HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1979-03-15, Page 17Guests were ,treated to a pot luck supper on, Monday evening,. 'hosted by the United •Church. Women of Hensall« Resident Minister' Rev. target Hlusser enter- tained nter..to ned• with, ..a piano; 4o10 Wowing the evening meal. With a graphic narration of ,his activities as a well driller Baagledesh, the Bev.. Bruce Eaton of Sebringville gave a very '.interesting account of his work in that country. Asa United Churtch Missionary Mr. Eaton was. credited with developing a> bamboo. filter used in well • drilling made at one tenth the cost;.of the,plastic filter it replaced. The ,Church of Scotland inindia, 'Roman. •Cathcd,te Church in Bangladesh and, the U.S,A. Presbyterian, Church: in Zaire, Africa have all engaged the :p4ofessional well -drilling talents of Mr. Eaton. Colourful,, slides were shown to further explain.. Mr. eaton's irernarks Native. crops in ;Bangladesh ,include wheat, rice, and :most Vegetables familiar to; Huron County. Baagali farmers; Queen•sway pe..pie get treats ani bingo "Birthday .Greetings" to Isobel Sproat and Bella Drover. Visitors during the week were Mrs. Pearl Erratt with her husband Russell' Ray Weurth visited his mother Mrs. Lou. Weurth. Mr, Alderson • and daughter visited Mrs Vivian Alderson. Mrs, Ruth Durand. visited her mother Nell Kendrick. Mrs, Dora Hoggarth was visited by her husband Mr. Rozendal and Mr. and. Mrs.: Geo.Soepboer visited. with Mrs. Aice Rozendal:. Chester Dunn visited Vera Lammie.. The High score for bowling was Mr. Neil Regan. with 89. Church, service was conducted • on Tuesday by Rev, Van Essen! and. Mrs. Van Essen with Louise' Mitchell accompanying' at the piano. The Ladies' of Chiselhurst entertainedthe residents with treats and Bingo on. Monday. :Mr. and Mrs. Jack Corbett in company. with• Mr. and.,. Mrs. Les Adams of Exeter spent three weeks in Florida where they visited Mr. an Mrs.:toe Flynn and Miss. Sharon Morenz and, also: Visited; with relatives in North Carolina. U,C.W, MEETS Following a morning pf quitting, the .U,C,W, of Chliselhurst United' Church met at the home of Mr,s. Alvin Cole, Mrs. J. Drintnell! presiding Mrs. Freda Boa had the -'worship on. "Talents". A discussion on the; Mission Booth oh. Africa. to be presented. on April •1st at the Hensall Church, Plans were made to have the slip and Bloomer sale at the May. meeting, A skit "Stewardship Reflections" was repsented. by Mrs. H. Parker, Mrs. T. Brintnell and Mrs. C. Coleman Mrs. Ed. Dick was in charge•of the program and gave' a poem: "Spring House. Cleaning". Mrs. Gerald 'Glenn. and Mrs. A. Cole were hostesses. 1,00 hecarspeakers The Hensall Legion Public speaking Contest was held itt the Legion Hall, Hensall on Thursday evening with 24 contestants and around • 100 parents and friends attend, �. Grant ran t McClnchey Pres • ent of the Legion was Master of ' Ceremonies and presented.thefollowing. win- ners ' with their : trophies.';_ Junior Division • 3r`d' Runner- up: Christine McAdams;. 2nd runner-up, Tammy Durand; 1st runner up, . Kelly Schroeder. Senior diVi ion: 3'rd runner-up, Janet Regier;µ. 26d runner-up: Tracey Ducharme; ..1st: runner-up Nancy Overholt. Kelly Schroeder and. Nancy Over- holt advanced to Zone Public, Speaking in Brussels Legion Hall on. Friday evening., Do- nuts and coffeewere served by the Ladies' •Auxiliary at the close. C.P.T. COMMITTEES HOLD FINAL EUCHRE The C.P.T.:Committee of, the 1.O.0.F. and Rebekah Lodges: held their final Euchre of the season on Friday evening in the local hall' with six tables playing Euchre: Following are th prize .winners Ladies High, Mrs. Ross Broadfoot; Ladies' ''Consolation,.. .Bertha MacGregor; ' Gent's High: Pere Campbell; Gent's Consolation; Cecil Pepper; done. Hands. Mrs. E. Riley. Lucky draw winners were. Bill Rogerson ,And ' Mr. Grace . ,Drunitnond. -Jack Upshall .'was Master of Cerenionies•• AMBER LODGE Mrs.,Elizaberth RileyNice Grand' Presided at the.;. • regular • meeting