HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1979-03-08, Page 21•Na
:4W,",p. Akin'
by Steve hook
With the Canadian dollar droppinglower
and lower, (note people are discovering
Canada.; IMO the way •to do it is "go
camping." fewer things -can be more
rewarding to children than 'to, get out
"under canvas with. Mom and:: Dad.; As
More people get the urge to "get out",
outdoor recreation equipment manufac-
turers are responding with ,a wealth of
improved products, This is great for the
experienced pro, as he knows exactly what
he, wants but can be very confusing for the
There is only one basic rule to follow
when purchasing outdoor gear, ;and, t's
buy the bestyou can, possibly afford,,
Quality camping. gear does not wear out in
a season or two,but cheap stuff .can, so it
makes sense: to buy the best once rather
than lesser gear -two or three times.
The 'hest idea. is to buy, only what is
absolutely necessary to begin with and add `.
to It as you gain experience and some ideas
'as��tb•,whnt you really need r
h instance,
that set Of nesting aluminum pots and pans
may be iji . to have,, ,but for the first year.
a didsetf ens. picked upanauction,
ant+ n
sale will serve just asp, ,.ell, while the price &
of the aluminum pots r,!ht be better spent
a slightly better tent, Along the same
lines, a borrowed or rented tent the first
year might leave you enough free cash to
buy a really good down sleeping bag. It will
bd up to you to decide what you need, and
what youcan do. without, ' •
The:next step, that: should be followed
when purchasing', Outdoor equipment is
. probably the most important, When . you
get your gear home, read the inanufac-
turer's instructions and; play with the item
you've just purchased. if you've just
bought a tent, set it up in the yard. This is a/
much better time to find out if a pole is
missing than, the first night Out on a trip
with dusk; falling' and the radio tote* sting/
showers', Dowalt down with a. hosew, hi
it's., up' to see if it leaks. Some tents requir'b;
this treatment anyway to cure the material:
completely and instructions for doing so
should be outlined in the brochures
Two companies that have been involved'
in outdo. -or recreation for years have joined
together to sponsor a contest called, "Go
Camping ;Canada." Coleman and Kamp-
grounds of America (K.Q,A.) are running
this contest which will be drawn on June
7th, Theprizes are as follows: 3 - year long:.
wasses to. ic.O.A, (campsite fees. oniY)i:
eekend passes to K,O.A.(campsite. fees
only); 5 Coleman Ram-lt canoes; and $0
Coleman Sportable coolers. Entry forms for
the contest are available at K.O.A.
campgrounds and Coleman dealers, The
usual skill testing question will be required
and entries must be mailed by May 31st,
1 have, used Cofernan products for years,
' and have found thernao be sturdy, reliable
and long lastin . A tripto your local'
Coleman dealer will. give ou a chance, to
win "some of the goodies'"' and let you look,
over some great camping gear at the same
time. K.O.A., of course, is, well .known by
experienced travellers for their excellent
campsites andservices,. '
Now is the time to. start .putting your
summer trip together. There IS a lot Of
equipment to loolc at, . coinpare ' and•
investigate before purchases are made., if it
is done now, there isless.chance of a. wrong
choice than there would be if ,A+our.
shopping is left till the last moment,
Remember to always buy the best you can;
however,and it will provide you with
enjoyable service this summer and for
manymore to come. •
Working with concrete
• 'There are very few farmers
who have doneany building
• projects; without making
some use of.conrete. It is a
very widely,. used building
product, but it is probably
the least understood, .
The Ontario Ministry of
Agriculture and ' Food in "
Clinton is sponsoring . ' an
LIF ' .and Mc�ttguge Insurance Plans
Income Tax Detitet'abie Registered.
Retirement Savings Plans and Annuities.
Income Averaging Annuities
Ask for our new Flexible
Sun Life Assurance -
Company of'.Canada
for 19 years._
HEADING, FOR; THE', FINISH -- It was better to be a rider rather than
one of the team members doing the pulling; during the toboggan races;:at
Huron -Centennial School, Brucefiela helsi at the echoof'8 Fun Pay an
Thursclay a tero. n. Who says 'winter .sports can't be lotsof fun?
(Expositor Photo),
rN i
Huron, County board
education trustees are con*
cerned about increasing
vandalism .10, -their schools,
but they don`t,. have any'
Solution* to 'offer for
problem. .
Last month the . board
asked the 31 scheial
principals itt the system to
start reporting incidents, of
Five schools reported •
broken windows, slashed.
window screens and.
dannaged lockets and Water
fountains in letters sent to
the board.
