HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1979-03-15, Page 4KORO POWft* MARCS '!5% C,ottespiapdent Iver requesting, .s da -a a i.n it a fires, r Cn : Clnity It was decided to drag Op Pesti:An against some :of *be advertising; on. T;X. in; regards to fe=male hygiene, A. project to imprevethe Church hall was,, discussed. Gram again the C.W.L. has ambitiousojects lined µ pr P to improve our church; facilities, t hus ene fitm our whore church w h rch comntuntty. The mtisteryrice was wen F IAI:N.MALONE • 34,5.2132 The sympathy of the ;community is extended to the !Ryan Family in the pasatn 5,, of their sister Laura. Mrs; I).iep• Smith andtx irls yi ited Mr. and. Mrs. AB •Cronin ,over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Theo Van - 1 and Mr, an dMri'$, Bake aPut Yoe els have e B . l: ust re d froma Motor trip to or' d.a . They saw a lot of country and really enjoyed their trip; and: they brought back some delicious ojranees. Father Tom McQuaid of .St, Wei*. i visitingMr, an., u S .'� Firs. Vincent Lane. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Hicknell' of New Liskeard visited ,with Mr. and Mrs, Francis Martell recently, Brother Joseph of Uxbridge visited with 1;r, and Mrs. Vincent Lane last week, Mrs. , Mary Ducharme' visited her daughter and son-in-law Mr„ and Mrs. Ron Marcy, in Startford a few days Iasi week,. Mf. and Mrs. James Sloan just returned fro ,two weeks. in Freeport, Grand Bahama: Island. They report exeeilent weather and a lovely holiday, rite first meeting of 1979 for the C.W.L. was held iiz the church ballon March 7 at 1:30 pm. After the usual reports it was announced. that Mrs. Faye ALbert will be visiting the sick for March The 17 members that were present advised' that the quilt tikcets are ready, member- ship fees -are to be Collected. It was decided to cater to the Knights of Colum bus dinner April 22,Donations were ap ;proved for• Bunny Bundle, Right to Life and -Birthright. Mrs. Mildred Cronin pre- sented a. petition the had St,ffa' Correspondent MRS. JOHN TEMPLEMAN • 34S-2346: Staffa Women's. Institut held a successful •euchre., party on Wednesday evening March 7 in the Staffa hall, with 9 tables in play. - Prizes' were,. awarded to Ladies' . Mrs. Harold . Cole- man,' Seaforth; Mrs.- Loyd Miller; Staffa. Gents: Tom Colquhoun, Staffa; Jim Keys, Seafprth.. Lone Hands, . Mrs. ,Jean Pethick, Seaforth; Tavelling •. prize, Elmer Townsend, Seaforth; Nearest birthday, Mrs. Carter: Kerslake,. Staffa. . Mr. • and .Mrs. Duncan, Scott and. Nancy, • Mr. and Mrs. Laurie McKellar, Kathy, Susan and Grant, are holidaying in Florida. M. and' Mrs: John Scott and Christopher, Cromarty are holidaying with relatives in England. Mr, and Mrs; Ross Smale are holidaying in the sunny south.' Mrs. • Carlyle Meikle ac- companied her dad. Jim Scott, Mitchell on a holiday to Florida. Mt. and Mrs. Reg Finlay- ' son and Mike, Mr. and Mrs. . Gary Finlayson and family,. ' Mr, and Mrs. Brian Finlay- son and Mr. Lorne Finlay- son, were guests at the Carnochand-Finlayson wed- ding in Kippen United Church and reception later in Hensall Arena., Miss 'Vera .Handily is a patient in : University f 'by Made M.elady, lunch was scrvedi at The ,e%se of, Meetin. The C.W.L. are. sponrgcing a pot -luck supper • and hard ,,party on Pr>idas.. ;tight March 1n,. starting at g S 85;30 pm. with adtttission of ;one ,dollar. Prizes- -will be awarded: and semi ,will be seerved, afterwards. ;local entertainmert a n. Its: - presidedpro`iaed Everyone is, welknte- ` LMAQ Thtr ittiron-Perth. County !turban Catholic Separate *hoot board wilt. sethree ce , hr .. trustrustees 'to Vancouver front, June la to lit :as. delegates , t the Canadian Catholic 'School trustees" Association. eonv:ention x; • At a boaird Meeting, • tnl Monday the names •1Jtii+lilt. hi ,rl._a., , vti err announced :of the three trustees to 8 o: Michaet Connolly. K ppen• Gra oly Pleating. Creditiontand