Amber Rebekah Lodge on, the evening in the absence of the No. Grand Mrs. Hazel Corbett and;was assisted by Mrs. Olga 'Chipchas P.H.G. Mrs 'Riley reported for the Were taugtirby ata. American; ;from. California to ;grow their vegetables inthe hen system,• 10 utilize rainfall and irrigation to: best advantage. Jute is Qne of the few exports: Of this underdeveloped:: Vonntry. Unfortunately this: .commodity is becoming more difficult to market becailse•Qf the availability of plastic, visitingcommittee and the C. Committee. Following the meeting Bingo Euchre was played and lunch served. Correspondent Several Past Grands were MRS. B. MACGREGOR! entertained at Pride of Huron 262-2025 L. Exeter on Thursday UNIT FOUR' OF HENSALL MEET . The regular meeting of Unit four of Hensall'U.0 W, was held in, the Fellowship Hall with fifteen members present. ' Mrs. `' James. McAllister presided. , Mrs. Nellie Riley gave the devotion and read the legend of "The Praying Hands." Mrs. Nan Britton spoke on the topic ''The Year of the Child." Mrs. Myrtle Sherritt played a piano' number.' Forty visits were made dur- ing the month to 'sick and: shut-ins. Plans were made for the. Mission'' Festival to be. held in the United Church Sunday April 1st The meet- ing closed with the singing of'. a hymn followed by the benediction. Mrs, L. Purdy and her committee served lunch Mrs, 'Wm. Fuss presided for the March meeting of Unit 1 of the Hensel!, United Church and read d a pee m' ea "Spring is all about me". For the year of the Child she chose for her theme "A• Master Plan" written by Amy. Bolding using the Scripture Proverb 25 :6. Train upa child in the way he should no: and when leis old he will not depart .front it. This story tells of a: young; couple, so happy with their firstbaby,' who givin them a new purpose irr'life'decided. save from their small salary two dolllars each week to use for their child's—future college education. She said God' makesplans for us, so we need a master plan for our Jives and the Va rrabustfl9j • Corespondent. MRS. MARY CHESSELL 482.9969 Babies have the spotlight in the news this week, with the �nniversary Recent. . visitors at ' `the Queensway Nursing Home were Bill and. Alma Schwartz and Ray Weurth visited Mrs. Lou Weurth.' Linda Lippert and. Jeanette Lippert visited Hugo Schenk. Vera Lammie wasvisited by Chester Dunn, John anti Iva Ridley. Mr. and:. Hensall lives of our children. The foundation of our life's plan should be a Christian home: is God . no whereMita used and:: worshipped,a place where God is called upon in daily, prayer and. guide and direct our every acttvitiv Mrs. Fuss led in prayer and the Lord's prayer in unison. "This is my Father's n birth of two little girls and a boy,' Wayne and Joan Beierling's daughter arrived oil March,Sth in St. Jospeh's Hospital. They're calling her Heather • Marie..: Bill and PERSONALS Mrs. Ted Roberts returned to her home after surgery in: St. Joseph's Hospital, Lon- don. Tom Kelly, ;Administration. Manager of the Bank of Monti'e.1 has returned to the •staff';aftef,twa�weeks':vac atiott, ' • Mrs. Eric Luther conduc- ted Church service on Tues- day with Lousie Mitchell at the piano. The Chiselhurst Ladies' entertained t e resi- dents on Monday with Bingo and Treats. Mr, and Mrs. William Rogerson returned home on Saturday after 'spending the past month in Florida. • Rev. Kenneth Knight con- ducted service in Carmel' Presbyterian Church on •Sun, - day. The sermon was- "The Testing of : Jesus." Mrs. -Robert:' Taylor played -the piano, 'fhe Sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be cele- brated at the regul ar'hour of worship on 'Sunday, March' 25th. A' congregational pot'' luck supper and crokinole social. is planned for Friday,'. March 16that6:00 p.m. Rev. T. Garnet Husser conducted. Communion Ser vice in. fiettyyssall United Church on S'uffday. The choir sang the anthem "0 Come Let Us Sing Unto the Lord" under the'direction of Mrs. Marianne McCaffrey . with Dr: •;Ralph Topp accompany ing •at • the organ.' Flowers were placed in the Church in -memory of the late: Ross Forrest by his family and in Memory of the late Mrs. Sam Thompson by Mr, and Mrs. Don Trevers. Remember! It takes but a moment " to : place an Expositor Want Ad Dial 527-.0240. :,Lair -Well's DRiLLING I. W.D. Hopper 1 and'8ons , � 4,MODERN ROTARY r, RIGS, ` Neil 527-1737 i ' Dur) 527-0828 i ANNOUNCEMENT .. Doug Kirkby and Ron McCallum of Walton with Bill ' McClure of R.R.1 Sea>forth, are forming a partnership known as KIRKBY, M'i Er McCLURE D Having purchased a new 2 or drAlnape plow and tater grade Spatial' .In Aug1llitl last year we pian 'to combine modern squlptt+stlt and experlence In the installation of farm drainage systems ,Dire.Ctiiit10.11101 '-tt Doug Kirkby RonMrcCaliurn' Bili McClure 887.6428 8874550- - • 527=0589 celebrated John and Iva Ridley. Mr. E.G. Hogarth and Elaine Baynham visited with Mr. Hogarth's wife . Dora Ho- garth. Mrs. o-garth..Mrs. Hazel Snell visit-`. ed Louise Mitchell. Linda Oesch visited her father Pat Oesch. Mrs. Hoelscher and. Mrs. Nell Kendrick were visited by Elizabeth Parley. Joan. Betteridge and Violet Bishop visited Irene Kalb fleisch. ' Sunday was 'Open House' when Mr. and Mrs: Pat ofZurich celebrated Deschted e a their golden wedding anni- versary. nniversar . Mr. Oesch has been a resident for several month's 87 ;guests signed the guest register 'book.. Mrs. Oesch wore arose corsage_and. Mr. Oescii a rose buttoniere Cake, tea and coffee were served. Barara Crawford have a girl,' Brennan Loren, 'born in Clinton on the 8th. Bill and. Linda: Chipehase of Bruce - field have another• boy, He was also born on the/86, • The -Huron Centennial. Community Playground As- • sociation held a 'successful dance at the recreation centre in Vanastra' a week ago Saturday evening. A big crowd: attended, and. Pat Taylor won the door prize. Rev. James Reddock of Bayfield will preach' in' the, Varna and Goshen Churches next Sunday. •Rev. and Mrs, Alex: Taylor are expected home from Florida this week. Twenty-seven students of Varna Sunday School en- joyed a trip to. the movies with their teachers on Saturday: They were served hot, dogs and: tither treats at the church when they returned. Bev and Shirley Hill at- tended— the • three-day American Pork 'Congress at the convention centre in Indianapolis last week, and visited -friends in Windsor before returning home on Sunday. world" was, Sung tollq we by the roll call, •minutes of the February; nir,<ting and the offering was taken and do. cheated, • Mrs, Harvey Keyes bad an interesting study using. as her topic ""Thg' Rights .of C hildren" using an article by the C,A.0:':who over the years have been responsible for .campaign that resulted in safety caps for Aspirin bottles, presenting the sale Of candy flavoured aspirins in Canada and now are trying to develop 'foolproof resistant medicine containers. No one can, estimate an: accurate figure of child abuse but :it is high. Children are abuse' often by parets who are abused, Children are abused because parents •are not prepared for the emotional. responsibilty. They feel' .trapped, Many, children are not fedproperly orreceive needed meditation.'` Schools must develop programmes to teach students . - the .difficulties of parenthood. The .'public and professionals most be clearly instructed in how to re- cognize the symtoms of child abuse. Mrs. D. Joynt reported on the adopted girl. Each member was asked bring a new tea towel to the April 12th •.' meeting. The U.C.W. are .planning a .bus. trip to the United House sometime in June:. Mrs: H. Scane gave the final plans for ' the. Mission Festival. in.. Hensall United C hurch April lst. Some plans for the Beef. • Barbeque to'be held. April• 25th 'were also discussed. ' Mrs, Robert. Drysdale d a musical tape from • their holiday_ in Jamaica Using thee traditional St:-Pafrick.'s. day motif Mrs.' J. Consitt,adc: Mrs. D.loynt served, lunch.. Fresh Pork SHOULDER Ri