HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1979-03-08, Page 22411ON `,EXPO; TOi3} MARC t -i t1ort, ••; AFTERNOON NAP This Sicilian donkey; owned by Ken Liddel of Denfield is always one .fo the more popular attractions at the Western Farm Show, at least with the younger generation. Who can blame him for catching a nap aft, er being patted on the back by the hundred of school children visiting the show. r BY J4. HAGS R'T?if, AREA -.VO RD>NATOR AND ram MANAGEMENT SPECIALIST - Recently --I- spent a •.cg4tple of days ` with a gra* of concerned. fathers. Their sons or daughters will; graduate :this spring. from Centralia College of 11, Agricultural Technology. Most of these young, people . will be corning home tg farm. And,• they'll bring little with then --except their talents, enthusiasm, and laundry for mother to wash. admire these fathers.. They were really searching-' like detectives:- . ;looking; for CS VIlleSitat Would help solve a Mystery'.. 'The mystery is cotnplicated by many factors - high inflation, high interest rates,, and uncertain. markets, One father asked a very interesting, question. How Oh ,yr ,treat all Children equal?" Another ;asked. "Is it 'fair to h,.rrlen MRS. HENRY' NEER' Mrs. Henry Neeb, 92, :of 145 Woodstock St. North. Tavistock died Monday in the Stratford. General Hospital. Born Nov_ 12, 1:8$6, in Heidleberg. she was, the former Emma Foerster, a. daughter of the late George Forster and former Catherine Ebel.. , The late Mrs. Neeb: was a member of Trinity Lutheran Church and an. honorary member of the Lutheran Church Women, She was predeceased by hr husband Henry Neeb in 1962, Surviving • are one On, Harold. of Tavistock; two daughters, Mrs. William. (Henrietta), Brown, of ' Seaforth and Mrs. Florence Chamberlain, of Kitchener; one sister, Mrs. Walter .. (Dorothy) Vogt, of Tavistock; seven. grandchildren and 13 great-grandchildren. She was predeceased by one brother, one sister and two great-grandchildren. :"'Friends were receviedat the Robert. Krug. funeral .home, Tavistock,. At noon Thursday, transfer -will b .,rnade to Trinity, Lutheran `Church .Sebastopol,' for a service at.2 p,m.' with Rev, Forest R. Mosher officiating Burial will be in Trinity • Lutheran: Cemetery. THE SEPA_RATE SHOPPE MAIN CORNER, CLINTON PHONE 4$2.777$ (NEXT TO CAMPBELL'S MEN'S WEAR) BLOUSES-SKIRTS-PAIyTS-SUITS-SWEATERS: OPEN 1-6 OPEN 1-i• PETER. DECOO Peter' J. Decoo, 32, of 33 Hickory Lane, Stratford,•died Thursday ` at `.University Hospital, London following.a short illness. Born in Holland, he was a son of Mrs. Adri DeCoo, of Seaforthand the late Anthony DeCoo and came. to - Canada to 1954.' After graduation ",'from Seaforth schools:. he resided • in Mitchell for several years - where • he served on :: the: Mitchell: Town Council and Was a member' of :the Mitchell Jaycees. He was a former elder of Knox Presbyterian Church,. Mitchell, He was district manager of The Co -Operators, CIAG Insurance and a member of St. Andrew's Presybyterian Church, Stratford. Surviving are his wife, the former Sharon Talbot, One son, Duane and, ':one daughter, Leanne, both at home. `his mother; and two brothers, Tony of Woodstock and Adrian of Kitchener,. Friends were received at the Heath -Leslie Funeral: Home, Mitchell where a service was held at 2 p.m. Manday, Burial was .in: Maitlandbank Cernetery,. Seaforth. Rev. Wallace Murray officiated assisted by Rev. James Ferguson. MRS. ROY BURCRI L Mrs. Roy Burchill of 11. 