plastic item.' paid 5300,000 of the $380,000:
Councillor Paul Neilands a total cost to the contractor.
member ofta parks, board, ` She said the company'will
said it's bell ved a film is a be returning, to complete
result of a c emicai reaction work, on the installation of
between the insufflation and catch basins and rk the
cement bricks, He,said, thc...restoratlon of roads
Problem is not serious and is Large trucks •travelling on
Older investigation. ;the village's side streets
Wieren said laas Van have.caused much damage ',
ncillor K.
the .probeem • and have necessitated a
could be, a result of static designated truck route,,
electricity. Klungel told council,
"Do we have'topay this?," Hesaid the village has no -
was the reaction of Harry half load limits on the. side
Klungel' to the 1979 levy front streets and that the matter
the A.u:s•able-Bayfield ': should be looked into.
Throne speech p
loyment _ fund-
that there would: be adjust-
ments- made in the program,
and that additional chronic
beds will be allowed in areas
of the province where the
percentage of senorcitizens
exceeds the provincial
average of 8,6% Huron' and
Bruce Counties fall in that
category,,+ ith aged populat-
ion of 17'9 and 13,3 per cent
respectively Hopefully,
adjustments will be made to
account for this,
The Minister also
inicated that he will be
working through the Health ,
Counci Is where applicable;
or, where there is no Health
Colttttil;ihe `;'viii deal'With
hospitals on an area ;basis
where there is a request for
consideration for additional
chronic beds, Although far
from, being a solution to the
problem it would' help con-
siderably if chronic beds in
their etitirety.
Starting April lstt there is to
be a $9.$0 per diem fee for
those using chronic care beds
fora period longer than 60
days. Home care services for
chronically ill patients who
wish to ,live at home, but who
require some nursing and
The 3rd Session of the '31st
Ontario Legislature opened
this week with, a.. Throne
''Speech which vias one of the
longest in recent memory.'
Among the highlights
were a promise of an employ-
ment fund to co-ordinate aid .
M industry •and "spur econ-
omic activity and • employ-
ment", The. Provincial Treas-
urer is to, be chairman of a
special board of Ministers to
decide which companies
qualify for ;assistance, and
. how much money is to be
involvedin each case. New
measures are to,,be=taken. ,to
effeburage thio flow of risk
capital into new and expand-
ing small businesses, and the
speech indicated, that :prog-`
rams to encourage invest-
ment in entrepreneurial
business , ventures have .,
failed in recent years. One '
rumoured possibility is a
form of tax, rebate for money
The Minister of Labour
will henceforth be known as.w.
the Minister of Labour and
Manpower, and will be res-
ponsible for job creation
pregrarm There is to be
greater emphasis on more
'training in skilled trades .and,
on the development of "a
mote positive attitude among,
• young people" toward these
Priority. is promised ,,for,
special •programs for women'
M the public and private
sectors, An Equal Opportun-
' ity Advisory Committee com-
posed of senior labour and
management representatives
is to be established within •
the Labour Ministry.
"'Priority ` is promised for
special programs for women ,
in the public and private,,
Food prices are, of course'
a nuttier of Concern to the.;
average citizen; and, the
Ministry of Consumer .and ?.
Commerci elatlons=ist
assist consumers' Snake
informed ' choices by estate-
lishing a progtam to monitor
and report on prices across
the province.
Some of the money made
:on the sale of Ontario's
shares in the Syncrude oil-
sands project in Alberta is to ,
go to ' energy-related bus=
inesses, including those using
energy produced from waste,
and the government hopes
Soon to launch a joint prop'
gram with' the federal '
government which would
make available some $58
million over a five year,
period to dernonstrate new
technology in energy censer
vation and realewab 'e
energy. .
Legislation IS to be intro
anted to allow unorganized
Northern trtunicipalities to
give locally elected bodies,
the poftver to. raise tevenue
and provide basic services.
Generai insurance Agents
and brolters will be permitted
to become self-regulating, t S
'a step toward' retnovi rg"what
many people consider govet
nment over -regulation.
lite 'government . ;, has
maintained that spending on.
social services "will not -be
re ducea in favour of grants
to industry, and "after care-
ful review" it has withdrawn:
a suggestion mentioned by
•the. Premier in a recent
siteech, that some drugs
might no longer be available
under the drug benefitpro
gram for the elderly, The
Throne Speech stated that
"some maywish to argue as
to.. whether the primary
emphasis, of this session,
should be directed to improv-
ing the economic climate of
Ontario or to improvingthe
soeial servicesrvailable to -our
people. In 'truth, extensive
attention . must be paid to
Home care services for the:'.,.
chronically ,ill will be extend-
ed2 andhospitals will get,
additional 'beds.