John .Ll"Leary. Staffa. Keith 'Montgoniery ttf %'inghan 1riiS � tit -n' rite. ' .; arra . tt,Yrnate' delegate. Rub . Butter of Stratford, Br dhagen L.CW is r 1 tt v ,ni;v ed b\ Mr 44 fi. ren 1, li 'elm. Earl ; Leonhard:t, 5%isiting with Mrs. l;avtrn }.orrespondent MRS: LAVERN wQwg 345-27ra7 The i.C.W,. ladies; of St Peters' Lutheran Chtireh,. Brodhagen where pleased: to hold, the March meeting .on Wednesday! after •noon in their new meeting room of the' Church, basement, Mrs, Alice Beuerman and Mrs. Martha. Hinz conducted the :devotions and Paster. Arthur Horst lets the Bible study on. fasting. Mrs. Dorothy Elligsen and Mrs, Martha Hinz served refreshments. The home of Doug and joy !1~iho 'that was extensively da [ d by fire in, Brodh 'sena' was formely owned by the late Mrs. Lena Elligsen. Mr. and Mrs. .Robert Robinson and . family attended th4 wedding •' of their nephew, Bradley Carnochan and Sharon Fin- layson at the Kippen United Church on Saturday, followed by a reception which was .held at Hensall Com'mu.nity' Centre. The friends and relatives Of)Louis' Siemon. are sorry to hear he is a patient ?in the General Hospital, Stratford where he had surgery on Tuesday. Harold .and ';,:Norma Elligsen accontpanted "Mery and : Enid' Leonhardt to Petersburg in Florida and enjoyed visiting with friends. •,there fromthis area: and have: • now returned to their. homes. 'There was a Targe number - from. Brodhagen who enjoyed the lice Capades in London on -.Wednesday evening. It.V was a shock to Brod- hagen , and •Community to hear of thesuddendeath of the late William Diegel, `a resident of the Lutheran :Villa, Mitchell where he died on Thursday Mr. Diesel was formerlyof Brodhagen where, he was born on Nov, 18th, 1900, a son of the late George Diegel and the former Emma Itose.Hewas. Married: to Liela Brunner.. who died on July 13, 1961. He was a carpenter by.arade and a member of St, Peters Lutheran Church, Brodhagen and resided in Brodhagen in . the home now owned by .Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gilbert. Sincere. sympathy • is: ex- tended to his family. He is survived by two sons; Rev, .Calvin•Diegef of 'Branford. and Arthur ofKitchener, one daughter Mrs. 'Marlene McLaughlin 98 Home St.,' Stratford. Two sisters Mrs. Joseph, (Roma) Smith, Scaforth and Mrs, George ' (Georgina) Young 168 Green: St. Stratford and eight grandchildren. He was pre- deceased by one brother Carl. in 1954. The funeral was held at the. Lockhart Funeral Home on Monday at 1:30'. p.m. where Pastor Arthur Horst conducted. the funeral • Mr. and- Mrs:. Brian' Preistap lul New Hamburg. have .moved into the home Hospital, London. service, C�fCthonks ladies The Brodhagen Chamber of planned the event. A ham Commerce - recentlydinner was served by Mrs' annual entertained at their a n Arlene Sinnamon and, 'Ladies Nite'', held to honor assistants. wives . for` their help and Fred Herbert entertained Support over the past year. the guests with a series of Chamber ,president. Joe stories during the dinner and Vandenberk and his wife everyone joined in a sing- Jean, with their assistants, along led by Mervin Dietz, (@bUlltl-0fflCS Leonard Rose and Edward 5herbarth. An estimated 523,345 will Bud Ayre, made a toast to be spent this year on changes the ladies, thanking them for • to the Perth County Board of their'suppoit during the year Education administrative and Grace Murray replied to offices in Stratford'. the toast. The board; expects the Gary • Josling, past Changes to the Britannia ptesident of the Chamber, Street offices will provide a wasipresented with a plaque short term solution to the in recognition of his lea er•.i• problem of lack of accomo, ship in 1978 and his Wife, .dation at the offices, . Dianne, was presented' with At least 510,000- of the a bouquet of long stemmed amount budgeted *ill go roses, = towards the putchiise of two The guest speaker, Jack gleed• portable