0 "one child with $250,00.0. debt and a, lifetime of struggle?" Most. of these .questions; need to be :an.Wered by another question. is it fair to: give eachchild an equal;. amountofmoney? Some may h:tv,- been ;p=illing to do Stratford General'Hospital'. Born .i t Hibbert Township she was: the former Maty. Dalrymple, a daughter of the late •Mr, and. Mrs, William Dalrymple and resided in Hibbert Township most of. her life, er oMini. StreetShe was UnitaedmembChurch, f Her husband died in 1943. Surviving are two sans, Bert, of Hibbert Township, • d Wesle of 'Mitchell; Dublina former • clerk treasurer of Hibbert Township died. Sunday at the Stratford General Hospital. Bornin • Minto Township she was the former: Anne r Welton, a daughter of the late Mr.. :and Mrs. Charles Welton. In 1947 .. she married the late Roy Burchill and resided on the Burchill farm • in Hibbert until his death in 1962 when .she moved to Dublin.. Her husband had been active inthe work of the municipality since 1938 when he was first , appointed assessor and' in • 1940;. •clerk treasurer and following her marriage Mrs, Burchill iassisted,him in his work. On his death she was appointed. to the position and continued to serve until tier retirement in 1972: She was active in the • Dublin. Womens Institute and in the work of the St. Marys's Guild and later the S't'. Thomas Guild, Surviving, are one son, Jim of Mitchell; - and two brothers, Roy, of Owen_ Sound, and Witham, , of 281 Devon St, Stratford. Friends were received at the 'Heath -Leslie Funeral home, Mitchell where a service was held 3:30 p.m. Wednesday. Burial was in ' Knox Presbyterian Cemetery MRS. WILBUR MAHAFFY Mrs. Wilbur Mahaffy, 90, of 218 Morenz Dr. Mitchell, died Saturday in the Rehabilitation and Extended Care Unit of the • ;abler I ri crest Rates. • NOW,AVAILA:BLE.Oti:. . •-`lit and 2nd':Mortgages .tno,1,vrc its Unt' iiia tm RES(l)EN l lA1 --- 1ND('S1 RIA . (GMMF RCIAl.:I nd t:M2;v1 PRUi'1 Ft`l 1'f 5 . ntet'un 1 i,nak t.11g ott 0,11�1 met on t'i`lgntl d_o:Viciptiient AFEW:AY' INVESTMENTS &: CONSULTANTS LTD.. ' FOR YOUR LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE CALL MURRAY STARK: 1-800.261-0600, pg. 2080 Ilcad Office: 741. King Street West, Kiteliener, 15191579.4600 Branch Offices: -705 Goderich St., Port Elgin 151.91832-2044 "WE BUY EXISTING MORTGAGES FOR INSTANT CASH" 7/2 FARM EQUIPMENT LTD: SEAFORTH - CAMBRIDGE - AYR-W00DSTOCK What's your planter worth at �ik-- anting seasin?" Don't find out the' hard way. Call our Service Canter for an appointment now. We'll put your planter in shape ahead of time so that you'll get full value out of it when you ,flood it. Don't daisy. iitt6dyi 111 SEATO RTH 521 0120 three daughters, Mrs. Alvin, (Jean) Barber, of Hibbert. Townships;. Mrs. Nelson (Annie). Howe, of Staffa, and Mrs:, Harper (Ruby) Kraemer, of Mitchell; 11 grandchildren and 25 great grandcliildre i. - Friends were received at the Heath -Leslie Funeral Home, Mitchell, where a service was held 3:30 p.m, , Tuesday. Burial was in Knox Presbyterian Cemetery. Bowling Scores COMMERCIAL LEAGUE FINAL STANDINGS 747's . 107. Concords 71 Tiger Moth, 70 Spit Fires _ b6 Jet Gliders 56 B -52's 47 Men's High Single, Rudgy Jansen, 302; Men's High. Triple, Terry Young 691. Ladies'. High Single and Triple • Mary Van Den Henget, 281, 638. SEASON. Men's High Single, Terry Young 378; •Men's High Triple; and. Average, : John Coleman, 777,. 221. Ladies' High Single and– Average Mary . Van Den Hengel 319, 196, Ladies' High Triple, Karen Men Heere,694, Ruth Campbell, 229; Ladies" Hgh Triple, Bonnie Bedard. 