Choice Local Beef 8 Pork' Sugary Plum boneless quarter, DINNER HAM SIDE BACO Pork & Beef PA► No Filler.: Store asked WIENERS. Home made HEAD CHEESE SIDE« EFp r< d ..''sed. Ib. Ib. 1h. • lb. STORE. HOURS Tues., Wed.,•Thurt.,:and Sat., 8 .6 p.m. Friday 8 a.m. - 9 p tri'. Store 262-201' ABBATOIR HOURS BEEF SLAUGHTER — MONDAY PORK SLAUGHTER TUESDAY Hours for picking up freezer or custom orders Tues... Fri. 8 a.m... 6 p.M,, Sat. 8 a.m. « 1 p.m. Abbatoir 26'2' 2041. ThE HUR!C NI SXF'i SiTQR'z • The ladies" Legioit Auxitairy *stet T:aesda evening =cit Mrs.Itea. vl. presdiding. A donation was made to the Legion Bursary Fund. The Auxiliary will, remember veterans,ttl. West-.. minister Hospital on • -their birthdays in April. Where was considerable discussion: over banquet and, weddingsand catering, to sante: ,Mrs; Iva Reid Sports officer reported On ,the sports, activities and : the bowling tournaments coining up in the future, ,Mrs- E Munn Edgar u 8 Ivl ar returnned' home after spending, a week, with her son-in,law and daughter Mi. and Mrs.. Don GAgdi tg and Dale in Parkhill. Mas. Watson, Seaforth and Mr. and Mrs. R. Ritcher of Kitchener visited recently, with Mrs. C..Christie- Mr. and. Mrs. Jack COrbeit returned home on Saturday, after vacationing in Florida. for the last three weeks', Mr. , and Mrs. Pere -Campbell returned to their home following, serveral. weeks holidaying'inFiorida.' CONGREGATIOiNAL SUPPER TO 13E f#ELD Rev. K. Knight conducted service in • Carmel Presbyterian Church on. Sunday his sermon. was "The Transfiguration of Jesus". The Sacrament of the Lord'S Supper will bcel. ebr ate on Sunday,Mate25th, A con- gregational pot luck supper and crokinole" social ,•is planned for Friday, March. 16 at 6:00 p.. The Kirk; Sessicitt will; meet on Wednesday, March 14th at 8. p.m, HENSALL UNITED' CHURCH jtev. T. Grant t asses eonducted service in ll 441' United Church On Sunday,. The sewn was on: ",'♦esus l f.Qrtir'. The Citoir wader the. direction of Mrs. Maranne McCaffrey sang "Praise Ye ° The Lord". Di.' .Ralph Topp presided at the org44. Prxyer =. service wilt be held at 7 ;p:t!n'< Thursday, March 15t1;,, - 0. punt to condom wok •'wimp •• T-gMnr a caw • LaM1. • p w • Mrrw wun•*.n.,d 0,410, ar • r•• MArPrrwwMhwuxa• -, Aw° AA M Omit mkt* to>F..rr VANASTRA FACTORY OUTLET "The Store That Saves You More" Choose from our entire stock of Ladies'—Men's—Children's., Your choice. e SAVE LaSalle T • ANKE S Mede, from SO% acrylic and 50% polyester. Sive : 72" x Oa" lit colour of orange, gold,blues,:. and camel.Slight• :imperfgctions hat do not affect the. quality 61 .0-4 garment. Soy's VELOUR SHIRT Choose front sixes W20., Quality workmanship by Tam'o'Shanter. Coma in -and sse these: while_ ii the quantity and 's&Wc•,; tion are at their best, 44 . EACH >. 97. EACH'. LA-l3ISSrBRIEFS .'hoose from cotton or Antron ill with cotton inset. IKiNISTYLE • • Be ta•.'. s/•3.7 REGULAR STYLE 9.29 PR. 41•4:* OVERSIZE ' 9.29 att.3/•3:'' ati FABRIC DEPARTMENT LADIES' BRA' SPECIAL:::.R ixa: Our stock of'' Exquisttrs;form• and Wonder Ora. 20" OFF `\ SAVE A BUCK! Choose from ' %. aur.' con let• loctian Of.. BOY'S P' ht Pt 1SA�i_S" r'h*+."• •' iotf pad► the" -reguler price less o beck 1.TOV EL ENDS. Choose 'frons 'solid white or mixed colours. Idsol for home crafts, -- WHITE- .i• LS. COLOURED 'Lis. 2. FINE LINE GABARDINE • Mode from 4S% polyester and 3$% viscose). 12 assort.,, 'colours to choose from. REG. '2.40 MITRE ,50 ' METRE 3ANEW SHIPMENT! `POUND GOODS Choose from an excellent selection of colours and sive* • In both blanket and llodsprard ands. Your choice, Just.. . 4. DRAPES $197I so u. W♦ .have lust received an sii sortMent of imp** In 7 skate *hoof;* from. PRICED TO SAVE YOU MONEYI • • VANASTRA ACTORY OUTLET "nil Store Snit Soros Tar Harte MIM t outs „taut* *tits i *INV WI Alt w ;*:;nobs •� %IMMiaMACM1Ms*..*'OWN eooiI tun NOW STOOKiebuitse tttoalir 61414 p" SitiiiiillaftlikA4 4.0406 tilMlillt• MO*, 41, C -tight -Jay 4 South 01 Cfr9on el? V©nasUra