classrooms to Hagarty and his Wife Joan, house Consultant and Specie were introduced by Maynard Services staff. }local/. Mr, and Mrs, The ternaining. cost will be Hagerty, former residents of taken up with moving, tend. the B'rodhageh area. spoke vatittg and furnishing the on their experiences living in portables. ~' Ghana, Africa; new r , � nlr co"`tott wilt be presented With 0n award of Merit tr his many years; .as a S parasc sehOol board Me .... ee to Perth County.ratX Nominated Huron -Perth County :Roman Catholic Separate School Board for the award, it; ,wilt be presented to hila at , lie• convention of Separate -Schools Trustees to be hcht in Toronto, April ;trill S. Mr. Butler serstd about 20 years on. the separate arate W10011)9'04 _, in Stratford, 12 of them as board chairman. With the forming of county 1 b .,'. 9 9i...':. r sx<hoo beards in l b lin-tier represented the Huron Perot board on Perth rooms, Wolfe was Mrs. Gary Holf Bruce• and Brenda of Watbiiria. ' County l#s)rrd'of Edut:titi : for eight years. " The property committee was directed to Set •more o a" theo Sed: details on r P P Creative playgrou$ at St. Aloysius- School. Stratford. half hourp resentation, on the seiege eutricuitim'', as taught .in the 19 separate '•Schools in Huron and, 'Perth Counties, was..00ilined .ht detail by three members of thecommittee-Ole three' . teachers were Mrs. "Frances Craig at St. Colutnban Sehonl, Michael Vewan: of ,, Imm:acitlate Co;nceptiott 'Se 1. Stratford and Mrs. tic ar t s c St M v r I' k n ,a le Slhool, Dublin, Th>ry answered:' nttnterotts questions presentedented .by thee trustees. The meetinj w:ove:at 10:50 pm. v'hen:as the boardr went .into ::eorntnittee-of-the • whnle, radon four tenders were opened for ,c h toS nholing of 5,000 cubit yards of gravet lobo applied to Logan l; ownsltip roads at the March Council" Mieetitis,. The low. est tender received, was. from. Ray Ireland Limited, London, at.al? rice of $1.85 per cubic Sadr, cc t d the e Council, ac la tender P e . r price of $655. submitted by Laurie Siemon, Brodhagen. , for .renting the land at the sanitary landfill site. _ Theienut s, of a, rercetit m ., t ell and t i ch rid n err n of the Mi District Protective inspection. Committee were .a'pproved, Council also approved the 1979 budget of the Mitchell Fire Area Board Of Whipp Logan pays 21.f7%n' Or • $9,575.80. Reports and the 1979 budget of the Mitchell tender • and Pjstrlct Arena; Community Centre Hoard stere approved Koad aeeounts: in the amount of S19,255..67 were ordered is iu ctre d pa+d. This incladed ded the ipayment for the new 3/4 tono P pc i k -µp truck which the - t. vnshi purchased. Earl Oppenhauser, tnem- ber of the Perth County Board of Education attended the 'Meetingcil'. , at Counls req,nest and explained s. p e�o taie .policies of the board. Wending An ann d ns bylaw to rile Township Zoning By-law was passed for ;,long Van Hake!, Lot 27, ,Concession 9, and will be circulated, to neigh- bouring land owners within 400, feet of his property. A Rating By-law for Tile Drain- age Loan was approved. PProv . ed• The provisional by-law for:., the 'Dillon :Municipal- Drain 1979 waS. given two readings.: Joe Y*ndettberk Was $pP?inted to represent flan•Towdsbiip, on the Court p Revision ,en he Di Aon Municipal Drain at the Township, Office in McKillob .on March 26, Qn! March 19, the consideration of the reportsof the Melvin Drain, the Gaffney I)raln; and; the Murray Drain will be. held. The affectede 'rate rs have been notified and: the 'engineer, W.E. Kelley, Kitchener, will be.attend- ance. nd- �__ n ..ire ance. Council awarded the sont- to i wash- roominstall two new .. room units in the Township Hall to Mervyn Leonhardt Plumbing and Heating, Brodhagen, The • next Council meeting 'will be beld.9,11114 wit 19%at1 HOO►iP_iV mon.'0 Wad. 94, StOR1F -'[,lits:. .. Th. u .Rsi, till 9; Sat. 9,5 p.m, Canada Grade '4A 11x to 31/4 lb.. • Fresh Ake - 1 Aylmer Litt + Fresh Whole Cut -Up Frying Chicken Leaver Pieces & Stems Mushrooms 10 fl. oz. tin Fresh or Previously Frozen Pork Riblets -tri-•t• le.78 Maxwell House Instant Coffee 10 oz. jar PRICES EFFECTIVE UNTIL CLOSING SATURDAY, MARCH 17.'1079. • WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES TO AVERAGE FAMILY REOUIREMENTS., SUPPLIED AND. SERVICED 8Y Sunlight 12L box Powdered Detergent 4•.99' Challenger 7,7S oz, tin Pink . '•.