558. a Win at euchre The results of the Odd fellows . and Rebekahs' euchre on Feb. 28 are: Ladies high Mrs. Flora . Dowson; Ladies Lone . Mrs. Margaret Carter; Ladies Low Mrs. Grace Broadfoot; Men's high - Peter Malcolm; Men's Lone Wilbur Godkin; Men's Low - Ed Byers. ' The winner of thedoor prize, a box of - fruit, was, Wilma Cuthill Somebody -.. Wants What You Don't Need! St...James - SELL Bluesgs Fifties, 110. Ov's 84 Through Colts 93 High. Lights 63. Huron Golden's 48 Men's High. Single and Expositor Triple Ron Beuerman, 324, 843; Ladies', high Single, • Classified. • FUEL(.011 FURNACE' Repair & Cleaning; • 24 Hour Service PARATCHEK'S MAINTENANCE IA chores morning, night and weekends Others, may have concentratedon other things. Some may have a good. edgcation and a job with. •security that provides 'cash; "for life', In fact, IS it fair to be equal to all? Does the child have a real .commitment to farming? Or is it just, because 4hey don't know what to do? Most of these fathers were around 50 ,years of age, They are not ready to retire. Maybe that's a good thing? It. takes a lot of Managme- •nt to. operate ,a. ,successful farm: An Expositor Classified will pay you dividends. Have you tried one? Dia 27-0248, `business, `Experience and education make a good tean' And conmunication is a key word to harmpnY oft a y, team. What is; ..a fair wage for a young person coming .home to farm? :Everyone had ,a different answer. One farm accountant: with a lot of experience says that:unless the ?oaring person receives. 5200. a week it doesn't usually work out. Many parents 'gasp' at thisfigure of $10,400. per year. But he points out it doesn't have to be in cash. It cath be in, livestock, demand, notes or bacir wages paid in ilio, future. One problem with:: paying a wage Is that the young person gets no benefit - from the inflation in land and livestock. The: • monthly paperwork. inyolved, paying income tax, un- employment insurance,. workmen's compensation; and• Canada. Pension Plan 'bugs'. Most fainters. - ,An income share of the net income: is one solution,, The young person has an:. incentive to increase farm income and reduce expenses. R is a testing period' for all concerned', It gtves'a record of performance. A family policy of updating, agreements every two years and wills every five .years may help solve the mystery of fair versus equal. OOPS, ANOTHER UPSET— Sandra Bell findsone: of the; trickiest things about these skiingrelays;is staying; upright at Huron Centennial School's Fun Day held at the school' on Thursday. (Expositor Photo) and. Equipment .4 ickR-0000604.:. ' Red . Our complete stock of televisions stereo components, radios, clock radios and speakers,etc. now at reduced prices. Sale endo Saturday March 10th 527. Seaforth nt. 527 205 Would you appreciate; help. with the high cost of training new. • employees? Would you welcome the opportunity to provide °work -experience to • unemployed youths, between the ages, of: 16 and 24? OLAP The Ontario Career Acti6n Program Will give you that chance in a term of up. to 16 Weeks -- at no expense to you. Through OCAP, the Ontario Government pays participating. { youfng people $100 a week and there are few limitations on the Ek , kinds .of work they 'can do -- -providing it offers °valtjable job experience. training. call: If you would like more information, or an OCAP application form, 'Conestoga College: of Applied• Arts and Technology 1400.265.8104 Ext. 216 [toll-free number] Conest. • . Coll€ of AppliedArts and Technology im o%ittosh re