The worst incident was at
South Huron District High
An 'Expositor Classified
will pay you dividends. Have
you tried one? Dial 527-0240.
hare o the bo
eratin defi i ing de$ctt. McCabe added;
BY 3E)r'1r SE>ODpN s f p .r g. c t
Huron .,C T'jty _ Qa ea of Sky. Harbor to a 'maxi:- that: the dectsioncoung;l was
i makin boil d down, to $u
mum of �IG,Ot1�,. She said all •: $ ti P
begrudgingly agreed PCtday to.. ortj ar non-su ort of the
plat upa larger chunk of the. Goderich was a ing for was P Pp
Ho eratin deficit forSky $7,�0: airport.
arbour airport in Goderich. The •Goderi.th reeve ex- Exeter reeve W E. Sim*
plained to council that the mons told council he did not
Coud9it was split :on the extra money Would be need..• want to "run down" God -
increased costs: for the air- • ed to cover additional operat • 'erich airport ` but he said
stripat its last' meeting but ing costs brought on by the
agreed to take a second look purchase of 'three lakefront
at the issue before turning it't lots adjacent to the airport,
down. That second look was She said the three lots were
Friday and: despite` strong needed to permit con-
objecctior s from some mem- • struction of a new: paved
hers coune,it voted to extend runway.
its share of the operating' Exeter deputy -reeve '.Don -
losses for Sky Harbour from old MacGregor who opposed
pilots "may as well fly off a
flat top."
Simmons said Sky Harbour
had trees at one ` end, a
highway at the othet,and was
surrounded by built up areas.
adding that. he "couldn't see.
us (county council) wasting
money on, expansion,"'
S16,000 to 523,000, ' a' ' the request for more money a Palmer took exception with.
month, ago, told council he . Simmons" comments .point•
The request for the moneyold not see how the' town ' ing out that Sky Harbour was
S topic
was brought to the county;, could tneludeland costs in its ;used as a training centre for
by Goderich town, council operating deficit. airmen _during -World War
information day on uses of
concrete on the farm, to be
held on March 13th, 1979;,
..from 9:30 until 3:00.
Speakers, will be present to
talk about such things as
making quality concrete; the
. use of reinforcing steel, con
struction, joints, finish: on
floors, preparation of floors
for animals, :sandwich . wall
construction; as well as how'
the metric system' affects
ordering concrete. There. will
.be plenty of tt"rne for general''.
discussion. . '
This day will be ;open .to
farmers, contractors, and
:anyone else who Would like
to attend.
is coming to MacLean's. Flowers
We have cut flowers, daffodils, tulips,
daisies, roses, carnations, and a fine
selection of potted plants...;
The " town which owns the H ur se was l , d h Two Palmer said she felt the
airstrip, , reminded conn ty a sat an pra
P a capital expense and should airport -deserved more merit
council that it was obligated not be included in the ,operat-. than a Etat top. '
to pick up a share of any
in bud et. 'MacGregor Turnberry reeve ,.Don:
operating deficit at the air- • B Eadie told'.council Goderich,`
pointed out: that without
port by ,virtue, of a, contract those land costs under oiler. had done a.lot of work on sky
between the county and the
Crown: 'sating expenses the deficit at " Harbour and that the airport
Goderich reeve Eileen
the airport would notevattbe` was "much improved'.' over.
516,000. what it *was when' it was
Palmer told council that the
Goderich cleric -treasurer Purchased. Eadie said h� had.`,
looked at, the financial status
request for more money from `Larry McCabe: brought in by of the aiort-and. it appeared
the county should 'not be.; Palmer: to field questions p pp
as though it would be operat
` looked on as a ,favor to from. council, said the land. ing at a break. even point in
Goderich but rather as a costs were put: under operat• ,four or five years and that the
ienefft to the,,entire county.; . ing, 'expenses: oto allow the w
She said the county agree-' town to stay away front longfinances were: "looking bet
. ter every year."
ment with. the Crown re- ; term debenturesto buy the, Morris reeveto
quires' Huron to:: pick up aBili Elston
.. land. McCabe said:the land suggested thatthe Cou
_ costs .amounted to a book -t talces but a keeping entry telling .gi eg the extra' money' being
ictl su requested to the hospitals.
positor Want , Ad. Dial . ing 'would be an airport Elston said he felt "hospitals
524-0290. deficit rather than an operat. are more important than
- Council voted 25 to 19 in
favor of increasing', the
county share of the operating
moment to place an Ex- the deficit it would be shar-
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Opening new doers to small business.
deficit. . The first time a vote
was taken on- the matter
council agreed 27-25 to take a
second look at the issure
rather than turn it down.
Board loosfor sotution..
school ingx4er where' fout whiter carnival Vile
ittutats we plwith l"ebrusr'y
what appears to beugged eetnent. Acts Of .1.: .. 4
The S1,000
eris damage occur• $5,000 not ttt!',
red during.the school's insui .
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