• Salmon .99 Jolly Mtlier. 3 x 31/4 oz. pkgs. Orange Flavoured ' Drink • 5r Crystals, . 7 Regular or Diet, 750 ml' Returnable Bottle: . . Seven -Up Mac & Cheese Bologna or Sliced Chicken Loaf Skinless Wieners Q (Plus 25. dep•• per bttj 31. 1: Post 450 g pkg, Sugar Crisp or Alpha -Bits libber 12.14 tl, DZ. lin, Chola Ale. s Ctmoia, Mixed Vry.tabiee, Fancy C'n.M Corn, Peer r W /. 7 .onol. Kornrtcorn' / ■, Aylmer28 11, oz. tie Choice . .99 Tomatoes Portion 24 n. o:.. In Not Chi*, frontl.r Dinner Meetb.11e a ` iteey, Wiener► and e4i.. 1 29 '.rad MOM**tit.■.: •'i t M �/ U.S, No. 1 Florida Pascal. Celery, J2 11. oz, plastic btl, • n Liquid ea. i 59 Plumber.' U.S, .No,1 • Florida Red or White Grapefruit • .99 Sunlight 1.5 L plas*Ic btl', P.P. 51.83` egethU1 Detrn1.6 Skinless Wieners And or Top Valu Breakfast Sausage Product• of Israel . Mother Parkers pkg. ot 100 Sweet Navel ,C economy Oranges . do:.•1 •120 Tea' Bags 1.69 U.S. No. 1,2,1b, bag . F(orida New Crop Cello Carrots. 6' Canada No. 1 Ho► House English Cucumbers. Bakers 6 oz. pkg: SemISweet ;Baking Chips .89 Aylmer 11 fl. oz. btl. 'tomato. sa: • r79 Ketchup 2/.89 ti • Product of Mexic; No. 1, Vine Ripe 'Tomatoes-- 2 lbs. tor Sr mememolosokseellsoleesawewwwmememir .,. . Robin Hood Assorted Flavours Cake -Mixes -- 17.6 -184'.Clx. "pkg.. white Swan box o1 200 White, Pink, , Yellow or Green Facial Tissue. .65 Raga 14.5' it.:oz. jar plain,•w/Merit or w/M'u5hroorns. Spaghetti, Sauce „.67. Breck00 ml bt Regular, I. Dry or; Oily Shampoo 2.49 PET FOOD SPECIALS _ Miss Mew'6 oz.'.tirt; Assorted sorted Varieties, Dinners Top Choice 2'kg pkg. . Beet, Cheese, Egg or Bacon r� Dog Food 2 .89 Gaines 2 kg pkg. Dog Meal 1.49 • Ken-L-Rat(gge2 kg bag Regular,,L(vbr or Cheese 289 Dog Burger _..9 • Derby 15 oz tin Meat Food ,31$1 Kraft 1 lb. jar Processed Cheez Whiz, McCormicks•'700 g pkg. McCain, 20.24 oz. pkg. McBig Chocolate, Ginger 12 Isiah Frozen ' Snaps 1.09 PepperanL Supreme, 1 .. ,�. .. :....,...o .... ....... ....0[ Oatmeal.... peluxeP'izza' ' Schneiders, 1 ib pkg. Schneiders 2 ib. bucket Monarch 1 lb. tub All Beet, Country Maple or • Laura Secord 4 x 5 il, oz. cartdn , Cooked , a Regular p' resorted Flavodrs SOft Chicken .99. Mini Sizzlers 1 .513 Mini Puddings 99 : Margarine',_. Schneiders, 2 Ib. pkg, • Schneiders, 1 lb. pkg, 4 Varieties m F il Pack a Y P Sliced 66 1 Beat Burgers 3. 5$ Side. Bacon'. ;. v St. Patrick's Day Special Shopsy 3.4 Ib, Top Veru 1 Ib. pkg, Corned Beef Sliced' Briekr►t :. .ib. 1.7 •;Side' aori 9. � � 1 58 Schneiders, 6 oz. pkg. ' Canada Grade "A" Dutch Loaf, Pickle ' 21/2 fo 36 Ib. Pimento or Luncheon Loaf .6p' Fresh Frying Chickens ill,. LENTEN CISH' SPECIALS Frozen (Perch Family) Heat & Serve Haddock Rockfish' 1.39 portions Fillets lb. Flip or Fryle Frozen Perch a 1' 88 Fillets Perch ib., r Frozen Frozdr Smoked Cod y c Smoked p8 �j _Fillets lb. 1'.68 Kippers iti:.8 P Skippy 2 ib, lar ,ta►natien 23 oz. )tiv Creamy or.auper Chunk Regular b Marahma0ow Paanu# ♦♦" � r Instant Hot n , /hitter 1X86 Chocolate... Querinnokh 4 ti -3w tat. pkgs. White Sn 2 rb1ge1 pkg. Asse1ted Fruit Flavoured WhNa','YarvaOranNow, : tireeif br ��clfflhis_ r 8,, �fsaper rowels r.1 09 Je1I.O 3 oz: pkg. Assorted Flavours Jelly Powders • Cepacoi 500 ml btl.: Mouthwash 411. Pillsbury 3 it 8 oz. pkg.. Crescon tBank Offer Dinner Roils IBA 1 Ib; pkg'. I f Lard Swanson, Frozen Chicken, Beef or Turkey Dinners Yi oz, pkg, a .99 ?9 69 .63 ..Heinz_ 'Fancy Tomato Juice 1. 10' 11, oz. tin • •