Speaking of hospitals
questioned the Minister of
Health in the Legislature.
about the .rationale that was
used in arriving at a formula
of 3.5 beds per 1000 pop-
ulation which' will create
'extreme difficulties for hosp-
itals in many areas He said
Knight said; prior to the
;;next council meeting, count
should tout through;' the
villa a $ and note any Y
The camel yup: for
discuss;; t+'aring the
o i of ro 4 su bs Lite ,
fr m, '•tranSportion �lnrd
The villicaage: will .apply' to
the ministry for, 5125.000
which includes :.stornt~sew.er
cmoainf$trtenattetion s ►4:14' road
nce '
In other busitiIs,
Q "heif
Filed a resolution f+ilss, the
township of Hincbinb ooke
which elaf led for 'V�Vintario:
fu; , d for he.
ndsandtobe education.use;mighaltht•
summed up • council's
feelings, when be said
'"Health care, and education
are ton important tort>,e at tlt
whims: of a lottery
Receiver.. a! report from
Knight on his attendance at
the Ontairo Municipal
Electrical Association annual
instructed the works
superintendent to fill upthe
fire pits which have not been
filled,, in the village.
Authorized t he attendance
of five members of council at
an economic development
seminar to he held in,.
Goderich on Mar.h 28.
Received the balance from
the • province for the
comntenity planning; study
grant in the amount , of
$2,905:00 for the. village's:
secondary plan. The amount
is now payable to the, county
planning department
Authorized the attendance
of the works superintendent
at the C.S. Anderson. Road
other medical' assistance, will School' in the maths and.
be extended. metric course.
The international Year of Learned, the village has:.
the -child is to be ;naked by an been • invited to the
intensive immunization September 1980 session of,
awareness campaign direct Huron county: council..'
ed at the public, and part- Met in -camera with
icularly, parents of , voune Lucknow . developer Gerry
Children; ,Specialized service Glenn to discussplans for his,
suchres as poison control• proposed development in the
centwill be established in village;.
e.ghildren:hospitals, he- Lea, dog er
sthecotrct phase
'sof The :Ch tld- . -Wilma Hornedffman had actedcatchon
ten's Law Reform Act T
:will two complaints but had been
recognize the best interests , unable to catch theoffending-
of the child in custody.anrj canines: Reacting to a
access cases. Foster.care statement from Van Wieren
programs for mentally about the number of dogs.
retarded, and; emotionally `;;,which: spgn to be present,
disturbed children' wily -be .., "'>`mgbt: gwpped "Spring has
expanded lncreased funding
will be allocated to programs ..
ito counter child abuse. This.
year's Civic Holiday on
August' 6th, will be declared
Children's Day ;in ' all pro-
' vincial parks!
One of the most. 'notable
aspects of the Throne Speech
was the unprecedented em-
phasis upon "national unity '
and constitutional reform:
The Government's position
will no doubt come before the
House in the near future, for.,
unanimous' support.
2 door Hardtop, finished light blue with vinyl roof, 360
engine, automatic, power steering, power brakes, radio,
f rear defogger, remote control mirror, .air conditioning',
tinted glass, jicence NTA 482
Finished white with vinyl roof', red interior, 318, engine.,
• power'Steerfng, power brakes, automatic .transmission,
A.M. radio 8 track player, air' conditioning, tutted' glass,
wire wht el covers, Licence LXY 937.
Pinislted with dark• blue, light "blue ulterior, 818
auto'natic, power steering, power brakes, radio, rear'
de f )gger, radial tires, Low Mileage, 1 OWNER!
Seafor'th ,527.1671
sprung then.
Were toad by Oke that an
Unaudited review of the
x+iliage's fin..tvc al a i Statement
shows the village should
have ,a, 1978( • surplus ,
I thinkwe dilluite lied ,on
the budget,"
Wilt invite 'Floyd Jenkins
,of tie Perth Regional
AaSetsmentCommission to a
special• meeting • of cooed if 1t
discussl? ropo ed assessment
eha, ges
teamed from building
ins .l'i:te . or' Herman Van
Wieren building, permits
totalling s10,8OO hid been
authorized dune ;'toe Mettth
of February,
the South SOMA
Agricultural Society gZ75.
which �ore1�- 8
1-ilf( HiF
. d%tli1
No Purchase Necessary
to the first
200 customers
Special flower for every 20th customer
• African
Reg. '$2.50`'
Special 111t.50.
All hanging pots 00 -off
N9hf-Daysu'nday o.r H'olidays
Reg. $6.08
Special -4
Green Plants:
Regi '$tA0 3"r not;
Si aforth 527-1924
c$osed Wednesdays t3pt n Mnei*: to SAt" 94
. r:, i` n .. ky,..,, Yj:'n`t�y�k�hy%}'�i'i'}�,'.,��.ti•'Q.